
Commented 1 month ago2024-10-31 15:31:05 UTC in journal: It's been so long... Comment #106479
Hi satchmo, I hope you’re doing great! How’s your aviation adventure going?

I was curious as to whether I was close to hit the 10-year mark on my TWHL account, as it turns out it’s already been 11 years. :aghast:
Commented 4 months ago2024-07-22 11:04:25 UTC in journal: Web Based GoldSRC Steam Background Image Converter Comment #106262
Really nice, thanks!
Commented 5 months ago2024-07-06 11:28:06 UTC in journal: There is no spoon Comment #106233
Birthy happday!
Commented 6 months ago2024-06-18 19:20:23 UTC in journal: Continued absence Comment #106207
I’m sure we don’t care about Pathlos as much as we care about you. :) I wish you a (rather late) speedy recovery.
Commented 8 months ago2024-03-30 15:29:00 UTC in journal: Taking a break Comment #106098
Good move pal. You’ve achieved and endured a lot, time to take a break and get outside and do some sport. Have fun!
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-25 11:13:26 UTC in journal: Mapping-Fusion! 🇫🇷🇫🇷 Comment #105653
Thanks for your kind words!
Commented 1 year ago2023-06-09 20:52:37 UTC in journal: WIP still a lot to do in the rest of the map Comment #105348
If this is another screenshot of your "first serious map", I must say I really like the fact you have an interesting architecture. It’s nice to have multiple floors as well as walls that are not completely flat. Good lighting and texturing choice, this gives a consistent feeling of an old facility that was designed a few decades ago, back when they used inefficient light bulbs with their distinctive yellow light and when they thought everything had to be painted in either yellow or green.
You say it’s WIP, but since you’re sharing it I’m still going to tell you the remarks I have: The architecture could still be made more interesting, especially the ceiling . You could add more details in addition to the two crates and the crowbar already present.
The grate at the center of the hallway looks off, so does the crowbar perfectly parallel to the wall.
The wall texture you’ve used is great but it has borders. You should make your room higher so that the texture doesn’t cut halfway into the ceiling. (It’s also visible at the end of the hallway, the border is around the middle of the wall when it should be at the bottom and at the top.)
Lastly, the slopes at the end of the hallway look bad, you should change the texture maybe. You should also add trims on the bottom of the walls to have a border separating the slope from the wall.
For some reason the button on the first floor is facing the hallway, when it should face the other way (i.e. the user). You’ve also used a wall texture for the ceiling above the button.
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-21 00:38:45 UTC in journal: I am so fucking frustrated right now Comment #105273
You know there’s that story of a highly trained professional in New Mexico who, instead of conducting a scientific experiment, ended up blowing up the entire facility, which resulted in the death of thousands first and then a dozen world invasions. Think about that guy’s regrets!

More seriously though, it’s something very common in anything software (or even work) related. It’s a way to build up experience, but sometimes (or often) it is because the software was poorly designed.
Commented 1 year ago2023-04-18 08:55:56 UTC in journal: Long Story of how I gain the ability to make a GoldSource map. Comment #105211
I indeed find it impressive enough that you almost immediately joined a team with your newly acquired mapping skills. I also remember that I had to stick with the WON version for a long time for a reason similar to yours, until a generous person bought it for me on Steam.
As Urby said, working with other people helps a lot. My biggest released project yet is a collab, and I was about to give up on it if it wasn’t for the other member of the team who kept insisting that I must finish what I started.
Commented 1 year ago2023-02-23 08:42:16 UTC in journal: Finished 21, Today 22 Comment #105121
Happy birthday!
Commented 2 years ago2022-10-13 16:13:39 UTC in vault item: Crossed Paths Comment #104844
It’d be nice to set up a TWHL Sven Co-op game once in a while, not for this map in particular (though I wouldn’t mind). I think it’d be great, there’s so much to try out.
Commented 2 years ago2022-09-10 07:00:33 UTC in journal: Come Fly with Me! Comment #104766
Congratulations! This is also the setting I'm used to, but only when controlling airplanes or heavy vehicles in video games.
Commented 2 years ago2022-09-06 20:59:49 UTC in vault item: Authentic First-Person Weapons Comment #104753
Looking great as usual! Really like how you managed to retain almost if not all of the original weapons’s artstyle and feel yet managed to make them look better. The crowbar’s head looks a bit like some birds’ feet though.
Commented 2 years ago2022-08-31 18:19:00 UTC in journal: Come Fly with Me! Comment #104744
Pitch / yaw / roll? Some people here understand it?

Sounds amazing! Good luck!
Commented 2 years ago2022-08-30 05:59:32 UTC in journal: Here we go again Comment #104740
Do you know how to MULTIPLY?
Commented 2 years ago2022-08-01 06:41:05 UTC in vault item: FAMAS for Half-Life & its expansions Comment #104703
That sounds great! Will check it out when I'm on my laptop!
Commented 2 years ago2022-07-07 16:52:48 UTC in journal: I had a harrowing experience last night Comment #104622
Pretty sure it has something to do with that raincoat.
30 minutes is also half an hour... Could be a lead... Expect something to happen in about 30 minutes...
Or maybe, happy birthday!
Commented 2 years ago2022-05-27 22:26:26 UTC in journal: Making another stupid boring map no one is gonna see or download or both (WIP) Comment #104455
Hmmm... there's a problem with your screenshots...
Commented 2 years ago2022-05-27 10:17:14 UTC in news: Bridge The Gap Competition Results! Comment #104451
Congratulations to all! The maps look amazing!
Commented 2 years ago2022-05-09 23:07:36 UTC in journal: Taking Flight Comment #104400
I'm pretty sure that's okay. People really have different reactions to heights, I know of a few people who are left paralyzed when suspended at a few meters in the air when taking part in adventure park activities, yet aren't too much afraid of jumping out of an airplane when parachuting.
For me, it's the opposite. I wasn't afraid of flying in a plane, or partaking in an adventure park, but when I started parachuting it sure scared the hell out of me, though it got better with time. Since then though, flying in a plane gives me a slight fear of heights I didn't have before, as if parachuting gave my brain an appreciation of the actual distance I am above the ground.
Apparently there's a difference between the fear if falling and the fear of heights. I was told toddlers only feel the former, so that they would clutch the hands of an adult to the point of being suspended in the air, rather than letting go before being lifted up and risking falling from the lack of support. If only someone here knew about children so that he could confirm or deny this...
Commented 2 years ago2022-05-07 13:25:01 UTC in journal: Taking Flight Comment #104390
I just want to tell you good luck, we're all counting on you.

More seriously though, congrats on taking this leap of faith. Hope you'll be having fun and send pics!

I just want to tell you good luck, we're all counting on you.
Commented 2 years ago2022-05-07 13:10:34 UTC in journal: 17 :D Comment #104389
Wait... we never had a birthday on TWHL stated so explicitely. There must be a trap...

Happy birthday!
Commented 2 years ago2022-05-01 14:47:08 UTC in journal: Copper Comment #104366
Iron and copper. The statue is copper on an iron frame, right?

And also, (somewhat belated) happy birthday!
Commented 2 years ago2022-03-26 22:42:44 UTC in journal: Cool little feature Comment #104272
The cat is a lie
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 2 years ago2022-02-28 17:06:38 UTC in journal: 34! Comment #104190
Thanks Cap'n!
Commented 2 years ago2022-02-25 16:23:32 UTC in journal: 34! Comment #104184
Thank you both! And well done, oskar potatis invalid!
Commented 2 years ago2022-01-27 17:05:00 UTC in news: Competition - Bridge the gap Comment #104046
This is a great idea for a competition! I won’t be able to make it though, but I have a good excuse this time, I promise.
Commented 2 years ago2022-01-03 12:39:04 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Hallways Comment #103954
This tutorial should give more tips on how to improve the appearance of hallways by discussing its different components (lighting, architecture, ceiling, floor, walls, openings, details...)
It isn't good advice to tell people to split their hallways into reusable componenrs, this would lead to poorer optimisation but more importantly, this sort of reuse would be the kind easy to notice (and a technique beginners could have figured out alone).
Besides, there's nothing wrong with the clip tool, apart from the minor texture tweaks it sometimes causes, but it's rare and brush manipulation tool is supposed to be before texturing. It never creates invalid shapes, unlike the Vertex tool.
Hollow tool on the other should be discouraged, it can encourage bad practice with beginners.
Commented 3 years ago2021-12-16 12:57:17 UTC in journal: Millikan Soccer Comment #103881
I was sure I left a comment in here, am I becoming crazy? 🤔
I was saying you did a great job with the website, the design is neat! I'd also be much willing to hear about your novels or the rotary club!
Commented 3 years ago2021-09-09 12:45:44 UTC in journal: Update Comment #103712
Nice to get an update from you!

I don't know about my testosterone levels, but I too lost interest in gaming for quite some time. I only play a few video games occasionally nowadays, making me a casual gamer at best.
Commented 3 years ago2021-08-30 14:47:04 UTC in journal: You want to play a little game? Comment #103692
Do you know how to multiply a very large prime number?

Happy birthday!
Commented 3 years ago2021-04-19 12:45:41 UTC in journal: A nickel but no dime Comment #103528
Happy birthday! You're actually motivating me to dwelve into my computing skills.

Nice looking coffee machine by the way. :)
Commented 3 years ago2021-04-14 06:26:08 UTC in journal: Sooo... I got a new side job Comment #103507

I'm a bit sad to learn about The Core's decay though... :(
Commented 4 years ago2020-11-27 14:47:46 UTC in news: TWHL Tower 2 is out! Comment #103095
This mod was superb! Makes me regret I didn’t take part in it, but then, I would have needed the deadline to be extended at least a few (more) dozen times, considering my usual productivity.
Commented 4 years ago2020-10-31 13:45:46 UTC in journal: Journal sus... Comment #102996
I actually had to Google "IV" to understand why it meant four, I couldn't get over my first impression that it had to do something with initialisation vector... My brain isn't working properly today :P
Happy XXXIV birthday, Urbyus!
Commented 4 years ago2020-02-03 20:43:25 UTC in journal: Back in service! Comment #102530
I always find that the moment I enjoy most and by far in mapping is when I have to set up my PC, install Hammer, etc... Hopefully this is your case too! :)
Commented 5 years ago2019-12-20 21:08:18 UTC in journal: Life update and promo Comment #102464
I'm sure had you been filmed a bit longer we could have heard you saying to your colleagues: "Did you submit your report to the administrator today?" :P

I'm very happy things seem to be going well in your life! I'm just wondering: what exactly do you mean when you say you "support" them? Does this mean you are not a regular employee?

And I think you're right about never giving up, but sometimes it's hard to remain hopeful. So good job on succeeding to achieve your dream!
Commented 5 years ago2019-11-24 10:04:03 UTC in journal: Much more important than a birthday journal Comment #102443
10,000 days? That TJB is getting old, we should change it and buy a new one.
Commented 5 years ago2019-10-18 13:51:40 UTC in journal: I got my braces removed. Comment #102339
Now the best time in your life is about to begin!
Commented 5 years ago2019-10-18 13:44:49 UTC in journal: What a time to be alive... Comment #102338
Three eyes?

Happy birthday anyway!
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-03 10:30:26 UTC in journal: Prime number Comment #101858
A very large prime number!

Happy birthday! :)
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 6 years ago2018-08-29 10:43:23 UTC in journal: Maths time! Comment #101484
Hmm... :/Hmm... :/
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 6 years ago2018-07-19 08:32:39 UTC in journal: Bought a House! Comment #101388
Is this Goldsource??? :o
Commented 6 years ago2018-06-02 07:50:09 UTC in news: Welcome to TWHL4! Comment #101198
Actually I prefer old school, please revert back to TWHL v0.9.
Well done penguin ! I assume your arm is feeling better !
Commented 6 years ago2018-05-26 08:36:22 UTC in journal: #8937 Comment #44177
We're talking about gamers, who are mostly made up of toxic and immature individuals, and we're talking about people commenting online. You're always going to find any extreme opinion in there, and not always expressed in the most polite way. So really the reactions to the new battlefield doesn't really mean anything I believe.

As far as I know about battlefield V, I have no problems with the new character, but I understand why people get annoyed with it, though I don't believe they should.

Many people are fed up with feminism. potatis calls it "a flavour of feminism", but I think this flavour can be called mainstream feminism. It's already been discussed here, but it's taking enormous proportions literally everywhere, to the point where it seems to be the norm. People are completely right to be angry about this flavour, but I don't think that's a problem with Battlefield V.
Commented 6 years ago2018-05-13 14:00:04 UTC in journal: #8931 Comment #67422
Thanks! Yes it is! :)
Commented 6 years ago2018-05-04 01:11:44 UTC in journal: #8931 Comment #67421
Thanks everyone! :)

Penguinboy, don't invent excuses. Just use Windows Voice Command (or whatever it's called) :P And I wish you a speedy recovery! :)

@Urby Didn't recognise your new profile pic lol. Great to hear The Core is still active. If you're still open to suggestions, I suggest you turn it into a recreation of the Half-Life alpha. Thoughts?

@Striker Relieved I am as well! :P It was about Applied Computing: Human Computer Interaction. A very long and pedantic name for nothing but a shortened and terribly organised version of the Applied Computing course offered by the same university. Still, it was a great course overall, just far from as good as the others.
I'm basically a web developer now, though I'd like to go further and specialise in security.