
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-20 13:27:26 UTC in news: Compo Results Delay Comment #98571
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-20 13:21:08 UTC in journal: #5151 Comment #35104
Heh pretty cool. The tank looks cool when it rides under the tree. = )

Maybe make the movement keys like HL or user configurable. i was trying to move around with the WSAD keys and the mouse. (it is fun though using the arrow keys to reposition the tank before moving, and it's neat how it moves much faster when you're moving in the right direction(facing front), like you'd think a real tank would be)

Nice, keep it up! = )
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-20 13:09:54 UTC in vault item: Kz_Rockland Comment #16725
Wow this is really neat!

I must say that climbing maps are not my thing, so i mostly noclipped through the whole thing; someday i'd like to try out some of these kz maps actually climbing them, so i can work on my jumping skills, but for now i don't have the patience.

There is some excellent detail, beautiful architecture and really just good mapping in general in this map, which frankly, i didn't expect for a kz map.

I like the seperate areas, all with their own play on the same theme. I probably liked the broken house/church the best, because it looked very realistic and had nice lighting.

I can't remember if there is sound (Which so many maps seem to lack) , so i'm guessing there is none besides the crackling fire sound? No biggie i guess but it would be a fine complement to your nice map.

This map was also much bigger than i expected with the seperate areas, which was another nice surprise.

Anyway some fine mapping in there. I'm going 5 stars for a map that highly exceeds my expectations for this type of map, and is just well done in it's own right imo.

5 stars
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-20 00:58:22 UTC in vault item: Ancient Box Comment #16723

A simply beautiful killbox or in cs FY style map.

Unprecedented, beautiful detailing for this type of map ans well some beautiful effects like the fading sunlight texture and sprites in the center. (the only thing i could think of to make that better was if you made the top center part a world brush with the light above it, so it casts a shadow of that on the floor. you could also fake it by making a brushed approximation on the floor and make it almost completely transparent)

I love the doorways and the little ruins around the nade cache. The broken pillars and bits are nice, and the main pillars look great, but would look better with something other than the rectangular boxes on top and bottom, which make them look plain; i can understand why they're not more elaborate tho from a wpoly perspective, which your wpolys are already pretty high imo for a MP map.

The only thing i really didn't like was the watery bits. i would change the color underneath it or make the water itself more opaque or a different color. I'm not good at doing watery bits, but the water parts in your map pale in comparison to the high level of quality of the rest of the map.

Also no sounds but whatevs, most people leave them out... but something, anything would be nice. Even if you had a fire in the corner and all you could here was the the fire burning or maybe have water running or dripping sound by a grate... you get the idea!

5 stars for supberb detailing and atmosphere!
= )
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-20 00:36:45 UTC in journal: #5151 Comment #35103
Haha looks interesting!

Demo available? = )
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-20 00:15:59 UTC in vault item: Deagle_Nightyard Comment #16722
RapidShare doesn't work for me. Please PM me if you get an alternate link!
= (
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-20 00:10:58 UTC in journal: #5147 Comment #39800
Old cars break down a lot and don't start in the morning with the old carburetors... Unless your a super mechanic, they're highly impractical imo.
[/rain on parade sorry]
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-19 18:35:21 UTC in vault item: Edge of Death - Series 1 Comment #16721
Please PM me if you get an alternative download to RapidShare... i can't download... = (
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-19 18:30:18 UTC in vault item: minicompo_houndeye Comment #16720
Haha! = )

a perfect copy of a houndeye, done in hammer for the geometry challenge... I have no idea how you made the texturing so perfect, but my hat is off to you! I can't tell the difference between the model and yours!

Superb Geometry Challenge entry.
5 stars (or i would rate it 5 stars if it wasn't in the example maps!)
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-06 17:50:34 UTC in journal: #5105 Comment #51588
is that sparta or what?!
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-06 14:40:02 UTC in journal: #5126 Comment #39791
This is my partner and son HW lawl.
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-01 19:14:26 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Carving Comment #100798
Superbly written, clean, and funny. Win. An entertaining guide on what not to do. I lol'd at "mapping scale of 'no'".


Commented 16 years ago2008-06-01 18:34:02 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Tetrahedron Terrain Comment #100861
Heh Excellent!

I like that you included common pitfalls as many times these are conveniently left out. ;)

You should add a nice screenie of some sexy finished terrain!

"The "-cliptype precise" command for CSG plus using the BEVEL texture as described earlier seem to usually fix both problems."

You can also make sticky areas func_illusionary, and place more simple terrain over/inside it with clip brush. (this also saves you on the preposterous clipnodes this type of terrain uses up = ) )

Nice tutorial with pictures and well-written = win = 5 stars.


Commented 16 years ago2008-06-01 05:07:13 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Re-texturing Models Comment #100604
Excellent tutorial. Thank you = )
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-01 04:59:45 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Texture Lighting Comment #100597
Oops x2! (please delete previous message!) Here's the relevant info posted by muzz regarding switchable textlights:

Here's how you can make your texturelight switchable (Requires ZHLT 3.4):

Turn your light fixture into a func_wall, which i believe is already done.

Open its properties and name the brush. Now select Grouped in the Texture Light Style property. If this property does not exist, you can add it manually by turning off SmartEdit, and adding these keyvalues:

Key: style
Value: -3

Now create a light entity with the same name as the brush entity. Hlrad will now pretend that the light emitted by the texlight is "really" being emitted by your light entity. In other words, turning the light on and off will now turn the texlights on and off, too.

You'll probably want to set the brightness of the light entity to 1 1 1 0.1, so that it emits no light of its own (this trick is unnecessary if you're using Spirit of Half-Life, which supports switchable texlights directly).

If you hit Alt+P to check for problems, you'll notice one or more invalid keyvalues errors. Just ignore it, this happening because the Texture Light Style property is missing from the FGD that you're using. If want to fix this, find the func_wall FGD code and replace it with this code:

@SolidClass base(Targetname, Appearflags, RenderFields, Global, ZHLT) = func_wall : "Wall"
_minlight(string) : "Minimum light level"

style(choices) : "Texture Light Style" : 0 =
0 : "Normal"
-3 : "Grouped"
10 : "Fluorescent flicker"
2 : "Slow, strong pulse"
11 : "Slow pulse, noblack"
5 : "Gentle pulse"
1 : "Flicker A"
6 : "Flicker B"
3 : "Candle A"
7 : "Candle B"
8 : "Candle C"
4 : "Fast strobe"
9 : "Slow strobe"
12 : "Underwater"
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-01 04:56:11 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Texture Lighting Comment #100595
Switchable Texture lighting (textlights) by MuzzleFlash
(found in this this thread by (c)striker.

I found this enormously useful, so thought it would be a good idea to add it. Maybe it should be it's own mini tutorial too! = )
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-30 19:28:33 UTC in vault item: Reissues Comment #16667
i haven't started playing any of the levels yet, but the intro area is superb and a superb idea. the only thing i would change is move the text lower to the portal for each map and make the text nicer to read. (you could even use fancey brushed holograms/distort for the each maps title if you wanted.)

the animated texture showing the portal to each map was a nice idea, as is the general design of the intro area; i like how some portals are smashed too.

Anwyay, i can't wait to try all the maps. i'll try to do different reviews for each section and post a link in here maybe rather than spamming your map comments with all my jabbering!

Great work putting this all together!
5 stars
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-30 19:11:37 UTC in vault item: Abomination v1.1 Comment #16666
Very neat! ^___^

+Some very nice brushwork
+Some very nice texturing
+a supperb feeling to the place, probably the neat low lighting

I like the trigger pushes pushing you out of the atmosphere, and the cold damage/wind is a neat way to simulate outer space. The scale is a little too tall like someone else said, and i think the traps are too hard/random imo. the detail on the first broken window was really nice too.

Keep it up, I love this theme! = )
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-30 17:36:20 UTC in vault item: de_compound Comment #16682
I've never played the cs:source map you used for your compo entry, but just by walking through, I get the impression it's very faithful to the original map; Everything looks thoughtfully constructed and complete.

R_speeds are quite acceptable in most areas condsidering the size of the map, though they also get pretty high in some areas too. Probably fine for multiplayer with todays computers.

Textures look very nice and so does a lot of the architecture. Some nice sounds and lighting too.

the only thing i don't like about the map is that it's completely bereft of any small props/detail items, which makes it quite boring to walk through all the big empty spaces. There's TONS of pro

I this is how the original map is than that was the point in how well you could recreate it, but it still makes for a boring time.

Lastly, I think it was kinda a poor choice to use cs:source as the game you chose to "recreate" for the compo. While technically a different game, it's not much of a translation from one game to the other, which was kinda the point imo. = )

All that aside, it's a very-well constructed map, and you can tell hard work went into it; it's very pretty in places regardless of the aformentioned emptyness.

4 stars for a nice compo25 map! = )
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-28 02:43:39 UTC in wiki page: multi_manager Comment #101112
Multi_managers and looping note:

If your using an MM as a continuous loop (by having the MM call itself at the end of it's routine), it will only loop if you have the "multithreaded" flag checked!
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-27 18:39:32 UTC in journal: #5104 Comment #55566
yeah i was justabout to check the most recent "multithreaded" one in the wiki guide. = )

Eventually i'll check the rest of my error guide for the wiki too.

Hey maybe we could do an "adopt-an-entity" thing, where each person get's 5 entities to work with, to update the wiki. You could search the forums for relevant info, and do some test maps for for your 5?
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-27 18:23:09 UTC in journal: #5102 Comment #56096

lawl just kidding! Why don't you go to the
Recovery Annex and have some cake!


Commented 16 years ago2008-05-23 18:10:01 UTC in vault item: cs_portugal Comment #16664
Wow, amazingly detailed and superbly constructed map; you can tell a lot of inspiration went into this map considering it's scope.

That said, this map renders really bad on my old pentium 4 system and crap video card (i see little HOM all over the map and it's really shakey. You get the prize for the highest wpolys i've EVER seen in a map: +8600 ZOMG! = O

Possible tips to improve performance (besides a total redesign of the layout with more vis blockers and perhaps less detail):

-Scale up your textures. If your textures are at 1.00 (or god forbid lower) you might try scaling them to 2 or 3 to improve wpolys.

-try running with VIS -FULL command parameter maybe? (the compile will take forever but it may make it smoother?)

-replace detail brushwork with models

-probably loads of other stuff i'm forgetting

I'm going 5 for this map for the shear attention of detail and beautiful intricate design. Did you map this place from first-hand experience, like you know the place well? Because I get that impression, and that is always so nice getting that feeling in a map.
= )
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-23 17:40:44 UTC in vault item: Abomination v1.1 Comment #16658
Screenie looks great! Get the wads sorted and pm me, and I'll check it out... wadinclude is your friend!
= )
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-23 16:26:45 UTC in journal: #5086 Comment #51567
Seeing it tomorrow. My greatest fear is Indy will look to old or too far past his prime, to suspend my disbelief that he can achieve his amazing action stunts... we'll see! = )
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-22 13:35:27 UTC in wiki page: Goldsource Error: Decal will not work Comment #101160
Decals turn out to be pretty versatile, but they're touchy. If they don't show up, check you have done these things:

-Decals must be applied to a world brush (if you want them on a brush-based entity, you must apply the decals BEFORE you change the brush to-entity.

-Don't move the brush that has the decals, or try to select the decals themselves to move them--they will not show up after compile.

-if decals are on a sliding door and the door is recessed in a wall, the decals won't be rendered. (making the recessed area hollow and lit should fix this)
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-22 13:30:10 UTC in wiki page: Goldsource Error: Yellow "fireflies" or "pollen" around a monster, player, or model Comment #101172
They look more yellow tinkerbells or fireflies! = )
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-20 06:07:13 UTC in vault item: One way window Comment #16648
Put a piece of transparent glass on the other side to make it look like an interrogation window; the empty window frame looks weird/wrong.
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-20 03:28:03 UTC in journal: #5074 Comment #39772
the cake is lie but banana splits win (without pineapple of course).

happy birthday! = D
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-18 19:06:52 UTC in vault item: fy_speedweapon Comment #16636
Amazing work for 5 hours. I doubt i could create a map this size in such a short amount of time!

Your inside areas are nicely detailed and lit, and have some nice architecture (though a little blocky in some parts) and doodad ideas. The func_tank was awesome! (did you make that too?)

I like the whole layout and size of the map, and that was probably the most impressive part of the map to me. Not to complex, not too simple; not to big, not too small.

While there is some nice detail in the map, the main "arena" part is mono textured walls and plain. The torches are oddly placed and might be better as pieces of burning, exploded bits of truck or something.

FY maps are supposed to have weapons scattered around but there are none to be found.

All in all an impressive work for only 5 hours, but not really a complete map imo, so i'm not rating. Still, some pretty cool stuff and i hope to see more maps from you.

p.s. - ur right about the downloads here... you won't get a lot at this site .
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-18 00:12:05 UTC in vault item: Warcoast Comment #16643
I installed Sven and played... pretty cool! (tho it lags my computer pretty bad, and i'd probably play it more if i got rid of the hi-res models, which look quite sexy btw.)

I couldn't get past the first objective without dying: I couldn't figure out what to do before i died when you reach the far door where the bad guys spawn by the rocket launcher.

The mapping looked really nice and detailed from what i could see tho. I don't usually rate on gameplay because i rarely ever play maps i rate with other players. I go 5 stars for the general impression and how nice the map looked from the first area.
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-17 21:39:15 UTC in vault item: fy_canion Comment #16639
Did you make this map? If you didn't i don't really see the point of leaving comments for someone other than the author, but what the heck i will anyway.

A very beginnerish map, but not without very nice and inspiring attributes.

I liked all the interactive bits, doodads, and random effects, from:

-swinging light fixture
-random gunshot sounds
-lifts (thou they tend to crush you a lot)
-multiple doors
-other stuff

I also liked the small props like computers and shelves, chairs an a bunch of other things all nicely made. the cliff terrain was interesting looking at the water level too. Nice structures too like the guard towers, trams, and other stuff

Texturing is bad but it is an FY map, so who cares.

Anyway, neat, especially detailed for an fy map, but pretty average/rough around the edges. 3 stars for attention to detail with the props and effects.
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-16 08:07:15 UTC in vault item: Ka_Matrica Comment #16635
Cool little map.

The matrix textures look neat, but it would have been easy to make them scrolling textures and use a func_conveyor to get the effect of the text falling like in the movie.

The song is a bit wearing and loops weird sometimes. I dunno if the track is not seamlessly looped or if it just cuts off when you enter the white room.

Anyway, neat little map!
= )
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-16 07:59:47 UTC in vault item: Mp5_Ozac Comment #16634
Quite nice!

I liked the texturing and the architecture wasn't overly fancy, but nice and entirely adequate. Good r_speeds throughout, good enough you could add some more small props, detail stuff if you wanted. Could have used more sound perhaps besides the dripping in the water part.

Really not much to the map to give it a full 5, but it's so cleanly done, i'm going 5 anyway.

Anyway, great-looking mp5 map, win.
= )
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-15 00:37:44 UTC in vault item: Warcoast Comment #16633

i've never played sven, so i guess now is a good time to do so. = )
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-15 00:30:55 UTC in vault item: dm_temple_wad Comment #16632

I've seen a lot of HL maps, and I can say I've never seen anything quite like this for goldsource!

The rounded, tapered pyramidal main room was by far my favourite... besides the lighting, it didn't look like a goldsource map to me at all! kudos = )

Very beautiful architecture + very beautiful texturing = an excessive win. The lighting was also quite nice, but I think could be tweaked/improved to match the quality of the brushwork and texturing. How to achieve this is experiment with more textlights, or apply your pointlights differently, so you don't see indvidual round halos from no apparent lightsource. You can also use sprites to accent your lights to give an artificial haze, as well as fade texture to fake light beams--as i'm sure you already know looking at the quality of this map.

I love how everything is rounded and very thoughtfully constructed. The revolving moons were also neat as hell and i spent a while just sitting and watching them; you might extend the perimeter of the lower courtyard so players can appreciate them better.

Nice doodads like the moons again, the lifts, and the gigantic tubular lazer tunnel( though i didn't mess with it to figure out it's role in the map). The conveyor door thingies were also very pretty.

I only did a quick run-through, so i'm sure i didn't see all the goodies.


I don't think the sky is on par with the beautiful texturing and brushwork, though I myself would be hard-pressed to make a better one.

There's no sound at all in the map. I would use custom sounds for the lifts, those conveyor entryways, and a woosh for the revolving moons too played everywhere or by each one (if they're trains) at the very least.

High r_speeds might hinder your MP fun, but i don't know that for sure, so it's more of an observation than a letdown.

Anyway, Great work on this. This is the neatest thing I've seen for Goldsource in a while. 5 stars. A great MOTM candidate imo too.


= )
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-13 18:45:57 UTC in vault item: K.L.C.C. (Kuala Lumpur Convention Center) Comment #16631
Add some lights to your map it will look MUCH nicer! There's plenty of lighting tutorials in the tutorial section, or ask lighting questions in the forum!

Looks like a good start!
= )
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-11 18:45:04 UTC in vault item: Scientist Torture Room Comment #16630
I couldn't kill all the scientists before they respawned, so i used impulse 101 and put trip grenades around each scintist and then detonated!

Was fun. you should get a prize if you kill them all before respawn lawl!
= )

btw what is the "22" in the left upper margin of the screenie? is it a counter? (didn't see it in game)
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-05 19:16:27 UTC in vault item: de_forbidden Comment #16619
Neat stuff!

I like the detail in the trims, but it's a little repetitive after a while. It seems a bit blocky to me, but since it's a temple made out of stone, it guess that fits. The textures are fine but also repetitive; they also seem a bit stretched, but I don't know for sure. The layout seems very neat and original, but I'd have to play it to really get a feel for it.

The r_speeds are quite acceptable in many areas despite the details, but they're also quite high in a lot of areas too. Ran smooth for me on my crap computer so not a big deal i guess.

I liked the detail "needle eye" thing, and the pool, and it would be nice to see more stuff like that and some sounds to spice it up a bit. Lighting is little dark like a twilight map, so lighting is a little bland and too even imo. (my fav maps are dark with high contrast lighting)

Anyway, i can tell you put a lot of work into this despite all my criticisms, so i give 4 stars for pure effort and an very respectable map.
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-02 00:33:56 UTC in vault item: Castlevania Map (cv_map) Comment #16607
Looks ok and there are som nice structures in there. that brick/stone texture is pretty repetative, but i'm guessing the actual game is like that. You could add a flame and glow sprite to the candles if you wanted and add a flicker. (check out my entity 2 map to see how the flicker works if u dunno)

It's got to be tough translating an old 8-bit side scroller to 1st person, and to make it work, you may have to add trims and new textures just to make it look more interesting (even if they didn't exist in the original game). Let's face it, some of those old 8-big games are very ugly : )

I would also space those banister pieces out a little. All in all it's a nice start!
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-01 18:43:41 UTC in journal: #5040 Comment #39263
"going to have a pooper either way"

lawl'd = )
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-01 13:53:11 UTC in vault item: Bhop Comment #16601
it looks really cool but you might want to include some simple instructions - i kept fumbling through the teleports not really knowing what to do, plus this crashes my WON hl lawl.

Looks very sexy though that's for sure. did you use an existing kz timer or make one yourself?
Commented 16 years ago2008-04-28 16:50:30 UTC in vault item: Crowbar of Time (Mod) Comment #16588
Really neat, though i still haven't played oot thingie you gave me!

Some nice textures and buildings. I loved the treehouses and the big tree guy thingie. the trigger camera thinies in the tree shops are a pretty neat idea (are they teleports too? i see when you walk in noclipping nothing is there!) Good music and ambient sounds, which is always nice.

The first area could look better but i don't know exactly what's wrong with it besides to say it looks bland. Maybe more stark contrast with the tree textures to the environment or the other way around, or maybe just making it a little darker will do the trick. (I find bright maps personally hard to make the lighting look good, i think that's why mine are always pretty dark = ) ) It's also got to be tough in terms of resources because that area is so open and big.

Anyway, I can tell you put a lot of work into this, and it seems to me like a perfect entry for the compo. I'm sure after i play oot i will appreciate it much more. I'm going 5 stars for the obvious amount of work and time you put into it.

Great compo Entry!
Commented 16 years ago2008-04-28 15:51:40 UTC in vault item: Xen Crystal (HL1 SP Mod) Comment #16587
The download freezes my browser!
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 16 years ago2008-04-27 16:35:27 UTC in vault item: Castlevania Map (cv_map) Comment #16579
I assume this is for the Remake a Game contest? <checking it out now>
Commented 16 years ago2008-04-20 18:22:00 UTC in news: Compo 25: Not Closing Soon Anymore! Comment #98489
Absolutely sweet. = )

I was just about to turn in my buggy entry 15 minutes before i saw the message... awesome.
Commented 16 years ago2008-04-04 19:00:23 UTC in journal: #4951 Comment #40591
HAHA awesome stuff both! How long did it take to do the each?
Commented 16 years ago2008-04-04 18:56:22 UTC in journal: #4977 Comment #40601
I can't even graduate before the technology gets upgraded!
It sucks, no doubt about that, plus schools usally lag behind the industry in almost all fields unfortunately. = <

I'm worried about Dauby too... i hope he comes back soon. :\
Commented 16 years ago2008-04-04 14:38:11 UTC in vault item: Gearbox Hallway Comment #16549
p.s. screeneh does no justice... re aim down the hallway?