
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-29 20:13:49 UTC in vault item: Dm_QuakeArena Comment #12233
Wast't too dark for me though maybe two areas were. And a lot of my maps are even darker though I now know they were way too dark. Really cool clean map! Great use of ambience. The sything acid sounds around the lava were really cool. Great lighting and placement. The blues and neat colors light up the map in a cool way. Great textures and texture use. I like the way the rpg is only accesible when the stairs are up. Its kinda funny that the player can get trapped in them when they go down though. Vertical gameplay was included but not very much being that the map wasn't very vertical. Great architecture on your ceilings. You did a great job matching it up with the textures. My only complaints would be that their may not be enough weapons and some areas could use some more detail like the rpg area. Also, don't ever block areas from the player that they can reach with the gauss! Its so pointless and that kind of stuff is fun to jump to with it in deathmatch. I also really liked the red sky, it looked cool with the dark atmosphere and glowing lava. Good luck in the comp you definitely have a chance in placing.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-29 13:49:01 UTC in vault item: Alpha4th Comment #8396
The map looks like it would be pretty fun but has a few things that could have been different. The halls and rooms are all huge with not that much stuff in them. Lighting imo is either too bright in some areas or just too dark "pitch black". The textures are kinda boring and the map lacks any ambience. The weapon placement is alright but you could probably add more. The big room with the rpg is pretty cool looking but like every other room, its just a big one with boxes in it. You definitly have what it takes to make a fun deathmatch map but take what ive said into consideration for your next map. Put more detail into your hallways. Don't light everything super bright. Don't limit yourself of bland textures. Use different colored lighting. Build more rooms that arent just squared. Either way this map pobably would be kinda fun.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-26 05:16:46 UTC in vault item: Black Mesa South Comment #17687
Yea kinda hard to find out what to do but pretty fun. Some parts were weird and un needed like when the scientist opened the locker but I guess it showed you what you needed to do. I also got stuck at the electric field part because I tried to blow up the rubble but it didn't work at first. A wire could be added going through the rubble from the electric plant as a clue. I also didn't see the floor plan at first but its multi layered. Cool entrance, good luck!
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-26 05:11:12 UTC in vault item: dm_falls Comment #17686
Cool map, thought it would reming me of folow_control at first. Really cool area around the water falls. I wans't sure what to expect around it but there wasn't too much of an area. It seems like a lot of focus mainly whent to the center waterfall area. Every area should be interesting and unique. Either way it was a clean neat map. Definitly need to play it with some people in the server..
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-26 05:08:12 UTC in vault item: Teamplay Beerfort Comment #17685
Looked pretty cool. Clean mapping, much llike beerfort but still a little plain. This map definitly doesn't compare to poison garden but im not sure about the gameplay yet because I havent played it with anyone. It just seems like you didn't put all of your effort into this map. You should make an awesome map for the server that you are known for.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-25 03:16:14 UTC in vault item: New Old Home Comment #17683
Yea, I just ran it from console in single player. That is prolly why.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-24 16:23:16 UTC in vault item: New Old Home Comment #17681
Yea the map is very clean and well put together. Lighting is a little bland and im not sure how well gameplay would go. I personaly don't like any parts of maps to be blocked off like the balcony you couldn't jump over the railing onto. The ropes blocking off parts of the map seemed fine to me. The windmills and area were really cool aroung the map but the texture "all over" the windmill was aaa for me. The clock was really cool and I liked how you could walk through it and see it from other parts of the map and of course that it was real time. Sorta reminds me of the town from majora's mask. Whats up with all these maps reminding me of zelda? Good job at your first source attempt and good luck!
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-24 00:37:42 UTC in vault item: IMUSCompo27 Comment #17680
Wow, really awesome map. The ambience is great and all of the neet lighting. It was kinda hard to follow the floor plan but thats probably because I had a few maragritas. Really neet entrance. It reminded me of dark_tree's compo 26 entry. This map has a cool feeling to it. It also reminds me of the secret holes you fall into on ocarina of time. I would rate but being that I don't map much for hl2 engine, im not sure. I always enjoy your maps. Good luck.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-22 15:37:18 UTC in vault item: flow_control Comment #17677
There is an rpg, you have to find it.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-20 18:00:47 UTC in vault item: dm_undergroundlab Comment #17666
Ok, the map was pretty good and clean. Brush work and vertex manipulation was really good and the map was very fluent. The textures looked nice but a little too repetetive as well as the lighting. Ambience was only in one small area of the map. You would expect much more in a map full of monitors and computers. Vertical gameplay seems to be the biggest flaw in this map being that there isn't much. It just seems kinda flat with not much vertical release. Also, you should'nt block the player from jumping into the ceiling beams with the gauss. Over all the map was well molded together but the textures and gameplay seemed like it could be better. Also a brush in the big rock ceiling area opens to the void and really effects the area in a bad way. Good job pretty much sticking to the floorplan its fun walking through another deathmatch map with the same layout as one I just made.
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-12 11:35:38 UTC in vault item: Agm_Orbit Comment #17499
Ok redownloaded and it worked. This was a really cool looking map for a small platform map. Everything seemed a little copy and pasted too much but the confusing layout made it enjoyable. The platforms looked really neat how the bent up towards the edges. The textures were nice and so were the scrolling lazer looking textures. This would probably be a fun deathmatch map. I thought it looked kinda strange how you died by fire when falling off into outer space but when you fall into the orange glowing lazers nothing happened to you. Overall this map looked really impressive and well put together but it only holds characteristics of a small fast played deathmatch map. My style maps are ones where you have more room to explore and places to hide and secret areas to get to but for this kind of map you definitely pulled it off! If the rating system would change i'd rate it but I also would probably give it 3.5 stars.
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-01 16:20:17 UTC in vault item: Agm_Orbit Comment #17411
When I try to test the map a message appears saying Hunk_Allok: failed on 2106179016 bytes. And it doesn't work..
Commented 15 years ago2009-04-14 23:19:42 UTC in vault item: Canyon: Redux Comment #17441
Alright I played through the map a few times to really get a feel for it. Really cool map! The first impression based on imagery and gaming aspects is great. The high catwalks over toxic acid create great vertical gameplay downwards while the huge combine machine like sky create great vertical relief upwards. Walking on the catwalk by the white beam reminds me of halflife 2 when you'r gravity gun gets rigged to grab people and your walking through Dr. Breens tower. The doors that roll out of the way are really awesome. They really contribute to the combine waste theme. The custom textures are all really good but some of them are a little too repeated. This especially in the maine center area. Weapon placement is pretty good though you should have to work a little bit to find ammo rather than get a bundle of it at the weapon. Well I guess it would save time. In my opinion the egon is a little bit too easy to get and I couldnt even find the gauss. The architecture is overall clean and well molded together. I like the way you contourted some of the ceilings to compliment the tiled textures. The entire map is a very ideal blueprint of a playable and well balanced arena while still holding uniqueness. It is very ideal in that it is a huge area of vertical gameplay with catwalks surrounded by halls and pathways in all directions all leading to the same center area. The hallways and areas surrounding the main center do their job in getting you up and down different areas of it but also keep their own unique secluded feeling. The elevator lifts in the tubes were really neat and well textured. The health areas were really cool and give the player the ablity to aim out while charging rather than having to quickly jot in bits of health fearing a gunshot to the back of the head. The platform elevators in my opinion are way to slow and no one would want to wait on them while getting sprayed down. Everyone would just run inside to get higher up. And I really cant stand elevators that move on their own because everytime you get to them their in the up position so you should just put buttons on both ends or make it start in the down postion. Deatmatch fall dammage is only 10 anyways. To sum it up.

+Architecture is unique but fluent.

+Great texture use for the most part.

+Ambience is included and pretty good.

+The doors are pure awesome!

+Great use of vertical gameplay.

+Good start locations.

+Great visuals.

+/- Weapon and ammo placement could be better.

-Some lifts are way too slow.

-Some textures are a little overused.

-Same old overused sounds are used for the plats and ambience.

This map is lacking only in minute areas but really displays your abilities as an awesome mapper. It would be a definite in the rotation if we'd get a server running and i'd love to play it with you sometime. Btw im not quite sure how you made the doors roll. Are they func_platrots? This map was pretty inspirational for me to get a deathmatch map done myself. I'd like to check out you'r friend's early version. With the solidarity of everything this is a well deserving five star map.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 15 years ago2009-02-18 06:23:12 UTC in vault item: Rooms Coop - Muzz Comment #17298
Haha what the heck was up with Gman. Spooky! Pretty cool map, kinda sick of those textures though.. Really nice brush work, gameflow and openness.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-13 16:00:00 UTC in vault item: de_parkout Comment #17233
This map was pretty cool. It had neat aspects of architecture with the columns and windows. I just feel that in some parts it was a little dull. The computer area was unfilled with textlights and ambience. It seemed like an abandoned lab and so did a lot of the rest of the map. Lots of the areas were decorated and divided with nice trimwork. Some parts of the map seemed like big open rooms with props everywhere. The modern car models were pretty cool but didn't really seam to fit the map. This map shows that you have what it takes to make a playable functional map but it was just a little dry because of lacking ambience and lighting. Besides all of that it was a pretty good map..
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-13 15:54:54 UTC in vault item: Dead Lab Comment #17232
This map was pretty cool. You put very much detail into every area. Although you used the old halflife textures they looked pretty good. The main problem with this map is that the gameplay would be a little claustrophobic. The door ways and entrances are a little to small to fly through at high speeds. The lift didn't seem to work everytime, I would just place a trigger_multiple on it that reset quickly. The entire map was a little small in my opinion That being cramped hallways and entrances. This is a problem I used to have when I would make multiplayer maps. You should check out the map carbaseus just to see what goldsource can actually handle. Other than that with this map you showed great potential to make clean flowing architecture. Youve created a clean fluent structured map with nice textlights and mood. Besides all that, There may have been a little too much ambience another thing I used to do a lot in my maps. You definitly have what it takes to be great mapper!
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-01 17:48:24 UTC in vault item: Iris Door Comment #7003
This door looks pretty good and looks really easy to make. The way I make mine is by making each part of the door a func train so that they don't rotate. Check out my metroid mod to see mine. It takes a little bit more tweaking but the end results are flawless.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-12 00:23:10 UTC in vault item: hlife_hotdog_compo26 Comment #17171
Really awesome entry. There were tons of puzzles! And they were all pretty creative. I really liked the one where you rotated the cylinders to climb up them. My hl would crash when I would use the lazer gun on the lazer puzzle and when I would jump into the hall of light after the boulder chase but maybe it was something with my computer, im not sure. Lots of thinking obviously whent into making your puzzles! Good luck!

-Also in the maze puzzle I found out a pretty easy way to solve it. Just find the first button and after you push it you can jump onto it and over the wall to the next button and so on lol!!
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-08 16:21:50 UTC in vault item: WATER Comment #17152
Yea I had to noclip to find that part also. And the keys didn't work for me either. Other than that this entry was pretty cool, The water levels changing to bring you to new parts was really neat and reminded me of the water temple from zelda. The colorful locked doors looked pretty cool but im sure if they worked and opened in some mechanical way they would add a lot more to the map. Overall It was a pretty fun puzzle but I think better textures and lighting and maybe some more detail would make this puzzle map more enjoyable.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-06 18:33:37 UTC in vault item: WATER Comment #17148
cool ill check it out after I get off work.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 18:11:19 UTC in vault item: compo26_darktree Comment #17124
This entry was pretty cool. The ambience gave it a neat feeling and the pyramids were really cool looking. The tunnel underground was neat but tackily put together and could be perfected with simple vertex manipulation. I couldn't really tell what the treasure chest was because it looked more just like a box. When I finally got to the part of the exploding barrels it was a really cool sequence and things began to make sence. Overall it was a really cool puzzle but some brush work and better directions would make it more enjoyable.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-18 04:13:55 UTC in vault item: Lower Vortiville Comment #16771
Well you don't need all that for mind puzzles and stuff. Kinda like that mod "mario keys"
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-17 02:34:34 UTC in vault item: Lower Vortiville Comment #15806
This was a funny game to choose to remake because its sooo old school. It was neat and the sounds were kewl but their wasn't much to do besides collect stuff though I guess thats all you do in the real game. It would be cool if you took this further and made more interactivity with mind puzzles and more levels and stuff.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-14 14:38:32 UTC in vault item: c25 entry: StarCraft Comment #16768
Well I didn't download the final version yet but from what ive seen from what ive already downloaded, it was awesome.

Back when I was younger I used to play starcraft a lot though I was usually zerg or protos. What you've created is really cool because instead of viewing everything from above I can walk through everything and be overshadowed by the buildings and workers. I thought the minerals looked really neat and was surprised how much brush work the gold engine could actually handle. Some of the textures looked kinda fony but they got the job done. This would be an awesome multiplayer map if you put a bunch of longjumps and weapons around the map, you should seriously do that.

All I can say is I love starcraft and you totally recreated it as good as the gold engine could handle. This entry really scared me when I saw it and I think it deserved better than third. Keep up the great mapping!
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-04 12:09:53 UTC in vault item: Comboman Comment #16614
Very cool map! Im sure it would be very fun multiplayer.
Commented 16 years ago2008-04-30 14:10:30 UTC in vault item: Mario_Sky Comment #16598
Who doesn't like mario!
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 16 years ago2008-04-25 00:54:38 UTC in news: A Note about the Contact Us form Comment #98491
Ant just doesn't want to be assasinated like president Garfield.
Commented 16 years ago2008-04-15 21:17:27 UTC in vault item: Crowbar of Time (Mod) Comment #16376
You shouldn't have posted you'r entry, I still have a few days left and now I know what im up against. Btw awesome gameplay, it goes on for a long time and is really neat. Ocarina is one of my favorite games. And the platform is nintendo 64.
Commented 16 years ago2008-03-30 15:02:57 UTC in vault item: Dm_absurdum Comment #16530
Ok, This map is very good and clean, but there are a few things that could easily be done to make it more interesting and enjoyable. The first thing was obviously the textures. You had a good techno theme going and the textures played to it nicely but they were just to plain and dull. After playing the map, I remember it as being very grey with some light teel. You should use some darker colors in parts of the map to contrast the light textures. You did this some but really not enough. And you should use new colors in different rooms otherwise they all feel the same. Another huge flaw mentioned above was the lack of ambience. Don't be too lazy to unpak the sounds and throw some in there. When I go back and play halflife one, the sounds are what take me back and give a overall good feeling to the map. Another thing mentioned above by captain terror is vertical gameplay. The entire map's gameplay is on the same level. There are no bridges running over portions of the map or elivators or big stairs that take you to new levels of the map making it funner and more playable. I understand that the level was very complex and you may have not had enough memory to add on but you should consider this before you cram huge detail ibnto every single thing. Besides all of that the map was awesome. The robot like columns that hold up the walls and ceilings were really cool. The teel faded light coming from the ground and lights were neat. And those robotic ceiling light things were really high tech and neat looking. The water was kinda bad looking and it was very inviting to jump in but killed you instantly. The small staircases had a cool design and the layout was clean and well connected. The sky was an awesome view from the windows. Over all, this map is almost a 5 star but because of lack of a few very important things it closely dodges a perfect score and imo deserves somewhere around 4.5 so I wont rate it. You should take all of this criticism in and make another map because I know you are very capable of making a 5 star deserving one.
Commented 16 years ago2008-03-30 01:05:37 UTC in vault item: Dm_absurdum Comment #16525
Map download gave me a 7z file? Wheres the bsp.? And I accidently clicked the vote button so I guess I voted it for the map of the month...Annoying new twhl3 feature.
Commented 16 years ago2008-02-29 21:34:09 UTC in vault item: Kaufmann House Comment #16474
Now that I have hl2 I got to check it out. Really cool, ive always wondered exactly how it was layed out and everything. Next best thing would be to plan a road trip! woo.
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-04 22:37:37 UTC in vault item: Utopium Comment #15731
This map is very much like rimrooks mapping and not just his textures. Other than that, its a great map. I myself dont like everything in a map to be so "symmetrical" but it looks good. I was planning a dm map with a huge structure myself but I dont know if ill ever get around to it. The ambience you chose really complimented the mood and color tones well. By the way, is that room at all like yours because if it is, "you really like to read" lol. And nice teleporting effect..done with that square room above the map maybe?
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-02 16:54:56 UTC in vault item: dm_bulk Comment #15720
Not overused by him but by everyone in general. I don't care about the competition; I was just saying that if he had used different textures the map would be better in my opinion...thow I know he had to use them///but who says he cant change them for dm use.
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-02 14:08:57 UTC in vault item: dm_bulk Comment #15718
Yea those textures are way overused but this definetly is a very detailed good looking map. I am sick of maps that look like labs and stuff but this one definetly stood out. One other thing, I would have to say put some controls on those elevators. Its kind of inconvenient to sit and wate there for them when your trying to run around and kill eachother.
Commented 17 years ago2007-08-19 16:44:00 UTC in vault item: Srry's Minicompo #2 Entry Comment #15573
4.5 for a little spaceship.
Commented 17 years ago2007-08-19 16:42:01 UTC in vault item: Srry's Minicompo #2 Entry Comment #15572
sry for the crappy review on this map it actually is realy good "mustof not been paying any attention at all to the details.
Commented 17 years ago2007-08-09 14:32:15 UTC in vault item: Fathom 2.4 Comment #15547
ill check it out
Commented 17 years ago2007-08-07 15:35:24 UTC in vault item: Fathom 2.4 Comment #15536
my half life launcher encounters a problem everytime i try to play this mod and it than shuts off...
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-30 14:09:45 UTC in vault item: upender Comment #15462
that would b fun
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-29 02:18:28 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15438
Sry for not saying the map was definetly pretty neat. I liked a few things about it but in my opinion it is a little bit too small and plain. And the waterfall is realy messed up looking bc the scroll texture shows up where it is split in half. This map would be kewler if you added on to it and made it a little bigger. And I dont like how you fall like one inch and die.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-29 01:21:53 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15435
kinda dull
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-16 22:09:05 UTC in vault item: Half-Life: Emergency Comment #15370
well hmm ima smellim some motivation to get mine done:)
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-15 19:45:01 UTC in vault item: Half-Life: Emergency Comment #15363
in the arena those rocks sucked because i couldnt hide behind them cuz they were models...and srry you can kill the garg but only w explosives...and the mod was ok, actualy im working on one right now and coincidently you start out in a room and its raining outside and you have to break a window w a crow bar to get out. Thow the mod was ok it realy made like no sense and on my comp. it was very laggy but hey it killed some time so ill give you that:)
Commented 17 years ago2007-05-21 12:04:45 UTC in vault item: Mesa Base (Mesa Map No. 1) Comment #14955
the maps architecture isnt the best and the water looks very fake and many rooms are too squarish and plain but it seems like it would be a fun mp map because of so many controlable things. Also that double sewage waterfall thing was kewl.
Commented 17 years ago2007-05-17 09:04:46 UTC in vault item: de_C5000merchant Comment #14914
i think ghetto needs to map more b4 he rates.
Commented 17 years ago2007-05-04 16:28:54 UTC in vault item: Alpestrine Comment #14797
i smell a nerd
Commented 17 years ago2007-05-02 17:39:33 UTC in vault item: Alpestrine Comment #14780
for a dm map there wasnt realy that much room to play. The map was definetly different and gave me a neat feeling thow this didnt realy take effect until i looked up. in my op def. not a 5 star but it was realy different. Kinda inspires me to make my lazy a self map some more...keep up w the hl1 maps bc thats all i gotz :) oh and the tree models showed red textured squares around the branches...4 somereason they werent masked...
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-28 16:39:03 UTC in vault item: dm_aquos Comment #14509
This map deffinetly had a different concept than most deathmatch maps ive played. Definetly unique.

+The pumps were neat looking thow i could tell you just copied and pasted em around the map.
+The hallways branched out in many ways and had nice ceiling and floor trims that complimented them.
+definetly a unique way of manuvering through the map w the water
-The entire map seemed almost repetetive of itself
-The hallways seemed big and empty in some parts
-the outside water area brought you to a "too much open" area where you could basicaly see the entire outside shape of the map thow the terrain did blend it good to the ground.

Overall- the map was kinda boring in some parts because of overuse of textures in big empty areas, but the map flowed "somewhat good". It would have flown better if some of the big rooms maybe opened up to other areas with halls. ex: the huge room w one hall out and some items in the way far away corner. The map was pretty well constructed thow so just keep on mappin and remember " dont make bigol borin areas" or atleast not a lot of them.