
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-08 12:01:42 UTC in vault item: Fight Yard - 3 Buildings Comment #8932
My review:
+ Texturing. It was ok, although the textures on the building near the T spawn were way too small...
+ Layout. Ok for a fy_ map.
+ Idea. If you would work more on this - you'd have a pretty cool map.
+/- Architecture. Nothin special, really. The trucks were ok. Just that I didn't like the streets... They're all surrounded by a brick wall, with no exit. That sucks.
+/- Gameplay. It would be a lil boring.
+/- Ambient sounds. Could use some atmosphere sounds (wind, etc.)
- Lighting. Dull and boring.
Well in total - I liked the map. The r_speeds weren't SO big. ~1100 wpoly was the biggest number I saw. I'd say - turn this map into something bigger! Work with the layout, use hint brushes and null textures if necessary to decrease r_speeds and you'll have yourself a great map! :)
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-08 09:13:32 UTC in vault item: Lights Comment #8931
Hmmmm...38_98 it's a good example but i'm not sure it's a 5 stars example and don't rate example maps!
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-08 07:55:22 UTC in vault item: ApartmentRats Comment #8930
Hmmm...strange lately all the oldie's come back and post something! First armadilo then tlax then slackiller and now marlborometal.

I downloaded the map but winace doesn't like it!
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-08 05:24:26 UTC in vault item: Lab17: Quake Comment #8929
It's still got straight five-star ratings :).
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-07 16:20:25 UTC in vault item: Fight Yard - 3 Buildings Comment #8928
r_speeds max at about 1600, + pretty high epoly. If its the rain that gets you, type cl_weather 0 in the console but most liely the high wpoly is what will get a low end computer.
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-07 15:23:27 UTC in vault item: Unpluggable TV Comment #8927
Glad to help somebody! :)
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-07 15:18:24 UTC in vault item: Delayed Teleport Comment #8926
I had problems with this too, great job. :)
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-07 14:26:17 UTC in vault item: Timefall (SP Mod) Comment #8925
I think the link work now and the download from Filefront is okay,
I have just check it and its OK
So try again.
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-07 13:36:57 UTC in vault item: Black Mesa Entrance Comment #8924
dream on.
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-07 12:05:46 UTC in vault item: HLywood Comment #8923
Uhh, as I said, a five!
(Didn't vote first time)
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-07 12:05:12 UTC in vault item: HLywood Comment #8922
I know I'm a bit late, but this was hilarious!
I love it!

And that space ship scene, bush got owned! ^^

A clear five, worth more though.
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-07 11:54:13 UTC in vault item: Threatening Skies Pre-Demo Comment #8921
The most usefull commands for performance checking are:
r_speeds 1 (displays world and model poly count, fps and time it took to create the frame)
gl_wireframe 1/2 (1 displays a wireframe overlay, 2 displays a wireframe of all drawn faces, which is quite usefull)
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-07 11:23:05 UTC in vault item: Black Mesa Entrance Comment #8920
because i'm adding more tunnel there... later on when i get around to it. Sorry if i sound like a slacker, but I'm devoting more time to school than mapping!
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-07 11:15:03 UTC in vault item: Threatening Skies Pre-Demo Comment #8919
How do I display how many polys are being run by the game?
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-07 10:08:45 UTC in vault item: ApartmentRats Comment #8918
Come on people!!!. Stop talking about the quality of the map and download it to see if it?s or ain?t worth. That?s the only way to judge a map.
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-07 08:53:01 UTC in vault item: Fight Yard - 3 Buildings Comment #8917
Is this for CS?
Looks like you really have customised CS a lot,, never saw you at pimp my game! O.o

Map looks cool, I'll download it later on. :)
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-07 04:07:33 UTC in vault item: Threatening Skies Pre-Demo Comment #8916
"Don't worry, that place will be revisited in later chapters."

That's a good thing. Showing area's (long) before you can visit them is nice.

"No one noticed the 'plane' flying way up in the air after you pass the bunker?"

Nope, didn't notice. Didn't notice any plane sounds there, either...

"And no, I didn't run vis. I wasn't planning to intil I completely finished a/the map(s). sorry."

Run vis before detailing area's. That gives you an idea of where you have enough poly's left to spend on detail while still not to wrecking performance. Most of your area's are already quite detailed, I think this is beyond the layout test already. It's better to know where you have to hold back with details than to have to delete a lot of work afterwards. Saves you time, and I think that's an important factore here... :)
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-07 00:51:21 UTC in vault item: Fight Yard - 3 Buildings Comment #8915
Will download when ill get back from school.. :)
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-07 00:40:17 UTC in vault item: Deadly Cargo Comment #8914
after you get out of the train there is a bunch of crates(dont break them) and a window near the trash can thats broken and if you pile up the crates you can get back in the train and continue and then theres a broken window further in the train to get back out
you can tell if the windows broken by gunshots
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-07 00:23:53 UTC in vault item: Threatening Skies Pre-Demo Comment #8913
Thanks Captain P, Awsome Review! Again, I truely appreciate any input someone has.

I'm going to replace that horid elevator noise with an ambience noise that will be quiet but stay on til the bottom. And craft a new elevator. (it was the third thing I made in the hole mod, needs a upgrade)

I agree that the next area is somewhat small. A little clostiphobic. But I'm adding a new recreational room there as we speak, going to remove the staircase (its sloppy)

And, I was going to let people up into the control, but decided against it. And I guess I could alter the doorway, wasn't really thinking when I copy/pasted that area for the new level, and didn't want to go back and alter it(since I'd have to do it in both places)

And about that bar.. I couldn't get in to go down, then back up... it would lower just fine, but no matter how I triggered it again, it wouldn't raise!! I should look into that, maybe I know enough now to fix that.
And... going to delete that awful sweeper (was just messing with the rotate feature.)

I blocked off the lab from main sight for the "gee, if he made that that good and didn't show it off, I wonder what he CAN do" effect Don't worry, that place will be revisited in later chapters.

The 'odd' bunker was there to show the seriousness of security in the area. It looked even more odd when I first made it.. trust me. No one noticed the 'plane' flying way up in the air after you pass the bunker? (you have to duck and look up the out the window)

Yeah... I'm not completely done with that section of the map, was just getting the main layout of the area complete. Going to put much more interesting things there (besides the 4 humongous vents), trust me.

And no, I didn't run vis. I wasn't planning to intil I completely finished a/the map(s). sorry.

I'll get to work on all these problems immediatly!! I am SOOO Grateful, truely! I'll put all you playtesters in the credits, for sure.
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 22:15:21 UTC in vault item: Black Mesa Entrance Comment #8912
If you know where's the leak they why didn't you fix it? lol
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 19:41:53 UTC in vault item: Fight Yard - 3 Buildings Comment #8911
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 18:36:01 UTC in vault item: Threatening Skies Pre-Demo Comment #8910
Next time you request a review from me, PM me. I don't look at maps here that often.

Anyway. Here goes. Some things have already been covered so I won't comment on everything when I don't think it's necessary anymore.

Overall, I think this is a good job done so far. It certainly shows you know what detail is. I think it gives a good impression all in all. There's some spots I liked especially like the orange-steaming vents in the end. But, as in all things, there's flaws (and some errors) to it, and I think I'm particularly good at spotting those. Forgive me my critical point of view, overall the map looks good, but there's just things I notice and won't let slip by. So, a list of bugs/glitches/stuff acompanied with suggestions follows:

1. The elevator made some nasty sounds at the start. It also looked flipped upside down due to how you placed the side panels. Usually, they're put down to prevent people from falling. Could do with some cleaner textures, other than that, it's fine.
2. The area thereafter feels cramped, too small. I'd suggest some wider corridors, or more options to make it feel more like a real complex. The book shelf fits better in a room, or make a reading area over there or such. Also, don't let Barney wait for the voice system to be finished. Those voices feel quite triggered bytheway. Triggering them with a delay might help, or just playing some at random.
3. That ladder behind the window is a nice touch. It doesn't lead anywhere though so add a door. Adding a door that the player can see on the other side as well is better I think (locked, of course ;)).
4. Entrance to the control room is small, cramped, and you feel it when you get back off the stairs: I got some headache when bumping into the ceiling. The sewer acces(?) didn't really fit in that area, though it's a nice detail. Some valves and electricity stuff (control box or such) fits better.
5. The train room is ok. But it's odd that I can't get on the rail while the bar is still open... senseless clip brush. You might want to use clip brushes on the train instead, to prevent people from jumping out. That sweeper in the corner looks slightly misproportioned.
6. The dam scene was nice. The dam itself is empty, though. Adding some control towers could make a good difference. Also, I don't like the water. I don't like Half-Life's standard water anyway. It kills fps easily and looks odd. Maybe you should check my map The Playtest for some inspiration on different water methods? I'd happily supply you with the custom textures and all. Just make that look better... :P
7. The machinery room looks nice. Good athmosphere and nice details. The whole area feels somewhat blocky though, mainly the rough architecture. But maybe that fits the style of the building there just fine. Just don't use 90-degree angles too much in your maps. The lab there is a nice one. Just make those windows clear. That's eye-candy that could get some more attention... ;)
8. Outside area was good. Odd bunker there (not bad-looking though, I kinda liked it) but the rest seemed to fit well together. But those textures on the building are over-stretched. Makes it feel much smaller than it really is.
9. Orange steaming vents. Look cool. The room feels blocky though and seems purposeless. Adding some maintenance doors and stuff that belongs there would be some nice touches. Detail isn't always a small or complex brush. It's also the logic in the level.
10. Only now I noticed the high r_speeds and the bad job you did on VIS. 3000 poly's at some spots? Runs fine on my machine and the limits are increasing now that people get better systems, but that could've been toned down a lot with proper VIS work. Did you even ran that compile program?

So, that should keep you busy, again. Don't get me wrong, it's a good job done overall. Just fix the most nasty glitches and everything should be mostly fine. Keep it up there!
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 17:41:29 UTC in vault item: Jasons Rock, My First Real Map Comment #8909
I'd prefer a .bsp file over a .rmf... ;)

Actually, I think it's good for a first map. My first one was a L-shaped corner... not that I ever showed that to anyone except for my family, but hey... ;)
Anyway. There's a leak in the .rmf you uploaded. I'd recommend mapping with Snap to Grid on, and using a rough grid size for the base architecture (something like a 32 or 64 size). It's easier to prevent leaks that way. When dealing with detail, you can switch to lower grid sizes quickly with the [ and ] keys.
Give that ladder a Render FX - Solid, and a Render Amount - 255 to make the black parts invisible.

Other than that, keep going, and post .bsp's next time. :)
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 17:19:17 UTC in vault item: Black Mesa Entrance Comment #8908
Updated! it's starting to look like something now.
For those of you who are rather picky, I compiled it with zoner's tools, its fullbright because there is a train-sized leak at one end and i didn't bother to fix it yet.
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 16:50:03 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #8907
Thank you for your comment, we take all criticism to heart. And it is a pleasure to award you a kick in the ass.
Good day!
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 15:49:01 UTC in vault item: Lab Comment #8906
Nice architecture there, urban. Nicely done. I very much like the map. rowleybob is kinda right. But apart from that neat stuff :)
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 15:46:30 UTC in vault item: Lights Comment #8905
its just meant to show other ways to implement lighting. Not how you do this or that sigh

Anyway, i thought that your ideas for lighting were good. And was nicely done... :)
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 15:44:53 UTC in vault item: Challenge Comment #8904
Very very good! It was certainly good gameplay, but as rimrook pointed out its not really spacious. And is hard for anyone maneuver (player and enemies) overall, it was nicely done!
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 15:36:05 UTC in vault item: ApartmentRats Comment #8903
No that is not my apartment LOL. Only on thin in the map is in my apartment and that is the picture hanging above the Chair.

Yes this is for Deathmatch HL

The screenshot looks awsome on my side but after upload it is all blurry.

There is more that you can do in the map. Like go in the TV. There is a hidden room that has all my Team members sprays in it. Printer will kill if someone is standing on the tray and your shot the button. The Scanner will shoot you across the room if you are standing on the right spot on the lid. You can go under the chair if you shoot the lever. then you csn Shoot the round tube inside and it will close it. There is a hidden room here too.
There is a hidden room above the chair in the celling. kinda tricky to get into but that is where the gulon gun is.
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 14:58:43 UTC in vault item: ApartmentRats Comment #8902
Screenshot = Shit. It's an alright map though. It's for DM though, right?.
+ The places you can go are awesome, like inside the computer, couch etc.
+ The things you can do... jump on the pizza, turn on the lights, turn on the tv etc.
- Some textures are horrible.

A Nice map. 4 Stars from me.
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 11:27:43 UTC in vault item: Mortar Labs Comment #8901
thx, the stairs are realistic actually they are attached to a wall afterall.

layout=small ,I know its a duel map,for clan members and stuff.And the good thing is when you kill some1 with mortar it counts the frag.

Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 09:46:45 UTC in vault item: dm_crete Comment #8900
3 textures if you count the lights
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 09:36:01 UTC in vault item: Mortar Labs Comment #8899
My review:
+ Texturing. Nice and simple. I liked it.
+ Ambient sounds! You added some! Nice!! :D
+ Architecture.. Simple, but not too blocky.
+ Gameplay. It should play nice. I also loved the air bombings on the tower..
+/- Layout. It was ok, just a lil small.
In total - this is quite an interesting map. The stairs in the labs are a lil unrealistic, and the windows of the truck could have been transparent..
Nice work tho! :)
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 09:17:49 UTC in vault item: dm_crete Comment #8898
And yet another feast for the eye by Rimrook....
+ Architecture.. That's what made the map look good with only 1 texture everywhere.
+ Lighting. Gold. You actually managed to make a map with one texture look good with great lighting..
+ Layout. It was ok. Lots of spots to jump on, hide in..
+ Gameplay. Great. Great wpn placement. I really enjoyed jumping on those pillars, and other stuff... great.
- Ambient sounds. Such a great map could have used some... :
In total - this map really shows, how good you are at mapping. I mean c'mon! The damn map had one texture all over and looked great!! :o
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 08:24:48 UTC in vault item: ApartmentRats Comment #8897
that isn't your appartment, is it?
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 08:01:19 UTC in vault item: dm_crete Comment #8896
on another note, this isn't meant for alot of people. maybe 2 - 6 at the most. With less people, there is less chance to get fragged while going for the long-jump.

"but with only one texture there is only one question... why?"

I noticed that i try very hard to crispen up my textures so they look sharp and detailed, but they look blurry all of the time and i seem to never be satisfied with the result. However, the single texture idea frees up the tediousness of adjusting textures, making textures, making it try to look right with textures, etc. the element of that was taken out in this map, and utilized the sharp edges of the archetecture to define the detail as well as the contrasty ambient lighting. It was fun to ignore the textures and have some fun mapping for a change. it didn't feel like work and it tuned up my brushing skills in terms of design. I did notice that people don't get detailed with small brushes and edges very often, but this adds so much flare to a map in terms of detail. So many people are worried about their map looking good that the basics of design are being forgotten. I would gladly suggest everyone at TWHL to map something like this, it's a very good excercise for source and non-source mapping alike. Don't worry about the r_speeds too much either, just keep them under 2000 :P
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 03:57:31 UTC in vault item: Canyon Warehouse Comment #8895
Attention people, I fixed the link bug. I've uploaded the map on this site!
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 01:20:26 UTC in vault item: Jasons Rock, My First Real Map Comment #8894
Ok how did that heppen it posted the samething three times!
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 01:12:15 UTC in vault item: Threatening Skies Pre-Demo Comment #8893
Alright elon....
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 00:28:36 UTC in vault item: Threatening Skies Pre-Demo Comment #8892
I'll remove the reflections from my edited version then I'll finish it.
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 00:18:48 UTC in vault item: Jasons Rock, My First Real Map Comment #8891's an RMF thats why I couldn't play it! Whoops
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 00:13:08 UTC in vault item: Jasons Rock, My First Real Map Comment #8888
Ohh...I didn't know..I'm always bad with names anyway. Thanks...i'll keep that in mind :)
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 00:11:50 UTC in vault item: Jasons Rock, My First Real Map Comment #8887
Also use simpler names! You could have named the bsp file "jr".
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 00:09:26 UTC in vault item: Jasons Rock, My First Real Map Comment #8886
Don't use capital letters when naming maps/entities.
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 00:07:52 UTC in vault item: Jasons Rock, My First Real Map Comment #8885
Thank you all! Thank you for your encouragment and advice! I'm going to make sure I use it to its full potential. :)
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 00:04:03 UTC in vault item: Jasons Rock, My First Real Map Comment #8884
Look good for the first try I'm downloading it!
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-05 23:16:14 UTC in vault item: Jasons Rock, My First Real Map Comment #8883
Yeah, pretty darn good for a first try.

Try changing the color of the light in your next map, and also rotate the tables and other objects in your map slightly so not everything is orthogonal to each other.
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-05 15:41:32 UTC in vault item: ApartmentRats Comment #8882
Fixed link!!!!!
Sorry it had to do with SSL on the webserver. Got it fixed now.