
Commented 3 weeks ago2024-12-30 15:58:14 UTC in wiki page: Tools and Resources (Source Engine) Comment #106589
I have asked Logic, and he said its fine to have a seperate page, which is why I will keep working on this for now.
Alrighty, nice then.

Tarek, this is good work so far. I have some feedback about capitalisation:

These are provided with every Install of a Source Game, along with the VHE.
These are provided with every install of a Source game, along with VHE.
Most words are not capitalised in English, only personal names and brand/company names are, e.g. "Microsoft Visual Studio" is capitalised, but "Microsoft's code editor" is not capitalised because that's not a branded name, that's just a generic couple of words.

Also please write GoldSource instead of GoldSrc, since that is the convention on TWHL Wiki, even if people sometimes write just GoldSrc (or me personally: GoldSRC) in the forum threads.
Commented 3 weeks ago2024-12-29 00:15:52 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: View bobbing: Part 1 Comment #106583
This is a tutorial, the entire purpose is for people to use the code and learn from it LOL
Commented 3 weeks ago2024-12-27 17:24:47 UTC in wiki page: Tools and Resources (Source Engine) Comment #106575

I am not sure if this page is a very good addition to the wiki. We already have a Tools and Resources page which you could extend with Source-specific tools, but I would highly advise you to consult admins about this first.
Commented 1 month ago2024-11-28 22:56:09 UTC in journal: So, What The Hell Has Been Going On? (for the past few years(?)) Comment #106535
I don't know if I'm still welcome here at all
You are as welcome here as I am. Talk about whatever you want, it's the journals!

That job sounds really dull, but I suppose it's better than nothing.

The mappack sounds pretty cool. I've yet to use MESS myself... hell, I haven't really made a GoldSRC map in ages outside of my tutorial videos.

I woulda written a longer reply, but I am so terribly low on time these days. I'm glad you decided to write this though, it's good to see what you're up to. Remember when I streamed STALKER SoC for like New Year 2022? I completely forgot about it until a few days ago and I'm absolutely HOOKED. I wish I got back to it earlier.
Commented 1 month ago2024-11-28 01:49:23 UTC in journal: Recycling and cut content... Comment #106532
Since I always think of logistics, I strongly feel that reusing your unused stuff (even used, sometimes) is one of the best situations you can find yourself in. If you have a library of reusable stuff, and cut stuff, you are only saving yourself time.

Anything that helps you get the map/mod quicker into the hands of players - that is legal and still offers a unique experience, isn't just low-effort reuse - is ultimately good. Plus, you can still tweak the stuff you've reused.
Commented 1 month ago2024-11-28 01:44:23 UTC in journal: intro Comment #106531
I wish you luck, and plenty of perseverance as to not give up!
Commented 1 month ago2024-11-28 01:43:22 UTC in journal: A sweet moment of mapper validation Comment #106530
That is super wholesome. Congrats!

I felt a bit like this when my brother and 2 cousins started competing, seeing who would speedrun my game prototype the fastest.
Commented 2 months ago2024-11-24 02:48:58 UTC in journal: Half-Life: Flame Journal 1 Comment #106526
Commented 2 months ago2024-10-28 22:28:07 UTC in journal: Special Comment #106474
Happy belated birthday, Urby!
Commented 2 months ago2024-10-28 13:42:45 UTC in journal: It's been so long... Comment #106472
Happy birthday Satchmo! From a nearly 10-year TWHL-izen.
Commented 3 months ago2024-10-04 21:08:36 UTC in journal: Today is the birthday of the FSF! Comment #106442
Happy birthday!
Commented 3 months ago2024-10-04 12:28:21 UTC in journal: 2^5 Comment #106441
How was the restaurant? Would you go back? :p
I'm def. going back. I tried grilled squid with a side of grilled veggies and was delighted. Over here, most restaurants offer meat with not much else. Like sure, ćevapi are great, but it does get boring after a while. I really need to find more places with seafood, been meaning to explore that front for a while now..
Commented 3 months ago2024-10-02 18:38:04 UTC in journal: 2^5 Comment #106430
Happy birthday Erty!!

I've been alright, visited a new restaurant today, it's got seafood and stuff.
Commented 3 months ago2024-09-24 18:31:44 UTC in journal: It's my birthday today! Comment #106415
The code seems to be shifted one key to the left.
g -> h
r -> t
Each of these is 1 key to the left of its original.

The ' and " part I'll leave as an exercise to the reader. :walter:
There's a little trap in that part.

Happy birthday also!
Commented 4 months ago2024-09-16 16:52:40 UTC in journal: A bigger Pathos update dropped Comment #106401

I'm glad to hear you're doing better, Overfloater
Commented 4 months ago2024-09-11 17:41:49 UTC in journal: fragMOTION Comment #106388
Much as I'm a Blender addict, I'd appreciate seeing some guides for other tools, at least out of curiosity. I think it'd bring value to the community overall.
Commented 4 months ago2024-09-09 14:08:51 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: How to fix those leaks Comment #106379
This is a good idea NGL. There could be omitted visgroups ("export only visible objects") and non-planar faces.
Edit: ack, the visgroup part doesn't make too much sense since you don't see them anyway when disabled. Bah! It can still happen under some circumstances.
Commented 5 months ago2024-07-29 20:04:53 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Setting up TrenchBroom for GoldSource games Comment #106275
Oh right I should probably update that. A simple screenshot change + edit the relevant paragraph a little bit.
Commented 5 months ago2024-07-29 19:12:13 UTC in wiki page: VERC: Dynamic Lighting Comment #106274
Please post your question in the forums, not here.
Commented 6 months ago2024-07-03 23:07:26 UTC in journal: There is no spoon Comment #106229
Happy birthday!!
Commented 8 months ago2024-05-03 16:45:33 UTC in journal: Code of interest Comment #106172
All that's gonna do is crash once you have a big enough array. All those function calls are gonna add up and eat the stack.
Best to use a for loop in this scenario.
Commented 8 months ago2024-05-03 13:33:35 UTC in journal: Code of interest Comment #106170
But why recursive?
Commented 9 months ago2024-04-20 14:46:08 UTC in journal: Reporting in Comment #106150
Heya Striker! Good to see I'm not too alone in maintaining a bit of positivity despite the times.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 9 months ago2024-04-03 17:10:34 UTC in vault item: my first map Comment #106104
No screenshots?
Commented 10 months ago2024-03-17 18:48:50 UTC in journal: The Bottleneck: Scripting (or Lack Thereof) Comment #106071
I can tangentially relate to this. I mapped for Far Cry 1 for a while which was an entirely different beast to GoldSRC.

One excelled at scripting and sequences (there was literally a keyframe-based sequence editor), and the ability to create new types of NPCs, weapons & vehicles just by editing some text files. And of course, very large open spaces with lots of vegetation.

The other excelled at its ease of creating unique set pieces and richness in player interaction. I've wanted the best of both worlds for a while.
I've seen bits and bobs of Arma 3 modding so I totally kinda get what you're saying. Hopefully your venture with VScript goes well!
Commented 10 months ago2024-03-15 14:33:03 UTC in journal: This is an unbelievably good Journal my friends Comment #106064


Very good journal 10/10
Commented 10 months ago2024-03-09 14:07:16 UTC in journal: GUYS I FIGURED IT OUT Comment #106051
Or you can surf on it!
Commented 10 months ago2024-03-05 17:18:57 UTC in journal: Pathos Opensourcing Project Comment #106031
I'm def. looking forward to playing around with it when it gets released, doing some experiments and whatnot. Maybe I'd even port my real-time moss mod to it. My only hope is that Pathos will be licenced under something permissive like Apache-2.0, BSD3 or MIT.

Honestly the model format isn't a huge deal. If we get the headers for it, someone else can fork TrenchBroom and add support. An alternative is to add GLTF support to the engine, something I'd probably be willing to do, and TrenchBroom would then automatically be supported. J.A.C.K. isn't exactly a custom Hammer binary BTW, it's a Qt project likely built from the ground up.
Commented 11 months ago2024-02-22 23:57:18 UTC in journal: /bɜːθdeɪ/ Comment #106004
Happy birthday mate!
Commented 11 months ago2024-02-02 01:53:19 UTC in wiki page: multi_manager Comment #105949
I think that's Sven Co-op-specific, isn't it?
opens up the code
Yeah, there's nothing in HL SDK that points to the parsing of #N there. It is always USE_TOGGLE. Either way though, good to know!
Commented 1 year ago2023-12-26 12:03:34 UTC in journal: A new home Comment #105795
Wow, that looks and sounds pretty nice. Best wishes!
Commented 1 year ago2023-12-21 14:08:00 UTC in journal: How or where are you gonna spend your vacations? Comment #105774
I spent about 3 days on a boat and I went to Dubrovnik, Croatia. So there's that. Time to work thru Christmas!
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-26 16:25:15 UTC in journal: Worth the weight? Comment #105662
Another update: winter is right around the corner, which means I'll be gaining some weight again. But! This summer I managed to reach 79 kg. I'm extremely happy, you've no idea.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-26 16:12:23 UTC in journal: So I drink coffee now... Comment #105661
I once drank iced coffee in the afternoon and managed to stay up til 6 in the morning.
Never doing that again unless I really really reallyyyy have to. Few things in life are worth sacrificing one's sleep.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-26 16:06:49 UTC in journal: Goldsrc BSP relational model Comment #105660
Epic. Soon we'll be able to store BSPs in SQL databases
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-12 02:13:04 UTC in vault item: Lab Break Comment #105634
Holy heck, you actually did it lmao
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-07 12:40:39 UTC in journal: 2 Years of me being on the site Comment #105628
Happy 2nd accountiversary!
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-03 23:38:49 UTC in journal: Mapping-Fusion! 🇫🇷🇫🇷 Comment #105616
Oh my. It is already making me wanna learn French.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-02 14:55:05 UTC in vault item: Learing HL sdk Comment #105615
Hai! This ain't looking too bad.
You can get J.A.C.K. instead of using Hammer. You can find it in the tools section on our Wiki. You may also ask questions on the forums here and/or on the Discord server. Happy mapping!
Commented 1 year ago2023-10-26 18:15:53 UTC in journal: We promise you a new map in 2 weeks, or you get to yell at us! - DONE! Comment #105609
Alrighty, I'll set a reminder on the 10th of November to yell at you. :walter:
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 1 year ago2023-10-18 16:15:58 UTC in journal: One of those journals... Comment #105592
Ah. That was a lot simpler than anticipated. That's a banger album too.
Commented 1 year ago2023-10-18 16:08:59 UTC in journal: One of those journals... Comment #105591
Happy birthday! Now time to figure out the numba
Commented 1 year ago2023-10-15 22:44:54 UTC in journal: CS2 Hammer editor minimum requirements Comment #105589
I do not believe that is exactly right. I'll have to test this on my brother's Athlon 200GE rig with no dedicated GPU.
From what I know CS2's Hammer has this fancy lighting preview mode, which uses RTX. There should hopefully still be a CPU raytraced fallback.
Commented 1 year ago2023-10-05 17:21:17 UTC in journal: Zombies Comment #105578
Happy birthday! Zombies are yummy
Commented 1 year ago2023-09-09 00:16:40 UTC in journal: Just need to vent a bit. Comment #105551
I was referring to the group that refers to themselves as "anti-furries" who have been known to do stuff like release chlorine gas upon conventions.
Oh yeah no, those folks, if it weren't for the law I'd be returning the favour.
Thrilled to read how self-actualised Admer has become after struggling with a lot of this stuff in the past.
2016 me vs. current me is definitely one hell of a character development arc, I'm glad you got to observe parts of it. Life really is a movie.
Commented 1 year ago2023-09-08 16:16:00 UTC in journal: Just need to vent a bit. Comment #105547
Furthermore, I identify as a furry, and I believe I am, but I seem to be more... hardcore (if that's the right word) about it than the rest of the fandom.
And that's okay. hugs
I actually care about the politics of the situation, as opposed to the rest of the fandom, which doesn't even seem to care that there is a group of literal domestic terrorists directly and personally opposing them.
If you mean the US, I dunno. I have a feeling many care, but simply aren't in enough power so there's fear involved. Globally? Well, in some places there just aren't issues like that.

In my country, furries are unheard of and I'm certain if there were to ever be a furry convention here, we'd see the same events that happened in Belgrade in 2001, when Serbia's first pride parade happened. You don't wanna know what happened.

I do confront people who say bullshit though. Sometimes I deem it too risky or simply not worth my time, but when I see a good opportunity to point out that someone's hatred/disliking/disrespect - of not just furries - is utterly irrational and senseless, I take it.
I'm used to being a shade of gray. I suppose I find some comfort in not being a perfect fit for a hole, because it at least means I'll be unique enough to stand out (I mean, I have a fox fursona who's not a femboy, and I'm still an interesting person!) But in being different in ways nobody talks about, I have no reference point. How am I supposed to know if I'm a one-in-a-million, or if I'm part of a silent majority, if it's silent?
I believe every individual is a unique permutation of all the possible features an individual may have, even if just slightly different.
That aside though, yeah. "Nobody's talking about it so nobody knows about it", I guess most people are just too busy to think about it.

My fox sona isn't a femboy either, BTW. I went from being a straight non-furry in 2017, to a bi questioning-furry in 2018, to a pan furry in 2021. Similarly my views on a lot of things (and of my own self) have shifted over the years. Positively, I may say. And they will keep doing that.
Considering my neurodivergency, I have even less to compare myself too, because I can't even assume that basic human psychology always applies. Often it does, but sometimes it doesn't. I'm basically just floating in a void.
Yeah but like, what's the purpose of this comparison? If anything, I'd just occasionally compare past selves and current self to analyse and potentially improve future self. I don't think you need to compare yourself to someone in order to define yourself, because ultimately, you are you.
so yeah be special but not too special
Nah, be as special as you are. No such thing as 'too special'. I know you meant something else, but just sayin'.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 1 year ago2023-08-29 12:54:54 UTC in journal: 闲记杂谈Blah Comment #105518
I think the whole idea of "loving" a job is not right in the first place. How can you love a dead thing? You can love people, and people can love you back.
It depends on how you define a job. To some people, a job is merely a contract. To me, a job is some paid activity + people relevant to that activity. So indeed if I love that job, I love the people, and I love performing the activity partly because of passion and partly because of the people.