
Commented 14 years ago2010-11-30 10:49:38 UTC in journal: #6900 Comment #66254
Sometimes a dead drive can be revived using the SpinRite utility. Look on It has worked for me to fix several drives. It's $80, but he has a money back guarantee if it doesn't fix the drive. It should work if the failure isn't mechanical.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-19 07:56:08 UTC in vault item: Scientist Firing a Shotgun Comment #11933
This looks good, I always wondered how to do this. Nice!
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-14 17:09:41 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 - Locked In Comment #11849
I liked this map. Great ambience! Good use of sounds also, I was spooked while making my way through. I really liked the clairvoyant camera work. I liked the sprite/laser circle too. Good work.
Commented 19 years ago2005-08-02 20:17:09 UTC in vault item: RMFs for MINIMICUS Comment #8405
That was all done with cameras and well-placed trigger-teleports to create the illusion. When the last grunt fires the rocket, the player is switched to the other sized map during the explosion. For the end map, it was all just camera work.
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-09 20:30:28 UTC in vault item: Cathedral compo13 Comment #7209
This looks really good. The music really added to the effect. And I loved the G-monks! I added the screenshot for you.
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-27 23:39:44 UTC in vault item: Solids not rendering - O'Reilly Comment #5750
Actually the solids are there. They re-appear when you move closer. you do not have any leaks at all. Your map is just having trouble rendering so much. It is a fairly large map and you have some very detailed shapes in there which hammer doesn't like. The palm tree is neat, but the engine will have trouble rendering it. Also, the internal rooms are not closed off properly which causes the engine to try to render everything. Take a look at Andy's tutorial on R-speeds. It will help you understand what is happening.
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-15 00:39:08 UTC in vault item: Feature Length Presentation Comment #5615
I didn't see where you were calling the gmanwalk sequences. So the first one is called from a fire-on-pass in the path_corner. The second is called by the door when it opens. I deleted gmans name field...I think gman can't have a name if you want him to walk (I might be wrong there, but you can't argue with success). I changed your aiscripted_sequence's to plain scripted_sequence's. Had to put info_nodes in the map to help him find his way through the door. Hope that helps. Keep mapping!
Commented 20 years ago2004-11-15 22:56:16 UTC in vault item: Camera issue Comment #5066
This is set up properly. The only thing I noticed is your cameras 'initial speed' was set at 1. I changed it to 500 and it roamed around the room while always trying to look at the func_train.
Commented 20 years ago2004-11-04 22:14:42 UTC in vault item: danger1 Comment #4936
Wouldn't start. Had a monster-stuck-in-wall error.
Commented 20 years ago2004-11-03 19:38:28 UTC in vault item: Slime removal problem Comment #4910
The button that works the slime has a value = 1 in it's health property. Make it 0 and the button will work when you push it.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-09 11:02:50 UTC in vault item: Camera trouble Comment #4375
You have to give your camera an initial speed. Also, whenever you create a set of path corners, walk through the path to test it. Meaning you should click on each path corner; check the name and the next path corner name to make sure each one leads to the next one. I have uploaded a fix. I took out the trigger once and used the 'fire on pass' property of path corner 'm6' to trigger your 'talk' multimanager. The sentence names you used are invalid, unless you have your own sentences file set up somewhere with those names. I triggered your camera again to turn it off at path corner m20.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-06 20:37:07 UTC in vault item: Nexus Comment #4286
It really looks good. Lots of work went into this. Not for low-end PCs or software mode because of the high R-speeds. But the layout, lighting and architecture is really good.
Commented 20 years ago2004-09-24 17:54:52 UTC in vault item: LaserTest Comment #4074
Your beams are working, you just haven't picked a color for them. The default is black (0,0,0) which doesn't show up in-game. Pick a color for each of them. Then you will be able to see other problems your beams have. For instance, you turn them on, but you haven't turned them off again, so they blink...which looks odd. cheers!
Commented 20 years ago2004-08-30 17:44:48 UTC in vault item: Space Lasercore H-L Single Comment #3704
Nice work. Your puzzles make my brain hurt! :) Very nice, overall. I really like the way the mission objectives are given to the player using the laptop.
Commented 20 years ago2004-08-22 17:30:42 UTC in vault item: aim_glasspit Comment #3513
I fixed the screenshot for you. Don't know what fixed it. I just pulled it off your website and resized it as 640x480 and saved it as a jpg file from PSP8.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-31 07:40:42 UTC in vault item: Detailing HL Textures Comment #3083
Nice work, you've got some good ideas here.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-28 20:33:42 UTC in vault item: de_xbox Comment #3026
You need to tie your origin brushes to the entity. Highlight the origin brush and the door, for instance, then hit CNTL+T, answer yes when it asks if you want to tie the new object to the existing entity.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-17 11:53:47 UTC in vault item: 1 day and i know nothing about mapping Comment #2754
My suggestion is to delete this map from here. Then read some tutorials on this site for tips and suggestions. Start with the 'In the beginning' series of tutorials. It will show you much of what you have done wrong.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-17 11:21:36 UTC in vault item: Monster (Tour of Duty) Comment #2753
It wouldn't compile for me, but here's a screenshot of the map in hammer. My advice is to delete this mapvault entry, fix the problems and re-submit it.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-14 18:57:50 UTC in vault item: FPS drops (Bridge-unamed) Comment #2711
You have put too much stuff in your map. The HL engine can't handle it. Take a look at Andy's new tutorial called read me first. It will explain what is wrong.
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-29 21:19:30 UTC in vault item: The Big Tower of Death Comment #2526
Um, not fun...
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-29 21:09:51 UTC in vault item: The Tower Comment #2525
Sometimes a screenshot isn't always a good thing.
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-24 17:55:47 UTC in vault item: Thunderdome Comment #2471
The HL func_ladder causes this to happen sometimes. Usually when the player touches the ladder and another surface (like a wall, or another ladder)at the same time. Try tying all 32 brushes into one ladder. I don't know for sure if that will work.
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-19 08:04:47 UTC in vault item: Trigger_Push Function Comment #2401
A clip brush is any world-brush covered with the clip texture. It is invisible in game. In this case you would usr it to make a small invisible step on the ground in the middle of your square. So when the player moves over it, it causes him to step up and that will allow the trigger_push to work.
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-18 22:04:27 UTC in vault item: Office Comment #2400
A few things are wrong here, but they are easily fixed. First, don't use capital letters anywhere in your maps. Next your light needs a name in order to be targetted, for example 'roomlight' is good. Put it in the name property of the light entity. Then you must have something target 'roomlight' in order to activate it. A func_button or a multimanager works nicely for this. Also, ticking the toggle flag of a button means each push of the button turns it on or off, and it stays on or off until the button is pressed again. Hope that helps. It looks like your map will be fun when it's done.
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-18 17:50:59 UTC in vault item: Trigger_Push Function Comment #2394
Make it taller than the player. And give it a much stronger speed of push...250 plus is a good place to start. The player must jump in order to trigger it. To make him rise automatically, you need to make the player step UP while in the trigger; use a small clip brush on the floor for that.
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-16 18:38:03 UTC in vault item: Resettable Explosions Comment #2352
Thanks, I figured out why using the button_target alone caused problems. After the first shot, the env_explosion damage triggered the button_target again in an endless cycle...Duh! I should have seen that right away. :)
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-16 06:16:28 UTC in vault item: Resettable Explosions Comment #2344
Yes, for some reason the button_target alone just continually kept triggering the mm after one shot. By targetting a button, I could adjust the delay-before-reset...which made it one-shot, one-explosion.
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-03 19:09:30 UTC in vault item: Leak in glockmap Comment #2203
Very nice map especially for a beginner. There were several things wrong besides the leak. BTW, the leaks were at the top of each corner of the bottom section. Just extending those walls a little further fixed it. Always do a check for problems (Alt+P) in your map. When you see "func_xxxx is empty" you need to click 'go to error', then close the check for problems box, put your cursor over any of the 2-D windows and hit your delete key. Do this for each empty func_. Your skyname in map properties was causing problems, I removed it for now. It was probably just an invalid skyname. And lastly, your info player start was inside a wall. I moved it down to the floor. See the attached map containing all the fixes.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-22 11:51:18 UTC in vault item: killring Comment #1993
Your maps won't start for me for some reason. I get a "Put client/server no info player start" message.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-13 20:35:13 UTC in vault item: scripted_sequence problems Comment #1870
I'm not sure what you mean... When I compiled this and ran it, the sequence worked perfectly. Your houndeye ran right to the scripted_sequence. But since you didn't put anything in the action animation property of the Scripted_sequence, the houndeye's AI takes over immediately after he reaches it. Everything is working properly in this map. Let me know what you were expecting to see and maybe I can help.
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-28 17:18:20 UTC in vault item: SCIENCE DEMO Comment #1736
I liked it. But then, I always like killing innocent scientists. (I didn't rate the map though because it's an example map)
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-14 19:09:59 UTC in vault item: sky_city Comment #1621
I gave an honest try at fixing this map, but there is just too much wrong with it. It is too large, as Anthony noted. I was able to fix the 'brush outside world' errors by moving the entire map up towards the center of the grid. But then came the coplanar errors, too many to mention but i got them all deleted and then the leaks showed up. After that I gave up. You should create a smaller area to work in, and compile often to find problems and fix them before moving on.
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-11 07:55:29 UTC in vault item: Suit Comment #1577
This looks good for a first map. Things are placed correctly. Now that you have the basics down, there are details that you will need to learn. As Vox mentioned above, the lighting and the r_speeds are something you could focus on learning next. Andy has a good tutorial on R_speeds here at TWHL. Keep mapping, your next project will be even better.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-26 19:42:55 UTC in vault item: Tracktrain Comment #1421
Very cool example map! I like the addition of the sprites showing the path_tracks.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-25 23:40:19 UTC in vault item: Test Room Comment #1402
Barney can't climb the step into the hallway. Make the floor of the hall level with the floor of the room. Or make a ramp leading up to the hall.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-14 20:26:09 UTC in vault item: The Lobby Comment #1241
Nice, Pepper, that is one shiny frickin floor! 4 stars...
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-01 17:49:04 UTC in vault item: Timefall (SP Mod) Comment #1139
I was fortunate enough to be a beta tester on this. It is awesome! There's some tough situations to solve and a really cool sequence that propels you through the time/space continuum. Very good maps and a nice storyline. 5 stars!
Commented 20 years ago2004-02-24 18:59:19 UTC in vault item: Endlevel Boss Comment #1099
I liked it, nice idea. Very cool. I'm sure a few people will ask you how you did this without using HL-spirit. Is it possible for the player to kill the end-boss?
Commented 20 years ago2004-02-21 10:40:05 UTC in vault item: fy_vatoloco Comment #1057
I thought it was well constructed. Your R_speeds were good. I noticed the entrances to the warehouse are close together. If one team gains control of the warehouse it would be very hard for the other team to take over. Nice first map. Much better than some of the recent CS maps we've seen. 4 stars.
Commented 21 years ago2004-02-16 21:34:42 UTC in vault item: First map beta 3 Comment #1027
The latest update works much better, it worked for me on the very first try! WooHOO!
Commented 21 years ago2004-02-16 21:19:28 UTC in vault item: A lot of ammo Comment #1026
I only found .dll's in this file. Do you want people to overwrite their original HL dll with yours? Ay Carumba, Homer!
Commented 21 years ago2004-02-16 09:30:39 UTC in vault item: Leak Comment #1022
There is no leak. You've used a water texture on your walls. Make them a concrete texture and the problem goes away. Also, you need to remove a problem... Here's how, open the map in hammer, press Alt+P to check for problems. See the 'func_pushable is empty' problem? Highlight that and press 'go to error'. Then close the 'check for problems' window. Move your cursor over any of the 2D windows and hit the delete key on your keyboard. That is the only way to fix that type of error.
Commented 21 years ago2004-02-14 15:36:04 UTC in vault item: First map beta 3 Comment #1010
Warning: couldn't open Valve/linelli.wad
Commented 21 years ago2004-01-17 19:47:25 UTC in vault item: Space-ship Comment #767
This looks really good! Some nice ideas, I like the way the doors open, and the space port was cool! Perhaps you could have a spaceship come into it. Lots of hard work must have gone into this so far. The green hallways look interesting, but they need some different color or something to break them up a bit.
Commented 21 years ago2004-01-10 18:39:04 UTC in vault item: shotgun_canyon Comment #740
You're welcome for the screenie. It was me.
Commented 21 years ago2004-01-08 21:48:50 UTC in vault item: Suit on = Barney should open gate (escape_1) Comment #731
Here you go. This looks good so far. I cleaned up a few things. Keep up the good work.
Commented 21 years ago2004-01-01 16:03:39 UTC in vault item: HLywood Comment #647
Anthony, "valve/fonts.wad" comes with Half-life, I'm not sure why it's missing on your setup. This is working for everyone else who tries it. Hopefully you'll figure it out, this map is worth the effort. :)
Commented 21 years ago2003-12-13 11:25:08 UTC in vault item: HLywood Comment #563
Thanks Tlax! The Terminator's "I'll be back!" is in there along with Dr. Evil, Austin Powers, James Bond, Dirty Harry and Golom (from Lord of the Rings), just to name just a few. They say different stuff every time you play the map, so play through it more than once to hear everything. I'm glad to hear people are enjoying this. It was fun to make!
Commented 21 years ago2003-12-12 18:52:57 UTC in vault item: HLywood Comment #557
Heh heh, I planned it that way. At the beginning of the level it says to 'Escort' barney and the scientist to the end. Websters dictionary defines the word 'Escort' as "Keeping Barney with you at all times." :)