Forum posts

I don't think monster_apache respects the TriggerX attributes.

One way I can think of is having trigger_multiple entities along the path of the osprey, with both "monsters"and "no clients" flag checked. Use it to reset a timer. As long as the osprey is alive it will periodically hit the triggers, resetting the timer. When the osprey is destroyed the floating trigger would no longer be receiving triggers so the timer will time out, which you can set to kill the monstermaker.
I don't think the engine reads a resource/newgamemenu.res file, only resource/gamemenu.res.
Posted 2 months ago2024-11-22 00:17:07 UTC
in blinking/flashing brushes Post #349362
The problem: Too many entities are visible in some spots in the map, which makes some brush entities stop rendering.

The causes:
  • Unoptimized map layout - too open and without the classic kinked corridors used to block visibility →do that
  • VIS ran with -fast → remove -fast
  • too many entities → remove some, merge some
I'm liking this idea. So much so that it was actually simply puzzling how none popped up for the whole year after the release of hl25.

However, I advice going the server plugin route so that it is still hldm clientside. This should have a bit more visibility and staying power than a custom mp mod in this day and age.
Posted 3 months ago2024-10-10 10:31:54 UTC
in mp4, avi, or webm cutscenes possible? Post #349241
Sorry, but nope. Not with the vanilla SDK.
SoHL has accumulated bugs through the years from the simple fact of Valve keeping updating the engine.
For the most up-to-date flavour of SoHL, and way more featureful on top, there's Featureful.
Posted 4 months ago2024-09-21 08:57:05 UTC
in How to set up Spirit of Half Life? Post #349175
☝ Seconding the above. Freeslave had done a fantastic job indeed. 💯
Posted 4 months ago2024-09-05 11:07:32 UTC
in cry of fear embedded bsp textures modification Post #349130
  1. Open command prompt.
  2. Use ripent to export a .wad file of the textures on the map:
    <path/to/ripent> -textureexport <path/to/bsp>
  3. Open the wad file in Wally. Note that there will be a lot of gaps of missing textures. That's normal, and mean those are "referenced" but not embedded into the bsp.
  4. Open the valid images in the wad and edit as you wish.
  5. Save the wad file when you're done, and close Wally.
  6. Use ripent again to import the edited wad file back into the bsp:
    <path/to/ripent> -textureimport <path/to/bsp>
As for those empty wad entries, try find them in one of the WADs in the mod folder, which the bsp loads externally. Edit them the same way with Wally.

Protip: you can copy and paste images into Wally (but I don't guarantee that it'd look good)
Posted 4 months ago2024-09-02 16:58:03 UTC
in cry of fear embedded bsp textures modification Post #349124
If the end goal is to upscale the textures, what you can do instead is to turn them into detail textures. there's a few ways to apply them back on the original faces, one of which is as follows: Tutorial: (Almost) correct detail textures for upscaling WAD textures
post the log. always post the log.
Posted 6 months ago2024-07-28 08:25:14 UTC
in Half-Life: dx Post #349020
If possible try implement it as a server plugin instead of a separate mod, because it's hard to capture and maintain a player base for a new mod, especially mp.
Posted 6 months ago2024-07-19 10:12:33 UTC
in How do i make trains? Post #349004
Usually tram prefabs are already set up to be tracktrains. Try find an example track train setup with both train and path tracks to study how they work as a system, then replicate with your own.
Posted 6 months ago2024-07-15 16:54:30 UTC
in REMEC doesn't work? Post #348991
Have you tried asking the authors of Remec for help?
Posted 6 months ago2024-07-14 15:52:14 UTC
in MESS 1.2.3 is now available Post #348986
map2prop 1.0 and mess 1.2.3 releasing within a week of each other is really something. good job to both of you :D

now to update my stuff with the power of the two combined >:D
Posted 6 months ago2024-07-02 14:41:08 UTC
in Problem with making a lift using func_train Post #348942
Instead of deleting the thread, how about sharing with us how you solved your problem so that other people can learn from your experience.

That's good Internet etiquette. "Nvm solved it" isn't.
Posted 7 months ago2024-06-27 01:05:51 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #348930
^ have you tried playing a map with that and with texture filtering off? it looks god awful at anything higher than 1.
Posted 7 months ago2024-06-26 04:52:31 UTC
in TWHL+: Userscript + uBlock Origin filter combo Post #348926
The decision to use uBO filters was me discovering it can do cosmetic CSS adjustments in the first place. It saved me having to install a userstyle browser extension. And it's quite more powerful than vanilla CSS too. Related journal entry.
Posted 7 months ago2024-06-26 04:39:25 UTC
in TWHL+: Userscript + uBlock Origin filter combo Post #348925
This is a combination of userscript and uBlock Origin filters I wrote for my personal use, that I figure could be useful to other members.


  • The header search bar can can be made to search the vault and wiki specifically
  • Hide TFC section of entity guide pages
  • Place long lists in wiki entity guide pages into columns
  • Move table of contents of long wiki pages to a fixed location off to the sides
  • Ability to make wiki pages narrower to help improve readability
  • Add button to list pages linking to/from the current wiki page
  • Improved appearance for those using Dark Reader browser extension
  • Use monospace font on large edit boxes (and tab size of 4, sorry but 8 is too much!)
  • Make wiki edit page span the width of the browser
You need to have both uBlock Origin and a userscript extension installed, and install both parts, otherwise some features from the userscript won't work properly.

uBlock Origin filters

To use this requires uBlock Origin. Other adblockers not tested, they may not have cosmetic filtering feature uBO uses.
! exclamation mark at start of line marks a line comment
! similarly you can comment out entries below by prefixing with !

! 26/12/2023

! these 2 lines remove the background for a better Dark Reader result
||$image !important)

! this makes textareas use monospaced font
! trust me, you're going to need this! !important)

! this compresses entity guide's attribute value lists into 3 columns[id^="Attributes"] + ul > li > ul:style(columns:3)[id^="Attributes"] + .card + ul > li > ul:style(columns:3)

! this compresses Render FX list into 6 columns[id^="Attributes"] + ul > li:has-text(/^Render FX/) > ul:style(columns:6 !important)[id^="Attributes"] + .card + ul > li:has-text(/^Render FX/) > ul:style(columns:6 !important)

! this hides the bloated TFC entity guide panels below most entity guide pages[id^="Team_Fortress_Classic_only"]:upward(1):style(display:none !important)

! 2024-05-23 resize game icons in articles down from 32px img[src^=""]:style(width:20px)

! 2024-06-22 make overflowing card scrollable

! 2024-02-14
! === wiki edit pages ===
! makes edit page fullwidth[action=""]:upward(1):style(max-width:100vw !important)[action=""]:upward(1):style(max-width:100vw !important)
! reset original width for preview>:last-child:style(max-width:1140px; margin:auto)
! 2024-05-08 added fira code for code blocks, kbd, pre, samp:style(font-family:Fira Code,SFMono-Regular,Menlo,Monaco,Consolas,Liberation Mono,Courier New,monospace !important)
! 2024-06-10 side-by-side editor-preview adjust size of preview card .form-group:last-child .card:style(max-height: calc(100vh - 60px))

How To Install

  1. Copy the text in the code block above
  2. Open the uBlock Origin dashboard
    • Click uBO icon on toolbar > Icon with gears
  3. Go to My filters page
  4. Paste the copied text at the end of the text area
  5. Save the filter list


Developed and tested on Tampermonkey. Since this doesn't use any GM_* features it should theoretically work on other userscript extensions like Greasemonkey. Again, no guarantees.
// ==UserScript==
// @name         TWHL+
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  The Whole Half-Life made wholesome
// @author       kimilil
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    const root = document.documentElement;
    const searchMap = {
        all: {action: "/search/index", method: "GET"},
        vault: {action: "/vault/index", method: "GET"},
        wikitext: {action: "/wiki-special/query-search", method: "GET"}
    const doCustomSearch = (targetForm, action, method) => {
        targetForm.action = action;
        targetForm.method = method;

    for (const searchForm of [document.querySelector(".header-desktop form.navbar-search-inline")]) {
<div class="input-group-append">
  <button type="button" class="btn dropdown-toggle dropdown-toggle-split" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
    <span class="sr-only">Search options</span>
  <div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right">
    <h6 class="dropdown-header">Search in:</h6>
    <a class="dropdown-item" href="#" data-searchin="all">All of TWHL</a>
    <a class="dropdown-item" href="#" data-searchin="vault">Vault</a>
    <a class="dropdown-item" href="#" data-searchin="wikitext">Wiki text (exact)</a>

        for (const item in searchMap) {
            .addEventListener('click', e => doCustomSearch(
                searchMap[item].method) )

    // wiki pages
    if (location.pathname.match(/\/wiki\//)) {
        //const title = decodeURIComponent(location.pathname.split("/").pop()).replace(/_/g," ")
        // Adds a button that shows what links to/from it
        const title = document.querySelector("h1").innerText
        .replace(/^\s?(?:Edit\:|History of|(Upload:)?\s+)/i,"$1")
        document.querySelector(".wiki-navigation .btn-group:first-child")
            .insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `
              <a class="btn btn-light" href="${encodeURIComponent(title)}">
                <span class="fa fa-link"></span> Links

        // checkbox to narrow the page
        document.querySelector(".breadcrumb .no-breadcrumb")
            .insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", `
            <label class="mr-2">Narrow page <input type="checkbox" id="twhlx-narrowpage"></label>
        .addEventListener("change", (e) =>'--page-pad', ( ? 10 : 0) + "rem"))

        // setup --page-pad defaults and make wiki pages use it'--page-pad', "0rem")
        document.querySelector(".wiki").style.padding = "0 var(--page-pad)"

How to Install (Tampermonkey)

  1. Copy the code above
  2. Open dashboard
  3. Press the tab with "+" to create a new script
  4. Paste the script
  5. Save the script

License and DISCLAIMER

The MIT License. Full Text.




uBO Filters



Enhanced searchEnhanced search
Improved wiki experienceImproved wiki experience
You got a point. Dunno why I didn't think of that.

To be fair though, featureful goes a bit more beyond unified, and doesn't break as much stuff as unified.

Unified also changes a lot under the hood. You need to relearn a lot of stuff.

Featureful goes beyond unified in some stuff too, like entities from sohl, svencoop, and the PS2 ports.

Does unified have quake fx entities? Does it have subtitles? Featureful has. Can you turn off stuff you don't need in unified? Featureful can.

In the end it's up to the guy to compare the two and pick which one works best.
Featureful already done the work for you.

As for replacing the viewmodels, first try pasting the desired viewmodel files over the original.
Posted 7 months ago2024-06-18 15:06:10 UTC
in How to modify the fonts in scorboard-HLDM Post #348894
Try the <number>_textscheme.txt files at the root of the game/mod folder.
Posted 7 months ago2024-06-17 16:42:17 UTC
in Does anyone have a working Tank Prefab? Post #348886
They all work as intended. The #1 caveat is that they must point East in the editor, and you must use the Yaw value to orient them in game.

Please, always check our wiki's entity guides for every entity you wish to use as it will tell you about specific requirements like this. In this class, func_tank.
Posted 7 months ago2024-06-13 02:34:15 UTC
in Playermodel hovering Post #348873
wdym 63? did you changed the height of the model? he said to shift the origin of the model. you do that with the qc command $origin 0 0 -36 (can't remember positive or negative), or just use HLAM's transform tool. use trial and error until you get it right, basically.
Posted 7 months ago2024-06-01 05:54:17 UTC
in How do i run a map Post #348841
you didn't update the Build Programs paths
User posted image
As someone from the 90s with entrenched knowledge of paths and folder structures idk how to unlearn 20+ years of arcane knowledge and approach it as a newbie. Perhaps this video might help. I sure hope it does. If not you might have to search YouTube for the topic until you find something that clicks.
Posted 7 months ago2024-06-01 05:45:29 UTC
in How do I rotate sprites? Post #348840
To add, there's a sneaky hanky panky going on with roll values that's relevant for oriented type. If Roll is 0 then Yaw and Roll will get swapped. Therefore Roll needs to be non-zero eg 360.

Everything is documented in the wiki page for env_sprite.
Posted 8 months ago2024-05-25 06:11:08 UTC
in Is it possible to play vox sentences individually? Post #348826
have you tried ambient_generic where the WAV value is an entry id from sentences.txt prefixed with !?

e.g. in sentences.txt there's:
C2A2_launch (p50) deeoo deeoo deeoo (p100) satellite launch system activated. five deeoo(p50) four deeoo(p51) three deeoo(p52) two deeoo(p53) one deeoo(p54) launch is go
then in the ambient_generic:
  • "WAV Name" (message) = !C2A2_launch
  • Flags:
    • ☑ Play Everywhere
    • ☑ Start Silent
    • ☑ Not Toggled
Posted 8 months ago2024-05-18 04:53:25 UTC
in MESS 1.2 has been released! Post #348807
Okay, I just figured out why I never get multi-target patterns; I can never get it to work for some reason. It just doesn't. 😭
Posted 8 months ago2024-05-16 16:04:42 UTC
in MESS 1.2 has been released! Post #348803
Thanks for the feedback. I've amended zhlt_strip, speedfactor, and mtlx_decal_text.

The thing with multi-target patterns is that I haven't internalized how it works and so haven't been using it, hence why I cooked my own. Maybe I should make it split the entire pattern with semicolons and pass the rest of the multi pattern to the stock library.

AFTER_MACRO_EXPANSION also I don't fully understand hence why I missed it.

But yeah, looking forward to JACK FGD support and model() rewriting in the next update!
Posted 8 months ago2024-05-08 18:39:20 UTC
in MESS 1.2 has been released! Post #348782
I don't feel like this qualifies for a Vault entry, so here it is instead, a menagerie of miscellaneous MESSy stuffs I made on MESS 1.2.2.
Item Description File type(s)
zhlt_strip strips stray zhlt keyvalues that might produce unintended results in your map .ted
speedfactor multiplies any speed keyvalue in entity by a factor. useful to quickly multiply values for a range of entities with finely-calibrated speed values. .ted
mtlx_decal_text translates to a bunch of infodecals representing stenciled text. besides letters and numbers, also transforms some text symbols to a bunch of other decals. .ted, .map
mtlx_multi_manager translates to a multi_manager. this entity facilitates easy selection of targets using JACK's dropdown textbox. Also shows the arrow connections. .ted
mtlx_trigger_sequential translates to a relay that fires specified targets in order, and can loop back at the end of the list e.g. this → t1, this → t2, this → t3, this → t1... .ted, .map
texture_scrollspeed_handler BUGFIX for the one included in MESS 1.2.2 .ted
note: mtlx stands for MESS template library extras, to compliment MESS' included mtl entities.
  • MESS 1.2.2 or above
  1. Dump contents of gist/zip file to <mess 1.2.2+ install path>/template_entities/custom/
  2. Run MESS once to update mess.fgd
  3. Restart JACK/Hammer to load the updated mess.fgd
Posted 8 months ago2024-05-03 04:53:24 UTC
in How to make fake elevator? Post #348765
I wrote a tutorial for this, but haven't published it because there's no screenshot yet. If you can work with text alone, here's a snippet:
Suppose two maps building_base and building_top. To setup the elevator, we first need two doors and two buttons. The buttons target the doors. Now, one of the doors will fire our changelevel upon closing but the other will target a multisource which we'll place near the button inside the elevator. Don't worry, we will put the list of entity specs in a bit.

Then we setup the functional level change setup. As with previous, we put our trigger_changelevel way up in the ceiling (or even hidden in a nook nearby, as long as the players can't reach it), an info_landmark in the middle of the elevator floor, and a trigger_transition covering the whole elevator interior. Note that the trigger_changelevel's change target will target a multi_manager that manages the elevator ride effect.

Finally we'll be placing a few atmospheric entities to create the sensation of riding an elevator. One ambient_generic for the starting and stopping sound, another for the travelling sound, and a third for the chime. An env_shake for the jolt. Lastly a multi_manager to manage them all.

The entity specs for the setup is as follows:
Door and button setup
  • Outside func_button:
    • Target: elev_door
    • Delay before reset: 4
  • Inside func_button:
    • Target: elev_door
    • Master: elev_lock
    • Delay before reset: 4
  • One of the func_door:
    • Name: elev_door
    • Fire on close: changelevel_elev_relay
    • Flags: ☑Toggle
  • The other func_door:
    • Name: elev_door
    • Target: elev_lock
    • Flags: ☑Toggle
  • The multisource:
    • Name: elev_lock
Changelevel setup
  • trigger_relay (to delay changelevel)
    • Name: changelevel_elev_relay
    • Target: changelevel_elev
    • Delay before trigger: 1
  • trigger_changelevel
    • Name: changelevel_elev
    • New map name: building_top
    • Landmark name: lm_elev
    • Change target: elev_ride_mm
    • Delay before change target: 1
    • Flag: ☑ USE only (2)
  • info_landmark
    • Name: lm_elev
  • trigger_transition
    • Name: lm_elev
Elevator ride setup
  • ambient_generic (the jolt sound)
    • Name: elev_jolt
    • WAV name: plats/talkstop1.wav
    • Flags: ☑Start silent, ☑Not toggled
  • ambient_generic (the moving sound)
    • Name: elev_move
    • WAV name: plats/elevmove2.wav
    • Flags: ☑Start silent, ☐Not toggled
  • ambient_generic (the chime sound)
    • Name: elev_chime
    • WAV name: plats/elevbell1.wav
    • Flags: ☑Start silent, ☑Not toggled
Elevator ride setup (continued)
  • env_shake (elevator jolt)
    • Name: elev_jolt
    • Amplitude: 2
    • Effect radius: 500
    • Duration: 1
    • 0.1=Jerk, 255.0=rumble: 1
  • multi_manager
    • Name: elev_ride_mm
    • elev_jolt = 1
    • elev_move = 1.5
    • elev_jolt#1 = 6
    • elev_move#1 = 6
    • elev_chime = 7
    • elev_door = 8
    • (Adjust delay as needed)
On the other map, the entire setup can be copy-pasted wholesale, with only the new map name of trigger_changelevel set to the first map (e.g. building_base) and everything should just work.
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-26 00:06:52 UTC
in How to get portal gun as a weapon in HL2? Post #348747
Portal gun is only available in Portal. But since it's essentially a HL2 mod you can run HL2 maps in Portal.
  1. Launch Portal
  2. Enable the console
  3. Open console
  4. Type in these commands:
    • sv_cheats 1
    • map d1_trainstation_01
    • give weapon_portalgun
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-20 11:03:48 UTC
in Searching leads to wiki page with name if it exists Post #348735
the default search sucks so I tend to use this to specifically search the wiki
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-18 09:31:06 UTC
in lighting on entities? Post #348724
already solved on discord. _minlight should be 0.
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-16 14:28:40 UTC
in need help with the real coding stuff (UPDATED SDK) Post #348716
No, the point to be made here is to leave the whole thing up, from start to finish, so that it becomes a resource for the next person experiencing the same problem.
Posted 10 months ago2024-03-11 10:09:19 UTC
in HL Like Node Graph Needed Post #348643
pretty sure the ai nodes in half-life is like that. when the LOS to target is broken, it tries get a LOS to a node where the mesh connects to another node that has LOS to the target. then it follows the mesh to get from the start node to the end node, and thence to the target.
Posted 10 months ago2024-03-07 10:48:39 UTC
in Hurt trigger in map changes gravity!!! Post #348639
might be a bug in dod (or even in all first party titles) where taking damage from trigger_hurt resets gravity?
Posted 10 months ago2024-03-06 03:10:18 UTC
in Custom textures in greyscale Post #348634
When using Wally, make sure you're creating the correct type of WAD. It should be the one called "Half-Life WAD" or "WAD3"

For this reason Wadmaker is now the preferred option for making GoldSrc WADs.
Posted 10 months ago2024-03-01 00:00:58 UTC
in How do I get VCD files out of scenes.image? Post #348627
Posted 1 year ago2024-01-03 11:10:23 UTC
in func_pushable with a model instead of a brush Post #348391
oh yeah, Featureful has a motion_manager that can do this
Posted 1 year ago2024-01-03 05:33:50 UTC
in func_pushable with a model instead of a brush Post #348389
using a model is possible, but it would have no collision. it'd still movable with use key though.
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-26 23:44:28 UTC
in How to map for Half Life: Blue Shift Post #348365
bspfix switches between normal and bshift-compatible bsps. if a "fixed" bsp crashes the game, that's how you tell it's actually "unfixed", so just run it again. ;)
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-26 14:44:24 UTC
in How to map for Half Life: Blue Shift Post #348361
Adapting Hammer instructions to JACK is not that hard. JACK is a very close to Hammer 3.x in its interface. In fact they're way more similar to each other than any one of them to, say, TrenchBroom or NetRadiant.

Setting up for Blue Shift is not much different than setting up for any other GoldSrc game/mod:
  • Set up mod directory to <steam library>/steamapps/common/half-life/bshift_addon/
  • Replace Half-Life's FGD with Blue Shift's FGD
  • Add Blue Shift's WADs, in particular, barney.wad and its own decals.wad
The only important difference particular to Blue Shift is to run bspfix (link) on every bsp file you compiled before you run it.
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-23 16:45:48 UTC
in How write sprite path?!?!?!?!? Post #348340
trigger_gravity is a brush entity. you need to select the brush you want to turn into the entity then do "tie to entity" via either the menu or the Entity panel. It'd create the default brush entity. Only after this can you go to Object properties dialog and select trigger_gravity from the dropdown.
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-22 23:46:16 UTC
in How write sprite path?!?!?!?!? Post #348331
I am using J.A.C.K :) still missing some useful browsing functions like for this. :nuts:
You also need an FGD written for JACK. The functions are there but unless the FGD makes use of it it'd be just the same as Hammer.
I joke that people in TWHL insists you need to edit the half-life SDK code and produce your own custom DLLs at the slightest problem but I'm afraid this is the case for this one.
to make a light freak
wdym by this
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-19 07:13:53 UTC
in Help with func_button Post #348276
Interestingly I searched for a tutorial on the second and there's nothing. Like has nobody thought of writing it for the past 25 years? 😵
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-18 20:16:23 UTC
in Trying to spawn an item from another game. Post #348272
Everyone in this forum seems very keen on suggesting modifying game code, the hardest modding task there is, at the first opportunity. If it's not a very specific problem, I can guarantee you that somebody's already done the hard work.

You said you wanted guard vest and helmet from Blue Shift? The Half-Life Featureful mod already has that:
Here's the list of items added by the mod and you can see the ones you specifically needed is there:
Here's how to base your mod off of it:
For further help on using the featureful mod you'd have to turn to its main dev. He's usually reachable on TWHL's Discord.
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-17 04:48:45 UTC
in Help with effect/particles Post #348252
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-17 04:48:09 UTC
in Trying to spawn an item from another game. Post #348251
FGDs are just the restaurant menus. If you use BK's menu's at a Wendy's the cooks at Wendy's wouldn't know what a Triple Whopper is nor how to make them.

You need to add code for the actual entities themselves into your mod's codebase for your mod to start recognizing a Triple Whopper order.