Commented 17 years ago2007-07-08 09:33:44 UTC
in vault item: cs_frigidComment #15300
Can't add much to Hunter's review.. It really needs some structures/objects throughout the area to help the players navigate. The snowmobiles let you get around more quickly, but that's really not enough. If you added some ramps, more hills and more snowmobiles - it could be the one of the first decent-looking veichle maps.
Overall - the idea's great, though it still needs tweaking to play right.
Commented 17 years ago2007-06-18 03:42:34 UTC
in vault item: de_aztecruinsComment #15133
These people give you constructive criticism and you start flaming them like a bloody imbicile.
What we're trying to say is that your map has <u>dull and boring lighting</u>. Because of <u>dull and boring lighting</u> - it <u>looks like</u> fullbright. Instead of whining like some fucking 5-yr-old primadonna every time you hear the word fullbright, improve things. It doesn't matter how good your architecture/texturing is, if you only bother adding one light entity with 255 brightness, pointing directly downward in the end. A map with no good lighting is NOT a good map.
Commented 17 years ago2007-05-26 03:30:15 UTC
in vault item: de_barrenComment #14991
Can't really add much to the previous comments. The map really needs work.
Maps without an original theme (especially dust) are generally disliked here. If you used a new theme in the map - you would've gotten at least 1 more star.
Oh, and most people neglect this, but the story has to be at least logical.. Not to mention spelled correctly.
Terrorists have invaded an ancient ruin temple at the middle of sahara desert.
they discowered that in that same place were stored a lot of c4 explosives by the gavernment planed to go to iraque. But the counter-terrorists were there in time.
Objectives Terrorists: destroy the explosives.
Counter-terrorists: kill every single terrorist before they get to plant the c4.
Hiding explosives in the middle of a huge desert (especially when Sachara is nowhere near Iraq) and leaving the stash unguarded is just dumb. You should spend more than 2 mins on the story. Seriously.
Commented 17 years ago2007-04-14 05:25:36 UTC
in vault item: green_mesaComment #14619
Checked out the .rmf, and it had tons of Invalid Solid/Texture axis perpendicular to face errors, that make the map pretty much impossible to compile..
Anyways - I liked the effort put at this, if you used better textures - it could end up as a pretty nice remake of the ol' boring Anomalous Materials start.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-30 15:38:14 UTC
in vault item: Facility 29Comment #14529
This map somehow reminds me of the oldskool beta CS maps.. Maybe it's because of the layout and overall looks? Anyways - a wee bit belated review..
+ Texturing. Nothing too special here. I didn't notice any major texturing glitches, it all looked pretty good and clean to me.
+ Ambience. Good job, everything sounded, like it's supposed to sound.
+/- Architecture. Now most of the areas were detailed and looked pretty well (lovely terrain at the terrorist building, narrow corridor with pipes), although some of them (CT spawn, inside of terrorist building, sewer pipes) were un-detailed and sometimes bland. The CT spawn could've used some more interesting architecture, while the T building had almost no furniture, just empty and boring. It kinda reminded me of cs_mansion. The sewer pipes were just dark and plain. You could add some maintenance rooms to break them up a bit.
+/- Lighting. The outdoor areas were pretty well-lit, but I've found the ultra-bright yellow lights in the biggest tunnel a bit wierd. Try a more orange light..
- Layout, gameplay. The good thing is, that there are many routes to the goal. The bad thing? Corridors. Every single route is a simple corridor. The whole map had only 2 larger open spaces. That doesn't make it play good, since the map chokepoints are all in huge, long corridors. That automatically disables the use of any kind of tactic and just leaves the players to shooting each other simoultaneously. The only way to solve it is to make at least one bigger area in the center of each route (with the possible exception of the sewers), even better, a center area, that connects with the other routes and gives the gameplay a bit more variation.
Overall - a quite great map for a first one, with some improvements it could turn out to be a pretty darn good map. 4*, because without the glitches - it's an awesome first map. Keep it up.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-24 06:44:49 UTC
in vault item: aim_arcadiariflecupComment #14467
Hm.. I'll make you feel even dirtier by writing an appropriate review. ;D
wl thnks 4 a map dat gd its rly 1337 i likde teh prat wen u ken pik up wpns at teh start coz tahts rly usefool bcuz usin mai baiskript all teh tiem woz gettin 2 tirin n stuf tho dis maps liek rly 2 big dunno whai i think its big mebbe coz i plai smallr maps all teh tiem lol anyho u shud mayk it smallr liek u kno teh map kilbox_ubar_1337_totly_lyk_yah_totly_dood its rly gd in siez n gamplay adn it duznt lag coz may 1337 frend maid it adn hes rly gd at makin map witout lag lol adn yah u shuld mebbe mayk a sekret plays wit awp n shiz coz its fun to get teh sekret wpn adn go all booms hs on teh noobd and teh noobs wud go liek ohnoes ur spoilen teh gaymepley or sumthin liek dat rofl so dis maps rly 1337 if u dunt mention teh flawes whit r rly eesee 2 fix imo lol so liek gd job n keep makin mpas liek dat plz kthx ps i thot dat u wud liek to heer mai ide ov a mpa dat i wanted 2 map but kudnt coz i kuldnt run hammre files on cs lol so hre it is teh naym: omg_u_shuld_pley_dis_mpa_adn_if_u_dnot_ur_moms_a_fag_lol storee: its liek u gte wepons at strat adn u dun hva 2 moov jsut shot teh othres lol it shud b rly fun adn tehre wud be a sekret awp wich is hiddan n stuf
lol k im w8in 4 u 2 mayk dat map k? i kent pai u tho coz my mom sez i ken only gte 2$ a day to buy cande b4 she picks me up frmo skool kthxbai
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-15 15:02:29 UTC
in vault item: Ocean TempleComment #14383
Wow.. Just wow.. Where to begin.. The architecture's extremely sexy. Love the arched ceilings and the textures there. The pool is also very nicely made, I really liked the detail there. The overall texturing is very nice. The frescos on the ceilings really add to the temple-ish feeling.
I'd say, that the lighting and ambience need improving. The yellow lighting in the corners doesn't add to the water feeling of the map. The fire torches look out of place too. Make something more fitting, like a plant-like blue-ish light, or something.
The ambience overall was a bit.. weak. I think the map needs some background ambience (try the cave ambience sounds from HL2) to strengthen the feel. The burning fire sounds didn't fit the theme at all. If you want to keep them - a least make them a bit more silent.
Even with the small glitches - the map was quite spectacular. Improve it and you've got yourself a trophy-winner.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-08 13:07:48 UTC
in vault item: de_littlegardenComment #14342
A very interesting map..
+ Architecture. Good work with that. even if the small colourful corridors are blocky - the vast majority of the map had very nice architecture. From the open areas, that had nice rounded corners and sweet cliffs, to the tunnels, that were awesomely detailed - it was all clean & pleasant. The brush signs on the walls were a nice touch too.
+ Layout. I haven't tested the map with bots/other players, but I can tell, that this will play good. Lots of multiple paths, that connect with each other and should provide the map with some fast-paced, dynamic gameplay.
+/- Detail. The signs and tunnels were detailed, although I've found the outside walls quite bland and boring. Some kinda trim, or some other details, like windows would help a lot.
+/- Lighting. It was alright and clean, although a bit boring. If the contrast between areas is so big in your map - so should be the lighting.
- Texturing. I've failed to catch the theme of the map. It was very mixed up, having some industrial-ish parts (the dark grey tunnels), some sandy parts, combined with green and an interior, that looked, like a hotel. It just didn't look too logic together. The crates just looked weird in a setting like that. Unless you wanted the theme to be fantasy - I'd suggest working on it a bit more.
- Ambience. None found. Add some.
Overall - the map was quite interesting. Some flaws with texturing and lighting, although overall - it was nice. I'd give 3,5*, so that rounds up to 4.
Commented 18 years ago2007-01-15 14:33:47 UTC
in vault item: dm_hothworld betaComment #14001
I'm such a lazy bastard for not checking this out earlier. Here's a late (hope it's not too late) review.
+ Architecture. Though some of the larger areas lacked detail (mostly the open area with the walkers and the hangar with the Falcon and the corridors) - the overall looks were quite satisfying for a beta. I'd definately add some more equipment/computers in the hangars, maybe a func_train robot mechanic (can't remember, if they had one in SW), that'd move around the hangar(s) emitting some funny sounds? That'd definately add to the overall Star Wars-ish atmosphere of the map. The terrain outside looked pretty decent, although the areas, that are accessible to the player (I suppose, that you won't be able to walk to the AT-ATs in the final version) could use a couple more bumps. Some glaciers would be pretty cool too. Although the area, that needs the most work are definately the corridors. I won't flame em', since it's a beta, but FFS, add some detail! I'd suggest making them hexagonal, with pipes, wires, sci-fi-tech stuff hanging from the ceiling. Some funky blu-ish lighting would be nice too. ^^ The command center, with the xmas tree also lacked detail a lot. You should work on the computers and the other details there. The tree was a nice touch (good spot for an easter egg) too.
+/- Layout/Weapon Placement. The layout was ok, I liked the ability to get inside the ships, although I think, that the large open area with the AT-ATs was a bit neglected in terms of layout. It's more of a dead-end, than a main battle arena. I'd definately make it into a major chokepoint of the map, rather than just an area for show. And speaking of getting into the ships - you could make it a bit harder, involving some puzzles, etc, maybe even traps to spice things up a bit. I also agree with the others on weapon placement. Only gauss/grenades ain't gonna work. Add more weapons. And I'd also suggest somehow letting the player see, what he's gonna pick up. A sprite above the weapon dispencer, with the names of the items, or even better - different kinds of dispencers (different ones for small/medium/big weapons, grenades, healthkits/batteries, etc) would be really awesome.
- Texturing. Yah.. Hope you'll change it soon.
- Ambience. The sounds from the actual movie were very nice, although I agree with CP here. Multiple sounds, triggered randomly are the best way to go. And don't forget the other ambience, like computer/gadget sounds, etc.
- Lighting. Needs major improvements. A futuristic sci-fi enviroment gives you full freedom in lighting. Experiment with different colours for different areas. That'll give your map some contrast and help the players navigate. The outside area could use a more light-blue lighting, rather than the bland white.
Overall - this looks very promising. Add more interactiveness, puzzles/traps, etc. - and you've got yourself a great map.
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-31 13:25:09 UTC
in vault item: krAzYComment #13868
Reminds me of he_glassfloor, or whatever the hell the map was called. Unless you change the map to knife/nade/weak weapons only - it won't be fun to play at all.
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-31 11:05:34 UTC
in vault item: cs_face2faceComment #13865
Pretty much a killbox with a few props. Plus it's fullbright. A few things I'd suggest:
- The "cs_" prefix in the map name stands for HOSTAGE RESCUE maps. I'd strongly sugest changing it to fy_ or aim_, since it's a killbox.
- Always run RAD, when compiling, even if the compile takes loads of time. If the map has a leak and you haven't fixed it - at least don't post it in the completed maps section.
The reviews were harsh, but it's just that killbox maps aren't welcome by most of the mappers here.. .. especially if they're quite poorly made.
Sorry, but the map realy isn't worth more than 2* in advance.
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-23 14:10:11 UTC
in vault item: Santa's Revenge (SP Mod)Comment #13800
First of all - this really brought the christmas spirit to the ole' HL. As for the review:
+ Architecture. It was quite clean and overall realistic. Almost every area from the bumpy snow at the surface to the caves and the reindeer room was realistic and quite interesting. On the other hand - the corridors in the underground area were really dull and blocky. Some sticking out trims, or even pipes would've been great. Anyways - the overall architecture was really great.
+ Texturing. I liked the custom textures and the lil' details, like chains on the locked doors, or the names of each reindeer in their liftoff room. The cave/other areas were also interesting and not very repeating.
+ Atmosphere. From the music to the christmas lights and snow - it really felt like it was white xmas. While almost all of your rooms had great ambience, the lighting was quite repeating and boring. The yellow vs. white theme is really a bit too dull. The only area, where the lighting was great was the surface. It really felt like a snowstorm.
+ Custom content. The gifts replacing ammo and other items and new weapons were great, although I didn't like having the HEV suit displayed as clips of ammo. You could have just removed the HEV startup sentences from the sentences.txt to avoid the sounds and placed the HEV suit right at the player. The santa, elves and dwarves models were great, although I really agree with Boxtop on those anime children models. They just didn't fit. I also loved the snowman zombies and the way they die. They really added a lot, although you could have replaced the default zombie sounds with something different. The game crashed 3 times, while playing too. You should sort that out.
+ Enemy/ammo placement. I think you've balanced it quite well. The gameplay was decently heavy on hard, but I've managed most of the areas without quickloading more than twice.
Overall - a great christmas mod. It lacked stability, but I must say, that the experience was rather pleasing. The ending was also awesome. Great work!
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-14 02:59:09 UTC
in vault item: In-securityComment #13695
The map is fullbright, lacks detail. You should really spice up the cliffs, add some bumps to the sand, maybe even add a cactus, or something. The ambience was pretty good, although I'd reduce the generator sound a bit. The repeating barney crouch sequence doesn't look convincing either. It could be turned into a sven co-op map, although it still needs loads of work.
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-13 03:10:25 UTC
in vault item: The DoorComment #13681
Well another button at the other side of the corridor would have been quite helpful.. The door was quite nice, I liked the round-ish look. Those little lids to close the gap between the door hole were my favourite.
Nice work. I'll give this a 4, since it wasn't re-usable.
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-12 12:33:19 UTC
in vault item: Five Stage DoorComment #13670
Heheh. Pretty simple, but I liked it.
The steam sprites and the locks were a good touch. I'd say, that the effect would be much stronger, if the door was bigger (large five-layer door, sealing some silo, for e.g)
The doors could also deal the player some damage, if blocked, since they look pretty heavy.
Overall - good work. 3*
Rednek: I've removed your comment. Feel free to re-post it, if you want, but this time - add some motivation for your 1* rating. :
Commented 18 years ago2006-10-06 13:20:27 UTC
in vault item: De_SplinterComment #13097
Well I agree with most of the comments, just a few things I'd like to add..
The bomb targets. What I missed in the CS:S and the 1.6 versions was the unrealistic bomb target exploding. None of the wooden crates/APCs weren't even scratched, when the bomb exploded. You could have at least added some fire sprites, or something like that.
Detail. As mentioned before - most of the areas lacked detail. The APC garages could have had some tools lying around, parhaps some control panels/monitors, wires on the floor too. The office area also needed more props. Adding some chairs/magazines/food near the wooden coffee table would've been great.
Ambience. Since the outside has a snowy theme - you could have added some wind gust sounds, combined with snowy fog (to make an impression of a snow storm).
Overall - the map looked pretty good, I liked the architecture and texturing. I also liked the blend from the orange-ish interior, to the white-ish exterior lighting. I'll have to agree with the others. 4 stars it is.
The download site doesn't really work well for me. Try linking directly to the file, not just the download page. You can always use for some quick & free uploading.
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-06 02:18:59 UTC
in vault item: puppycademy_awp_e-tractorComment #12766
The download site doesn't really work well for me. Try linking directly to the file, not just the download page. You can always use for some quick & free uploading.
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-16 04:42:26 UTC
in vault item: Air fireComment #12258
Okay, I finally got to play this and I must say, that if you look at the other aim maps out there - this map is something really well-made.
The first con would be the amazingly low r_speeds for such an open map with a very decent ammount of detail. The highest r_speeds were ~1080 wpolies and that's quite acceptable. I also liked the custom trims/texturing of the map. They added a cutsom and newer feel to the whole map (most other aim maps don't use any custom material). The architecture was quite good for an average map and amazing for an aim_ map. The arches, cliffs were quite detailed and good-looking. The gameplay should be good, since there are multiple levels of combat and a quite interesting layout (layout in an aim map?! :o). That should provide the map with smooth and fast-paced gameplay.
The cons would be the lack of ambience and the sky not fitting the lighting. No matter, how csgeeks hate ambience and flame the mapper about that - there really should be at least some in every map. And I didn't like the night sky in a bright map. Use a daytime sky for more realism and better looks.
Overall - the map is very well-built for an aim_map and compared to others - it's v. beautiful. Great work!
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-16 04:30:38 UTC
in vault item: cs_rushdownComment #12257
Actually - I have no idea on why everyone's so concerned with the r_speeds. I haven't seen any areas of the map, that had r_speeds higher than ~900 (the nowadays standarts are <1000 wpolies, not 800)
I agree with Rowleybob on most things, although I must say, that the crickets sound is interesting at first, although it becomes a real pain for the ears in a few minutes of playing. Either change the background sound to something more pleasant, or just add some randomly triggered wind/other sounds. I also didin't like the lighting not matching the sky (or vice versa). If you want to keep the night sky and the current brightness level in the outside, at least add some light sources outside, that would explain the weird brightness outside in the middle of the night. Another thing: This is a cs map. That means, that it should have hostages (cs_ = hostage rescue map). If you want to keep it like that, I'd suggest changing the name to aim_rushdown.
Overall - a very nicely-built map. As Rowleybob said - it needs something to make it stand out of the crowd (trims, map-specific objects, etc.). Take dust as an example. The map-specific objects are the arches and trims. when you see a map with those objects - you always know, that it's a dust remake. The map still needs more work, although it was pretty darn good.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-30 08:33:15 UTC
in vault item: Orb (Compo 20)Comment #12078
I'm.. speachless..
This is more than amazing and original..
The whole detail, realism and precision of the destruction truly amazed me. The ambience, the beam effects, the decals.. This <i>had</i> to get 1st place. ^^
A better description would help. A lot.
That's sooooo self-explanitory. ;>
It really needs some structures/objects throughout the area to help the players navigate. The snowmobiles let you get around more quickly, but that's really not enough.
If you added some ramps, more hills and more snowmobiles - it could be the one of the first decent-looking veichle maps.
Overall - the idea's great, though it still needs tweaking to play right.
If you made a trap involving collapsing cards, the map would be even more kickass. ;>
What we're trying to say is that your map has <u>dull and boring lighting</u>. Because of <u>dull and boring lighting</u> - it <u>looks like</u> fullbright. Instead of whining like some fucking 5-yr-old primadonna every time you hear the word fullbright, improve things. It doesn't matter how good your architecture/texturing is, if you only bother adding one light entity with 255 brightness, pointing directly downward in the end. A map with no good lighting is NOT a good map.
Grow the fuck up already, sheesh.
No DoD, though. Can't test. ;<
Maps without an original theme (especially dust) are generally disliked here. If you used a new theme in the map - you would've gotten at least 1 more star.
Oh, and most people neglect this, but the story has to be at least logical.. Not to mention spelled correctly.
Terrorists have invaded an ancient ruin temple at the middle
of sahara desert.
they discowered that in that same place were stored a lot of c4
explosives by the gavernment planed to go to iraque.
But the counter-terrorists were there in time.
Terrorists: destroy the explosives.
Counter-terrorists: kill every single terrorist before they get to
plant the c4.
Hiding explosives in the middle of a huge desert (especially when Sachara is nowhere near Iraq) and leaving the stash unguarded is just dumb.
You should spend more than 2 mins on the story. Seriously.
I liked the detail on the wires and the track textures.
This could evolve into something quite unique.
Check out the tutorials for prop aligning, etc. That'll get you started on the right foot.
Anyways - I liked the effort put at this, if you used better textures - it could end up as a pretty nice remake of the ol' boring Anomalous Materials start.
Though you'll need a huge max vis. distance to make the skybox visible in all the areas of the map..
Anyways - doesn't a model going off-grid produce any errors?
Anyways - a wee bit belated review..
+ Texturing. Nothing too special here. I didn't notice any major texturing glitches, it all looked pretty good and clean to me.
+ Ambience. Good job, everything sounded, like it's supposed to sound.
+/- Architecture. Now most of the areas were detailed and looked pretty well (lovely terrain at the terrorist building, narrow corridor with pipes), although some of them (CT spawn, inside of terrorist building, sewer pipes) were un-detailed and sometimes bland. The CT spawn could've used some more interesting architecture, while the T building had almost no furniture, just empty and boring. It kinda reminded me of cs_mansion. The sewer pipes were just dark and plain. You could add some maintenance rooms to break them up a bit.
+/- Lighting. The outdoor areas were pretty well-lit, but I've found the ultra-bright yellow lights in the biggest tunnel a bit wierd. Try a more orange light..
- Layout, gameplay. The good thing is, that there are many routes to the goal. The bad thing? Corridors. Every single route is a simple corridor. The whole map had only 2 larger open spaces. That doesn't make it play good, since the map chokepoints are all in huge, long corridors. That automatically disables the use of any kind of tactic and just leaves the players to shooting each other simoultaneously. The only way to solve it is to make at least one bigger area in the center of each route (with the possible exception of the sewers), even better, a center area, that connects with the other routes and gives the gameplay a bit more variation.
Overall - a quite great map for a first one, with some improvements it could turn out to be a pretty darn good map.
4*, because without the glitches - it's an awesome first map.
Keep it up.
wl thnks 4 a map dat gd its rly 1337 i likde teh prat wen u ken pik up wpns at teh start coz tahts rly usefool bcuz usin mai baiskript all teh tiem woz gettin 2 tirin n stuf
tho dis maps liek rly 2 big dunno whai i think its big mebbe coz i plai smallr maps all teh tiem lol anyho u shud mayk it smallr liek u kno teh map kilbox_ubar_1337_totly_lyk_yah_totly_dood its rly gd in siez n gamplay adn it duznt lag coz may 1337 frend maid it adn hes rly gd at makin map witout lag lol
adn yah u shuld mebbe mayk a sekret plays wit awp n shiz coz its fun to get teh sekret wpn adn go all booms hs on teh noobd and teh noobs wud go liek ohnoes ur spoilen teh gaymepley or sumthin liek dat rofl
so dis maps rly 1337 if u dunt mention teh flawes whit r rly eesee 2 fix imo lol so liek gd job n keep makin mpas liek dat plz kthx
ps i thot dat u wud liek to heer mai ide ov a mpa dat i wanted 2 map but kudnt coz i kuldnt run hammre files on cs lol so hre it is
teh naym: omg_u_shuld_pley_dis_mpa_adn_if_u_dnot_ur_moms_a_fag_lol
its liek u gte wepons at strat adn u dun hva 2 moov jsut shot teh othres lol it shud b rly fun adn tehre wud be a sekret awp wich is hiddan n stuf
lol k im w8in 4 u 2 mayk dat map k? i kent pai u tho coz my mom sez i ken only gte 2$ a day to buy cande b4 she picks me up frmo skool
Where to begin.. The architecture's extremely sexy. Love the arched ceilings and the textures there. The pool is also very nicely made, I really liked the detail there.
The overall texturing is very nice. The frescos on the ceilings really add to the temple-ish feeling.
I'd say, that the lighting and ambience need improving. The yellow lighting in the corners doesn't add to the water feeling of the map. The fire torches look out of place too. Make something more fitting, like a plant-like blue-ish light, or something.
The ambience overall was a bit.. weak. I think the map needs some background ambience (try the cave ambience sounds from HL2) to strengthen the feel. The burning fire sounds didn't fit the theme at all. If you want to keep them - a least make them a bit more silent.
Even with the small glitches - the map was quite spectacular. Improve it and you've got yourself a trophy-winner.
Nice to see it's finally finished.
+ Architecture. Good work with that. even if the small colourful corridors are blocky - the vast majority of the map had very nice architecture. From the open areas, that had nice rounded corners and sweet cliffs, to the tunnels, that were awesomely detailed - it was all clean & pleasant. The brush signs on the walls were a nice touch too.
+ Layout. I haven't tested the map with bots/other players, but I can tell, that this will play good. Lots of multiple paths, that connect with each other and should provide the map with some fast-paced, dynamic gameplay.
+/- Detail. The signs and tunnels were detailed, although I've found the outside walls quite bland and boring. Some kinda trim, or some other details, like windows would help a lot.
+/- Lighting. It was alright and clean, although a bit boring. If the contrast between areas is so big in your map - so should be the lighting.
- Texturing. I've failed to catch the theme of the map. It was very mixed up, having some industrial-ish parts (the dark grey tunnels), some sandy parts, combined with green and an interior, that looked, like a hotel. It just didn't look too logic together. The crates just looked weird in a setting like that. Unless you wanted the theme to be fantasy - I'd suggest working on it a bit more.
- Ambience. None found. Add some.
Overall - the map was quite interesting. Some flaws with texturing and lighting, although overall - it was nice.
I'd give 3,5*, so that rounds up to 4.
The limits nowadays are pushed much further.
If you keep the r_speeds below 1000 - the map can be considered as optimized.
About the map - I don't see the concept working out.. Deagle vs. AWP isn't a very fair fight.
Doesn't mean, that it's really that awesome. :
The architecture is very bland for CS:S, so is the lighting, not to mention the textures.
You should definately put some effort into it.
Here's a late (hope it's not too late) review.
+ Architecture. Though some of the larger areas lacked detail (mostly the open area with the walkers and the hangar with the Falcon and the corridors) - the overall looks were quite satisfying for a beta. I'd definately add some more equipment/computers in the hangars, maybe a func_train robot mechanic (can't remember, if they had one in SW), that'd move around the hangar(s) emitting some funny sounds? That'd definately add to the overall Star Wars-ish atmosphere of the map.
The terrain outside looked pretty decent, although the areas, that are accessible to the player (I suppose, that you won't be able to walk to the AT-ATs in the final version) could use a couple more bumps. Some glaciers would be pretty cool too.
Although the area, that needs the most work are definately the corridors. I won't flame em', since it's a beta, but FFS, add some detail! I'd suggest making them hexagonal, with pipes, wires, sci-fi-tech stuff hanging from the ceiling. Some funky blu-ish lighting would be nice too. ^^
The command center, with the xmas tree also lacked detail a lot. You should work on the computers and the other details there. The tree was a nice touch (good spot for an easter egg) too.
+/- Layout/Weapon Placement. The layout was ok, I liked the ability to get inside the ships, although I think, that the large open area with the AT-ATs was a bit neglected in terms of layout. It's more of a dead-end, than a main battle arena. I'd definately make it into a major chokepoint of the map, rather than just an area for show. And speaking of getting into the ships - you could make it a bit harder, involving some puzzles, etc, maybe even traps to spice things up a bit.
I also agree with the others on weapon placement. Only gauss/grenades ain't gonna work. Add more weapons. And I'd also suggest somehow letting the player see, what he's gonna pick up. A sprite above the weapon dispencer, with the names of the items, or even better - different kinds of dispencers (different ones for small/medium/big weapons, grenades, healthkits/batteries, etc) would be really awesome.
- Texturing. Yah.. Hope you'll change it soon.
- Ambience. The sounds from the actual movie were very nice, although I agree with CP here. Multiple sounds, triggered randomly are the best way to go. And don't forget the other ambience, like computer/gadget sounds, etc.
- Lighting. Needs major improvements. A futuristic sci-fi enviroment gives you full freedom in lighting. Experiment with different colours for different areas. That'll give your map some contrast and help the players navigate. The outside area could use a more light-blue lighting, rather than the bland white.
Overall - this looks very promising. Add more interactiveness, puzzles/traps, etc. - and you've got yourself a great map.
Use The Hammer, Luke.
Heh.. Always wanted to say that. ^^
I see a millionth remake of akcolt with boring visuals.
Sorry, but I'm NOT downloading this.
Unless you change the map to knife/nade/weak weapons only - it won't be fun to play at all.
Plus it's fullbright.
A few things I'd suggest:
- The "cs_" prefix in the map name stands for HOSTAGE RESCUE maps. I'd strongly sugest changing it to fy_ or aim_, since it's a killbox.
- Always run RAD, when compiling, even if the compile takes loads of time. If the map has a leak and you haven't fixed it - at least don't post it in the completed maps section.
The reviews were harsh, but it's just that killbox maps aren't welcome by most of the mappers here..
.. especially if they're quite poorly made.
Sorry, but the map realy isn't worth more than 2* in advance.
As for the review:
+ Architecture. It was quite clean and overall realistic. Almost every area from the bumpy snow at the surface to the caves and the reindeer room was realistic and quite interesting. On the other hand - the corridors in the underground area were really dull and blocky. Some sticking out trims, or even pipes would've been great. Anyways - the overall architecture was really great.
+ Texturing. I liked the custom textures and the lil' details, like chains on the locked doors, or the names of each reindeer in their liftoff room. The cave/other areas were also interesting and not very repeating.
+ Atmosphere. From the music to the christmas lights and snow - it really felt like it was white xmas. While almost all of your rooms had great ambience, the lighting was quite repeating and boring. The yellow vs. white theme is really a bit too dull. The only area, where the lighting was great was the surface. It really felt like a snowstorm.
+ Custom content. The gifts replacing ammo and other items and new weapons were great, although I didn't like having the HEV suit displayed as clips of ammo. You could have just removed the HEV startup sentences from the sentences.txt to avoid the sounds and placed the HEV suit right at the player.
The santa, elves and dwarves models were great, although I really agree with Boxtop on those anime children models. They just didn't fit.
I also loved the snowman zombies and the way they die. They really added a lot, although you could have replaced the default zombie sounds with something different.
The game crashed 3 times, while playing too. You should sort that out.
+ Enemy/ammo placement. I think you've balanced it quite well. The gameplay was decently heavy on hard, but I've managed most of the areas without quickloading more than twice.
Overall - a great christmas mod. It lacked stability, but I must say, that the experience was rather pleasing. The ending was also awesome.
Great work!
Well - the map proved me wrong.
Merry Xmas to ya too, Muzz. ^^
The ending was awesome..
The door wasn't that bad either. I liked the lasers turning off one-by-one. The rotating locks were a bit too slow, though.
It also lacked more detailed stuff.
Still -geat stuff. Add a sky outside and you've got yourself a great map.
It actually felt, like it was organic.
Superb work!
Hm. I'll update if, if I find the time.
I loved the ammount of detail and great architecture.
The rotating lock was a bit slow, although I guess that's realistic.
Great work.
The ambience was pretty good, although I'd reduce the generator sound a bit.
The repeating barney crouch sequence doesn't look convincing either.
It could be turned into a sven co-op map, although it still needs loads of work.
Good luck with this.
The door was quite nice, I liked the round-ish look.
Those little lids to close the gap between the door hole were my favourite.
Nice work. I'll give this a 4, since it wasn't re-usable.
Pretty simple, but I liked it.
The steam sprites and the locks were a good touch.
I'd say, that the effect would be much stronger, if the door was bigger (large five-layer door, sealing some silo, for e.g)
The doors could also deal the player some damage, if blocked, since they look pretty heavy.
Overall - good work.
Rednek: I've removed your comment. Feel free to re-post it, if you want, but this time - add some motivation for your 1* rating. :
The bomb targets. What I missed in the CS:S and the 1.6 versions was the unrealistic bomb target exploding. None of the wooden crates/APCs weren't even scratched, when the bomb exploded. You could have at least added some fire sprites, or something like that.
Detail. As mentioned before - most of the areas lacked detail. The APC garages could have had some tools lying around, parhaps some control panels/monitors, wires on the floor too. The office area also needed more props. Adding some chairs/magazines/food near the wooden coffee table would've been great.
Ambience. Since the outside has a snowy theme - you could have added some wind gust sounds, combined with snowy fog (to make an impression of a snow storm).
Overall - the map looked pretty good, I liked the architecture and texturing. I also liked the blend from the orange-ish interior, to the white-ish exterior lighting.
I'll have to agree with the others. 4 stars it is.
Definately worth a download.
Try linking directly to the file, not just the download page.
You can always use for some quick & free uploading.
Try linking directly to the file, not just the download page.
You can always use for some quick & free uploading.
Try linking directly to the file, not just the download page.
You can always use for some quick & free uploading.
Love the LEGO HEV suit!
The first con would be the amazingly low r_speeds for such an open map with a very decent ammount of detail. The highest r_speeds were ~1080 wpolies and that's quite acceptable.
I also liked the custom trims/texturing of the map. They added a cutsom and newer feel to the whole map (most other aim maps don't use any custom material).
The architecture was quite good for an average map and amazing for an aim_ map. The arches, cliffs were quite detailed and good-looking.
The gameplay should be good, since there are multiple levels of combat and a quite interesting layout (layout in an aim map?! :o). That should provide the map with smooth and fast-paced gameplay.
The cons would be the lack of ambience and the sky not fitting the lighting. No matter, how csgeeks hate ambience and flame the mapper about that - there really should be at least some in every map.
And I didn't like the night sky in a bright map. Use a daytime sky for more realism and better looks.
Overall - the map is very well-built for an aim_map and compared to others - it's v. beautiful. Great work!
I agree with Rowleybob on most things, although I must say, that the crickets sound is interesting at first, although it becomes a real pain for the ears in a few minutes of playing. Either change the background sound to something more pleasant, or just add some randomly triggered wind/other sounds.
I also didin't like the lighting not matching the sky (or vice versa). If you want to keep the night sky and the current brightness level in the outside, at least add some light sources outside, that would explain the weird brightness outside in the middle of the night.
Another thing: This is a cs map. That means, that it should have hostages (cs_ = hostage rescue map). If you want to keep it like that, I'd suggest changing the name to aim_rushdown.
Overall - a very nicely-built map. As Rowleybob said - it needs something to make it stand out of the crowd (trims, map-specific objects, etc.). Take dust as an example. The map-specific objects are the arches and trims. when you see a map with those objects - you always know, that it's a dust remake.
The map still needs more work, although it was pretty darn good.
The map is a trophy-winner. ^^
This is more than amazing and original..
The whole detail, realism and precision of the destruction truly amazed me. The ambience, the beam effects, the decals.. This <i>had</i> to get 1st place. ^^