Category: Entity Guides Last edited 2 years ago2022-10-17 05:53:40 UTC by kimilil kimilil

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This category contains the entity guides (and the entity pages therein) for GoldSrc games.

Each game generally has its own set of entities, and entities that are present in multiple games may function differently between games.


Pages in this category


Commented 3 years ago2021-08-30 13:13:32 UTC Comment #103691
Where is the Monsters and weapons of opposing force? :|
Commented 2 years ago2022-05-29 01:19:50 UTC Comment #104470
The entities aren't documented here, but the specific Opposing Force CTF Power Up entities are:

...and there's this really strange one I don't quite understand:
It seems to support the "team_no" keyvalue, but I'm not sure why. I guess it just spawns a random CTF powerup in the map.
Commented 2 years ago2022-10-16 20:36:01 UTC Comment #104851
The metamod repo has seemingly complete entity lists, and we are missing a lot: (see also ) . This page has information on a few of them

It would also be good to have articles for light_surface and other compiler entities

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