
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-06 12:27:28 UTC in vault item: xmas3 Comment #5515
yea that was a poor shine attempt

tks for the comment:)
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-06 11:18:31 UTC in vault item: xmas3 Comment #5514
Looks okay in my opinion. Textures are nice and the trees are nicely done.
The are however a few tiled textures in some walls that I think are meant to be used as floor textures, but that's your decision, of course :)
Oh, and what's that strange cone thing under the lamplight? (the one that we can seen in the screenshot)
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-06 08:37:58 UTC in vault item: MatrixTrainstation Comment #5513
(TS = for steam)
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-06 08:36:30 UTC in vault item: MatrixTrainstation Comment #5512
You can fins TS (the specialists) at:
A great mod..
If you ask me, it kicks CS ass.. :D
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-05 21:52:09 UTC in vault item: dm_prospekt_final1 Comment #5511
That'd be great! I'm trying to make this a more popular map.

About the things that were changed, yes lighting as well as details, and I added a mine inside the bunker that you activate with the Combine console.
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-05 20:23:30 UTC in vault item: MatrixTrainstation Comment #5510
I havent seen that mod... I've played Existence which was another Matrix mod
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-05 18:41:37 UTC in vault item: dm_prospekt_final1 Comment #5509
SilentGunz, im starting up the TWHL HL2DM server soon, can I host this map on it?
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-05 18:40:34 UTC in vault item: dm_coastland Comment #5508
habboi, im starting up the TWHL HL2DM server soon, can I host this map on it?
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-05 18:19:35 UTC in vault item: "Wallhack" effect Comment #5507
So, the texture on the wall is "sky"..?
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-05 18:14:55 UTC in vault item: MatrixTrainstation Comment #5506
Hey, nice map!
I thought no one would have the same idea as me, to remake that scene.. lol
Have you seen the mod: The Specialists?
It's some Matrix based mod..
It would be very cool if you remade or just copied and changed the textures on you map for The Specialists!
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-05 15:17:32 UTC in vault item: "Wallhack" effect Comment #5505
that's not an rmf
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-05 15:12:49 UTC in vault item: MatrixTrainstation Comment #5504
I don't think there is any tutorial about that...

I'll fix the light in the next update.
First upload there was a leak in the map, so there was som kind of a full bright.. =/

But, thanks! I'll try to learn about that emit light textures thing. :)
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-05 15:00:35 UTC in vault item: New to mapping? Try this... Comment #5503
AY CARUMBA!!!! .... now that I can call myself an experienced mapper, I see what a piece of crap this map is... I will remove it... It could serve as a combined example map for new peeps though, don't ya think? :P
/me moves to Example Maps
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-05 14:52:37 UTC in vault item: TWHLmix Comment #5502
PS: Kudos to Haz for joining all the parts, fixing bugs, and keeping this project alive
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-05 14:46:44 UTC in vault item: TWHLmix Comment #5501
Before any more of you complain about a lot of parts in TWHLmix, let me remind you that this project was not meant to be anything "OMG we discovered a new world 1337 omg OMG"... A lot of ppl (most of them) had to do their parts quickly... So cut us some slack, ok? Sure, most parts probably need work, but these maps don't just happen... they require time, and ideas, and effort... This was supposed to be (as far as I know) a collaborate map done for the fun of the whole thing... I don't know about all of the members who contributed, so I'll speak for myself: this is my first participation in a collective map... I didn't expect to make an amazing part, and I didn't. I'm pretty sure a lot of the participants also didn't expect to make anything ground-shaking. Am I right?... Haz's part is great, sure, but: 1. He is very experienced, more experienced than a lot of us. 2. He had the most time to create it (A.F.A.I.K.)...
Overall I give this project 3.5/5 stars... Hopefully we will take our time with TWHLmix2, and produce a more organized project with better quality, more challenging gameplay, and maybe (just maybe) a plot...
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-05 14:30:23 UTC in vault item: dm_prospekt_final1 Comment #5500
Lighting it seems.

Looks alright, the windows all in a row on the top level is a bit un - Nova Prospekty though.

I'll have a go when I get home.
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-05 14:11:27 UTC in vault item: MatrixTrainstation Comment #5499
The same teleport-looping idea can be found in my TP_Matrix map
If you want a little tip, try using textures that emit light, instead of using the light and Lightspot entities. I don't know if they have a tutorial about that here.
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-05 13:05:35 UTC in vault item: radium_water_9 Comment #5497
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-05 09:39:03 UTC in vault item: aim_poker_final Comment #5496
I don't like Aim maps, Needed to say that first.
But this is OK, many Aim maps are just utter crap, but you've put some work into it. I see potential here:)

I'm going to give it 3 stars, it's an OK map, but make a "real" Cs map next time (De_, Cs_ etc).
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-05 09:04:06 UTC in vault item: dm_prospekt_final1 Comment #5495
This is the third time ive seen this whats changed?
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-05 06:36:26 UTC in vault item: TWHLmix Comment #5494
I enjoyed going through the map. My favourite part was detonating the C4--blew myself up a few times before I figured out how to escape the explosion.

Greater consistency in size, time to complete, and quality, would have helped, IMHO.

I also reazlize co-op projects are a nightmare to execute efficiently, especially with this many people. All things considered, Great Job!
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-05 04:31:28 UTC in vault item: awp_squrel Comment #5493
Thanx for the 5 but please comment on what you liked the most. Thanks
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-05 02:17:24 UTC in vault item: Dungeon Death SP Comment #5492
Hey, great job the lighting was a little to bright but very nice work, but i was having some troubble loading dt_3 it says i wasd missing a muzzle flash sprite got and ideas what could have gone wrong?
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-04 21:09:43 UTC in vault item: The_Work_Area v1.0 (SP) Comment #5487
With the crowbar... destroy the door at the stair
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-04 21:09:08 UTC in vault item: The_Work_Area v1.0 (SP) Comment #5486
I DO include the .wads!How to get the HEV suit: First go to the corridor, and then go to left when you can! Avoid the headcrabs and tuch the wall at the end of that "corridor"... It will opem and the HEV suit, a crowbar + a gun with ammo is in there
Remmember to charge before you go ;)
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-04 18:10:01 UTC in vault item: he_real_tennis Comment #5485
Yeah, its actually very well known too, so I would sugest renaming the map he_tenniscourts or something.
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-04 18:09:25 UTC in vault item: TWHLmix Comment #5484
obviously your not a hl fan merc as the garg can be killed by pushing button near dead body, then human grunts wont tocuh you if you quickly stand on teleporter,oh well too many weapons big deal its more fun that way, the ladders were crap.
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-04 16:47:56 UTC in vault item: TWHLmix Comment #5482
-Got stuck in many places so I had to write kill in the console

-I got stripped of weapons and then there came some human grunts

-I already had a suit but you had placed a second one

-Gargantua was imposseble... used gravity to jump by it

-A ladder that had the aaatrigger to long away from it so I feel of all the time and died!

-To many weapons in the start

When I FINALLY came to the second part I got no suit or weapon and there was nowhere to go (Unless I wanted to die)

Update it... plz!
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-04 16:19:40 UTC in vault item: csde_school_assault Comment #5481
The battlecruiser architecture is superb, but the texturing is ridiculous. Brushed tanks looked great!
If you ever want to work on a coop project that has something to do with StarCraft, please let me know...I love SC.
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-04 14:21:45 UTC in vault item: TWHLmix Comment #5478
nice ideas but apart from the teleporter room, the rest needs better lighting and brushwork. I want to help if you ever make twhlmix2 :)
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-04 11:40:23 UTC in vault item: TWHLmix Comment #5470
Btw, I agree, Haz's part was probably the best part of the TWHLmix project.
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-04 11:36:47 UTC in vault item: TWHLmix Comment #5469
Awww... damn, I forgot to add a text saying when my lvele starts.... :P oh, well, it's in the readme anyway... some ppl may think it's part of Trapt's and Rabid's trainstation.... well, it's the warehouse-type room immediately after that... (Since we've started the apologies already) I apologise if the textures and architecture are too boring... not much time was put in the actual process of making that map.... I may continue it and improve it later... And I apologise for my obsession with breaking lightbulbs.

And, um... TV?? Looked pretty weird to me... more like a slide projector and some moving ?film/metal? particles behind it...
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-04 10:31:46 UTC in vault item: dm_coastland Comment #5468
Thankyou but captain p said this in snarkpit and i sorta agree

'Is it me or does that sun not fit with the brightness level and light direction of the map?'
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-03 21:39:17 UTC in vault item: TWHLmix Comment #5465
well after playing this, i would just like to apoliguise for my behaviour to those who thought my part was crap. it is.
although, it could have been worse.
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-03 19:34:51 UTC in vault item: dm_coastland Comment #5464
thats good I don't Either, but some jackass rated my map way to low, he gave me two stars when it deserved a tleast a 4, but its all,
Now your map, very nice detail.. You got talent.
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-03 19:32:17 UTC in vault item: CSS_Melawan Comment #5463
I replaced it with stairs now, looks better. Now, I'm going to map some more buildings tomorrow, because I've spent waay to long on this piece. :-)
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-03 19:11:06 UTC in vault item: dm_coastland Comment #5462
p.s. i dont self rate my maps :D
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-03 19:08:47 UTC in vault item: My first map Comment #5461
i havnt seen this map in a while. I should continue it, eh?
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-03 19:04:50 UTC in vault item: surf_city Comment #5460
p.s. i don't rate my own maps
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-03 18:23:18 UTC in vault item: CSS_Melawan Comment #5459
wow just think though as if that is one building imagine a whole map with detail such as that :o
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-03 18:19:42 UTC in vault item: TWHLmix Comment #5458
IT WAS A TV i swear it was a room in darkness spinning around at a hundred miles per hour :o
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-03 18:05:10 UTC in vault item: TWHLmix Comment #5457
trapts car and train ;)

I did them D:! The explorer is even a prefab @ Snarkpit.

/me spams credit for his prefabs ;o

It was fun to run around and look at my pitiful work from about a year ago, though. *cough*crappycrateroom*cough. And I get the ending NOW D: - The TV looked weird though.
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-03 18:01:42 UTC in vault item: TWHLmix Comment #5456
this map has the most downloads and comments ive ever seen.
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-03 18:00:29 UTC in vault item: TWHLmix Comment #5455
well someone must have edited the ladder then. and i ded the garg part in three days and you are just supposed to run around the boxes up the ladder and press the button to detonate the c4 scattered around the area.

abd how can you not understand the ending. you are walking and you just suddenly wake up to the heavy breathing and the tv on. the first bit of text haz changed from voice acting, i still think it should have been voice acting. and you weren't supposed to noclip off the bed. it was big becasue you are suposedly a small kid, but i never implied that little detail in the finaliy
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-03 18:00:11 UTC in vault item: TWHLmix Comment #5454

First room:

Oversized, boxy architecture was a let-down, especially since you can't walk up the ladder. The HEV charger looked out of place, and it seemed stupid that you had to use it as a platform. The rest of this part was fairly boring and extremely straightforward, although I liked the lighting in the headcrab room and drawbridge room. The drawbridge was a nice touch, and it's a pity that the area behind the crystal wasn't included in the final map, since it was far too easy. The room after the drawbridge was disappointing, badly lit, badly textured, and far too big. The crossbow looked out of place. The crate room was also fairly badly mapped, and it wasn't immediately obvious that you had to open the red metal crates.


The lighting in this area was outrageous, and the room seemed too large for such a short section of the map. It also had very little to do with the area before it. However, the map pack improved greatly as soon as you climbed the shaft with the sentry turrets...

Doc's lab:

I loved this portion of the map pack. The lab area was extremely well mapped, and I thought the Xen area, while small, was excellent. The lighting was great and the messages onscreen gave the map a great feel, although the extra HEV suit seemed out of place, since you were already wearing one. The teleportation sequence was a bit disappointing though. The effects were fine, and I liked the bit where you power up the generator, but it would've been more exciting if you had a weapon, and had to hold off the intruding assassins until the teleporter was ready, and if you were too slow, the teleporter would deactivate. However, it was still great.

Train station:

The station itself looked great, and it felt like a train station in Black Mesa (great job!). However, some of the architecture (mostly indoors) was very bland, and some of the texturing was very poor.

Big room:

This would've been a lot better if you had access to more weapons and there were aliens randomly teleporting in. Lighting was good, but the textures were a bit bland.

Lab area:

I found this bit fairly pointless. The architecture was bland, although the lights and textures worked very well together. I liked the cloning machine or whatever it was though.

Final area:

This area had a great feel, although I remain uncertain of exactly what it was, but I liked the feel of it and it made a very good conclusion.

All in all, I found this to be a fairly enjoyable map pack. While some of it was poorly mapped, and some of the lighting was quite bad, I enjoyed the mid-section in the Xen lab a lot, and enjoyed the conclusion.

My rating: 4/5
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-03 16:53:05 UTC in vault item: TWHLmix Comment #5451
(I mean I expected a better work in map twhlmix1 not in twhlmix2 )