
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-23 11:51:55 UTC in vault item: gg_villa_final Comment #18775
dicker means to mess around with until it does what u want it to do
server is not letting me upload a file so here (dead link) is a filefront link.
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-22 17:22:40 UTC in vault item: Jalalabad Map Pack Comment #18769
Yay another r1ar map =) (your gamebanana link worked fine for me this time)

I'll play review soon as i can.
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-22 15:35:13 UTC in vault item: gg_villa_final Comment #18767
got it to work. what i did:

1. added an origin brush to the plane(this is the main problem i think)

2. made a button targeting your plane. (i couldn't figure out how your logic_relay was supposed to start the plane, so i used button instead)

After that it works fine. also, made all those pegs(235 of them!) a func_detail to speed compile time. you're gonna definitely want to dicker with the train speeds and acceleration to make it look right.

i can upload the fixed map later if you need it. (the server is not letting me atm)
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-21 13:48:57 UTC in vault item: zm_wk_dead_v5 Comment #18756
This is a great looking, nicely detailed map!

++Great structures
++some pretty good textruing
+decent use of env spark and sprites
++Some nice detailing(destroyed, broken bits like the torn fence)

+/- nicely detailed railings and windows, but try lowering them a bit (should be somewhere between 30-50 units high to be the the right scale.

+/-fire looks great, but make it better doing 2 things:

1. add a crackling fire sound. there are a bunch in the sound folder in the pak/gcf.

2. try adding "ddfgfdfgffdfdfgf" value(no quotes) to the "custom appearance" keyvalue, which will make the firelight look like it's flickering. you can use brigtness values a-h i think. (If you don't have this keyvalue available, download the latest ZHLT tools and fgd)

+/- your drainpipe detail looks a bit strange but still neat. =)

--some things blocky and visually distracting like the telephone pole cables: they should be thinner and have some "droop" to them. also some trims are overly big and blocky like some of the catwalks on the upper parts of buildings.

--some areas very very dark. I suppose if you had a torch or flashlight, this would not be a big deal.

Great stuff! This map layout reminds me a lot of L4D, what mod is it for?

3.5 because of of some of the flaws, rounds up to a 4 nice work1
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-19 08:20:11 UTC in journal: #6991 Comment #57264
"It's a cool experiment, but I'm not goin for the Forest Whitaker look"
I lol'd..


Commented 14 years ago2011-01-19 07:57:51 UTC in vault item: fy_parkett Comment #18754
@soup: Not offended! =) I realize i do tend to overrate maps. I do feel however taking into context as to this type of map, fy_parkett is well-above average, and that was definitely reflected in my rating.
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-18 20:27:05 UTC in journal: #6991 Comment #57263
lol was this on The Onion? =)
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-18 16:21:21 UTC in vault item: fy_parkett Comment #18747
Very pretty map especially for an FY! =)

++pretty texturing!
++Pretty lighting
++Nicely detailed
++Nice fy layout
++wadincluded textures =)

+/-you could scale down the main brick texture to a normal size, but it still looks great as is

-the doorway trims are blocky and inconsistent with the quality of the rest of the map(the only visual distraction of the map, besides the stock HL rope texture)

Superb example of what everyone wishes more fy maps looked like!
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-18 10:30:39 UTC in vault item: fy_parkett Comment #18744
Looks cool download when I get home :-)
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-17 04:43:27 UTC in vault item: Small Pox Comment #7329
soon as i get ep2 installed (i need to buy a new external HDD to free up about 30GB on my Cdrive, which will be more than enough space)I will play/rate this!
= )
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-14 07:58:13 UTC in journal: #6985 Comment #34783
Welcome back man! =)
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-14 02:39:20 UTC in journal: #6983 Comment #62116
We're doing science!1 =)
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-14 01:57:13 UTC in journal: #6983 Comment #62115
Blitz: i knew this girl at school that did an oral presentation about how she was asexual, that she was neither into boys or girls in a sexual way.. I SWEAR


Commented 14 years ago2011-01-14 01:52:48 UTC in journal: #6983 Comment #62114
I've had this EXACT SITUATION happen to me. (does she have really big breasts too?!) =)

Same thing, I was great friends with this girl for a while, nothing more than that. Then after like 2 years i asked her if she wanted to change the relationship to something more. she agreed, and we were together for a very short while, and then she decided she just wanted to be friends again. We were friends for another 5 months ago, and then this time, she approaches me about wanting to be more serious again. A short while later we are just friends again.

(repeat this cycle like 2 more times) and now she finally realizes after all this time, she is a lesbian. We now alternate between 2 states: me texting her and her ignoring me, and her texting me while i ignore her..

My advice: forget about her and move on. if she basically ignored you, texting you only 2 times in a month, that tells me she either is really fucked up or she doesn't care about you. To site cliche there are so many other fish in the see, don't worry about that one that got away..

In the end though it's your decision of course, i'm just trying to save you some undue misery! GOOD LUCK! =)
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-13 06:25:37 UTC in journal: #6982 Comment #41714
yay new jobs are new =)
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-13 05:54:48 UTC in vault item: Skals_Comp29 Comment #18734
Very nice map and congratulations on 1st place!

++Pretty cool terrain for goldsource
++abandoned/ruins heme is executed very well
++superb texturing

+/-Some nice detail(broken bits, foliage, terrain bits) but i feel it could use more
+/-most architecture is pretty nice, but some is extremely blocky like the bases of those pillars and a few other things

-Where the skybox meets the water could have been much improved. there are many maps out there that show better ways to tackle it.
-besides the skybox thing, the only other break major break in immersion for me was that where the beach dunes abruptly ended(front and side of map) completing the terrrain all around the island would have been a lot better
-the trees that are cocked at a 15 degree angle instead of growing straight up is another small distraction that just looks wrong.

All in all good stuff. congrats again on 1st place! =)
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-13 04:57:13 UTC in vault item: JeffMOD's Compo 29 Entry Comment #18733
(please let me preface by saying i'm pretty new to source playing and mapping, so weigh that information with my comments!)

You can tell a lot of work went into this!

I agree with most of what Striker said. i feel some sort of story should be laid out by a narrator or something, with a cutscene or 2, or anything really to make the player feel part of the game.

++Great brushwork, cleanly/thoughtfully done!
++good mapping in general
++weapon replacements nice =)

+/-Decent gameplay if not too easy
+/-it was cool to have that women to follow(as if a guide of some sort), but i feel it could have been developed better.

--lacking fine detail in most places
--all npcs are muted and all but that one women seem to fufill no role. you could at leas have them whispering in the shadows or something1 =)
--when i got to the door with the spraypainted skull(after the generator room where i had to noclip cuz i couldn't figure how to get up there) and crossbones on the door, i couldn't figure out where to go next. =(

All told an lot of work went into this, 5 stars for you labour!
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-12 07:41:47 UTC in vault item: Beach Party Comment #18731
This map is great fun!

++Excellent idea!
++Fun gameplay
++great use of monsters and cyclers to mimic d-day soldiers fighting, dying and dead!
++health chargers in the ships and broken ones on the beach: Priceless!
++creative us of the original hl materials

+/-Nicely built but some things could have been a bit more detailed/realistic

--you could have poached some excellent ambients from dod to make for a very realistic sounding warzone

--would have like to have seen a little intro sequence, perhaps having the landers approach the beach giving you time to contemplate the suicidal task before you like the original d-day soldiers. you could have added chatter from the barneys praying and stuff =)

--would have liked to have seen this bigger. you could have used some of the dod maps modeled after d-day as a template and for tips to make the beach seem "endless" by blending the skybox with the terrain.

--would have loved to have seen some battleships and destroyers in the sea behind the landers, laying down artillery on the beach!(i built an entire destroyer out of brushwork you could have used, plus i be you could have found tons of garry's mod models you could have ported for this) as well you could have added some strafing allied aircraft for fun!

All said, i'm rating this 5 for creativity and fun. Just excellent!
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-11 23:50:29 UTC in journal: #6977 Comment #55731
I think i'll take your advice Dimbark. Since they kinda happen all at the same time and you say OP4 is the best, i'll save it for last =)

Muzz: ya, i nvever knew what Lost Coast was, except i have a faint memory of an antlion and an old man by the shoreline on a dock.. is that it?

Here we go!
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-11 23:02:46 UTC in vault item: Rooms Half-life Comment #18730
hey thanks! The authors all worked very hard on their maps, exceeding all my hopes/expectations of what i thought people were actually gonna submit =)

I'm happy with how it turned out, but i agree with some of the comments there should be a gameplay or puzzle element built-in to make it more interesting/fun.

there's an overhauled version of the "hub" or beginning map in the works, where the player can walk through all the "hologram" rooms and hallways, as well some additional interactive elements. there are also the lighting fixes(mentioned above) i have to get finished and upload as well, before i totally forget how to goldsrc map!

thanks again glad you liked it!
= )
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-10 14:44:59 UTC in vault item: The Citizen Part 2 Comment #18724
K finally played this!

++Brushwork is top-notch
++Great layout design, especially externals
++Gameplay pretty good/fun
++some great vistas like the hockey rink
++good use of autosaves
++Puzzles pretty good: not too apparent, not too difficult

+/voice acting is quite good for the most part. the voices that stand out (in a bad way) are not because of the actual voice acting, but because of the difference in audio quality.

+/-Overuse of models for detail/decoration makes so many source maps look 1-dimensional or otherwise fake. You should not be afraid to use brushwork more for props and detail items imo.

+/-same as previous for overusing textured detail(like the stupid-looking manhole covers) when you could make them out of brushwork, and it will look 100-times better/realistic

+/- Some character scripting is superb and some is iffy. Some less-elaborate scenes might be better than trying to make the stock scripting look realistic/believable.

--on climbable things (like the ladders on the bunkbeads)there should be a func_ladder to make it more realistic)

--when you click on npcs between scripted scenes, they are mute, which is kind of a bummer

--some of the 3d skybox VERY iffy and stands out like GoldSrc textures.. really sticks out in high contrast to the beautiful stuff in the foreground..

i was only able to play till like the 4th map i think(where you give the message to the carrier pidgeon), but all in all this is top-quality stuff imo. i'll play the rest when i get a chanace!

Great work!
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-10 12:47:16 UTC in vault item: Roman Bath Comment #18723
Wish i had l4d2 to play this. =(

downloading anyway and i'll review it once it get the game..
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-10 12:28:23 UTC in vault item: Srry's Minicompo #2 Entry Comment #18722
+Superb detailing and styling in places
+great use of the old GoldSrc textures in most of it
+visually interesting and consistently well detailed.

I know you will most likely never revamp this map, but it would have been nice to see:
-some of those ungodly horrible original HL textures(the carpeting, monitors, etc) with some nicer skins
-a warp vortex or a "zooming" lightspeed starscape from the cockpit canopy.
-some 2001-style sounds or radio chatter also in the cockpit would be golden =)
-use of sprites to give some of the instrumentation a little more life/flair.
-might have been nice to be able to send pushable containers into that little service elevator, and have some clear parts so you could watch it "ride up" to the next floor =)

All in all, a very well made, interesting spaceship! =)
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-10 12:16:20 UTC in vault item: Srry's Minicompo #3 Entry Comment #18721
+damn impressive brushwork for gldsrc engine, especially without the benefit of HLFix!

I know you most likely won't be editing it again, but by using HLFix and scaling tool(select a row of verticies and scale them up or down to achieve more "roundness" in the piece, you can achieve smaller, sub-unit accuracy with NO compiling/visual errors.
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-10 00:21:32 UTC in journal: #6977 Comment #55730


Commented 14 years ago2011-01-09 23:12:19 UTC in journal: #6972 Comment #66317
i have to agree with wcd i got quickly frustrated by the monsters blowing up all my houses and losing all my inventory.. it would be better if you respawned with your stuff imo and the monsters couldn't explode to get into your houses..

all-in-all i find the game pretty pointless, but MANY MANY people like it so different strokes i guess..
pissed off by the random AI blowing your shit up
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-09 23:07:44 UTC in journal: #6976 Comment #38447
update works for me but the bug report hangs indefinitely while sending so after a while i hit cancel. i'm running win7 ultimate 64-bit.
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-09 23:00:43 UTC in journal: #6976 Comment #38446
Muzz is spreadin the DaVinci virus RUN
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-09 20:29:39 UTC in vault item: Act Busy System Comment #18719
Very-nicely-crafted example map! (most example maps i've seen are not so pretty to look at) It's so nice for new source mappers like myself to have fresh .vmfs to play with as a learning tool!
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-07 20:20:17 UTC in journal: #6968 Comment #57216
true that tetsu0 i thought that monitor array was quite impressive =)
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-07 03:03:27 UTC in vault item: Intake Comment #18715
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-06 18:44:57 UTC in journal: #6967 Comment #43033
It's a truly amazing machine but that is a shitload of money to spend on a pc... i guess it will last you for a very long time tho, so grats! (jealous)
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-06 17:58:33 UTC in vault item: de_escher19 Comment #18712

this link will expire in 30-60 days, so if someone else can provide a more permanent mirror, plaese do! =)
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-02 13:25:18 UTC in news: Happy New Year! Also, Compo Results Comment #99777
happy new year yeah! i'm a cockney i'm a cockney..


Commented 14 years ago2010-12-31 20:06:48 UTC in journal: #6954 Comment #44649
looks really nice habboi =0
Commented 14 years ago2010-12-31 10:55:18 UTC in vault item: Half-Life Office (beta name and content) Comment #18540
Great-looking stuff! (can't believe how skewed/wrong my previous impression was!

+well-detailed nice architecture through most
++fun/good scripting!
+nice entity touches like the gibs and other things

+/-texturing very nice in some places, very bad in others.
+/-that strobe you used in one where you see the scientist being pulled through the vent is kinda a bad effect in general. tho it works i would experiment with other strobes in the future, or even use light flicker properties or other means to get desired effect.

-some brushwork a bit blocky
-overuse of some original prefabs imo (like the valve, i would redesign or use a model!)
-scale in places is a bit off/strange but no big deal

I loved the big "stairway" map at the end of the 3rd map.. really nice! I will say i had a very hard time figuring out what to do to get to the next map, for almost every level, and i found myself noclipping or even doing manual map changes when i couldn't figure out what to do. (i am not the greatest puzzle-solver, so take this criticism with a grain of salt!)

Anyway, some real solid mapping with a few flaws, is 3.5 from me which rounds up to a 4. I can tell you spent some time and worked hard on this, even though it could use some polishing.

Commented 14 years ago2010-12-31 10:13:57 UTC in vault item: The Citizen Part 2 Comment #18545
downloading! =)
Commented 14 years ago2010-12-31 10:11:48 UTC in vault item: DM Rebels 2 Comment #18544
First: i would recommend a better host than gamebanana. It's hard to find the actual download link(imo) as you bounce from one link to another, all labeled: "Download". =/

Start Review Now:
First, it should be mentioned that by merely looking at the screenshots, one could rate thins map 5 stars, simply on the size, complexity, and level of detail. What follows will not be a professional review, but just some thoughts and impressions while running through the map quick. (I'm pretty new to the source engine and HL2MP, so weigh my comments with that information!)

In General:
++Large, well made map
++Packed with small details, trims, and props
++Nice layout that is fairly simple, yet also has some nice complexity in terms of small rooms, nooks to hide, hallways, and semi-hidden areas.
++nice use of decals
++Nice you added 3d skybox

+/-though you'ver very nicely added a SHIT TON of props models, don't be afraid to add some brushwork props and interactive bits to your map, as EVERYONE uses seems to use the same HL2 prop models, making them get tired/boring very quickly
+/-It's nice to have ambience, but that soundtrack wears on the nerves after a very short while.
+/-The dust motes work nicely on the big overhead lights, but i would make them more transparent and smaller-grained if that's an option. I would delete the motes on the small fluorescent lights, as they don't really work imo
+/-exploding barrels are cool everywhere i guess, is there a way to make other things explode and in different ways than just the barrels? I think i've seen some napalm barrel example maps in the map vault or something similar, to again, cut down on repetition.

--Crates in the main warehouse area are VERY repetitive. Add some different-sized/shaped/skined ones to make the area look more realistic.

Superb DM map with no serious flaws. GREAT WORK!
Commented 14 years ago2010-12-28 10:44:59 UTC in journal: #6956 Comment #41699
congrats! +)
Commented 14 years ago2010-12-24 19:39:33 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Detailing map brushes using XSI Comment #100977
great tutorial! i plan on installing xsi soon and this will be my first tutorial! (or 2nd or 3rd depending how long it takes me to get used to xsi.)


Commented 14 years ago2010-12-24 10:45:34 UTC in journal: #6946 Comment #43000
i find it hard to believe a game with screenies like this could possibly win game of the year, but i guess that shows how important fun gameplay can be...

Sufficiently intrigued, i will try it.


Commented 14 years ago2010-12-24 10:45:33 UTC in journal: #6946 Comment #42999
i find it hard to believe a game with screenies like this could possibly win game of the year, but i guess that shows how important fun gameplay can be...

Sufficiently intrigued, i will try it.


Commented 14 years ago2010-12-24 02:11:25 UTC in vault item: Aim_andai_us Comment #18692
As far as aim maps go not bad. seems like the ak side has an unfair advantage cuz they have more places to hide, but not really a big deal prob.

Would be nicer if you had a more specific, real-world theme, though your simple theme was nicely executed. (and btw, any sky is better than that original hl desert!)
Commented 14 years ago2010-12-24 01:53:24 UTC in vault item: Overturn Deathmatch - Downzone Comment #18691
skillful mapping and a nice albeit small layout, though i though it was way too dark. my brightness settings are set to standard (50/50 gammma/brightness, so maybe you have your brightness turned all the way up while developing? Also, i'm using won could that be a factor with the brightness?
Commented 14 years ago2010-12-24 00:38:44 UTC in journal: #6942 Comment #62082
blocky and texturing a little blah


Commented 14 years ago2010-12-20 22:46:04 UTC in vault item: Szary Zakon Comment #18688
Really nice stuff! You could make this into a really original dm without much trouble! =) Everything is nicely/thoughtfully constructed, if not a little cramped in areas (this may have been on purpose?).

I didn't think the lighting was too dark in any place, and i run my gamma/brightness at standard 50% for both. stained glass areas might look neat or less drab with brighter lighing and some sprite magic for a fake hdr effect. (that area looked pretty nice othereise btw)

3.5 for some issues and unfinished rounds up to a 4 for some really solid, original mapping.

Great stuff!
Commented 14 years ago2010-12-20 21:58:52 UTC in vault item: Last Christmas Comment #18687
wish i had l4d installed i got no free space ='(''''''''
Commented 14 years ago2010-12-20 19:36:18 UTC in vault item: Resonance Error Comment #18685
Excellent Stuff! =)

I played it briefly and i must say it is very very nice!

Do you have a weaponstrip set up so you cAn only carry one gun at a time, or is my WON HL borked? I liked the light triggers 'twas a nice touch.

++architechture very nice! (as per always with you)
+good use of ambient_generics
++I LOVE the layout and all the interconnections into xen
+great use of original textures!
+Original HL theme nicely preserved except obviously yours looks better =)

I would love to see an elevator or 2 in there and a user-controllable func_tank in the ruins of the upper part of the map, as long as they don't make the gameplay unstable. I disagree with the map being too dark in the lowere levels, since i think it contrasts nicely with the bright upper parts. the only dark part i didn't like was whenever you try to explore the office with that big "arm" in it the lights die and you are forced to leave. =)

I've recently ported over to source too, and though i was reluctant at first, i can't see ever going back to GS except for small incidental projects/compos. I'll miss my familiarity with gs, but i won't miss all the leaf-saw errors, random-ass bugs, and mostly the size/render limits..

Great work and a great goldsource send-off map1
Commented 14 years ago2010-12-14 04:05:05 UTC in journal: #6927 Comment #57151
how awesome! =)
Commented 14 years ago2010-12-14 03:54:59 UTC in journal: #6933 Comment #39124
happy b-day! =)