
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 06:21:10 UTC in vault item: Poltergeist Comment #10235
+ Architecture. When you said that the brushwork is amazing - I expected to see more than just awesome detail and curved corridors ;)The architecture wasn't very amazing, but it was quite good for a CS map. I loved the detail throughout the map. The DIE sign, the kitchen, the fireplace.. Lovely detail.. ^^ ALthough I hated the default HL prefabs. Please remove them or at least re-texture them.. The default bed textures also sucked donkey balls.

+ Atmosphere. To be honest - I haven't seen a map with such pwnage atmosphere for a VERY long time. The dull lighting, the sounds, the blood, the trap in the bathtub ;)
All those corridors with the wind sounds.. Aaah.. Lovely, just lovely.
+/- Lighting. The only problem is that it's way too dark for the map to play right. I'd suggest making the corridors brighter, even if that would make the atmosphere less creepy.

+/- Gameplay. Lots and lots and LOTS of routes to the goal. The gameplay would be ok, although the complex layout and the hostage placement make this map very T friendly. I'd suggest placing the hostages somewhere near the T spawn. You could place them in pairs in 2 rooms, or perhaps place one pair near the T spawn and the other near the furnance in the basement.. (I loved tht place)
- Layout. Sorry, but this is the only thing that doesn't work in this map. It's way too complex, so if you wanna keep it that way, you should make some signs, pointing the player to the goals. (they really help) You should also alter the hostage placement.

- Texturing. Some of the textures were alright, but I'd say that this map is begging of more custom, creepy textures. The outside of the house could use some re-texturing, so could the hallways. I also hated the default prefab textures on the beds, sofas, bookcases...
Overall - a truly spooky map. I loved the way you did the bathroom trap. Really creative.. :)
The rooms look a bit empty, tho.. I'd love to see some tall bookcases, large windows, old-ish curtains and old-ish armchairs that would make thie house look more like a spooky mansion, dig? ;P
There could be some bloody knifes or other scary stuff in the kitchen, like blood leaking from the sink.
Anyways - great map! 4* for the atmosphere.. :)
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-23 19:03:10 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10234
Stop trying to defend it with "it's not supposed" (it's spelled supposed y'know)

So you're saying that your house has no shadows whatsoever? It's just the same light everywhere with the same nuance and intensity? yeah right.

ffs stop getting so cranky and upset when you get critisism, you obviously didn't think anyone would say something bad about it just because you won a contest that had like 4 entries. grow up
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-23 18:47:58 UTC in vault item: dm_storage_facility Comment #10233
Already been done, enter

Good map but the textures just don't do it for me. HL1 textures just don't fit with HL2 style lighting or light effects. Maybe consider retexturing it with something that fits the lighting a little more.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-23 16:01:12 UTC in vault item: Empty HEV Comment #10232
Ha Ha that Was a god one ; )
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-23 15:02:51 UTC in vault item: C2 Breach Comment #10231
Shame ragdolls doesn't collide with entities.
Physic engine,, hmpf..
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-23 13:41:29 UTC in vault item: Empty HEV Comment #10229
i didn't really enjoy playing this map.

although the gameplay was good, it was greatly let down by the lighting and blocky architeture.

the HEV chargers were rather impressive though, i really like the way they are empty!!!

also, i think the map was a bit short, and lacked excitment. I was wating to be scared by zombies, although this never arose.

overall though, rather dissapointing! :)

and no, im not in the map commenting compotetion, i was just bored!!
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-23 13:37:05 UTC in vault item: Five More Ways to Die Comment #10228
erm... that was kinda naff! sorry, but a dissapointment.

- boring rooms

- blocky architeture

- 3 deaths the same (falling) which is the most boring way to die

- no furniture, etc in rooms

- once done once, no point replaying. NO skill involved, so would get deleted by most people after playing.

- everytime I died, the beginning speech happening,- really annoying. also, you may want to not use your voice, but microsoft speech engine? oh come on!!! :(

Overall really not that good
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-23 13:33:03 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10227
"No folders in zip file, meaning one has to extract each file seperately. Bad you, you fail."

Blame winzip which sucks not me!! It ignores all the folders. Winace is better.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-23 13:28:33 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10226
I never said it's perfect. I think quite the oppisite! I hate this map.

About the realistic bit, I know but in the house it shouldn't have dim or colorfull lighting. This isn't a club and he's sepposed to be rich.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-23 12:50:48 UTC in vault item: dm_storage_facility Comment #10225
wow hl1 graphics on hl2, what next? hl2 graphics on hl1?
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-23 12:17:49 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10224
"This is sepposed to be realistic."

Well it isn't realistic.

Time for my review!

+ Gameplay was very good, it was fun and actually quite hard.
+ Some pretty nice details, like the soldiers shooting holes in the ventilation
+ It felt like you were breaking in to a real house ;D

Here comes the bad things

- Lighting. it's the same wherever you go, which kinda sucks
- Architecture is a bit boring. It works but it could look better
- You could have used more ambient sounds
- Texturing is pretty bland
- The climb ;D

Overall i think it's a good map, it isn't exactly the most beautiful map i've seen, but the gameplay is solid and fun. And that is much more important than looks IMO. Next time try to get some nice architecture into the map as well :)

I've had a hard time deciding if i'm going to give it 3 or 4 stars. No offense elon but i think 5 stars is for PERFECT maps, and this sure isn't perfect.

I'll give it 4 stars though, because it was fun to play
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-23 11:47:29 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10223
Ok well heres what i think, The map was well done I like it.

+Liked the xen enclosure

+layout of the house was good

+I liked the way you had to sneak in

+keys I love keys

-Had a hard time getting up the rocks

Thats all I can really remeber from playing, I can't play it again my computer is going hell slow for me. But nice work :D 5*
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-23 10:01:29 UTC in vault item: hldm_milivolt Comment #10222
Didn't see much changes besides some texture and layout changes.

The layout is now more straight-forward and the texturing is really improved but you still got the problems with the dead ends, doors, stairs and windows..

Like daubster basicly said : THIS MAP NEEDS AMBIENCE!!

Also, this map suffers from emptyness, yet, more space, more action ;)

Still getting 3 stars..
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-23 09:25:52 UTC in vault item: de_mini_skyturret Comment #10221
I gave it a fast play and think this map will give some interesting gameplay to be honest.

I'd really like to fact that the terrorist have to go up in the open field were you could be shot at some places like from those lil' windows.

It would bring some cool gameplay since you gotta rush to the bombspot, plant it and fastly run away till all down. (or sit there, defending and die).

I tested the lowest bombspot and I found out that I had to run all the way down, the room with the nice lil' light, so I wouldn't die.

So, that said, I think the map also has it's problems, with the biggest factors being blockyness and repeating textures.

Inside the towers the walls were repeated with the same textures, so did the floor and ceiling. You could have a bit more varation there.

The outside was pretty dull when it came to texturing.

Also, the map was very blocky, I don't really know how I could explain this, but the map is basicly a collection of rectangle and square brushes with a bit vertexing here and there..

+ Gameplay, read above..

+ Layout, meh, very straight forward eh?

+/- Lightning, it suited nicely, but it wasn't anything speceal.

- Ambience, Excuse me if i'm wrong, but there hardly was any?

- Texturing, very poor. It was dull and repeating.

- Architecture, the map was very blocky.

3 stars.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-23 09:04:48 UTC in vault item: fy_dig Comment #10220
+ Temp/mac at starters!

+/- Weapon Placements, you had a few stronger ones hided, yet, a m4a1 and a scout on the 2 boxes in front of spawn??

Somebody could just get that m4a1 very fastly, while this is one of the very strong weapons, I think you should have put that gun in the middle of the field like the aug and sg-551 (that's the name?).

+/- Lightning, it suits the map but it's kinda dull..

- Texturing, bad, very bad. Repeated, Stretched and badly aligned.

- Architecture, meh, blocky stuff with al the crates in it.

- Gameplay, would probaly suck because there are to many objects in such a small area.

- Lay-out, fy_pooldayish..

2.5, yet, I don't think it deserves a 3 star..
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-23 08:24:51 UTC in vault item: fk_glasspit_2 Comment #10219
When I saw this screenshot, I thought it was for half-life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean, that is bad, there for I'm not going to play this map..

All these bad comments said enough, so did your attitude.

Damn, don't go all defended! Were just giving constructive critism..

Critism is there to be learned of, remember that.

About the 4 hours thing, haha, I could make a better map in 1 hour and I bet al these mappers replied here can to.

You really think a bit lightning would give the map lag? PLEASE!!!!

You're mapping 1 year? Pfft, you should know better.

Also, you think your clan members got blown away from this map?

Dude, please, there just being nice to you because your in there clan..

So I pro's and con's

+ You're doing your name honour.

- Full-bright

- Bad texturing

- Blocky

- Architecture were?

- Gameplay would suck, if there is any..

I will not vote, because I don't like giving 1 stars..
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-23 07:35:15 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10218
"No, a regular house might not have all pretty lighting. But a game should. Fewl."

Kasperg said I should be coherent as possible. This is sepposed to be realistic.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-23 05:13:47 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10217
Asshole alert! <Klaxon sounds> Asshole Alert!

2 stars my ass Zombiewhore!!!!

A map of this quality with so many great things--not least of which a 1st-place compo winner--doesn't deserve a 2-star rating and you know it!

Jealous much? Take some more anti-depressents, and then rate this again ;)
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-23 04:45:42 UTC in vault item: Empty HEV Comment #10216
Nice to see ya posting maps again, Tlax.. :)
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-23 00:53:53 UTC in vault item: de_repo Comment #10215
+ you did a nice job on the vents and the light switches were a cool effect
+ nice tunnel (maybe add a cool lighting effect for it to make it even better)

- the outside seemed very pointed and unrealistic (the cliffs)
- the stairwells seemed weird... maybe the stairs are too big or the textures didnt work with it... the rails were blocky

overall pretty good job... i hope to see ur 2nd version if u make it
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-23 00:35:01 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10214
I'm going to try this in the morning. prepared to get flamed to death ;)

Commented 18 years ago2005-12-22 21:13:11 UTC in vault item: dm_storage_facility Comment #10213
Very nice map. The HL textures makes it feel like HLDM again, something that other source maps and conversions from HL1 have not accomplished. Layout is interesting and fun. There is good weapon placement and enough props for physgun battles. Different coloured lights contribute to the atmosphere, as well as flares.
The most noticeable flaws are also related to light. It seems like this map could have made great use of lightmaps, since shadow resolution seemed very poor in some areas. If you are converting a map to Source, you should take advantage of those things. Some props were lit strangely (too bright compared to the world brushes around them) but that's hard to control sometimes.
I would also change the sprites under the fluorescent lights. Some other people have tried to use them but they always look wrong.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-22 19:38:47 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10212
No, a regular house might not have all pretty lighting. But a game should. Fewl.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-22 17:05:38 UTC in vault item: Apprehension Comment #10210
"Was it possible to unlock the door with the retinal scanner?" One of the scientists unlocks it.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-22 16:23:06 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10209
"Pretty shit. I had no idea where to go. After looking around for like 5 mins in the same area, I find tiny steps that're supposed to be climb. The climb itself was quite painful, seeing as I kept flying off when jumping under a cliff. Some ladders would've been better."
"- Climbing Course"
Read the description. That thing was created by a leaf saw into portal, and I couldn't run full vis for it already took 4 hours to compile.
I agree I should have used some kind of rope or something... and to climb on the small first ledgh, is quite annoying I admit. Did you try walking to the other piller there is a secret in there.

As for the lighting I agree, I didn't work so hard on that. But does your house has cool lighting kinds and colors. I don't think so easpesially in a rich man's house.

Artitecture sucks I know. I mostly worked on the props.

"+ Gameplay, I really liked the 007 style."

lol I just placed a few grunts! haha, didn't even think of that like that.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-22 15:32:59 UTC in vault item: Headcrab Revenge Comment #10208
Thanks for all your feedback. I willl try to work on a less blockier version 2. I will also add loads more traps, but fitting them in will be quite hard. and actually Elon, i couldn't get my trigger hurt to work even after my friend (alexb911) had a go at fixing it, so i used a very fast invisible door instead!
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-22 14:21:16 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10207
5 stars btw
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-22 14:14:43 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10206
Nice map, elon, i'm impressed.

The outside looks very nice, the view on the cliffs was great.

Seeing that train in the cliffs from the spawn already gets me excited.

But it fastly gets ruined by your lil' jumping course. It really anoyed me!

I kept bouncing back, 2 times I died of it and 1 time I got stuck of it!

Once up, I could see a grunt standing on the balcony so I knew I was getting some trouble! That maked me excited again.

Anyway, I went into the cave on the top, wich was really dark.

There for, I had to use my flashlight.

I killed the nasty alien and I took the shotgun next to the skeleton.

This really adds a atmosphere, great thinking'

So, I went into the vent, wich was really cool because I could secretly watch the scientist and the grunts true the open views.

I really got a feeling of a spy, 007 style!!

The shots of lights coming tru the vent actually suprised me, very cool effect you've made there.

Once I shot the 2 grunts, I came in the inside.

The texturing and lightning was okay, it was pretty standerd.

Your lil' prefabs like the toilet were pretty fun.

The fight against the grunts was interesting and it wasn't very easy, good fun. I also liked the gman part with the sentry gun.

Litle things like the fish tank and the round-about-bank were also very nice.

So in pro's and cons

+ Lil' things like the toilet.

+ Layout, just fine, just fine.

+ Architecture, basic, but good.

+ Gameplay, I really liked the 007 style.

+ Gman part and the bullets of lights true the vent.

+/- Lighning, it was alright but to standerd.

+/- Ambience, wasn't bad.

+/- End could have been better.

- Rotating fan in vent had no source.

- Climbing Course

5+* Nice one.. ^^
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-22 13:37:55 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10205
And here's the review.

- Layout:
Pretty shit. I had no idea where to go. After looking around for like 5 mins in the same area, I find tiny steps that're supposed to be climb. The climb itself was quite painful, seeing as I kept flying off when jumping under a cliff. Some ladders would've been better.
The layout of the house isn't much to speak of, like 4 rooms.

- Lighting:
Quite bland. In the starting area there're some faulty shadows in the concrete block above you, caused by who-knows-what. In the house, it's all the same everywhere. Too bright, too standard.

- Gameplay:
Suprisingly good. This maps strong point. The grunt fight in the "living room" is amusing, and the rapelling ones in the start're a nice addition. They use too many grenades though - often blowing themselves up. T-t-t.

- Meh.
The brushwork in the house's quite bad - I mean, the bathroom stuff just looks plain bad. Maybe with better lighting...
The living rooms glassed-in-pool was a nice addition, looks quite funny.
Other areas're just boring.

Ugly, but quite fun to play. Very small, too.

Score: Strong 2, weak 3.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-22 13:13:46 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10204
No folders in zip file, meaning one has to extract each file seperately. Bad you, you fail.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-22 12:00:00 UTC in vault item: Five Ways to Die Comment #10201
Trap 1 : Escaped 1st Try.
Trap 2 : Escaped 1st Try.
Trap 3 : Escaped 1st Try.
Trap 4 : Escaped 1st Try. (10 hp thought)
Trap 5 : lol, died, because you were going to kill me anyway ;)

Then I let al the traps kill me, some funny traps.

But really, make them harder to escape, because I escaped them all in the first time I went tru that trap! :o
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-21 16:27:51 UTC in vault item: de_mini_skyturret Comment #10200
Were you just being sarcastic? :P
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-21 16:22:21 UTC in vault item: dm_ghetto Comment #10199
Shit shit shit my ass..
Come back, when you'll have some normal comments, you shite. :
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-21 14:42:38 UTC in vault item: Covanant Shade turret Comment #10198
i need to figure out how to make the laser fire in large spherical bursts instead of a single constant beam.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-21 13:42:57 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #10197
Heaven for those who love the architecture, at least.

I certainly hope you've won :D.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-21 13:20:44 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #10196
I know, I want to break the world record for recycling the same map over and over again.

I don't think anyone can beat me at this point.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-21 12:23:50 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #10195
Hmm... how many versions does this map has, satchmo? I think you should map something else.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-21 12:13:28 UTC in vault item: surf_unplanned Comment #10194
Honestly... This is SO unfinished.. :
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-21 12:02:48 UTC in vault item: PHW Comics Comment #10193
Meh, I wanted a lil' office map to use in gmod yesterday and I remembered this map.

But when the map was finally loaded (damn loading times @ gmod) I couldn't play because I was instantly falling in the dark, up and down.. up and down.

The brushes weren't solid?!

So I nocliped to the room, but my screen would turn black.

I could only view the room from the floor..

It was very blocky and a 10 minute job from what I could see..
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-21 11:54:25 UTC in vault item: dm_fugitive3 Comment #10192
+ Lightning, I liked it, it gave me a warm feeling inside..

+ Weapon Placements, the good weapons weren't easy to get, wich is good.

+ Layout, easy and typical hldm!

+ Gameplay, fast paced, also, typical hldm!

+/- Architecture, basic stuff, pretty blocky at some places.

- Texturing, meh, didn't liked it.

- A few small rooms inside, a well, yah for crowbar! ;)

3 stars.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-21 11:35:06 UTC in vault item: hldm_center Comment #10191
Meh, I kinda agree with tosse to be honest.

On first, I think the doors and small rooms will ruin the gameplay actually.

The doors should be removed or go open on instant touch.

The building rooms would be to small to avoid attacks and run around in.

Also, the stairs were pretty fucked up, you could fall of very easy.

Dead ends are also very anoying, unless there is a health recovery placed.

These things ruin the speedyness of the game and as we all know, hldm, is very fast paced.

The weapon placements wasn't really good either.

The good weapons were to close to each other.

Armour was well balanced and Health was also well balanced in my view.

The texturing was alright, some textures didn't fit with each other.

The lightning was nice, but a bit boring on the other hand.

Architecture was basic, wich is good.

3 Stars.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-21 10:48:48 UTC in vault item: surf_unplanned Comment #10190
:/ sorry, but do you really think that counts as a 'completed map?' sorry, but, its nowhere near up to stratch!!
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-21 09:46:30 UTC in vault item: surf_unplanned Comment #10189
it kinda did some weird messed up thing, i think i had to many sky things :S
works fine for me though
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-21 09:40:17 UTC in vault item: surf_unplanned Comment #10188
and also, it looks fullbright...
did you add lights? if so, did you run RAD?
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-21 06:32:51 UTC in vault item: de_mini_skyturret Comment #10187
Oh thanks very much for the helpfull and very useful comment bob, your kind words make me laugh. Perhaps some screenies of misaligned textures? or any kind of ideas for the windows? Cos u obviously are so intelligent.

Didnt someone on here once say to play a map before reviewing it?

But, thanks for the amazing help and inspiration your comment gave me.

I am eternally in your debt.

Commented 18 years ago2005-12-21 06:09:09 UTC in vault item: 1 day and i know nothing about mapping Comment #10186
lmao what in the hell.... i even know NOT to do this...... bad, bad, bad.....SMH
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-21 03:44:57 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10185
Yes it is satchmo, read the description.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-21 00:47:40 UTC in vault item: surf_unplanned Comment #10184
Sorry man, surf maps aren't my thing. Otherwise, I would play it.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-20 22:58:15 UTC in vault item: Apprehension Comment #10183
I'm not sure If Elon and I played the same map, because I thought the ambience was excellent, and the layout was a bit confusing at first, but once you got the concept of entering the mini control rooms, and unlocking doors, it was ok.

I don't really know what to suggest for this map, I thought pretty much every are was covered very well.

My favourite room was the "break room", which looked excellent. I especially liked the way the overhead lights were done, and just the design and texturing were perfect for that room!

I played this in regular half-life so i'm sure a lot of things didn't work properly, but it was still great.

Some more random thoughts:

+loved the trigger that made the car flip over and spill the radio waste--or was that just another part of the map?!

+loved the little garage with the toobox

-Nice func_tanks, but I would turn down the pitch/yaw rate a little, that IS a .50 cal remember, and it would be too heavy to move around so fast.

+that area with the func_tank .50 cals looked superb also.

-Was it possible to unlock the door with the retinal scanner?

Great stuff!

5 stars imo!