
Commented 17 years ago2006-06-08 18:40:36 UTC in vault item: cs_palm Comment #12152
Thanks, Ag3nt-X, but I don't think I'm going to re-enable the ratings, as I'd hate to see my map clumped in with all the other 2-stars. It's probably better like this anyway, since people can still read the reviews and ratings if they want, and decide for themselves whether they like it. :)
Commented 17 years ago2006-06-08 01:16:19 UTC in vault item: cs_palm Comment #12143
Ag3nt-X, I really don't understand what you have against me, but I've disabled the ratings on the map because of your spam.

Thank you rowleybob, and J.C, you guys actually gave me useful, honest, opinions.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-31 17:49:12 UTC in vault item: An evening walk on a roof Comment #12088
*srry already knew it for a long time, srry just forgot to use it.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-30 02:04:04 UTC in vault item: Robot Comment #12070
Download isn't working for me, it times out. :(
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-30 01:57:20 UTC in vault item: An evening walk on a roof Comment #12069
Okay, I just copied another wad and renamed it to 'sotos', and it worked.

I don't have much to say about it, except that it should be moved to the example maps section, and probably renamed to something that makes more sense.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-29 18:42:59 UTC in vault item: Orb (Compo 20) Comment #12052
This gets my "t3h awesom3st thing evar" award. Amazing.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-29 18:06:27 UTC in vault item: Divine Time-Slip Comment #12051
This looks awesome, but I think I'm going to wait for the update. ;)
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-29 17:33:29 UTC in vault item: An evening walk on a roof Comment #12050
How can you even play this? It tells it's missing sotos.wad.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-25 05:12:55 UTC in vault item: cs_the_underground Comment #12008
Good points you made there, Seventh, but I noticed that some of the lights used texture lighting and others used point lighting. Very strange, and there's no reason not to use all texture lights.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-25 05:04:48 UTC in vault item: cs_the_underground Comment #12007
Instead of flaming you for all the n00bish stuff you did, I'll just list off some simple "suggestions".

1 - Don't overuse crates, they look redundant. In fact, if you can help it, don't use any.

2 - Even if you don't have the inspiration or skills to make awesome architecture, making anything but a box room will go a log way towards making the map feel better.

3 - Don't put 4 hostages into a room the size of a closet.

4 - Make sure your light is coming from somewhere. Having hallways that are lit up by little bright spots doesn't look too good at all.

5 - Tone down the lighting a bit. Some places looked like they were nearly fullbright.

6 - Use more textures. If you aren't sure about what to use while building the foundation, you could go back after you're done with all your main brushwork and put in more variety.

That's all I could think of at the moment. I would like to say, though, that it isn't all bad. Rooms like that one that had a walkway and support pillers really stand out from all the rest. you usually just need to go through afterwards and try adding details like that to the rooms, and it'll look more interesting.

I also noticed you used quite a few ramps and stairs. This can add diversity and a vertical aspect to a map, if used correctly.

This certainly isn't the worst first map I've ever seen, and it's a lot better than mine was. keep at it, and you could be making fairly good maps in no time.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-25 03:36:58 UTC in vault item: cs_the_underground Comment #12004

It looks like you browsed for a model...

Commented 18 years ago2006-05-20 17:49:46 UTC in vault item: Losspower Comment #11961
Great little map, I enjoyed it a lot.

I have to say, I thought the gameplay was excellent. Monster placement seemed perfect, and there were some things I don't think I've seen before (those Headcrabs jumping out of the vents actually surprised me a little, something headcrabs don't normally do!) Everything was always fast paced, and there was plenty of variety for such a small map.

Your architecture was overall good, and it never felt too blocky at all. I don't think I noticed your overuse of prafabs that much, and at the computer area, I was too busy watching out for the lightning bolt to even care!

You could use improvement in a couple of areas though. I noticed some textures were misused, and sometimes the transition of areas was a little odd..

Still, good map.

Three stars.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-18 14:00:00 UTC in vault item: Life's End Comment #11926
Oh man, I loved this mod when I played it a while back. I can't remember many details about it, just that I liked it a lot! There's a lot of humor and just overall strange stuff going on. I don't want to spoil it for anybody though, so I'll just stop there.

I did notice though that there were some areas with plain/boring architecture in them, and a couple of gameplay issues... So I'll have to downrate it a bit for that.

Still, great mod.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-15 21:51:49 UTC in vault item: Undertime Comment #11891
OK, well, I just cheated my way through, and actually found the end to be good.

I loved the nearly-invisible headcrab boss, and it really made up for all the repetetive grunt fights, but not quite enough for me to want to re-rate it. Nice text, too.

Still, it was fun, and showed signs of innovation. God job.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-15 17:14:30 UTC in vault item: Undertime Comment #11888
Well, with that review, I might just give it a try again. Maybe I'll just cheat my way through!
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-14 17:28:20 UTC in vault item: Undertime Comment #11852
Two words: grunt fest.

I see you said it's "a small and difficult map", but that doesn't mean it should be impossible to finish on medium difficulty. I actually couldn't complete it, it was too hard. For future reference, putting 10 grunts and a couple sentrys in a 512x512 box ISN'T a good idea, and it doesn't make it fun, just frusterating.

From what I saw though, the architecture was fairly average, and boxy, too. Nothing really special to see, except maybe in the beginning when you're in that rock-circle thing.

I couldn't make out any story in-game, other than what's in the barely comprehensible description, and it didn't really seem to relate to what was going on, other than that you're infiltrating some kind of base, and traveling through time portals or something.

I don't want to rate this map pack so low, but in the state it is now, I can't even get through it.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 17:02:32 UTC in vault item: de_inca Comment #11773
Or just -wadinclude them, as most do...
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 04:15:39 UTC in vault item: de_inca Comment #11762
Erm, a few more things:
  • You could make the flat, boring, ground mor einteresting if you made some terrain on it. Nothing fancy, just put some slopes here and there on top of what already exists
  • Make the start locations more interesting. As it is, you can't tell them apart from the rest of the map.
  • angle the walls back a little in places to give some variation in them.
  • Put more supports under and around bridge bomb site. It looks really unrealistic the way those walkways are just hanging there.
I just noticed that you did put those leaves hanging down, which accounts for some detail. Put more stuff like that in and it could be great.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 03:03:23 UTC in vault item: de_inca Comment #11761
Ok, here's a list of things to improve.
  • Get a new skybox. Look around on Wadfather for a new one, or just use one that came with CS (those are plenty good for this application). That desert theme really doesn't compliment it well at all.
  • I would upscale the ground texture just a bit so it doesn't look too repetitive, and you'd save some w_polys too. This will help alot if you add more detail...
  • Add more detail! There is little or no detail at all in the entire map, aside from the broken bridge thing and the curved stair trim (which I would barely consider detail). Put some stuff like grass sprites, signs of a dig going on (is there one?) or more decay. Hell, even a couple of crates would look good at this point. It feels way too bare.
  • Put more effort into the texturing, maybe even getting some other ones that aren't included in the HL2 WAD (some of those just don't fit). I also noticed a lot of texture misalignments on the arches. Maybe you could replace those parts with new textures?
  • Add a bomb site decal to the bomb spot.
  • More cover. You can still have the wide open approach without making it an AWP-fest.
  • The slope down to the water is too sharp, and doesn't look natural. Maybe make the slope more gradual? I can't really place my finger on why it doesn't look right.
  • I didn't notice any ambience. Get some birds or cricket sounds in there, or anything else that sounds right.
  • It needs some landmarks. I had a hard time finding my way around. Putting some detail in should clear that up.
This shows promise, and the layout is good, but you don't have much more than the base map down at this point.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 02:12:18 UTC in vault item: de_inca Comment #11760
Hate to say it, but I think you forgot to wadinclude the HL2 textures again ;) I can still play it though, I've got that WAD
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-08 23:15:04 UTC in vault item: No_Patience Comment #11733
Forgot to mention: I found the architecture a little bit on the blocky side. I hope that's all I forgot!
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-08 23:12:06 UTC in vault item: aim_barn Comment #11732
I thought it was 1.6 too when I looked at the screenie. Good thing I read the comments!
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-08 22:55:52 UTC in vault item: No_Patience Comment #11731
Very nice indeed! I love the Deathmatch Classicy feel, and you retained that arena style throughout the map.

I found a couple of things that sort of detracted from it though.

The textures you used were very nice, but but a lot of the time I didn't feel like they really complimented eachother very well. Their theme varied quite a bit, oftentimes making it feel kind of hodgepodge, with no defined theme.

Although this isn't too much of a problem, I noticed there wasn't actually very much detail in the map at all, like you said there was. Instead, it was mostly just high-res textures that were scaled down to give surfaces more detail. The only reason this worked, however, was because you used high-tech themed textures with lots of stuff crammed into them.

Other than these minor problems, there are a few other things that could easily be fixed.

I noticed when you're at the highest point of the map, with the skybox visible, you can jump up and see the paper thin edge were the skybox meets the top of the wall... just make the wall a little higher, or pull the skybox back a little so you can see the edge, and that will be fixed.

There was also a place were there were some grates in the floor, and they were just small enough so that you would sort of "trip" over the lip when you ran over them, slowing you down a little.

This is all just nitpicking though, it's a pretty good map. Assuming you aren't updating it, I'll give it a 3, but if you do, I might just rate it again. ;)
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-29 02:24:33 UTC in vault item: Bulletproofing Comment #11603
Well aren't you HL2 mappers just so luckeeeee... :P
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-23 03:57:24 UTC in vault item: de_sahara Comment #11559
Download doesn't work... Really wanted this.
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-19 04:19:54 UTC in vault item: Long compile times (cs_timeville) Comment #11544
Okay, I didn't notice you had boxed in the map the first time I checked it... Yes, I have a brain. But just calling it a skybox doesn't mean you boxed the whole map in with one.

Also, I noticed you didn't upsacale ANY of the textures. If you're going to have big open spaces, that's one of the first things you'll need to do to make it run well.
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-18 06:11:44 UTC in vault item: Long compile times (cs_timeville) Comment #11540
And... What will romoving the skybox do?
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-15 18:52:27 UTC in vault item: Long compile times (cs_timeville) Comment #11510
Woops, ok I noticed you actually said WinZip, so I downloaded it and got it extract.

I hate to say it, but the map looks really, REALLY, poorly constructed. It's HUGE and wide open, I can't imagine how that would be like during play if it would actually compile. I got a huge amount of "plane with no normal", "coplaner plane", and "outside world" errors.

If you're really determined to get this running, you can try looking at the entity numbers and brush numbers next to the errors in the compile log, writing them all down, and then using "go to brush number" and typing in the brush number/entity number and fix them all manually.
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-15 18:09:50 UTC in vault item: Long compile times (cs_timeville) Comment #11509
I have winrar... It doesn't work either.
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-13 20:44:00 UTC in vault item: aim_submerge Comment #11496
Yikes! methinks they are. Although I'm guilty of that same thing in many (all) of my maps.
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-12 01:48:36 UTC in vault item: Long compile times (cs_timeville) Comment #11481
I don't know how to help you with this, I can't even unzip it. It gives me an error saying "File skipped unknown cpmression method". So either the map is so messed up it won't compile, or your computer was made in '97, in which case I feel sorry for you.
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-06 03:25:14 UTC in vault item: PANDEMIC Main Hall Comment #11438
come up with your own realistic demensions, like 64x112 for doors, 8 unit height for stairs, etc. Having "real world" textures that haven't been edited a lot can also help. Think about what real places normally have in them, go into stores, or just around your house, and look for the things you don't ordinarily notice, then try and use them somehow into your map.
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-04 12:25:14 UTC in vault item: PANDEMIC Main Hall Comment #11424
Ok, so after I played it again, I didn't notice the different floor texture... looked exactly the same to me. Also, this would just be for a little realism, but it says in the beginning that you come through a door, and it dissapears behind you, but when you turn around, the wall is curved where the door would have been. It's not likely there would have been a door on a surface like that (I've never seen a door mounted in a curved wall).
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-04 12:13:08 UTC in vault item: PANDEMIC Main Hall Comment #11423
You could use the method that involves placing several ambient_generics around the map. It couldn't be an mp3, though.
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-03 05:41:52 UTC in vault item: PANDEMIC Main Hall Comment #11419
This looks really nice, but I have to agree with Strider about the wood floor texture. Remember to turn that flash of when taking texture pictures! The blending on the wood floor and wall textures is also a little poor. One last thing: that song included has the same filename as an original one. Change it!
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-01 05:38:20 UTC in vault item: JungleRiverFalls12 Comment #11406
Here's a few little tips:

Don't create so many remakes of maps. People will lose interest in them. Even if you have made changes that you think improve the overall experience, for most people it's not enough to justify the re-downloading.

Don't limit yourself to one idea. It's usefull in the beginning to try and experiment with many different enviroments and locations, and you get to see how well the engine (and you) can handle them.

And last of all, don't be afraid to post your newbie maps on TWHL, that's what it's for anyway!
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-20 07:42:34 UTC in vault item: HL2 Supply Crate for HL1 Comment #11312
"not sure if I included that smg model in any of my last maps on here."

You did.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-20 05:52:34 UTC in vault item: sk_Sniper Comment #11311
Just try giving praise to your own, and you'll get people flocking all over it!
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-19 18:30:54 UTC in vault item: HL2 Supply Crate for HL1 Comment #11307
The only problem with this is that when your ammo is full in your gun, the clips will just continue to drop on the ground. But I can't really see a way around this.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-19 18:23:13 UTC in vault item: HL2 Supply Crate for HL1 Comment #11306
What's the point of that?
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-19 08:28:06 UTC in vault item: sk_Sniper Comment #11298
I'm sure not going to download it. Commenting on your own map and saying it's excellent is one of the lowest things you can do... why do people do that stuff anyway? Do they think we can't read the names above the comments?
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-18 23:12:28 UTC in vault item: Sky Snipe Comment #11294
fairly good for an early map. Okay brushwork on the little hut things on the roofs, I liked the way you could snipe the people through the windows.

It's got some slightly high r_speeds (around 1400 at max), really bad texture choices, and if I'm not mistaken, you didn't use Zoners Half-Life Tools (I suspect this from looking at the flat shadows on the boxes).
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-18 22:30:04 UTC in vault item: Sky Snipe Comment #11293
But he didn't say this was his first map, just his first cs 1.6 map.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-13 02:02:13 UTC in vault item: Train Problems Comment #11189
By the way, anybody can rip off my train as much as they want. Some credit would be really nice, but there's no way to inforce it...
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-12 00:12:31 UTC in vault item: cs_poltergeist2 Comment #11174
Sorry for stealing all your reviews away from you, rowleybob!
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-11 20:01:15 UTC in vault item: cs_poltergeist2 Comment #11171
+ Scary as hell
+ A bunch of ambience
+ AoM textures
+ Nice rain effects (scrolling water going down windows, mist blowing around outside)
+ Hostages are spread out

- High r_speeds in some areas (around 1500)
- Scale seems a bit off
- Creepy sounds can be tacky/gimmicky after a while

+/- Planty big, although a little too maze-like (you could get in situations where you couldn't find other players)

I never played the first cs_poltergeist, so I can't really compare them and say this is a major improvement, but I still think it's a really great map.

The basement area was really creepy, and the whole map had lots of atmosphere to it.

The only thing I could really suggest (that you could realistically change at this point) is to make the scale better. The doors, and lots of smaller items were way too big.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-11 05:22:26 UTC in vault item: Falling Balcony Comment #11169
That's actually kinda true...
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-10 18:29:14 UTC in vault item: Falling Balcony Comment #11165
NO! I refuse to ever map for that inferior piece of crap!
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-10 18:26:52 UTC in vault item: candybox Comment #11164
Kill everybody who likes killboxes!