
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-23 11:33:29 UTC in vault item: Combine Dropship Drops Soldier Comment #13799
you are the example map god. thanks, man.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-22 23:17:56 UTC in vault item: dm_killbox_barrelthrow2 Comment #13796
compared to your DMC map, which was very good for a first attempt, i am rather dissappointed at this..

Keep mapping, get better.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-21 19:28:20 UTC in vault item: TWHL - Xmas 2006 Comment #13773

well, first of all:
The map leading up to the message was great. Lovely architecture and lighting..


but to be honest, i was a little let-down at the end.. The chamber seemed very bland, and perhaps some more flashy things could have been used :P

Heh, not important. It's a lovely message and we all wish you a merry xmas too, muzz ^_^
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-21 19:22:13 UTC in vault item: TWHL - Xmas 2006 Comment #13769
Didn't expect this to be finished so quickly!

Commented 17 years ago2006-12-16 15:04:01 UTC in vault item: mx_dabble Comment #13729
Don't rate without playing it, guys.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-12 14:24:06 UTC in vault item: aim_freefall Comment #13675
"Use spotlights instead. (light_spot entity)"

No. Use Texturelights.
There is a tutorial on their use on TWHL.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-11 13:04:01 UTC in vault item: dm_control Comment #13659
thankyou :)
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-29 06:50:58 UTC in vault item: My First Map - IckyLab Comment #13577
i love this guy ^_^

Obviously has a real passion for mapping :)
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-26 07:46:25 UTC in vault item: Texas Rangers (Compo 22) Comment #13554
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-24 21:23:55 UTC in vault item: aim_pistolround Comment #13546
holy shit you run at a low resolution.. what is that, 640 x 480?

Anyway, the type of map limits this to a maximum rating of 3 stars, but i must say that it is not a bad example of the gametype.

Sadly, it still shows many of the signs of a bad map.

? repetative texturing
? crates. crates. oh, and more crates.
? blocky, to the point of injury.
? been done 1000 times before.

However, i actually quite like the simplistic lighting, so it doesn't quite sink as low as 1 star..

I strongly suggest you work on this some more.. Add some height variation.. Give the floor some interesting changes in texture, and for god's sake get rid of the crates.. Put something more imaginitive in their place.
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-21 18:16:52 UTC in vault item: Macro Campus V1.1 Comment #13514
from the screenies, this looks rather nice indeed!

I strongly suggest you PM MuzzleFlash and ask he puts it on his server, so that i can give it a proper test with other players.
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-21 16:56:37 UTC in vault item: dm_tunnelroad Comment #13510
you rated 5 stars without playing it? Go away.
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-21 05:05:20 UTC in vault item: Valve Hammer Manor - compo 22 Comment #13500
Crashed HL.. :/

very un-finished seeming..
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-21 04:44:34 UTC in vault item: Texas Rangers (Compo 22) Comment #13499
Chuck Norris is currently suing the NBC due to the fact that Law and Order are copyrighted names for his right and left legs.

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of animals that Chuck Norris allows to live.

When Chuck Norris falls in water, Chuck Norris doesn't get wet. Water gets Chuck Norris.
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-20 17:26:58 UTC in vault item: Texas Rangers (Compo 22) Comment #13493
hhahaha! fantastic!
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-17 07:38:02 UTC in vault item: ts_agora (for The Specialists) Comment #13467
you never mentioned what game this is for... Chairs look like source, but everything else looks like HL... why did you choose 'other' and not specify?
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-31 05:58:50 UTC in vault item: Slomo/Filter Example Comment #13393
it's a real shame this doesn't work in multiplayer...

I was making a garys mod map, and testing it in single player GM, so it worked fine, but when i loaded it up on Habboi's server, no slow-mo :'(

even set the clientcommand to sv_cheats 1 first.
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-30 17:00:02 UTC in vault item: Super Gordon Bros. Comment #13388
this is source, right?

Use the powerful engine! Make those pipe cylinders have many more faces.
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-22 09:23:20 UTC in vault item: Half-Life: Uplink Extended 1.1 Comment #13279
This mod will never be out of the 'Top Maps' on the index. Well deserves it, too :D
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-22 07:04:57 UTC in vault item: dms_pacmanhl (HLDM: Source) Comment #13274
why make it for HLDM:S???!

HL2DM is so much better. HL1DM is so much better for that matter.
HLDM:S is insulting.
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-21 14:06:09 UTC in vault item: Half-Life: Uplink Extended 1.1 Comment #13228
puts on reviewing hat


Gordon opens his eyes. He's in a corridoor. The ambience of destruction all around him. Taking a few careful steps forward, he runs back as the roof bends and cripples over him. The stress from the aerial bombings are too much for the old lab.
Edging forward, expecting the worst, he notices a security guard and a scientist talking animatedly. Coming closer he discovers that the blast door can not be opened without the signal code transmitting.
Only a fool would go down there to re-align the transmitter.
Both scientist and guard turn to look at Gordon.

What a mod. I mean really. The level of detail is astounding. From architecture to little items, everything has been made with the upmost care and precision (spade in the dirt, medical dripper above the cot etc)
The gameplay is very difficult (on hard mode, anyways) but not to the point that it seperates from the fun.
The ambient sound and atmosphere created in every location is inspired, and they bring the place to life.

Custom code and monsters are all very good, as well as the way they are implemented (like a berzillion scripts :D) all, again, very well made.

Also, a special mention to the sewery area, with all the grunts getting brutally torn appart by monsters. Fantastic.

Now onto the very few negative points.

1) a few of the scripts are a bit buggy. Specifically the hound-eyes before the Garg. One of them doesnt move and is invincible.

2) occasionally (VERY OCCASIONALY) there are a few mis-aligned textures, but not enough to distract the player. I was looking for bugs and was impressed to find so few.

3) I threw all my nades and rockets at the garg and it didnt die :S

4) too short!
Overall, simply astounding. Download this now.
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-20 14:09:14 UTC in vault item: Mana Home Comment #13222
I agree that it is maybe too small, but what little of it there is, is very nicely made.
You have talent. Put it to use on a nice big map =D

Definately worth 4.
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-19 06:26:10 UTC in vault item: Two Comment #13203
3) it could be that you didn't run RAD

4) is that a BLUE ladder i see in the screenshot?
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-18 12:10:20 UTC in vault item: Two Comment #13197
Maps without lights dont belong in the completed maps vault
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-12 10:15:21 UTC in vault item: 1337_street Comment #13162
Very, VERY repetative texturing.
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-03 11:44:15 UTC in vault item: de_smalltown Comment #13082
the default sky doesnt suit the theme
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-01 01:34:29 UTC in vault item: cs_castlefight Comment #13058
it doesnt matter where you put your light_environment. It'll always cast from the SKY texture.
Commented 17 years ago2006-09-27 08:54:20 UTC in vault item: cs_castlefight Comment #13043
It is rather good for a first map, indeed!

The biggest flaw, i think, is of course the full-bright. Add lights, run RAD.

The textures are repetative, but suit the theme, and there are some nice examples of non-blocky brushwork.. (some.)

I make a point not to rate first maps, but if i was going to, this would get 3 stars. Good work, now map something amazing :)
Commented 17 years ago2006-09-11 14:52:56 UTC in vault item: fun_hkkcr Comment #12981
users need better eyes
Commented 17 years ago2006-08-31 13:25:01 UTC in vault item: DM_Stranded V2 Comment #12930
Er... i updated it with custom textlights ages ago. thanks for the comment, tho :P

-Now uses custom textlights instead of icky point based lights.. (some lights remain point based.. for a reason)"
Commented 17 years ago2006-08-30 13:39:58 UTC in vault item: Infiltration Comment #12927
Infiltration 1:


+ Nice displacements at the start

+ The sewer is well detailed and quite creepy with all the zombies

+ The hall with the combine elite in it is great, and obviously designed for combat

+ The antlion guard sequence along with the plank puzzle made a good end to the map.


- The seagulls at the start look really crap when they rotate like retards.

- the clip brush is too far away from the ship, making it an obvious invisible wall. bad.

-- You can see through gaps in the displacements around the first pipe to the other side of the map. Very bad.

- You should add a level or something to the generator in the sewer to make it more obvious that its interactive.

- Why are some grates breakable but others arent? Texture the non-breakable ones differently.

- Put some shotty ammo before the combine elite hallway. I wasted all my ammo on the zombies.


A nice, well detailed map that is held back by some really irritating bugs.

(4 stars)

Infiltration 2:


+ The combine fight over the generator was a great HL2 moment. Love it.

+ The puzzles were all pretty good and well thought out.

+ I love your sick sense of humour with the vent in the room that the player thinks he'll have to make a bridge across with crates.


- The levelchange hall was, for lack of a better word, horrible.

- The huge long hall leading to the security room was really bad too. Add some detail PLEASE.


Lack of detail dragged this way down. Some nice entity work, though.

(3 stars)

Infiltration 3:


+ The hall with glass was cool.

+ the sliding doors were awsome.


- What?! Random location change?!

- None of the striders move. This makes the combat really boring.

- The combat was really poor. The striders became chores instead of enemies, when the player has to duck, shoot, duck, shoot repeatedly.. Its annoying.


Boring, but with a few good points.. The worst map in the map pack.

(3 stars)


4 + 3 + 3 = 10

10 devided by 3 = 3.333...

round up to 3

Honestly, i would give it a three if it asnt for the good moments in map #1. It feels very rushed towards the end. Improve it
Commented 17 years ago2006-08-29 12:29:21 UTC in vault item: Infiltration Comment #12921
"Some spots have Insane detail"

im sorry, but no.. No place had 'insane' detail.
Commented 17 years ago2006-08-29 05:22:44 UTC in vault item: Infiltration Comment #12915
I wouldnt say REALLY fast at 200/250kbps, but certainly much, much better. I'll give it a whirl and review right now.
Commented 17 years ago2006-08-21 13:18:57 UTC in vault item: fun_jumping2_2 Comment #12875
applause for srry
Commented 17 years ago2006-08-18 07:31:32 UTC in vault item: ba_tram1 - Recreate Competition Entry Comment #12862
fullbright blocks are generally created by noobs, who have never mapped before, therefor the rating system is used diffferently from experienced mappers.

I honestly dont think its worht more than 2/3 stars.. I told you on MSN to use displacements and you didnt.. Silly decision i think.
Commented 17 years ago2006-08-09 03:50:56 UTC in vault item: Scoutzknivez27 Comment #12790
the wall texture is poorly aligned.. do you ever see bricks angled like that on a wall?

Shift + A, select the top of your wall at rotate it properly.
Commented 17 years ago2006-08-05 06:52:33 UTC in vault item: pup_usp_aim_canyon Comment #12741
i hate to say it but hardly anybody will download these...

TWHL is a place for professional mappers to show off their work, and for new/beginner mappers to learn.

Things that people look for in a good map on this site:

1) good brushwork
2) good lighting
3) Interesting theme
4) good layout
5) good gameplay
6) good texturing

This map, sadly has none of these things.

Put your skills to good use and make a de or cs map. Awp and aim maps are all the same. Make something new.
Commented 17 years ago2006-08-01 06:08:25 UTC in vault item: aim_ak_colt_pro Comment #12705
although i am against aim_ak_colt recreations of any kind, you have done a splendid job at making the aim genre bearable.

Definately a great way to get aim_gameplay into a nicely made map.

The only problem is, this will never be as popular as aim_ak_colt because the majority of CS players are retards.
Commented 17 years ago2006-07-30 09:17:35 UTC in vault item: de_dustruction Comment #12692
it looks really small for a de_map
Commented 17 years ago2006-07-27 16:53:45 UTC in vault item: Horror Map Comment #12682
aaack! really, really slow server!
Commented 17 years ago2006-07-27 16:05:06 UTC in vault item: aim_famas_x Comment #12681
im sorry if you think im being unfair, but im not.. Aim and Fy maps can be fun, and are fun. But maps like aim_akcolt are dreadful.. Make a theme to your map. make it more interesting. add props - nice lighting.. SOMETHING that makes it different from all the countless other aim_omgdismaprrulelawls
Commented 17 years ago2006-07-27 11:16:14 UTC in vault item: aim_famas_x Comment #12677
when you made this piece of nothing excuse for a map.
Commented 17 years ago2006-07-26 18:34:33 UTC in vault item: dm_cigaro Comment #12670
why is the map called de_cigaro (bomb defusion for CSS) and the tag is for HL2DM?
Commented 17 years ago2006-07-25 08:22:52 UTC in vault item: aim_famas_x Comment #12655
ok, but why does nobody ever make aim or fy maps with themes?

I mean look at this!

You're using lab textures in a forest setting surrounded by a random wall.

Commented 17 years ago2006-07-24 17:46:11 UTC in vault item: xdm_dream Comment #12648
looks nifty... but it also looks like deathmatch.. is it?
If so - tag it properly
Commented 17 years ago2006-07-24 08:25:17 UTC in vault item: de_labyrinth Comment #12646
hmm.. in g-mod it might not work because you wont find whoever you're playing with :P
Commented 17 years ago2006-07-24 08:23:26 UTC in vault item: Srry's Minicompo #3 Entry Comment #12644
wow. typo and a half
Commented 17 years ago2006-07-23 17:13:03 UTC in vault item: dm_apocalyptica Comment #12641
ooh. a welcome HL2DM map.. not many released.
Commented 17 years ago2006-07-22 14:38:45 UTC in vault item: de_labyrinth Comment #12628
will you hate me if i make my own version of this for HL2?

(i wont use any of your work... just the idea)
Commented 17 years ago2006-07-22 06:30:09 UTC in vault item: de_labyrinth Comment #12622
this would kick ass for HL2...

you could have antlions in the labyrinth with you. and combine.. and every other bad guy for that matter