
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-29 00:21:26 UTC in vault item: Saving Private Barney Act 3 Comment #10289
Link is no workie :(

Please pm me if you fix, cause i'd like to play it!
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-29 00:20:16 UTC in vault item: co_teabags (Combat map for Natural Selection) Comment #10288
again looks excellent. makes me want to reinstall ns...

great name he said teabag... :P
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-29 00:17:34 UTC in vault item: de_cabbage Comment #10287
This is a mostly excellent map, with some deadly flaws though I'm afraid.

Beautiful texturing and construction througout. Lighting is mostly ok, but perhaps a little "bland" in general throughout. Ambience is fine in some places--water treatment area water fall sound, but pretty much lacking everywhere else.

The really big problem I have with this map though, is that it's WAY too complex to be a CS map, and it's a little too big also imo. Those things notwithstanding, this is an exellent map. Here's why I think so:

+Superb props--orange cones with reflective tape, coffee cup, ashtrays mallets, etc
+neat doodads--lots of breakable panels, momentary rot buttons that trigger stuff, hiddent blocks are there to climb into some stuff and other nice mini puzzles.
+nice use of sprites throughout
+the outdoor portion looks superb, but i'd make the containers climbable.
+lol breakroom with picnic tables.

and tons of other stuff I'm sure I've forgotten.

This map could easily be a 5 with some pruning and tweaking. In it's current state it's probably only worth a 3, but I'm going 4 because all the work, attention to detail, and general great quality of stuff throughout.

Great job!

4 stars
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-28 23:39:17 UTC in vault item: Poltergeist Comment #10286
K. finally got around to reviewing this...

+Deatail work outside was great--shutters varied, fence, lamps, porch railing, cute shrubbery, all very nice. +Nice ambience and fog outdoors, to go with the env_rain.
-some face splitting in the outgrounds: where the soil meets the fence, looking away from the house front right, there is a big diagonal one, and in the bloody cross birdbath :)
-neat jesus model
+Lots of nice dark places--perfect nightvision map!
+many routes to the basement an d the hosties which is really nice!
+The Foyer is spectacularly done, but could possibly to with some "nicknacks, or paintings, couches, curtains etc. Still, really nice as is.
+Blood puddles/pentagrams/scary paintings are a nice touch. You might make the blood puddles not so uniformly round though, and could you incorporate a sprite rendered almost translucent with the spooky paintings to make them ever spookier perhaps?
-Glass out front doesn't break, but you can still shoot through it so that's cool.
+View from atop the balcony is excellent! Well done!
-bathroom has some great detail, but could use a bit more imo. I love how jumping in the tub kills you! you might consider adding a window to the bathroom too, and when you look out, something scarry happens...
+Nice message in the master bedroom! Beautiful brushwork! Bed is scaled a little big. Nice ambience with the tv. Nice detail items, but like the bathroom could use a bit more imo.
+Basement is great, but the layout is a little confusing with no landmarks. All the walls look the same, so it's easy to lose sense of where you are, but this is a house of horrors, so I guess that's ok :) Washer and dryer pwn!
+Nice Easter egg!

An excellent map, your best so far imo. Great ambience, texturing, architectue, and detail in most places. I would love to play this map on a server.

Great job!

5 stars
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-28 20:33:40 UTC in vault item: summer_house Comment #10285
Sorry for that Kasperg, but I had to use that wad because of the carpets in the living room...I think I'll include those few in the csomag.wad, 'cause I don't tihink that I could zip that 7 megs wad file into less than 2 megs...
Btw, copper, that stereo has a song to it, I included it in the zip, you should copy the sound files to the sound folder too. Oh yea, I'm thinking on the rmf thing...but I like it how it is right now, I'll fix a few bugs on it (the cliff sides and stuff, and the weapon placements are a bit crappy too) and upload the updated in a few days...or weeks I don't know:-P
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-28 07:34:44 UTC in vault item: summer_house Comment #10284
Very neat level loved the lights nice touch!
although to be an hldm level which i know you probably didnot intend this to be needs a little work ie smoother gameplay maybea warp instead of trigger hurt or acave in the cliff side that is accesible to an underground. would it be possible to get the rmf for this( as there is great potential in this to be a hldm . I would love to tweak it up with your permission!!!of course you would get full credit
and nice texture on the stereo although would of been nice to have a song accompany it!!I did'nt see any water on the outside at all ????but the water in the center bottom, where the cliffs are is well done. Although it would be nice to have a couple palm trees and maybe an exploration route down there! there were some eyesores in the terrain where you clipped where differt blocks dont line up to make smooth ground from block to block

3stars for hldm(at this point) 4.2 stars for single player map or viewer
well done man I like your style of mapping!
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-28 05:20:51 UTC in vault item: summer_house Comment #10283
Can't open chateau.wad Isnt this for HL? why do I need that old counterstrike WAD file?? :(
Please use -wadinclude for those custom textures, some people dont have cs 1.6 installed...
By the way, it looks good!!
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-28 02:43:44 UTC in vault item: The Pink Comment #10282
Link for the full version--with songs--is no longer available. Sorry!
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-28 01:07:18 UTC in vault item: Covanant Shade turret Comment #10281
Yeah, I have the same problem with my "battlefront turret" map. I wanted the laser beams to "cycle" downrange, not appear in one beam.
I used a different sprite make it look like "- - -" instead of "---", but it still doesn't "move" as it should.

Might be able to fix it with a custom scrollin sprite, but I'm not sure. <rowleybob PMs Rimrook to ask> You could also use a env_shooter, but you wouldn't be able to rotate the turret :(
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-27 16:27:15 UTC in vault item: Map is not dark enough (curte) Comment #10280
You have set the light_environment brightness to 255 255 255 2
Set the brightness to 0 0 128 20 it can be nice.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-27 15:20:47 UTC in vault item: Map is not dark enough (curte) Comment #10279
turn the light down then! derrrr

and delete one of your maps... double posted
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-27 01:31:57 UTC in vault item: Alarm Light Comment #10278
this what i looking for long time..good monkey
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-26 23:36:17 UTC in vault item: Poltergeist Comment #10277
actually i had to make it in a sprites1 folder because the error i got was

sprites1/fire.spr not found.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-26 22:39:06 UTC in vault item: Poltergeist Comment #10276
No I don't, and thats a pretty stupid offer as the decompiled and recompiled map will be completely different. So thats a definate NO!
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-26 22:16:11 UTC in vault item: Zombie Bust Door Comment #10275
Simple but a neat and useful effect just the same! I would have never thought of this!!!

Great job!
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-26 22:11:28 UTC in vault item: Empty HEV Comment #10274
Simple, but well done and potentially useful all the same. The room and especially the broken blocks looked sexy too.

Also, I had no idea you could use chargers/medkits in CS!

Welcome back Tlax!
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-26 16:31:35 UTC in vault item: de_mini_skyturret Comment #10272

boo hoo
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-26 16:03:36 UTC in vault item: Example Moving Ladder V.4 Comment #10271
Oh and you're right, traversing the stairs downward is perilous at best!

<rowleybob prays to the TWHL god for edit on map comments :P
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-26 15:59:42 UTC in vault item: Example Moving Ladder V.4 Comment #10270
I tried all the differen't hull size values, in the shape of a ladder and stairs, but to no avail. It seems whatever shape you build the pushable in, it sort of puts an invisible "bounding box" around it, so you can't ascend/decend normally.

Pushing is also a problem. Of course you have to put up some sort of "rails" to keep it from pushing wildly accross the room. You also have to make the space really large, otherwise the pushable won't move.

If you have some more insight about this, please let me know ;)

Bratteh said he did it another way besisdes using pushables and door/ladders. I can't wait to see it :)
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-26 10:09:28 UTC in vault item: Game Ending Comment #10269
Maybe a dumb question, but how did ya get that nice lightning that way? :|
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-26 08:00:18 UTC in vault item: Example Moving Ladder V.4 Comment #10268
It looks nice, but going down such steep stairs might be difficult.
What's next? A func_pushable that you can move around and then climb on it? It might be possible...
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-26 03:20:55 UTC in vault item: Helicopter Comment #10267
Yes! Finally I found this again. I just reinstalled my computer, and I remembered this lil' example map and how it was one of my favorites! Glad I found it again! :-D! This is one of my favorite creations that you made Habboi :-P!
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-25 18:28:16 UTC in vault item: Empty HEV Comment #10266
"also, i think the map was a bit short, and lacked excitment. I was wating to be scared by zombies, although this never arose."
Now you have the lovely zombies in Empty_hev_v2
I put it in Completed Maps
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 22:47:14 UTC in vault item: de_mini_skyturret Comment #10264
or any kind of ideas for the windows? Cos u obviously are so intelligent.
Um, if you bothered to read, you'd have noticed I did leave suggestions for your windows. "a ledge, a border, some godamn thing :"

Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 22:43:46 UTC in vault item: de_mini_skyturret Comment #10263
Um, I did play it, just not with other people on as server, you asshole.

If you're unwilling to take criticism, you will never improve...youour loss.

And to give nothing but harsh sarcasm, to someone who bothers to take time to play and comment on your map?! Well don't worry, because it won't happen again.

As I said before, 2 stars.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 19:44:29 UTC in vault item: hldm_milivolt Comment #10262
I forgot to add to the gameplay that this map has doors. Doors slow the flow of the game. Since this is sepposed to be a realistic map of a villige then I think that it wouldn't look nice and realistic without the doors. They're ok in this case, as long they don't reclose... I hate non electrical doors that reclose. What makes them move? Spirits? :P
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 19:28:04 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10261
lol you're right
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 18:24:19 UTC in vault item: dm_storage_facility Comment #10260
thank you for your comments guys :)
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 17:40:12 UTC in vault item: Lamda Train Comment #10259
Nice train, texturing is a bit bad thought..
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 17:36:43 UTC in vault item: dm_storage_facility Comment #10258
Meh, I didn't really liked the map.

I did like the hl1 textures in hl2 thought, makes it feel like classic HLDM! ;)

The weapon placements, lightning and texturing were very good.

But the lay-out and gameplay, mmmmm, I don't know..

The map is pretty big and the lay-out confuses me a bit.

Also, I don't think the flares fit this map like they did in your other map, rusty..
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 16:40:46 UTC in vault item: dorian27_fort Comment #10256
I had a fast run true the map and it was a nice map, I really really liked the illusion to get the awp, honestly, that retard button is some fun!!

The looks of the map on the other hand are pretty bad :

+ Retard Button!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

+ AWP Illusion.

+ Explosive barrels

+/- Gameplay, with the retard button I think this can be something interesting.

- Texturing, honestly, awfull, to grey and to repeating.

- Architecture, all hail blockyness!!

- Layout, meh, standerd aim eh'

- Ambience, to bad you didn't had any custom ambience shit, this would really add some fun since this is well.. a pretty strange map.

Ugly map, yet, really fun.

But in the end, the fun factor beats the look factor ;)

3.5 Stars > 4 stars.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 15:53:26 UTC in vault item: dm_fugitive3 Comment #10255
Hunter make it easier and with a bigger ledgh. Look on what they did in crossfire. It's quite fun and easy to jump from window to window.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 15:41:51 UTC in vault item: RimResortHLDMvDD Comment #10253
+ Artitecture was great, I liked it very much. The room with the water falls had neat artitecture, also the room with the rings and that button that explodes something was cool, a bit weird though.

+ Texturing was great too. I liked the costum textures and they were well aglained.

+ Lighting was good. Not too bright and not too dark, there is contrast too, between darkness and bright mostly but also a bit between colors.

+ Terrain work a bit strange but I liked it, it fits well with the theme of the map.

+ Layout is great. Easy to learn, although it's complex, lots of vertical fights which is great. A bit big so it's a bit hard to find enemies, but it's not so bad.

+ Gameplay is great. It's was so fun to play it. Lots of space, but few cover... It's also great cause of the great layout.

+ Not too many ambience!(can get annoying sometimes in deathmatch) You used it only when it's truly needed

+/- Weapon placement was ok. The ammo isn't too close to the weapons ,but do you think you should place a long jump model right on the brige thats in the middle of the way?

- Why did you add the glows to the water below that brige? They are complitly useless and out of place. And the glows below the water fall are too bright, they destroy the whole atmosphire of that room. I liked that room, but those glows ruin it. Try the ballsmoke.spr instead.

Over all it's a great map. I really like rimrooks maps. I think your modification is great.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 15:29:08 UTC in vault item: zs_hillzone Comment #10251
As I said before. This is just a test map.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 13:43:27 UTC in vault item: Poltergeist Comment #10250
welli figured that out i used jedi's hl model viewer to extract the fire sprite and i made a sprites1 folder in my ctstrike folder and added teh fire sprite there.

and hence i solved the problem. :D

but overall nice map
i dont care to do those long reviews on brushwork and what not. It's very impressive i must say. I still love it when you hear footsteps.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 12:50:05 UTC in vault item: de_repo Comment #10249
I really, really agree with daubster on this one..

+/- Architecture, the outside looked alright.

+/- Lightning, I liked the dark style outside, inside lightning was just to fucking bright!!

- Ambience, I missed it.

- Layout, way too complex indeed, erm, to many vents!!

I really couldn't find my way around the damn map.

- Gameplay, Bomb Placements, wtf, at the fucking ct spawn?

I smell camping then since the vents are very easy to get lost in :P

- Texturing, badly aligned at some places and way to repeating in the whole map.

Honestly, this needs work, 2 stars!
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 12:36:37 UTC in vault item: dm_rusty Comment #10248
Agreed, a nice map with some nice touches but a little too small.


I found the architecture very nice with all the arches, the map was very smooth, the map had a sort of quakish style, wich I personaly like a lot.

The lay-out was also nicely done and easy to understand and learn.

I'd think the gameplay would be very fast with even 6 poeple because the map is very small and there aren't big open spaces in the map.

The texturing was very nice, they matched correctly, but the stripe texture kinda busts out of the rest imo.

Weapon placements was well... good placed ;)

Lightning was also very nice, some yellowish here, some white spots there..

The Atmosphere was very nice with the lightning and flares.

I must say, that you also did a great job on the ambience, lovely!

I really like the part were you could get the overwatch gun, it remembered me of some classic hldm map..

Anyway, i'm giving this map a well deserved 5 stars!
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 12:35:38 UTC in vault item: Poltergeist Comment #10247
Fire.spr comes with Half Life.

By the way the only prefabs I used were the chair and bookcase in the living room. Everything else was all me, not sure what you mean by "default prefab texture on the beds" but if that means means you think I used a prefab on it, no, it was my own brushwork.
Thanks for the input, very much appreciated!
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 12:10:43 UTC in vault item: dm_ghetto Comment #10246
Just some pointers you might wanna fix ;)
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 12:10:18 UTC in vault item: dm_ghetto Comment #10245
Meh, I'm to lazy to play but the screenshot tells a lot actually :

The lightning doesn't fit in with the skybox texture.
The buildings have repeating textures.
It also seems kinda blocky and you really need cubemaps!!
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 12:03:36 UTC in vault item: cs_assault_christmas Comment #10244
Yay, a assault remake for christmas! hohohoho! XD

+ Ambience, lovely, let it snow let it snow! Could have been louder thought, still, love it!

+ Architecture, I liked your custom additions, they were nicely build.

+/- Custom Xmas Stuff, the lights all around the map were a nice addition, still, it was missing falling snow, presents and other random christmas shit.

+/- Texturing, it was fairly nice but I thought some textures were used to many.

- Snow Hills, outside there were some snow hill but they were very ugly and anoying.

- No sneaky camaras @ t/ct spawn

Gameplay and Layout were pretty much the same in assault..

3 stars. :)
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 12:03:27 UTC in vault item: hldm_milivolt Comment #10243
Nice map!

+ Artitecture was fine. Nice houses, gives a feeling of a quite little villige.
+ Texturing was neat. It adds lots to the atmosphire of the villige. Really great costum textures.
+ Good weapon placment. The weaponry and the ammo aren't too close to each other. And it's not to easy to get to the strong weaponry.
+ Gameplay was fine, mostly because of the layout. There is enough room but there is also very little cover.
+ Lighting is sometimes bland but mostly interesting. Try adding more colored lights, change the light from the sky to orange.(since it's in the dusk) Or atlist change the sky.

+/- Neat layout, easy to learn. To bad about the dead end.

- Add some more detail. This map is empty.
- It lacks of ambience.

Don't use breakables in HLDM. For the windows I advice you to use illuosnaries and over them place a clip brush, so the player can't pass them but can shoot through.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 11:34:18 UTC in vault item: Dropship then Assault Comment #10242
Ow, Ow, very nicely done.

Thought, this is basic npc stuff, yet, it's helpfull ;)
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 11:24:49 UTC in vault item: zs_hillzone Comment #10241
Like I said over at facepunch, you really need to put some walls around the map and improve the lightning because it's so standerd..

The displacements could have used some blending.

You really need to step it up to make this more interesting.

3 stars.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 11:21:04 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10240
Indeed, don't go al defensive!

Sjeesh, I don't care if that jumping thingy got ruined by a error, it still sucks..
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 10:17:11 UTC in vault item: Poltergeist Comment #10239
i keep getting a fire.spr error. its like

sprite1/fire.spr not found. Im trying to fix it but yea....
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 09:20:59 UTC in vault item: de_repo Comment #10238
This stil needs work..
+/- Arhchitecture. It's blocky inside and you used prefabs a bit too much, although the cliffs outside looked quite ok. Good job.
The whole map had a very big cramped feeling. The stairs were way too small, the ducts could have been bigger too.
+/- Texturing. Twasn't bad, although some textures were badly aligned (lightswitches). And the textures were quite too repetative inside the building.
- Ambience. some wind sounds, along with other ambience would have been good.
- Layout. It's quite simple, but the whole ducts are just WAY TOO COMPLEX! It's a damn labyrinth there! One could get lost way too easily.
- Gameplay. Theres only 1 bombsite, which is a big drawback, coz the CT's could just campthere all the time and kill the T's easily. The layout isn't perfect either, so that also makes the gameplay worse.
- Lighting. Dull. Just... dull.
Well the map still needs work.. Lots of it. Perhaps make it bigger, expand it? Your choice. :)
3* in advance.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 09:20:06 UTC in vault item: Empty HEV Comment #10237
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 06:45:45 UTC in vault item: Empty HEV Comment #10236
You forgot to comment on the intense emptyness of the chargers, alex.. ;)