
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 09:48:14 UTC in vault item: ctf_fallen Comment #21133
Find your own leaks! Seems like a nice little map if you ever did finish this. Not sure about that underground passage though. Seems a weird spot for a detour.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 09:47:23 UTC in vault item: de_installation Comment #21132
There's some nice structures in this map. One or two glaring brushwork/texturing issues, but on the whole, seems like a solid — if in places a little simple — map.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 09:46:14 UTC in vault item: Temperate Comment #21131
Very little, and very simple. The house isn't too bad, but you could have put a little effort into any other part of the map.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 09:45:30 UTC in vault item: fy_taken Comment #21130
I don't think you should bother.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 09:45:11 UTC in vault item: Pendulum Comment #21129
Straight and to the point. That sure is an example of a func_pendulum. A nice use OF the pendulum, though.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 09:44:20 UTC in vault item: dm_scouting Comment #21128
It's always either filled with boxes or comprised OF boxes with maps like these.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 09:43:19 UTC in vault item: Intake Comment #21127
This seems like a pretty good map. Decently atmospheric, nicely detailed. I'd complain that there's one ambient sound on a loop that is a little too omnipresent (and, after a while, annoying), and it's a shame you resorted to invisible walls in some spots. Still a rather spiffy little map, though.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 09:40:25 UTC in vault item: Leak Comment #21126
Hard to judge this shard of a map, but you give me the ability to rate, then rate I shall.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-15 09:39:27 UTC in journal: Building a computer Comment #58930
Oh dear
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-12 21:55:04 UTC in vault item: Intake Comment #21125
The download link works again. Penguinboy must have gone through some of the maps and uploaded them to his website.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-11 19:07:59 UTC in journal: #8891 Comment #53015
This is great!
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-11 04:13:00 UTC in vault item: stfu_and_climb Comment #21124
haha the author actually replied to Dim :P
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-10 17:47:20 UTC in journal: #8891 Comment #53024
I'll be watching some of the recordings when I can. Have fun making them!

P.S. May I suggest putting in the video's description some links to where each map starts being reviewed? That would be useful.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-10 12:39:55 UTC in journal: #8892 Comment #67222
i suspect its has been already done at least once... one case is "regamedll" a project by the guys who did rehlds as far as i know, combined with xash
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-10 12:00:39 UTC in journal: #8891 Comment #53018
Haven't managed to catch it live, yet, but I'm loving watching the recording. Keep it up!
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-10 05:11:46 UTC in vault item: Star Wars (map a movie) Comment #21123
Pretty damn good work for Goldsource. The action was a little dry, and in general the speed of everything is glacial... but it's still technically impressive. (If this was done in pretty much any other engine, it would not be.)
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-10 05:08:51 UTC in vault item: atrium3 Comment #21122
You have a very, very strange school.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-10 05:05:21 UTC in vault item: Subway Comment #21121
You almost certainly should be making this for HL, not CS. You're clearly going for a more singleplayer vibe, which CS isn't really suited for. There's the odd issue (disappearing buttons, the train being a bit... weird), but all in all, this could have been okay with some work. And by moving it to HL.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-10 05:02:45 UTC in vault item: Death_Arena Comment #21120
Fullbright? Check. Map so large you can't see the other end of it? Check. Bad layout? Check.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-10 05:01:45 UTC in vault item: dm_2fort_vox Comment #21119
A little simple, but not bad for a first map. Keep at it (as you did).
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-10 04:58:27 UTC in vault item: Village Comment #21118
Scale everything way down, then see where you're at. Maybe vary those textures up a little too. Wandering through massive corridors that are all textured the same isn't that interesting.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-10 04:57:33 UTC in vault item: Cutscene Comment #21117
I'm not sure what exactly this was an example of, other than the concept of using a camera and sequences together. But hey, it was perfectly fine for what it was.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-10 04:56:38 UTC in vault item: Help? Comment #21116
Goodness. Scale is out the window, not enclosed, player_starts in the ground, textured terribly (a.k.a. not at all), plain bizarre design elements. I'd suggest starting a lot smaller and building up, not the other way around.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-10 04:54:41 UTC in vault item: Xen Jumping Thingy Comment #21115
Not much to say about this one. Well done on setting it up for folks.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-10 04:54:04 UTC in vault item: D4rKM4tcH Comment #21114
Pretty unimpressive for a collaboration work! You'd have thought one of you would have noticed some of the glaring issues here. Terrible looking water you can't get out of, ladders without transparency that jut through the floor, breakable objects that you somehow got to not disappear when you broke them. I'm not even going to touch the concept of this map.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-10 04:51:34 UTC in vault item: Greek Comment #21113
A nice little map you've got going on here! You've made nice details using just default HL textures. Quality improvisation! There's the odd strange choice, like that giant rock pillar, the (frankly pretty good looking) broken pillar path underground that is seemingly unnecessary, and the path leading up above the maps walls. All in all, though, this map had potential. Polished up, could be a goer.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-10 04:48:49 UTC in vault item: Minimicus Comment #21112
Yup, ol' Minimicus is still a quality little mod. The mapping is perhaps not as globally flawless as I remember it being, but there's still some fantastic entity work and nice details. The concept is still strong, too.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-10 04:47:22 UTC in vault item: Cidics problem map Comment #21111
This looks alright from a problem-map-rmf perspective. I wonder if you kept it up...
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-10 04:46:07 UTC in vault item: Black Mesa Pre-Disaster Comment #21110
This has first map written all over it. A nice little foray into mapping, but I hope you've improved since then.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-10 04:44:57 UTC in vault item: Level Change Comment #21109
A nice little example. Level changes can be tricky, so I'm sure this would be helpful to many. My main complaint is how that elevator doesn't line up logically. It breaks a brain.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-10 04:43:49 UTC in vault item: Triggers Comment #21108
Your example map is a lil' broken, I'm afraid. The scientist takes a step and then nothing happens, despite the entities seemingly being dependent upon his animation. Otherwise, still a decent example of various triggers, as you intended.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-10 04:42:12 UTC in vault item: Bad Surface Extents (ns_pit for Natural Selection) Comment #21107
Interestingly the map, indeed. This seems like a neat little snippet, though without most of the textures and not knowing anything about Natural Selection, I don't know how valid any of my judgements would be. Looks alright from here, though!
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-10 04:39:59 UTC in vault item: Movie Time Comment #21106
Just a little camera test map you made? Not sure what you were expecting people to get out of this (especially when not including the .bsp).
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-09 08:20:29 UTC in wiki page: trigger_camera Comment #101102
If effects like explosions aren't showing correctly when viewed through the camera, see this forum post.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-09 02:44:06 UTC in journal: #8892 Comment #67224
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-08 05:57:03 UTC in vault item: Snow bank Comment #21105
fur911 tells no lies for he has never uploaded a level
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-07 18:17:21 UTC in journal: #8892 Comment #67225
A few play it!
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-05 20:33:45 UTC in journal: #8892 Comment #67227
how many people play this?
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-05 15:15:50 UTC in journal: #8892 Comment #67223
I didn't know this was a thing. Did you copy the bugs too? :P
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-05 06:32:27 UTC in vault item: REE_TARD Comment #21104
This isn't a good map, but at least you know it and you're relishing in it. Times sure have changed, re: that name, eh?
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-05 06:31:08 UTC in vault item: Path Corners Comment #21103
Simple example that I'm sure helped out people looking for those patrol route setups.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-05 06:30:35 UTC in vault item: Scripting Comment #21102
That exit is more than this example map deserved. Not that that's a bad thing.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-05 06:30:02 UTC in vault item: Maze Comment #21101
It's not even a good maze.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-05 06:29:45 UTC in vault item: cs_armistice Comment #21100
Not great. Between a sky brush you can walk into (which does not look good), blocky, bland rooms and no direction, this is either someone's first map, or sure looks like one.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-05 06:28:23 UTC in vault item: DM Arena Comment #21099
This kind of crazy-coloured random-rubbish map has never really been my style. Given its ramshackle design, it's also hard to rate it alongside more conventional maps.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-05 04:32:34 UTC in vault item: Exceeded MAX_MAP_PLANES (cti_code_red for Firearms) Comment #21098
This map looked pretty neat, although there's some smaller parts that are truly disgusting. Like those steering wheels. Jesus. I'd like to see this polished up and finished (though for a more standard game mode).
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-05 04:31:04 UTC in vault item: Outhouse Comment #21097
For a first map, this is damn impressive. Almost... too impressive. It looks fairly well-made, but it is far too massive for the three sets of textures you used to fill up well. All the paths are too similar, and getting lost is a breeze. Don't get me wrong, as a first map, it's brilliant... but there's too many flaws for it to stand the test of time.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-05 04:28:59 UTC in vault item: de_freight ( Rain! ) Comment #21096
There's some well-made parts to this map, and some not-so-well-made parts. The rain, the forklifts, the train and the bombsite all show you were pretty good at what you were doing, but the indoor areas felt bland and uninspired by comparison. There's potential here.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-05 04:26:05 UTC in vault item: level3_2 Comment #21095
This map snippet seemed fine to me, if a little rough around the edges. I hope it got used at some point!
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-05 04:25:01 UTC in vault item: Security Cameras Comment #21094
Another helpful SlayerA example map. I'm sure this opened some people's eyes on the possibilities of stealthy maps.