Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-04-18 19:18:36 UTC
in Whats ur longest time? Post #22998
I map; therefore, I am.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-18 14:36:44 UTC
in Monster Spawn Post #22971
You can set up a Monstermaker to spawn monsters automatically without a multimanager. But if you want the sprite and smoke puff, then you do want to coordinate everything with a multimanager.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-18 10:15:14 UTC
in Map is gone !!!!!!!!! Post #22943
I delete vault entries that contain corrupt zip files, perhaps this happened to your map? (I'm not sure if yours was deleted for this reason or not.) Just re-submit it, and test download it to be sure it works. What was it an example of?
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-18 10:07:12 UTC
in You've Been Mapping Too Much When... Post #22941
You know you haven't been been mapping enough when you still care how many TWHL logins you have. ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-18 10:03:58 UTC
in Famous acquaintances Post #22940
I got an e-mail from Atom once! Does that count? ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-17 21:49:47 UTC
in You've Been Mapping Too Much When... Post #22893
I know I've been mapping too much when I see a vent cover on a real building and wonder if I could break it with a crowbar.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-17 10:50:01 UTC
in Whats ur longest time? Post #22853
14 hours :confused:
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-11 07:58:25 UTC
in Yep I have another Problem.... Post #22110
Also, make sure you aren't testing your level change while hammer is running. For most people, this causes the change to fail. Compile your maps, then close hammer, open HL and run your first map from the console.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-10 20:17:27 UTC
in New Name... Post #22083
Up until I was 10 years old, I thought my first name was 'dammit!' ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-31 21:23:34 UTC
in Rugged edge shadows/ambience Post #20934
I found it for you, this is your answer for the second question:
I had the same problem in the darker areas of Minimicus. I needed them brighter, but adding light entities wasn't the right solution and Map Brightness didn't work for me either. I was able to get the right amount of light by using the -ambient parm in the $light.exe compile command. I set mine to -ambient .0047 .0047 .0047 which barely lights up the dark areas. Try a higher setting if you need more light. The settings are very sensitive though, as you'll discover if you try it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-30 23:21:41 UTC
in What instuments do you play Post #20888
I play guitar. I think there is a definite connection between mapping and music. In music you have to put all the right notes together to make a song and you add your own style to make it unique. In mapping you put all the right brushes together and also add your own style to make it cool. I can picture Gordon Freeman playing a wicked guitar solo. (Although it's somewhat difficult to picture him playing a wicked piccolo solo, heh heh!) ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-27 22:49:42 UTC
in My Turret Post #20707
Your turret is either too detailed, or the details are not shaped correctly. When I compiled the map, there were many 'coplanar' errors. You'll have to rebuild certain pieces of the turret. In your compile log, notice the "Entity 4, brush 17" lists many brush numbers. Each of these brushes will need to be rebuilt or deleted; they are causing the problem. Find them in worldcraft by using the Go-to-brush function (Ctrl+shift+G). It looks as though you have carved some of your brushes to get them to look like they do. Try making several separate brushes placed together to acheive the same shape. Simplify the shapes as much as you can. The double barrel will cause you trouble later. When you want to shoot the tank, you won't be able to make bullets/rockets come out of both barrels.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-25 23:40:41 UTC
in Node Graph out of date error Post #20516
Barney can't climb the step into the hallway. Make the floor of the hall level with the floor of the room. Or make a ramp leading up to the hall. BTW, you ARE pressing the use button to get him to follow you in the first place, right?
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-25 20:41:24 UTC
in realistic Func_train Post #20505
Welcome to the club! :D Stick with it though, you'll get it. The func_tracktrain not appearing just means you are missing something. Does it have an origin brush? Are you using path_tracks? The func_tracktrains use those instead of path_corners. If mapping was easy, TWHL wouldn't be necessary. ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-25 20:33:28 UTC
in Node Graph out of date error Post #20504
For info-nodes, the sparkly things are caused when an info_node can't connect to another info_node. In other words, it's lonely. ;) Put in another info_node that has a direct line-of-sight to the first one and the sparklies will go away.
What Vassy said above is true when placing monster_whatever type entities close to a world brush .
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-23 23:58:48 UTC
in Atom Post #20349
I ate his liver, with some fava beans and a nice Chianti! :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-21 00:31:06 UTC
in A far fall and (YOU DONT GET HURT!??!!) Post #20047
I map; therefore I am. So "floating realistically" is true enough in my world. ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-20 15:58:49 UTC
in A far fall and (YOU DONT GET HURT!??!!) Post #20006
I gave this a try. The setup that worked for me was to stack 4 thick trigger_pushes that together covered the the bottom 3/4ths of the distance of the fall. The top 3 pushes were set "up" at 900 speed and the bottom one was set "up" at 200. The player jumps or steps off the edge and the trigger_pushes slow his descent until he lands gently at the bottom. You could tweak this setup to meet your needs and then you don't need to use water. Don't tick the "fire once" flag on these; for some reason when I tried it it looked like the player was going down steps. Leave it unticked and he just floats down realistically.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-15 20:06:04 UTC
in How would i go about doing this? Post #19458
Tell me how you use a multi_manager that lets the player enter a room without triggering a fade/level-change sequence but then triggers the fade/level-change as the player leaves the room through the same door. That's what I think Dark Phoenix is asking... but then I could be wrong. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-14 20:38:22 UTC
in How would i go about doing this? Post #19392
ZombieLoffe, I'll cut you some slack since you've been sick, :) but trigger_once doesn't have a start 'off' property. However, your idea would work using a multisource as the master of the doorway trigger_once. Then the trigger_once in the room could target the multisource, so when you leave the room the doorway trigger would fire. As for the fade/level-change, I have an example map called Teldelay that shows how to control a fade/teleport, which could be converted to control a fade/level-change. Dark Phoenix, your idea can be done. If you want to pull it off, it looks like you'll be learning a lot about multisource!
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-14 12:55:34 UTC
in Track Train Post #19356
Sounds like a good map to put in the problem maps section of the vault.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-14 10:30:04 UTC
in Rounded corners Post #19342
Here's a tut I found. Rounded Corners!
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-13 16:54:12 UTC
in null texture Post #19247
Wrong. :D Sky can be any brush (or set of brushes) that is on the outer edge of your map.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-11 22:57:46 UTC
in Track Train Post #19132
Your origin brush needs to go in the middle of your func_train, not the path_corner. Then you highlight the origin brush, and cntl-click to also highlight the func_train. When both are highlighted, do a tie-to-entity. When the dialog box comes up and says "Do you want to tie everything to the existing func_train?" Click "yes". Now you finally have an origin brush in your func_train. When you compile the map, the func_train will show up wherever it's first path_corner is. Adjust the path_corners and recompile to get the func_train to be where you want it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-10 22:02:13 UTC
in Favorite band Post #19017
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-02 18:21:24 UTC
in Windows XP SP2! Post #18113
;) Just havin a little fun of my own. heh heh OK, I'm done. :cool:
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-02 14:43:18 UTC
in All sorts of help here Post #18082
It is possibly the capital letters you have used in your names. Get into the habit of never using capitals anywhere in your entity names. Also, Seventh-Monkey has an excellent example map using the wave animation. Check it out here! Follow his example and you will get yours to work.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-02 11:01:22 UTC
in decals? Post #18071
Normal textures won't work as decals. Instead, you can make a thin brush and put your normal texture on that. There is a fantastic tutorial on decals here at TWHL. Click here to see it! :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-29 23:57:12 UTC
in dissapearing ladders Post #17972
In check-for-problems, hit "go to error" for one of the "empty" items. Then close the check for problems window, move your cursor over any of the 2D windows and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Do this for each "entity is empty" problem. This is the only way to fix those. The "fix problem" button will not fix them.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-29 23:52:20 UTC
in All sorts of help here Post #17971
It sounds like you need to use a func_door_rotating as your floor. Then you can trigger it to turn it 90 degrees. You'll need to set it up properly, with an origin brush on the axis where you want the floor to pivot.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-29 23:48:34 UTC
in The end Post #17970
You need to use a trigger_endsection. Give it a name and trigger it when you are ready to exit the map. Place this in the section property without the quotes "_oem_end_logo". That tells HL to go to the menu screen.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-24 08:24:37 UTC
in multitriggering Post #17196
It sounds to me like you originally had both guards triggering the multimanager whenever they see the player. So when the first guard sees you, he triggers the multimanager and things go as they should. But then the second guard sees you and ALSO triggers the multimanager which turns everything off. Just have one guard trigger the multimanager, take the trigger off the second guard. If you want to use a multisource, the guards triggers can't talk to the multisource directly, you need to have them trigger a button (or something else) which triggers the multisource...that gets tricky.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-23 18:55:14 UTC
in Getting ahold of a some1 Post #17150
Find it on the net and download it, the author should be in the readme file.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-23 18:53:10 UTC
in Another game error... Post #17149
Your newly compiled map is not being placed in the correct directory. Then your mapname is executed but the old map is the one that's in the directory. Check your hammer configuration, specifically... where the compiled maps are being placed.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-23 18:49:35 UTC
in killing an apache Post #17147
I had this same problem in the TWHL osprey challenge competition. It turns out you can't kill the chopper sound...or I never found a way, and trust me, I looked everywhere and tried everything. My solution was to put a big cannon in the level and let the player shoot down the chopper.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-16 11:32:25 UTC
in help pls Post #16340
I like using the game_text entity for this. Place it in your map anywhere, give it a name, type your message in the message text area. Then when you want the message to appear, trigger the name you gave it.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-16 10:04:54 UTC
in Map downloads Post #16333
The downloads are working OK for me, both remote and local. Perhaps it was a temporary glitch. Try it again and see if you still have trouble.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-09 22:28:48 UTC
in An other problem Post #15878
If it only happens when you put an entity in, it sounds like you are placing the entity outside the walls of your map. (Also known as "ents in the void" like ministeve said. Don't worry, we all have trouble decifering his messages sometimes. Heh heh, sorry ministeve.) Anyway, when you place an entity, check all the views (top, side, and front) to make sure you are placing the entity inside the walls of your map. That should fix the problem.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-08 19:22:11 UTC
in Keep Getting error Post #15725
You have a brush with an 'illegal' shape, meaning a shape that hammer will not recognize during a compile. To fix this, open your map in hammer and hit Ctrl+Shift+G, that opens a dialog window called "go to brush. Type in 0 for entity and 37 for brush, then hit enter. This will mark the offending brush. Then you can fix it by using vertex manipulation, or you can delete the brush and remake it.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-01 20:14:46 UTC
in Cant get scripted seqences to repeat... Post #14893
Go to the old scripted_sequence competition page on this site and download my rmf called 'the crusher'. It starts off in a room with two zombies eating a barney and they keep eating until the player moves. Let me know if you need more help after you see it.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-01 13:08:43 UTC
in HL "Media" stuff Post #14825
For the media in Minimicus and HLywood I used a tool called Animation Shop that comes with PaintShop pro. There is a free PaintShop Pro download that is good for 30 days. I learned how to do the logo.avi stuff by following a tutorial on 69th Vlatitude's site called Custom menu art for your MOD. It's slightly hard to learn but gets easier with practice. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have on how to do this.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-28 23:21:01 UTC
in THe Brat will rize again. Post #14278
Grounded for months?!?! What the hell did you do to get grounded for months? Dude, that's harsh! :o
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-24 09:31:15 UTC
in PS2 Online Post #13589
Xbox Live gamertag SlayerA. Crimson Skies is awesome. (Xbox lemmings rule!) :cool:
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-20 23:29:28 UTC
in dropping weapons Post #13056
Woud a trigger_push (pushing down) work? :
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-10 18:59:27 UTC
in Can you trigger to change levels? Post #11534
It's good that you are getting close. You'll get there. If you are testing your changelevel from Hammer (worldcraft), that could be your problem. You want to compile your map, then close hammer, then open your map from the HL console. For some reason the levelchange won't work from within hammer. Also make sure you aren't using any capital letters in your entity names. It's just a good mapping habit to get into because the capitals cause problems in some cases. I have tested calling the trigger_changelevel from a multimanager and it does work. Send me an e-mail if you want me to send you my changelevel test rmf's.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-10 12:29:41 UTC
in Can you trigger to change levels? Post #11485
The easiest way to link things together and have them timed correctly is to use a Multi_manager. You should be able to set off your trigger_changelevel from your multi_manager too. Tick the 'use only' flag on the trigger_changelevel and place it out of the player's reach.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-05 22:32:00 UTC
in Dark side of a door Post #10841
If you are using ZHLT, you can also use the minimum light level property of your func_door_rotating. It's sensitive, set it at about .15 at first.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-03 17:54:10 UTC
in creating visible teleporters Post #10381
Use one of the teleporter sprites, and put your trigger_changelevel brush inside it. I know I've simplified it quite a bit, let me know if you need me to be more specific.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-18 19:13:15 UTC
in Having a baby Post #8268
I'm not the kind of father who does stuff, or says stuff, or even looks at the kid; but the love is there. :D
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-13 23:20:26 UTC
in Models Post #7638
Here you go! Look at the modeling for Half-life tutorials there.