News posts

Daubster15 years ago2008-07-29 06:18:42 UTC 13 comments
Holy jumping mother o'God in a side-car with chocolate jimmies and a lobster bib! The long awaited Modelling for Goldsource tutorial from none other than Rimrook!

Laying down the basics in a Modelling for Dummies fashion, as well as a couple of extra tricks - it's more than enough to give you a first class flight over the minefield that is learning the essentials on your own.
Give it a shot! ;)
AJ16 years ago2008-07-24 06:07:02 UTC 63 comments
Well folks, it's finally here, but why now of all days? The moderators here at TWHL have recently had an estimate of the site's value taken. We have discovered that the site is worth $74,035 US, and as such, we will be selling the site immediately so the three of us can become filthy, stinking rich! RICH I SAY.

TWHL will be shut down in approximately...five minutes ago. See ya!
AJ16 years ago2008-07-15 01:53:54 UTC 6 comments
TheGrimReafer has once again dished the goods with his tutorials, this time on the subject of Pointfiles. This is, in my opinion, the best way to find a leak, so if you're confused about the whole deal, check this out.
Penguinboy16 years ago2008-07-10 23:24:00 UTC 16 comments
What's this?

Competition Results?

Congratulations to Winners Deathan and Dewdle, if you'd send me a PM with your steam account and what games you'd like (must add up to US$30 or less), I'll organise your prizes. Remember that the prizes are coming from Australia, and we don't get some third party games from steam down here.
Daubster16 years ago2008-07-01 06:32:12 UTC 8 comments
Having been on hold for quite a long time, Map of the Month is finally back on track!

With January's MotM reviews finally posted (yes, January - only 3 months behind), we're moving on to February's cp_goldfinger for Team Fortress 2, a fast-paced classic domination map. Making this month special, though, public playtesting is being organized for the very first time!

The server's up, so if you're interested in pwning some fellow TWHLers or even reviewing the map - check out this thread for more info!

EDIT: I'd like you to welcome two new members joining the MotM team: FresheD, who's already made his debut reviewing January's winner and Captain P. Expect your maps to be picked down to the very last bone.
User posted image
AJ16 years ago2008-06-19 20:55:06 UTC 15 comments
User posted image
Valve has released the new update for TF2, which brings with it a bunch of achievements for the Pyro, as well as some new maps. The Pyro's flamethrower is also getting updated with an alternate fire function, and as per the Medic release, 3 new weapons which are unlocked as you complete achievements. Valve have also packed two community built maps in this pack. Now, something tells me you guys could easily make something better than one of those maps...

If, for some reason, you don't have TF2, hit up Steam and play the full game during the free TF2 weekend, which is happening right now.

So what are you waiting for? Start spamming servers with the Pyro!
Penguinboy16 years ago2008-06-08 02:30:29 UTC 18 comments
The results for Competition 25 will be posted in July. The delay is because both Ant and myself are very busy with Uni and other projects, and we both will have a break in July. So stop asking.
AJ16 years ago2008-05-29 10:00:39 UTC 19 comments
We have two new tutorials up: Carving, by TheGrimReafer and Tetrahedron Terrain, by Daubster.

Now, if you can't carve after reading the first tutorial, then you shouldn't be mapping at all!
Tetrahedron Terrain is a fantastic new method for terrain construction in Goldsource, so if you're up for some advanced mapping techniques, check it out as its a must for optimisation.

That reminds me: there are several people with a tutorial (or 10) in draft, and they haven't changed in a long time. If you have a draft tutorial, get working!
Penguinboy16 years ago2008-04-30 22:06:09 UTC 12 comments
I've coded a Wiki system for use with the Entity Guides, Glossary, and the new Error Guides sections. The Goldsource Error Guide in particular needs lots of editing, so I expect everyone with some mapping knowledge to start adding new entries and editing the current ones!
Penguinboy16 years ago2008-04-18 19:46:39 UTC 11 comments
The competition has been extended yet again.

This time it's an 8 day extension, and absolutely no late entries will be accepted after this time. It's been extended because over half the entrants need an extension anyway, and judging wouldn't have started in 8 days anyway, if the compo really did close in 15 minutes from now.

There's a Javascript counter on the competition brief page. This is the official deadline from now on. It will not be extended again.
AJ16 years ago2008-04-03 19:57:28 UTC 14 comments
To all you anonymous visitors: we lack the ability to contact you back if you're not a member of this site!

I say this because I received a PM from an anonymous visitor, one that I was unable to reply to. So, keep that in mind, folks.

And to that anonymous visitor: I'm not ignoring you, I just have no way to contact you back!
Penguinboy16 years ago2008-03-30 00:02:54 UTC 9 comments
Everyone clear your cache or refresh TWHL (press f5 now) to use the new AJAX shoutbox.

Also, the competition has been extended 2 weeks if you didn't already know.
AJ16 years ago2008-03-22 08:20:05 UTC 16 comments
A happy Easter to all TWHLers who celebrate it! And for those who don't, just eat some chocolate, it's all good.
Penguinboy16 years ago2008-03-19 00:35:12 UTC 15 comments
News comments!
MOTM comments!
Search results pages!
That's all the new stuff you'll see today. Yay!
Penguinboy16 years ago2008-03-13 04:05:41 UTC 0 comments
If you get a page with an error on it (most probably "call to undefined function" errors), shout or post it in the bug thread.

You shouldn't get any, as I've looked in the code pretty thoroughly. But just in case, k?

Don't forget to vote for MOTM and enter the compo!