Checked them all out. It reminds of the various test maps I made when I first started mapping. Back then I never had access to the Internet and TWHL certainly didn't exist, but a part of me wishes I had held on to some of my earlier test maps.
Though these maps are largely unfinished and in some cases a little pointless, it is fun to explore your early mapping days. Thanks for the upload.
1.Practice playing the guitar and keyboard 2.Finish my HL1 mod 3.Improve my music and release my 2nd album 4.Improve my art and animation and also upload animations more often 5.Improve the quality of my maps 6.Become more social 7.Improve on my video editing 8.Practice 3d modeling 9.Practice coding in different languages
Guaranteed I'm not going to do half of these things
Having now played the map with the missing models now included in the download, I have to say it still seems a little broken in places. The skybox in the screenshots doesn't appear to have been included either which means the map is dimly lit while occurring in broad daylight.
The first map simply consists of an exterior with a loading screen once you approach the front door. What's inside is fairly basic. Almost entirely pitch black rooms some of which have a few headcrabs or headcrab zombies inside between very chunky furniture. You can find a magnum on the second floor, along with a crowbar which I never used. It's also possible to climb back outside via the window in the magnum room.
There are a number of custom textures used, but a lot of them are fairly blurry, like the lockers in the entrance and what I think are medicine cabinets in the nurses office?
There does appear to be a secret passage up to the roof where you can find a radio, but otherwise this map doesn't appear to have an ending.
Certainly not a bad map for a first attempt, but there's a lot of mistakes with the upload and there isn't a whole lot of challenge on offer.
Get a girlfriend. It's great to be single in many ways but sometimes I miss having someone special.
Get a driver's license.
Learn to play the piano.
Don't watch any pron. It messes with my head and kind of ruins the real thing.
Move abroad. I have always wanted to, it has just never been a good time.
I won't do all of these things, but I think I will be very happy if I achieve just a couple of them
Also, I promise that I will:
Be a better friend and brother. In the past I have usually been pretty passive, rarely been the one to take the initiative to get together with my friends or siblings or even just calling them on my phone, due to social anxiety. I am lucky to have them. This year I have started to move out of my comfort zone, and even reconnected with my childhood best friend, and I will continue in that direction.
Improve my physical and mental health and sleep by getting more exercise and being less attached to my phone and computer. Good night.
What I really disliked about the previous competition is that it was extended on the last moment. That was really not nice. Some participants might have been getting out of their way to finish it in time, and then suddenly all their effort turned out to be unnecessary. I understand why it was done that way, to encourage mappers to work faster, but it's inconsiderate, if it's extended, it should be done at least a week before the original end date.
Thanks but I don't think so. Too close to your "get the HEV suit - slime becomes passable" example. I was trying to understand the goal better, don't want it to seem like I'm fishing for free ideas.
I'll think of something else, the point is being creative like you guys said.
Dang, one of the first ideas I had was grabbing parts of some sorf of device for the suit and combining it into an upgrade to get past the slime, I guess that goes out the window
Yup, as it says in the full brief: "Create a map or a series of maps in which the luminescent sludge plays a prominent role. An obstacle to be overcome or a deadly environmental weapon to be used."
Perhaps it could start out as a massive hindrance to the player until they grab an HEV suit and then it's harmless and they can get past a lake of the stuff to exit the level. Maybe the player has no weapons but they can deal with grunts or headcrabs by flushing toxic waste into an area to attract bullsquids. It can be used for decorative purposes as well, but I would say definitely try to factor it into the gameplay.
Commented 2 years ago2022-12-22 20:45:41 UTC
in vault item: Bloody ChristmasComment #104942
Quite surprising to see a release that looks this good pop up out of nowhere. Nice job. Playing on hard as you suggest definitely IS a challenge. In fact, starting you off against shotgun grunts and grenadiers I would say is downright evil.
However, I would say that you have missed a couple of tricks in regards to the Christmas theming for this mini-mod. You've got the plates of cookies lying around, yeah? I would have made these the health kits. Likewise there are gift-wrapped boxes everywhere which you cannot bust open to get much needed items, especially at the start.
Otherwise, a fairly challenging gruntfest and a nice little surprise release just before Christmas.
Toxic waste isn't a very easy theme to tackle. What kind of scenarios are you looking for?
A full length minimod that has slime as an obstacle? A single, beautifully created map that has no real gameplay but nice, goopy ambience? Or a combination of the two: a minimod that's a gruntfest without the slime playing a role, but decorating the environment instead?
Very true. But people also drain my energy. And when I am alone, my mood just collapses and my thoughts turn dark. Vitamin D helps a little so I always take that. Unfortunately there are no fresh blueberries this time of the year: they hate the cold as much as I do.
I am sure lots of people get Winter depression in Romania too, but even there your Winters must be milder than Sweden's. My ancestors were idiots to move so far north - couldn't they have stayed in Greece or Italy or something? I've been in Croatia for 11 days now, and it is fantastic! Even though it's been raining every day I am outside all day except when I am working or when my feet get too tired. It was 18 degrees here yesterday, while Växjö is covered in snow. I feel so much happier from being outside and getting exercise and sunlight. I'll probably get fat from eating too much pistachio baklava, but it's worth it
Commented 2 years ago2022-12-16 11:57:01 UTC
in wiki page: trigger_changelevelComment #104931
gameaddict117o7 said:What's "No Intermission"?
I know it's 11 years since this comment was made but posting this anyway just in case anyone else wants to know what this flag does.
Out of curiosity I looked up trigger_changelevel in the Half-Life SDK and it appears it only defines the "USE Only" flag and this is the only flag it checks against. It seems it's a leftover from Quake where after a level change was triggered it would switch camera to an info_intermission during the "monsters killed/secrets found" screen, unless the flag was checked. While this functionality was removed in Half-Life, the flag remained.
TLDR: The "No Intermission" flag doesn't do anything and is just a leftover from Quake.
ah great, another competition! I'll start working on a map, feeling up for it. 'green goo' as a theme is pretty challenging eh, we might need to get super creative for this one.
Would a script count as programming? (I wanna use a custom .cfg of my own + some other stuff)
So long as you don't edit any base game files (use a mini-mod if you must) but by coding I mean nothing that is going to alter the way the game plays or the ways that entities work. Just remember that I will be judging the maps and their use of toxic waste and other such slimes.
Though these maps are largely unfinished and in some cases a little pointless, it is fun to explore your early mapping days. Thanks for the upload.
My goals for 2023
1.Practice playing the guitar and keyboard2.Finish my HL1 mod
3.Improve my music and release my 2nd album
4.Improve my art and animation and also upload animations more often
5.Improve the quality of my maps
6.Become more social
7.Improve on my video editing
8.Practice 3d modeling
9.Practice coding in different languages
Guaranteed I'm not going to do half of these things
Certainly not a bad map for a first attempt, but there's a lot of mistakes with the upload and there isn't a whole lot of challenge on offer.
Apologies for the late reply.
- Get official diagnosis of ADHD
- Get medication for the above (if applicable)
Possibly within my control- Improve my commitment and focus to all of my various responsibilities based on the above (ADHD meds or therapy)
- Decide whether to stick with and dedicate myself to Web SysAdmin or seek employment in Game Dev which I would prefer but have no background in
Definitely within my control- Ship my first commercial game. (Phantom Fury, baby!)
- Put a considerable dent in Half-Life: The Core. Hopefully release the damn thing but who knows
- Actually do some hiking, which I enjoy
Not important but would be nice- Survive.
But for real, here's the list:- Get a girlfriend. It's great to be single in many ways but sometimes I miss having someone special.
- Get a driver's license.
- Learn to play the piano.
- Don't watch any pron. It messes with my head and kind of ruins the real thing.
- Move abroad. I have always wanted to, it has just never been a good time.
I won't do all of these things, but I think I will be very happy if I achieve just a couple of themAlso, I promise that I will:
Are you intending to keep working on this and release it to some extent down the line? Somewhere like Steam or
Thanks for playing !
I'll think of something else, the point is being creative like you guys said.
I'd be happy to test it out. Thanks for sharing.
Perhaps it could start out as a massive hindrance to the player until they grab an HEV suit and then it's harmless and they can get past a lake of the stuff to exit the level. Maybe the player has no weapons but they can deal with grunts or headcrabs by flushing toxic waste into an area to attract bullsquids. It can be used for decorative purposes as well, but I would say definitely try to factor it into the gameplay.
However, I would say that you have missed a couple of tricks in regards to the Christmas theming for this mini-mod. You've got the plates of cookies lying around, yeah? I would have made these the health kits. Likewise there are gift-wrapped boxes everywhere which you cannot bust open to get much needed items, especially at the start.
Otherwise, a fairly challenging gruntfest and a nice little surprise release just before Christmas.
A full length minimod that has slime as an obstacle? A single, beautifully created map that has no real gameplay but nice, goopy ambience? Or a combination of the two: a minimod that's a gruntfest without the slime playing a role, but decorating the environment instead?
Can you give some examples?
I am sure lots of people get Winter depression in Romania too, but even there your Winters must be milder than Sweden's. My ancestors were idiots to move so far north - couldn't they have stayed in Greece or Italy or something? I've been in Croatia for 11 days now, and it is fantastic! Even though it's been raining every day I am outside all day except when I am working or when my feet get too tired. It was 18 degrees here yesterday, while Växjö is covered in snow. I feel so much happier from being outside and getting exercise and sunlight. I'll probably get fat from eating too much pistachio baklava, but it's worth it
Out of curiosity I looked up trigger_changelevel in the Half-Life SDK and it appears it only defines the "USE Only" flag and this is the only flag it checks against.
It seems it's a leftover from Quake where after a level change was triggered it would switch camera to an info_intermission during the "monsters killed/secrets found" screen, unless the flag was checked. While this functionality was removed in Half-Life, the flag remained.
TLDR: The "No Intermission" flag doesn't do anything and is just a leftover from Quake.
I spent a fair amount of time making this map and every texture on it. There is almost no seams and the textures are made to fit with each other.