
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-20 16:15:27 UTC in vault item: Headcrab Revenge Comment #10176
My Review:

+ Concept: The whole concept itself was amusing :).

+ Traps: The traps themselves were excellent, nice entity work!

- Architecture: Very bland and blocky.

- Texturing: Again, very bland.. and they're stretched.

- Lighting: Although it looked fullbright it actually wasnt... turn down the properties of the lights a bit!

It's fun for a while but then it tends to get boring. 3 from me.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-20 16:05:50 UTC in vault item: The Arena - Room 1 Comment #10175
Okay, here's my review of each trap:

1: It was easy, but I found it a bit hard to jump off of the last box.

2: This one was hard at first, but after a couple tries I managed to get it.

3: Nice ;) this one was fairly hard to complete.

4: By far the hardest, I kept getting to the second and then falling off.. I got stuck in the centre several times also.

5: Nice laser beams... but they didn't hurt the player :/

6: I still don't know how the hell i'm supposed to complete this.

This gets a 4 from me.

5*.. kurz & knapp :)
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-20 15:55:39 UTC in vault item: Apprehension Comment #10174
Great map! Robo grags?!? lolololol

+ Layout it was easy to learn it. Because the map is cercular, you managed to make it long. Dispite of it's leangth you can easily and quickly travel from the start to the last point you were in.

+ The Gameplay was mostly good. There was lots of space to menouver, exept for the room with the grags which was incredebly small for two grags. And there are lots of stuff to take cover behind.

+ Overall the lighting was good. There is lots of contrast between the colors,darkness and lighted areas. You didn't over use colors like red. The most annoying bit was in the outside area where there aren't any lights. It is pitch black...too dark. At list make a really dim blue light but this is too much!

+ Weapon placment I great. The weapon spots aren't too far from each other and aren't too close. There isn't too much weaponry/health in those spots. I rearly had a lack of ammo, which is good, I hate being stuck in combat with only a crowbar.

+ The details were great! I liked the cars and trucks. Really adds alot to the map. In some places.

+ The terrain work wasn't bad. What you did is great and it doesn't need to be improved.

+/- Monster placement was sometimes and good sometimes not! There was enough room to fight against the X-races. And you didn't place too much of them. The voltigore chased me through all the corridoes till the starting point where I killed it. Most of the grunts were killed by the X-races, didn't have a chance to fight against them! Some of the monsters were placed on platforms(like th robo grunts) and I could have stand below them and shoot them with out getting hit! That room was too small for two grags and I could run to the place with the RPG and kill them from far away.

+/- The artitecture was really great in some places and in some abit blocky. Try adding exutions to walls and make them look better. Also detail makes bad artitecture less noticible. Also avoidi using too long/big blocks, repitiveness makes maps look bland and boring.

+/- The texturing was really good in some places and in some other places ok.

It's a good map. It's a shame that in someplaces you didn't work hard as on others.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-20 15:26:39 UTC in vault item: Five More Ways to Die Comment #10173
will also try soon... although bad screenshot
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-20 15:20:27 UTC in vault item: The Arena - Room 1 Comment #10172
thanks... ill do an update over the christmas hols! cheers for the feedback
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-20 14:34:55 UTC in vault item: dm_fugitive3 Comment #10171
Oh please.. :
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-20 14:26:05 UTC in vault item: Five More Ways to Die Comment #10170
What the.. ?
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-20 13:48:33 UTC in vault item: The Discombobulator Comment #10167
I played it like 3 times and the little touches were good. The ending wasnt great but i cant blame you since you said you started in the miidle of the compo. I didnt quite understand what i was stepping into but other than that good. 4 stars
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-20 13:43:17 UTC in vault item: aim_dust_night Comment #10166
+ Texturing, very dusty, wich is always good.

+ Lightning, I think the lightning looks very sexy, it really adds that 'feeling'.

+ Layout, like hunter said, very classic, but it does the job.

+/- Architecture, it was alright.

Like the others said, crates, argh, althought it's typical for a aim map, they are a sign of lazyness and noobyness.

- Ambience, it really should have some!

- Another dust map!!

3 stars.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-20 13:42:36 UTC in vault item: HLywood Comment #10165
It was pretty cool but when i didnt have barney the first time and i walked up to the door it would fade out then reposition me and it kept doing that even when i wasnt near the door. but as i figured it out it was pretty cool the hownd eyes that say NI was the greatest. 4 stars
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-20 13:38:34 UTC in vault item: Five Ways to Die Comment #10164
I thought it was really stupid because i went through all the right doors the first time until i reached poor little barney. Then i replayed it and went through the oppisite doors and its was fun. i felt like i really was screwed. 4 stars only because the textures wernt so great. you should make another map that is more of a game and you get through as many doors in one try.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-20 13:34:46 UTC in vault item: aim_black_and_white Comment #10163
Meh, I was playing some cs today and I downloaded some new maps, including this one, so I might review it properly.

+ Architecture, it was very basic and geometric, but it looks very nice.

+ Gameplay, very fast paced, wich is fun.

+ P90 ONLY!!!! Do I need to say more?

+ Good placements of kevler and grenades, a little dangertrap at the grenades by jumping to it in open field.

+/- Texturing, nice, just nice. Eyes hurting after a while thought.

+/- Lightning, I just love the black and white theme, but it kinda hurts your eyes after a time of playing.

- The tunnels below your feet, meh, I thought I was going to fall down in the beginning. Still, once you know that, it looks very cool.

- Ambience. It would have been fun with some.

Still 3 stars :)
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-20 13:06:57 UTC in vault item: Five More Ways to Die Comment #10162
Seeing I agree with tosse on the lights and lack of feeling etc, i'm going to review the actually traps this time.

If found it good that you could walk back to traps.

For the ones that didn't played the map yet, don't read further then.

- Trap 1 was kinda boring, you falled down and you died, that was it.

But the pwned sign down was a nice thought though.

- Trap 2 was kinda cool, didn't say that coming.

- Trap 3 was that dark room, it was kinda stupid, you just died by walking in a dark room??

- Trap 4 was very very cool!!!!

Sadly, you could see the guns of the grunts true the door.

- Trap 5 was alright, the teleports did a nice touch.

I really liked teleport 1 were you just falled down, but it was a nice though to see that door going higher and higher, sadly, no gman.

Teleport 2 was a repeat of trap 1

Teleport 3 was alright.

3 stars, good map, but it lacked of looks and feeling.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-20 12:34:34 UTC in vault item: Headcrab Revenge Comment #10161
I understand you didn't really care for the lightnings so I'm just going to comment on the mechines!

+ Nice traps I liked how you made these props.

+ Nice texturing on the props.

+ Entitywork was good too! I liked the hammer that it's two parts are well aglained.

First trap: Nothing special, just another explosion...

Second trap: A turret. Wasn't intresting!

Third trap: Poisnios blood shooter! W00t. Really strange. You probebly used a trigger_hurt.

Forth trap: Just another lazer beam. Nothing to see.

Fifth trap: Trap doors below the headcrab! I liked it. Watch them fall.

Sixth trap: I liked smashing them too! Probebly a func_door.

Seventh trap: A hammer. Cool one! How did you make the upper part folow the lower part of the hammer? Nice entitywork.

Eighth trap: Big spikes from the sides... stab it to death, or to gibs!

I was really fun and the traps are good. I'll give it three since the rest isn't that good:

+/- Texturing was ok. No misaglainments but the textures on the walls are streched!

+/- Lightning was ok. It doesn't need complex lightning so white bright light is good.

- Blocky artitcecture. Only two blocks connected together!
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-20 12:27:50 UTC in vault item: Five More Ways to Die Comment #10160
a source type map like this would be nice... anyone?
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-20 11:45:43 UTC in vault item: The Arena - Room 1 Comment #10159
You forgot the last room rowleybob... the leap of death!
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-20 08:12:28 UTC in vault item: dm_fugitive3 Comment #10158
+ Lightning was good! You didn't over use some lights times, it's not too bright and there is contrast between the white light from the buildings, the sun's yellow light and darkness.

+ The layout was nice. Easily to learn and not too big. I advice you too make those two windows that face each other bigger so you can jump between them... will make it even more intresting.

+ Weapon placement was really good. The ammo wasn't too close to the guns. It wasn't too easy to get to the stronger weapons. The long jump model is right next to the spawn point? Thats really bad, its really useful.

+ Gameplay is good. The layout alows a good game flow, no dead end too!

+/- The terrain was Ok. The cliffs looked quite good and realistic in some places but in other places flat and boring. As for the ground, it was mostly flat and in someplaces you added little hills.

+/- Detail was good in someplaces. That pipe on the top added a bit and without those boxes that room would have been complitly blank and boring.

- Texturing was ok. Nothing special. There was a hill that was misaglained but it's nothing. You also sometimes scale the textures too much. You should try and use those trim textures more.

- Artitecture was bad. Most of the rooms are blocky. Simple corridors nothing special. There was one rooms with pillers but still the walls around them were bland. Also that little bit of ruined wall in the oute side looks terrebly unrealistic! You cliped it too much and in the wrong places.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-20 07:59:33 UTC in vault item: The Arena - Room 1 Comment #10157
This map was so awsome, I crapped my pants! Why are you morons talking about lighting and crap. the whole point of this map was navigating the traps--which all 'looked' really nice btw lol.

The first one took me the longest. I recognized the pattern fairly quickly, but kept over/under jumping. This one took me like 15 minutes and was beautifully done imo. Did you have a method to create a navigable route, or did you use trial and error? I can't think of any way to improve this one except maybe space the boxes farther apart perhaps, and widen the start portal--Unless you did that purposely to encourage the wrong path.

The second seemed the hardest at first, but turned out to be the second easiest. Well, easiest if walking on the edge of the hammers was the primary solution. Was it possible to walk through the middle and not get pwned?

The third was nice and simualted ice pretty well. Funny too if you hit the railing you'd bounce into those damn monsters. This trap took me the second longest to complete.

The fourth made me almost puke, but was pretty easy. Which wasn't a bad thing imo. If you make them too hard, most people will noclip. I just jumped from the first to the 3rd merry-go-round, vomited, and jumped on the ledge :) They were nicely constructed too btw!

The fifth was arguably too easy, but a nice way to end it imo. End it on a light note, and who really cares, because your resident evil laser beams pwned all.

5 stars for gameplay/trap contstruction. I didn't really notice anything else.

Great Job, and another smart, inventive map by alexb911! The readme was most funny btw too :P

quote: The first 'puzzle' SUCKED! I had to noclip ffs..

I guess it sucked because you're a fucking moron, tool. 3 stars my fucking ass... 3 stars for your mom, maybe.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-20 06:40:34 UTC in vault item: Multi-Level Elevators Comment #10156
God, I can't believe such a short time ago I use to review maps like that...

Please include BSP and I'll check it out again if you want :)
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-20 06:36:42 UTC in vault item: Electrified Water Comment #10155
Please include bsp.

I know it's not a big deal, but then it shouldn't be a big deal to include it either[/rant]

And this way you don't have to listen to me whine :P
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 21:22:07 UTC in vault item: New to mapping? Try this... Comment #10154
all this fight over a maps lol
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 21:10:57 UTC in vault item: dm_fugitive3 Comment #10153
2/5 stars.

It's a small map with big open areas, that breathes action. 3 - 5 people should be enough to fill this map with action. But i get the feeling that you didn't work on this very much.

- the architecture is good in someplaces, but in most of them it's just clipped brushes that look very blocky. And that is not good at all. If you clip them a few more times they will seem much more realistic than they do now, you know the engine can take it and you know how to make it. so why not do that?

- the cliffs are blocky to, they just don't look realistic at all. I can see that they are supposed to be cliffs but that's just because thet have the cliff texture. Use the clipping tool! And make some variation in the hight of the cliffs and work a little harder on the part were you texture them.

- the textures, at some places they look good, but all in all they don't. If you scale on side of the wall you should scale the other sides as well.

hunter, i know you are a good mapper, so why do something like this?

- You used func_breakables in a DM map, the players that join when the game has been going on for some time won't see them.

- If you make a cool area (like the room with boxes) you should make a reason to go there so the players will have a nice shoot out in the box room, Otherwise people won't go in there.

+ Nice colored lights

+ working weapon placement
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 20:48:44 UTC in vault item: Five More Ways to Die Comment #10152
2 stars. and why only two?

Here is what i think of the map: i love the idea, would love it even more if you couldn?t survive. This is the kind of maps that i enjoy to play and make. You did a OK job here, but it was a lack of feeling, i feelt like you made it just to map something, that's ok, but it would have turned out better if you worked on the idea a little bit more before mapping it. And it's not 5 ways to die, most of the time you just fall.

- It is a very blocky map, i understand that the design doesn't need much more than it already has but the xenish room shouldn't be just a box. make it come alive!

- the texturing is pretty boring. texturing is important, you should work hard on the texture and make sure that they fit nad look as realistic as you can get them.

- the lights. More work is needed with the lights, it's pretty much the same through the whole map, exept down the traps. the light is a very usefull tool to make it come alive. good lights gives the player more of the feeling you want him to have while playing it, if you don't know how to improve them you should mess around and try all kinds of lights, even the ones that you think you know won?t fit the map may sometimes be the best ones.

+ you have some details in it, like the lights, that is always good, but it needs more details, details can make a blocky map unblockish if used in the right way. and there is no right or wrong way, it depends on the map, on what it needs and what goal you want to reach.

+ the idea is fun, it's the kind of map you can make what ever you feel like, sadistic and fun.

so all in all it's a OK map. Nothing fancy but keep on working and you'll end up with a great map that is fun to play. Make the player play it again.

good luck!
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 18:42:12 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #10150
Thanks, Hunter. I always appreciate an honest critique.

It may be a difference of opinions here, but I actually think the layout of the map works better for CS than for HL2 gameplay. It's more suitable for a slower-paced gameplay, which CS excels at.

But I love hearing what others think of my map. Thanks for taking the time and reviewing it.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 18:31:31 UTC in vault item: Five More Ways to Die Comment #10149
I kept dying, seriously... I picked the wrong door every time :D.

+ Architecture

- Gameplay (almost every death had to do with falling down a shaft)

+ Voice was a nice touch, but seriously... text-to-speech?

This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 17:35:29 UTC in vault item: Five Ways to Die Comment #10147
This map doesn't show up in the vault...?
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 17:35:12 UTC in vault item: Five More Ways to Die Comment #10146
Over all I died only two times in this map. The first time in the first trap and then in the trap with the grunts.(where I just wanted to fight against them)...I'll be more specific later. I'm tired and want to map...
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 16:46:18 UTC in vault item: Five More Ways to Die Comment #10145
Will rate soon...
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 16:44:04 UTC in vault item: The Arena - Room 1 Comment #10144
Oh rating! Since this map isn't about the artitecture and all these thing so I'll rate it MOSTLY on the gameplay! 1 nice,1 really good room and one with better artitecture against 4 boring rooms and with quite bad artitecture gives you:
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 16:39:21 UTC in vault item: The Arena - Room 1 Comment #10143
- Artitecture was bad! The room is a bit blocky. Try adding detail, using smaller walls and textures to the walls to break that feeling. In the second room it was better for the walls weren't so big and the hammer's beam broke that feeling too.

- Texturing was bland...really bland. You only used few textures and you usally used only texture one per wall.

- Lightning was boring. You only used one kind of lightning all the way

Room 1:

+ Gameplay was quite fun. I liked jumping from each crate to crate while avoiding the water that makes you sufficate if you touch them.(at list change that damage type :P)

Room 2:

- Gameplay was horrible!!! I thought I needed to run and stop at some suffisticated times. But there is a time when all the hammer raise then you can run through it all.(if you jump at the end)

Room 3:

+ The game play was neat! I really liked trying to slide in a way the barrnicles wont eat me and then I'll bump in the rail and slide backwards. Reminds me of poll.

Room 4:

- It made me dizzy. couldn't concitrate...WHICH WASN'T FUN!!!

Room 5:

- The gameplay was boring! The lazers didn't hurt me so I just passed it.

Room 6:

- It was also boring. I just jumped forward two times and thats all!
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 16:33:09 UTC in vault item: aim_black_and_white Comment #10142
Erm... I'm trying to think how to make a long-ish review of this one as the screenshot really says it all..

Architecture (+) There was nothing super special but the architecture was generally nice and well thought out.. suitable for an aim map.

Lighting (+/-) erm, yep....

gameplay (+) It's quite big but also quite fun... The players contrast very much to the white and black so no missing them.. However, my head started to hurt after only a few rounds..

Texturing (+) Very well done, even if it is only with 2 textures.. Thought out and good.

Overall (+/-) A very fun idea but really, choose less contrasty colours... my head is pounding.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 16:31:21 UTC in vault item: Five More Ways to Die Comment #10141
-Some traps you couldn't see what happened after it's sprung--maybe use trigger cameras to give i nice sexy death-view?
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 16:27:05 UTC in vault item: Five More Ways to Die Comment #10140
Some things were nicer than the original--"You chose well," better texturing, better presentation overall--and lighting, but imo you forgot what made the firstone so good, which were the traps.

Pretty much all these traps were falling to death--"pwned" was a nice touch though, or just not very imaginative imo.

+that you could move backward to previous traps

+that trap 4 was escapable--were any more?

+voice was a nice touch

-boring to play compared to the first one.

-traps need to be more elaborate imo

-Part II should have had a vertical layout or different setting altogether imo.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 16:06:24 UTC in vault item: de_mini_skyturret Comment #10139
4 stars? Not in any universe I'm aware of...[/rant]

An improvement from v 1.0, but not much I'm afraid...

At least there is 2 bomb sites so i suppose you can call it a DE map, but this is still an FY map, you just took out all the guns.

Textures are pretty bad, if not aligned well. Turret windows look plain...really plain and make me sad. I would recommend a border of some kind, a ledge, some goddamn thing :)

In fact, I would recommend that you scrap this idea unless you come up with a better "hook" for it. I have never played this on a server and I neve would in it's current state.

+death cry

+wind sounds

-pretty much everything else--sorry.

I'l forgoe a formal rating, since I never played it MP.

2 stars
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 15:27:02 UTC in vault item: Five Ways to Die Comment #10138
Incidently, am I the only one that doesn't get autosaved on load?
I hate "reloading" into my current hl game, so I'll await an answer before I rate it, if thats ok (strange things have been going on in my HL1 so I need verification of anything that seems glitchy or annoying).
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 15:25:57 UTC in vault item: Apprehension Comment #10137
Played this a week ago. It was good.

+ Gameplay (very nice imo)

- Texturing

- Architecture

Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 14:31:32 UTC in vault item: Waterfall and realistic flooding Comment #10136
Good point. You could use renders with multiple sections, like the progress bar in my battlefront turret map--though when I wrote those comments, I didn't realize what you were talking about :)
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 14:21:20 UTC in vault item: dm_fugitive3 Comment #10135
Very nice.

+ Texturing (was excellent in places)

+ Weapon placement

- Architecture (very blocky in some areas)

Overall: 4/5.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 13:48:29 UTC in vault item: The Arena - Room 1 Comment #10134
Fine! :x Still I think it's stupid...
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 13:47:43 UTC in vault item: fy_dig Comment #10133
Well.. Well-itsy well-itsy well.... hmm..

The screenshot kinda says it all...

Architecture (-) very very boxy... and i sense carve tool usage! prefab usage, i believe... boring, really...

Lighting (+/-) Meh. The lighting kinda suits the map but its nothing special.. not perfect...

Gameplay (-) Too small for a proper game... dull..

Textures (-) Really badly stretched in places... repetative. i think you're a little bit 'fit to face' button happy.

Overall (-) Very small... Filled with crates. Un-imaginative. Boring...
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 11:51:37 UTC in vault item: Five Ways to Die Comment #10132
this is an ancient map.. i'm amazed it was so popular... Yes, it's fun, but my god it looks bad.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 11:49:19 UTC in vault item: Five Ways to Die Comment #10131
Texture Lock, Hunter! Texture Lock!
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 11:43:29 UTC in vault item: cs_assault_christmas Comment #10130
I played it and the only criticism I can make is about the lack of a christmas feel. It is christmassy to an extent but it's not as much as I had hoped.
Keep up the good work though!
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 11:27:12 UTC in vault item: aim_dust_night Comment #10129
I quite liked it... For the most part anyways...

Texturing (+) Very dust-like. The trim on the walls and the cobble-stone road are all good. Nicely done there.

Architecture (+/-) The architecture was generally good around the walls and with the lights but as Daubster said.. crates.. too many of them... Crates are the lazy-mapper's signature. Think if something else to hide behind.

Layout (+/-) Meh. It's classic aim map.. almost a bit too classic.. like.. its perhaps decompiled? i dont know.. Anyways, weapon placement was pretty good... The layout helps gameplay.

Ambience (-) none. Wind or something would be good.

Lighting (+/-) i think the night time theme suits the dust map but it was rather dull... It needs something but i cant think what.

Obviously, effort was put into making this but honestly, itsbetter to get your own idea. Not bad. Not great.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 08:30:25 UTC in vault item: Moving sign example Comment #10128
Opps, forgot what madcow said
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-19 00:50:17 UTC in vault item: Moving sign example Comment #10127
what do you mean like the spining ones in HL?

Anyway i just wanted to do this one becauce i see signs that do this same kind of thing all the time.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-18 19:14:23 UTC in vault item: dm_fugitive3 Comment #10126
its good! reminds me of a proper dm match by valve.
thumbs up
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-18 18:52:09 UTC in vault item: In-game tutorial Comment #10125
It isn't hard to implement if you understand multimanagers, multi_sources and trigger_relays. It does cost some entities though because of the many text messages and all.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-18 18:47:15 UTC in vault item: dm_fugitive3 Comment #10124
Did you just make this so others have a chance at reviewing and winning that mapvault compo :D