Make a scripted sentence and set the speaker type, to the monster with the name that you want to talk. Set the listener type to an entitie name, or another dood that you want him to look at when he talks. put player in the field if you want him to look at the dood.... You need to make the sentence name to something with ! in front of it. To get the sentence lists, you look somewhere for your Sentences.txt file. If you dont have one, and you have other HL mods, then use windows search to find it. In that file, should be a BUUUUUUUUUTTTT LOAD of lines that would appear something like this..... green custom/green. So in the scripted sentence, you would put !green. VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU PUT THE !. andway.... if you put !green, it will play the sound "custom/green" from the example up there.That would play the sound with that filepath in your Sounds folder. BUT, if you go into it, and you see a BUNCH of sounds youve never heard of... go into some PAK files with wally and they should be in there. Some PAK files arent the same, so sometimes its hard to find the right ones.... From now on!, me and seventh are a duo! He links the site with info on it! , and i make the paragraph version of SPACIFICALLY what he asked!!!!!