
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-12 15:46:07 UTC in vault item: The Underhalls Comment #12822
Wow I was thinking Doom2 when I read the name, and look there it is!
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-13 09:45:07 UTC in vault item: Long compile times (cs_timeville) Comment #11493
Try the newest version of winzip. They've had that super compression method that only works in version 8 and up.
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-12 09:46:02 UTC in vault item: Leaks in cs_timeville Comment #11488
Skyboxing should be against the law. And I think you can have more than eight wads, hlcsg just warns you. I know I've used more than eight before.
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-12 09:31:45 UTC in vault item: PANDEMIC Main Hall Comment #11487
Thank's for the suggestions. I have been looking at images and looking around and I'll probably end up modifying this map extremely or just starting over. I'm trying to make some phototextures, but my camera broke, so I'm working with the scrap heap of pictures I have.
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-12 09:29:28 UTC in vault item: On the run with barney Comment #11486
I think when you type in buildcubemaps, the cubemaps get stored in a separate file. I haven't done source mapping in a while so I'm not too sure.
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-05 21:26:59 UTC in vault item: PANDEMIC Main Hall Comment #11436
Sorry for double post, but does anyone have any suggestions on how to map realistic places. I don't have much experience in mapping like this. I map mostly abstract and futuristic type things (which will come in useful later in the map).
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-05 21:20:15 UTC in vault item: PANDEMIC Main Hall Comment #11435
Thank you very much for the comments, it's helping me immensly and yeah I've cut down the wpolys so they're "ok" Right now, the highest wpoly i get is around 2000.
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-03 19:46:28 UTC in vault item: PANDEMIC Main Hall Comment #11422
I cut down on the r_speeds drastically and now it runs at a considerable 100 fps in 90% of the map. The other 10% runs at about 80 fps. I did change the floor texture and Halflife recognizes Half-Life01.mp3 as the 2nd track on the cd. I do not know how to use an mp3 otherwise.
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-02 10:38:55 UTC in vault item: PANDEMIC Main Hall Comment #11415
Yes, I'm cutting down on all the polygons. Though I've used the same style of ceiling in other maps with good rspeeds.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-28 21:25:02 UTC in vault item: sk_Sniper Comment #11381
Oh well, you should have seen MY first maps. eugh!
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-14 17:28:51 UTC in vault item: Train Problems Comment #11223
Yeah there is no way to enforce it, but what I do is make a big mean and scary legal looking message in my readme ^_^
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-13 17:11:14 UTC in vault item: sk_bombplanting Comment #11203
Go look at a picture and make it a map, it'll help you get a general idea for proportion, detail, and how architecture is. If you're going for abstract maps, make some crazy stuff with vertex manipulation with angles and curves and stuff.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-13 17:05:06 UTC in vault item: aim_m3_unk Comment #11202
Thank's for the comments. Oh and Rimrook, I never knew there was a world alignment/face alignment option, thanks.
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-30 18:56:38 UTC in vault item: de_dust2_css_beta7 for CS 1.6 Comment #10746
I haven't played this yet, but when I saw the screenie, I thought it was dust2 in source with all of its detail gutted. Looks very much like it's source counterpart. But, I suggest you up the brightness of the lighting and make it more yellow. Good job.
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-30 17:18:41 UTC in vault item: fy_reomaha Comment #10745
You know, I'm actually thinking of redoing this map in CS:S and cs1.6 if the rspeeds are good.
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-26 23:44:21 UTC in vault item: Cathedral compo13 Comment #10702
hey anyone ever play qkennyq's chartres cathedral map for quake3? this map reminds me of it. Awesome brushwork
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-25 23:03:55 UTC in vault item: Map is not dark enough (curte) Comment #10687
i would use blue or gray light
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-25 23:00:00 UTC in vault item: ak-colt_onglass Comment #10686
I like the glass idea with it breaking underneath, but you may want to add some cover in the middle since the glass makes the player even more vulnerable than he already is.

-It's fullbright, use rad.
-architecture is bland

I might also suggest using -wadinclude so you don't have to deal with wad files.
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-25 16:36:36 UTC in vault item: Fake Lighting Half-Life Comment #10682
wow is that the doom floor texture?
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-25 14:23:29 UTC in vault item: ka_dhs Comment #10680
+lights have sources
+interesting and good architecture
+good detail in some places but
-not enough detail in others
-dark area kind of annoying
-some of the scaling is a bit weird
-a bit more texture variety would be nice. You should make your own or use the counter-strike textures since the half-life ones aren't too good although I think blue-shift uses higher res textures than half-life so you might want to use those.

All in all, your map looks great in some places but bland in others. Also, you seem to have a weird texturing error on the door way to the 2nd floor, I don't know if that bug is what you meant when you talked about the skybox. I would keep working on the map and just test the layout to see if it works with knives.
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-23 14:21:20 UTC in vault item: de_simc Comment #10651
Wow, excellent map. Great detail and brushwork. Looks like a lot of work went into this. I'm almost in the same situation as you, I also have an unfinished school map.
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-22 14:55:43 UTC in vault item: Train Comment #10615
i like that blue lighting on the reddish wall
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-22 13:27:54 UTC in vault item: de_spirits Comment #10612
wow great map. beautiful. reminds me of that chartres quake3 map by qkennyq.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-02 00:05:44 UTC in vault item: ka_lowgravarena Comment #6518
smartedit off
weapon_* 1
* is the weapon you want spawned
and you might have to add:
targetname knife
spawnflags 0
Commented 19 years ago2005-03-29 18:12:38 UTC in vault item: The Lobby Comment #6440
Someones been spamming your votes or you've voted for yourself.
Anyway here's what I think:
You need to have the lights coming from somewhere.
You need more detail
It's kinda terrorist sided
Textures are bland, get some contrast and don't just use the concrete textures.
I like the small map area though, good for fast fun team deathmatch, I don't think the hostages fit in with this map.
Commented 19 years ago2005-03-29 17:51:47 UTC in vault item: de_bridge Comment #6439
I still have to close off the map somehow, it just ends in sky which sorta looks weird. Anyone have any ideas?
Commented 19 years ago2005-03-29 12:48:06 UTC in vault item: de_bridge Comment #6429
nah my friend who tested this map and some other guy
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Commented 20 years ago2004-07-11 21:38:17 UTC in vault item: as_evil Comment #2671
nice map
but in some areas, i felt dwarfed. There was a door that was like 2 times the size of a person(the panic bar was up to my head!)
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-30 18:34:51 UTC in vault item: de_dust_wireplay Comment #2553
..thers alot of dust remakes....they just nvr play like the originals...
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-30 18:30:37 UTC in vault item: The Tower Comment #2552
actually its not fully lit, look at the back of the cube, theres a spot of light.
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-30 18:25:20 UTC in vault item: de_dust7000000 Comment #2550
argh fully lit.
Your arches need to extrude like a dust map. You need a little more texture variety.
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-30 18:21:36 UTC in vault item: The Big Tower of Death Comment #2549
looks fully lit. VERY repetitive textures.
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Commented 20 years ago2004-06-07 18:39:34 UTC in vault item: cs_canyon_lab Comment #2235
Come on you're using an engine from 1999, don't expect too much power from it.
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-07 18:34:33 UTC in vault item: midniteSTREETZ Comment #2234
I think you have to stay 512 units away from the very edge of the grid. And their is a limit to how big rooms, hl hates large open spaces. By the way, the map isn't a model, its a bsp.
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-07 17:46:52 UTC in vault item: aim_best_hangar Comment #2231
true true. I think a map is good as long as its fun and doent hurt your eyes like a bright lit map. But its also important that it looks good too, as to imerse the player. I always beta test with frends, and they give me advice which makes my maps a whole lot better.
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-06 18:09:02 UTC in vault item: de_sahara Comment #2226
WOW!that looks amazing!Nice Job. Send it off to the cs team, i think you'll have a chance
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Commented 20 years ago2004-06-05 22:16:33 UTC in vault item: crate_land Comment #2214
Needs more variety, jsut crates is just boring. Nice try tho
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-12 17:34:10 UTC in vault item: Castle Comment #1857
there should be more rooms and buildings. You have alot of room outside but then the large area is good for fire fights. You should add a stable and a little bit more cover. Try adding towers too. add more detail its a lil blocky. map looks promising. i abandoned my castle map, i mite get back to it.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-12 17:27:26 UTC in vault item: commander_keen_testlevel Comment #1856
hehe one of id softwares greatest creations, now to make a doom level
Commented 21 years ago2003-12-03 22:41:05 UTC in vault item: de_MikkiHiiri_Rakennustyomaa Comment #524
from this picture, im guessing u need lights
Commented 21 years ago2003-12-03 22:40:21 UTC in vault item: De_Putkisto Comment #523
the map just sucks without lights. u should read the tutorials