Commented 4 years ago2020-06-26 23:25:13 UTC
in journal: Resin castingComment #102778
Nice! I really wanted to do this but the materials are so stupidly expensive here that it turned me away... I have a bundle of aircraft model parts (scale kits/cars) that I need to remake, or bodies I'd like to dupe (like 1/28 RC bodies) for various reasons like body kits, paint jobs, or my own collection of E46 M3s but ah well.
Commented 4 years ago2020-04-08 16:30:38 UTC
in journal: My grandfather diedComment #102659
My condolences, I'm not sure what else to say and etc. I wished I had the chance to talk and ask my grandfather more but back then I was immature as crap and didn't realize how life can just go like that.
Commented 5 years ago2019-09-12 17:17:14 UTC
in journal: Made a Blender modelComment #102268
If I made a model and put it on G'Mod, I'd sure as hell be prettty proud about it and I'm sure you would be too.
If it'll be worth it is up to you, but I'm sure playing as your own personal made model will put a smile to your face (having experience made hundreds of aircraft model on 3DS Max and gotten them into flight simulators, etc).
My day's of Source Modding are long gone and I've forgotten everything I knew due to lack of practice so I can't help and wouldn't like to offer as I'd have to relearn, reinstall a lot of things and I don't have the time for that but maybe you can take a look into it?
Commented 5 years ago2019-08-05 14:08:16 UTC
in journal: Graffiti Ahoy!Comment #102202
Here's the one IL-2 Battle of Stalingrad image that Imgur let me upload, having severe problems uploading the rest for some reason...
A big shoutout and thanks to everyone on all the sites that have contributed and helped to it! Most of which were from Tumblr and few of the artists there who reblogged the post to get attention/spread awareness of this project.
Enjoy! (Battle of Stalingrad link to be uploaded shortly)
Commented 5 years ago2019-08-05 14:07:31 UTC
in journal: Graffiti Ahoy!Comment #102201
Direct copy paste from my post on SAS1946.
A few of you may have seen my Community Project - Navy Graffiti Skin post and some people have asked me if there will be a IL-2 1946/FB Version. Now with the skin done (since it was a Battle of Stalingrad skin) and finished (though I need to post some updated screenies), I've just finished off a slightly modified version of this for 1946 users to experience this skin too and to use it if they wish to, or to have it in their collection.
This skin consists of mostly modern memes/internet trends rather than classic Navy Graffiti since I took to Tumblr and other forums to get some pieces of work for this skin, so, that should pretty much explain it's lack of historic comments..
Nice! I'm always envious/jealous of people with 3D Printers. There's so much to do with them like R/C servo mounts, control horns, motor firewalls, custom gears (experimental), prototyping designs, R/C Car rims, etc.
NICE! I too did that but ages ago and I barely even remember it...
This was somewhere during 2002. But man have they really changed the livery of the aircraft. Dad keeps nagging on about how we spent a lot for that flight back then, too bad I'm not old enough to remember it though I would have loved to. Apparently I called the pilot a wuss and he then did an aileron roll, despite my dad telling him not to....
Commented 6 years ago2018-05-13 13:32:14 UTC
in journal: #8934Comment #44167
"New car is only a 1248cc compared to the previous 1399, but it actually feels much more powerful."
Some factors - weight (obvious that cars of this year are lighter and faster than ever), gearbox (better ratios/more gears).
Take for example my 1997 BMW 318i E36 - I call her the PanzerWagen because of how heavy the bitch is, but compared to today's standards, this thing can take a serious RAM and still be repaired to almost a new condition. However, I saw a 2014 Honda Accord get torn apart like a sardine can... Newer cars are light weight and all sure, but they're even able to get dented when kicked by a football...
We also had a 2014 Nissan Altima - both cars were a 4 Cylinder engine, but the Altima (if I recall correctly) had 6/7 gears, one of them, but the car was so light and fragile that the little engine it had PULLED the damn thing to 0-140 kmph faster than the PanzerWagen would go, whilst my tank could only pull 200 @ about 4700 RPM on it's 4th and Final gear.
Gearboxes are AMAZING.
"Turns out running a car isn't very cheap."
No it isn't. As is smoking and other things.
A fellow privacy specialist (well another user from another forum I'm active on who's very... PROTECTIVE [I guess?] ) suggested I use this and this is probably one of the best applications to help disable a lot of Microsoft's garbage and irritating settings on Win 10
Commented 6 years ago2018-03-07 05:50:37 UTC
in journal: #8918Comment #67942
@DiscoStu - I wonder what it will be like. At first, I was never really close to my Grandparents (in a mature, conversational way) so much since I was rather young, but as I grew older, I realized that I really had no time with them - no time or sense at that age, to ask them things about their past, for example, how was I supposed to be smart and ask my Grandfather about his flying and combat history when I was just 8 or 9? It never occurred to me...
I'm still yet to visit both their graves for one last chat anyways, I'm sure it'll feel similar to yours.
Commented 7 years ago2018-02-03 16:04:26 UTC
in news: TWHL4 Public BetaComment #100326
Can we please keep formatting options similar to other forums with things such a [bold][/bold] [img][/img] [img width=69][/img] and etc? I feel the bold options and italic are sort of... Well, we're gonna have to adjust to them but the bracket formatting options we already more or less know by heart... Just wondering.
Commented 7 years ago2018-01-03 12:14:04 UTC
in journal: #8897Comment #66654
Cheers guys, means a lot as always.
@Striker - tell me about it... My sister had a small panic attack after she realized I turned 20... Hell, even I'm finding it hard to believe that I am 20.. Seems like I just turned 18, instead, it's actually 20.
Also I sorta forgot to wish everyone Happy New Years! Here's to a good year, and many more to come for all here, be it friend or foe.
Commented 7 years ago2017-11-10 14:25:26 UTC
in journal: #8888Comment #68462
[brokenquotefunction]The teacher in my school explains it well, but he rushes constantly. x3 [/brokenquotefunction]
Take it from his point of view or his shoes - perhaps he's had it to his tits with teaching you all or just, likes to rush things, after all, you guys are pretty much from the USSR part of the world, ish, I guess..?
Commented 7 years ago2017-11-03 07:45:34 UTC
in journal: #8886Comment #49784
Hitec servo's - got a few of them in a VERY old aircraft we had purchased second hand! Gorgeous servos, if I may say so, very interesting and neat video!
Jealous af.
Sorry for the derail.
Congrats..? Cheese..? :))
If it'll be worth it is up to you, but I'm sure playing as your own personal made model will put a smile to your face (having experience made hundreds of aircraft model on 3DS Max and gotten them into flight simulators, etc).
My day's of Source Modding are long gone and I've forgotten everything I knew due to lack of practice so I can't help and wouldn't like to offer as I'd have to relearn, reinstall a lot of things and I don't have the time for that but maybe you can take a look into it?
Enjoy! (Battle of Stalingrad link to be uploaded shortly)
Click to enlarge photos!
It's on the bucket list for one day.
Any Bimmers...? 8)
I too did that but ages ago and I barely even remember it...
Some factors - weight (obvious that cars of this year are lighter and faster than ever), gearbox (better ratios/more gears).
Take for example my 1997 BMW 318i E36 - I call her the PanzerWagen because of how heavy the bitch is, but compared to today's standards, this thing can take a serious RAM and still be repaired to almost a new condition. However, I saw a 2014 Honda Accord get torn apart like a sardine can... Newer cars are light weight and all sure, but they're even able to get dented when kicked by a football...
We also had a 2014 Nissan Altima - both cars were a 4 Cylinder engine, but the Altima (if I recall correctly) had 6/7 gears, one of them, but the car was so light and fragile that the little engine it had PULLED the damn thing to 0-140 kmph faster than the PanzerWagen would go, whilst my tank could only pull 200 @ about 4700 RPM on it's 4th and Final gear.
Gearboxes are AMAZING.
"Turns out running a car isn't very cheap."
No it isn't. As is smoking and other things.
Also congrats
A fellow privacy specialist (well another user from another forum I'm active on who's very... PROTECTIVE [I guess?] ) suggested I use this and this is probably one of the best applications to help disable a lot of Microsoft's garbage and irritating settings on Win 10
I'm still yet to visit both their graves for one last chat anyways, I'm sure it'll feel similar to yours.
Here's to the best and doing your best.
@Striker - tell me about it... My sister had a small panic attack after she realized I turned 20... Hell, even I'm finding it hard to believe that I am 20.. Seems like I just turned 18, instead, it's actually 20.
Also I sorta forgot to wish everyone Happy New Years! Here's to a good year, and many more to come for all here, be it friend or foe.
Take it from his point of view or his shoes - perhaps he's had it to his tits with teaching you all or just, likes to rush things, after all, you guys are pretty much from the USSR part of the world, ish, I guess..?
Russian it all the way~~~~~
Remember to take it easy and until the engine's broken in.