
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-17 23:37:20 UTC in journal: #7509 Comment #51410
I'm glad you explained what it was, so i definitely won't watch it. ;)
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-17 23:36:35 UTC in journal: #7511 Comment #66724
me as well
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-17 11:04:10 UTC in journal: #7510 Comment #45429
I think it looks very good sir, though i've never seen another showreel before. One problem to get sorted: 00:32 the steering wheel and gas pedals seem to bee on the reverse side of the car. <=
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-15 01:50:30 UTC in journal: #7508 Comment #66714
Nicely done sir! =P
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-14 20:31:25 UTC in vault item: cs_evilcrazy Comment #19657
Ok i tried GB download, but still no dice in won, but it works perfectly in steam. =)

++First I want to say i really really like this map. i like how it feels more like a real place and less like a cs map. It is also very original and thoughtfully created. Some of the special effects are very well-done, and you really pulled off the old haunted-house theme rather nicely.

+/- Map is beautifully detailed in some areas but barren in others. some props are blocky or don't match at all like the chairs at the beginning of the house or the toilet (don't be afraid to use models for this stuff or ask for help of people who love to build detailed prefabs(like me!=>)

+/-custom skies are great and yours looks good from some places, but really low res and bad from others. (i thought it looked really nice from the tippy top of the roof but ghastly down by the front gate.) ALSO, the sky doesn't match the terrain at all below, so you need to do extra work to hide it(like the whole left side of the skybox can be seen when you are on the roof because there are no trees and brush to hide it)

--scale is very big in most places and a big distraction for me. There is nothing wrong with high ceilings in an old gothic-style mansion, but the stairs seem almost as high as countertops to me(not really that high, but you get the idea)

--I'm seeing terrain and some trees disappear when i'm on the roof, but when i check console i don't see any errors, so maybe your max-viewable distance in worldspawn needs to be increased?

Despite the distractions and inconsistencies/bugs, you put a TREMENDOUS amount of work into this. I have to rate 5 for that reason, and the good bits that shine through. Really nice map sir! =)
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-12 22:28:53 UTC in vault item: Anvus (compo 31) Comment #19653
There were supposed to be a lot more entries <COUGH>Archie-muzz-tetsu0<COUGH>, but of course, you always have people drop out. Wasn't Daubs supposed to enter as well?
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-12 21:28:36 UTC in vault item: Anvus (compo 31) Comment #19651
Agreed, this is breathtaking Rim! =0

I take a screenie of every map i review to include in my map archive, and it was REALLY very tough to pick just one, since every area in this is consistently so pretty!

Running through the map, I couldn't decide which awestruck me more: The masterful texturing or the Very pretty brushwork... just amazing. Both of those things together made the entire map almost look like it was rendered in another engine! =P

I can't really think of any critique, except possibly make all the doors lead somewhere(it was nice you had the "locking sound" for inaccessible doors though), and add some articulation to the lazer drill thingies to make them look less static(like joints in an robotic welder or some such). The lazer thingies could also have used some more texture variation possibly, but they still looked great.

Anyway superb entry sir, this is really top-notch.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-12 12:11:09 UTC in journal: #7505 Comment #48209
Can you have Scott get on Steam to help me with my displacements and overlays?
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-12 09:55:23 UTC in vault item: cs_evilcrazy Comment #19648
I tried playing with WONHL and it's freezing/crashing hl.exe. Any idea what i can remove from the map (like the sky or something) to make it work in WON?

I will try it again when i get home; i'm sure this works fine in steam.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-12 09:30:45 UTC in vault item: kz_occult Comment #19647
This is a gorgeous map and you should really add a couple more screens to show it off!

I've never played a kz map, but this seems absolutely impossible! How long does it take playing these types of map to get good at them? I'd love to see some gameplay videos of people playin if you happen to have3 any! =P

My ONLY complaint is the default sky. it is simply criminal to use that crap default sky on such a beautiful map. Criminal! ='(

edit: looking at the screen your sky looks different, so maybe the sky issue is on my end. (duh i should have noticed you had custom sky when i copied the files)

I know i had problems viewing sky on zeeba-g's dream compo map too; I think it's because of my portable WONHL.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-12 09:19:17 UTC in vault item: koth_diabolical FINAL1 Comment #19646
You got 1 day to submit it to the treasure hunter contest, are you gonna go for it?!
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-11 19:33:38 UTC in vault item: c31_de_minestorm Comment #19644
I loved your map sir, and quite frankly i'm shocked you didn't place! ='(

I thought the judges were a bit too critical on the size of your entry, and personally, that's one of the things that impressed me most. The only downfall of that of-course is that you require a lot more time and work to detail it all.

btw, did you build the map from scratch or retexture an old one? Damn impressive if you built this entire thing for the contest.

If i could double-rate your entry sir i would! Again, really great entry.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-11 10:56:10 UTC in vault item: Compo 31 Entry Comment #19467
Congrats man! =P

It seems i was overly critical in my comments considering you took 3rd place. I'd like to take this time to amend my rating.

Great work and congrats again sir! =P
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-11 04:43:58 UTC in vault item: cs_evilcrazy Comment #19640
This looks really scary sir, downloading!

I wish i knew about the gamebanana contests sooner. Do they have them all the time, and are u submiting a map for treasure hunter?
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-07 01:40:24 UTC in journal: #7500 Comment #51407
Yahoo congrats! I will personally will not be complete until beet Orcs Must Die! on war mage. =P
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-06 12:28:07 UTC in vault item: Surfacerun Comment #19636
This is retardedly sick noSICK. This map is MOTM winner for sure.

++great architecture
++beautiful texturing(all original?!)
++Superb small detailing
+++Map is huge and consistently detailed throughout. amazing.
++great lighting and lighting effects
+some cool effects sequences
+fun gameplay more fun-based than puzzle which is fine with me.

+/-Lots of beautiful detail on ceiling is missed becasue you don't give the player a reason to look up. put a barnacle up there or a blinking light or something, to make sure players appreciate that beautiful detail you've so meticulously added to the map!
+/- some small detailing looks blocky
+some great pitfall traps!

-if you don't drain the slime before you get the scientist, you have no way to open the door and complete the game without cheating.
-a lot of places you think you can access you can't because there are invisible clips.(railings that you should be able to jump on, etc) not a big deal
-scale on some things seems a bit squished to me
-game abrubtly ends at the elevator. is that planeed or was i glitched?

Some REALLY good work sir. Just top-notch stuff any mod team would be very lucky to have you on board. 5-stars for a superb sp level. If you haven't already, i would contact phillip from planet phillip and try to get this on there, he would love it i think.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-06 11:25:22 UTC in vault item: deathrun_zefir_fixed Comment #19635
you download doesn't work for me. Please send me a pm if you get a mirror or host it here.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-06 08:20:30 UTC in vault item: strafemap_1 Comment #19634
I can't make the first jump how do you do it? I noclipped to the second jump, and i could almost make it. =)

The architecture looks pretty neat in the first "bonus" section! are all the bonuses different and what are they for?

I noclipped through the rest of the jumps and some of them look pretty cool, tho i have no idea how to strafe jump. maybe provide some more screenies in the future to better show off your work!
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-06 02:03:20 UTC in vault item: koth_diabolical FINAL1 Comment #19632
Those are beautiful screens i didn't even see all those parts of the map! what really strikes me is the lighting; it looks so good!
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-06 00:15:11 UTC in journal: #7497 Comment #43244
yea agreed i'm starting to think that fine and jail time is a little intense for the crime. I'm not condoning his actions in any way, but at least the animal didn't probably suffer long.

I still feel it's different than killing a mouse, but i can't logically think of any way to dispute the arguement, so...
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-05 05:27:15 UTC in vault item: koth_diabolical FINAL1 Comment #19629
I'm a complete noob to tf2 since i never really played it, but after running through really quick, i'm really digging how this map looks, especially the lighting! good job!

++interesting, skilfull architecture
++great lighting
+beautiful detailing
+beautiful texturing

-a lack of small prop items

btw, you broke the map description with your image! =P i recommend posting multiple, smaller thumbnailed images, so people can get more than one perspective of your hard work!

Good work!
5 stars
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-05 03:20:09 UTC in journal: #7497 Comment #43243
yup for sure, violent crimes, even crimes against humanity like paedophelia seem to be very under-punished.

The second thing is a real problem: what do you do with those who cannot be rehabilitated?
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-05 03:09:51 UTC in journal: #7497 Comment #43242
if what trollo is trying to say, is that punishments for crimes in general ARE NOT strong enough to be a deterrent, then i would agree with him.

Not to mention all the horseshit(not least of which cost) involved with pussyfooting around (appeals, delays) that are gone through EVEN WHEN there is no doubt the guy is guilty. it's so fucked.

I'm all for a more draconian legal system. Judged Dredd protocol would be fine with me any day of the week.

[/end rant]
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-05 01:25:23 UTC in journal: #7497 Comment #43241
That is just fucked. I mean, that is really fucked.

I hope hackers find his house and make his address public.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-05 00:36:52 UTC in journal: #7496 Comment #45419
oh and btw:
User posted image
This is wut i see everytime someone mentions gingerbread, plus i get a craving for cookies. It's the worst name ever. =)
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-05 00:25:14 UTC in journal: #7496 Comment #45418
ha that looks nice, i think i just have to update my phone to get the gingerbread update? i've been using gingerbread keyboard for ages tho it's the best.

edit: i find if i turn of hancent(iphone-like texting), my text messaging app looks like yours but it's just slighlty different and the colours are changed.

Do you use any 3rd-party apps to change the look/feel/use of your phone archie? if so what?
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-04 23:21:40 UTC in journal: #7496 Comment #45417
What texting app is that or is it standard for you phone? beluga?
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-04 22:58:38 UTC in journal: #7494 Comment #51406
I don't think they ever should have shown Shane killing Otis
Are u sure that really happend or was that the old guy's perception of what happened?! do i need to rewatch some episodes or what?

idk, i rather enjoy it, just as good or better than last season imo. you have to admit there are some awesome moments in the show, like finally finding sophia was just unbelievable; i never saw it coming.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-04 22:54:56 UTC in journal: #7495 Comment #50768
That is good to know potatis. i had a similar problem with file permissions and instead i downloaded some script which allows me to right click and "take ownership of", but it still took FOREVER to change everything.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-03 08:34:57 UTC in journal: #7492 Comment #62298
My friend Mark somehow got a waiver to take 19 units over the intersemester and he almost died. I'm not kidding.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-03 05:24:21 UTC in journal: #7492 Comment #62297
Luke if that's the way you really feel take an inter-semester course. =P

3-hour clasess everyday, and you only really have time to skim the book unless you read it the previous semester. I did it once, never again...
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-01 22:38:24 UTC in vault item: ambient_generic radius Comment #19614
You crazy kids and your minecraft! =P

Thanks for the comments i'll see about adding the other sizes and testing wut stojkens said about burying the ambient_generic underground. ALSO, wouldn't that be interesting if you could muffle sounds using brushes? =}

And ya doggybag, is just kept raising the entity until i couldn't hear it anymore, and then lowered it just enough to make the 32 unit radius. The "small" radius was WAY bigger than i expected! =)

Anyone know how to fix the volume so it's constant from beginning to end, and doesn't start quiet when you first enter sound's the radius?
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-30 03:39:46 UTC in journal: #7489 Comment #55874
no problem maw! =P
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-30 02:53:12 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #19606
beautiful, compact dm map.

++superb dm layout
+some very nice texturing on most things
+good, varied ambience throughout
+great general design, clean brushwork

+/-nicely detailed but there is room for more
+/-"death pit" is cool. would like to see some moar traps!
+/- texturing could use some variation in places

-no small props to speak of

excellent work especially for something 4 years old, should be a hit for the retro tourney. Everything flows together and fits so perfectly. I always want to see more small detail, but you can't always have everything!

Great work!
5 stars
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-29 22:57:42 UTC in vault item: Nightmare: A horror map Comment #19603
Haha NOT what i expected!

+Func concept idea
+higly intereactive
++creative trickery
+enjoyable gameplay
+good use of sound/ambience
+/-the theme was not the prettiest, but it worked and was unique.
+/-not very scarry, but i guess you pulled off the dream-likedness, "abstract" quality off pretty good. (not like your more recent "horror" maps)

-there is no directory structure whatsoever

Interesting and fun gameplay. very creatively done and good ingenuity. (i would never think to use those swimming creatrues could be used out of water) you could have color rendered them slime green for a excellent likeness of slimer from the ghostbusters! =)

Also interesting you can render the models transparent; i had no idea you could do that.

All in all an oldie but goodie. 3.5 rounds up to 4 stars.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-29 22:16:16 UTC in vault item: Versalife Comment #19602
Wow, this is a pretty well-made map, even thouhgh the map is not compiled.

++excellent architecture mostly
+VERY creatieve/excellent use of the original textures
+cleanly-constructed and organized in hammer
++superb design/layout. this is of a real place i take it?

+/-change ALL that small detail and trim work to func_illusionary or func_wall. (you've done most of it, but a lot of the stuff you didn't will make your compile times skyrocket!

-brush scale or proportion is off in some places. see hand railings they are paper thin
-some texture scales are higly exaggerated. scale them down a little or choose a different texture.
-this map is not compiled

I'd rate this 4/5 or 5 if it was compiled. Great map, wish it was compiled and lit! ='(
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-29 22:04:34 UTC in vault item: amphitheatrum Comment #19601
A slightly strange little map, but not without it's charms!

+The "steppes" are well constructed and textured
+great use of random sound to add ambience
+some interesting terrain features bordering the map
+seekrits areas!

-sparsely detailed. besides the sprite tumbleweeds there is basically no small detail work, making the map very 2d, even for a small crowbar/knife areana

This is small, simple map, but now without it's enjoyable features.

The main "ampitheatre" part of the map was well made and interesting to look at all it's own. The neat use of random sounds was unexpectedly nice, and of course the seekrit areas, another unexpected treat.

I still can't figure out how to get the gluon gun, which i guess is another fun little aspect of the map you have to figure out.

3 stars(rounded up for the featurs) and much better than i expected from the screen. Good work, but i'd like to see somehting you've spent a bit more time on.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-29 21:48:09 UTC in vault item: DPC Ced Office Comment #19600
Superb, above-average rats map.

++superb texturing
+excellent architecture
+creative use of transparent textures (the office chairs)
+well-made jump assist
+weapon placement
+/-very high r_speeds for a mp map, but who knows might run ok?
-no sounds nor ambience?

I need to say first this is a fantastic-looking rats map, one of the best i've probably ever seen. good texturing is crucial in a rats map to make them look believable, and you've come through in spades on that front.

At first i didn't think there was enough cover in the map, but there are nooks and crannies everywhere to hide, even though the main map is very open (as with most rats maps).

No commplaints really besides there should be some sounds. fan sounds by each pc monitor, radiator clinking under the table, random "mouse" chirping in the mouse tunnel areas, all would add much to to player's immersion in the map.

r speeds are pushed to the limit in this map, but who knows, it map play smoothly. have you tested it at all on a server?

If you ever revise the map and are looking for ideas of how to change the map, please pm me, as i have tons of ideas for this map. =)

P.S., you need to contact potatis invalid and get this map on the hldm server!

All in all, a superb rats map.
5 stars.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-29 20:51:12 UTC in journal: #7489 Comment #55873
I used to all the time, just fell out of it lately. ='(
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-29 19:30:05 UTC in journal: #7486 Comment #55857
Hahahah yeah! chrome also likes to make itself your default browser automatically too, when you install something like say google earth. Really dumb.

there are other dumb things about chrome but i just can't remember them atm.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-28 03:22:26 UTC in journal: #7486 Comment #55856
i liked opera's android browser as well but a couple small things were deal breakers for me, not that i can remember what they were atm. (i'll give it a couple months and try again probably)

Currently, i'm using dolphin free version on android and i've no complaints whatsoever.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-27 21:55:36 UTC in vault item: Moaby's C31 Entry Comment #19595
This looks like a winner to me, best entry i've seen so far, at least from your screenshots: map looks superb. 3 maps too, i'm sure the gameplay is good as well

good work sir, sorry i can't actually load it up and play it!

Commented 12 years ago2011-11-26 08:49:41 UTC in vault item: compo31_crazy Comment #19584
Understand comepletely about small detailing.. had no time for small detailing myself, which is mu favourite thing to do btw...

for the sheer size and work that went into this, i'm rounding my rating up from 3.5 to 4. too bad i couldn't judge the gameplay or i'm sure i could go as far as 5.

If i get my ep2 reinstalled soon i will replay and rerate! great entry sir and good luck in the competition!
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-26 04:42:36 UTC in vault item: Leak in Comlex Comment #19582
next time use "big block" method to track down a hard-to-track leak.

Make a big worldbrush(s) to cover up half your map, and compile. if you don't get the leak, you know it is somwhere on the half of the map covered in the brush. reduce the size of the brush successively to narrow the search.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-26 02:14:56 UTC in vault item: compo31_crazy Comment #19578
++pretty superb use of most of the textures
++very nicely constructed, visually interesting scenes
+/-some interesting lighting; are some source textlights?!
-some areas seem hastily put together or too-simply constructed
-some areas look a bit campy =)

I won't rate since there is no way for me to test it, but very nice entry all the same.

good luck in the compo! =)