Forum posts

Posted 21 years ago2004-01-31 20:27:56 UTC
in hlrad compile option Post #14697
10 Minutes... is that all.
It looks like it is not responding.... but it is. It just needs to finish.
This is perfectly normal for a map with complex objects or large open spaces.
I did some tests, Dos Batch Compiling vs Hammer Expert.
The time saving on a 1.5 hour compile was about 8 minutes less for Batch with all tools run. That of course will depend on what programs your machine is running in the background when you compile with Hammer.

Batch is good for flexibility. But I didn't get Massive time savings as suggested by some. depends on your machine and operating system

If you are compiling in Expert mode and you don't want RAD to run, I am guessing you are just testing entities? Then just uncheck the box next to it. Might as well do VIS while your at it. This is the perfect way to test entity setups without waiting.

However R_speed readings will not be correct unless you compile fully with all the tools.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-31 20:18:30 UTC
in Texture replacing Post #14694
Once again the amazing amount of diversity in Hammer shows itself.
There is more than one way to replace/change texture on an existing brush.
Try the methods above and work with the one you feel comfortable with.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-31 20:09:14 UTC
in build error Post #14693
Sure this isn't a Bad Surface Extents error 382/0 ?
Cause if it is, it doesn't always get picked up during compile.
Also check for textures perpendicular to face using Alt+P

But yeah, get rid of the wadmania.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-31 03:31:02 UTC
in Change the irc server! Post #14547
I didn't know I could identify with Marvin, when he was somewhere else. I will do that from now on, and maybe he will stick around.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-25 17:32:39 UTC
in People Downloading the map Post #13881
Better send him Model 65. You must have added a non standard model.
NFI what your talking about here?

It helps to post the exact error as it appears on the screen.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-24 02:49:29 UTC
in Halflife Ending? Post #13520
I thought that Gordon stepped through a portal and you computer started dialing a toll free number that connected you to Valve.

I don't remember the Venus bit....
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-23 21:50:13 UTC
in Info_Player_Deathmatch Post #13504
Agree Chippy,
you DONT need them both
But you must have an info_player_start.
info_player_deathmatch is an addition to get the team based menu working.
If you only have an info_player_deathmatch, then the map will spawn you at the grid center.... because it doesn't have a reference.

So to fix this, change you info_player_deathmatch to an info_player_start.... simple.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-22 08:01:37 UTC
in more info for Andy's Dimentions tu Post #13253
Noted, JB....
I will add it.
I am currently doing a full tutorial proof read, which is taking longer than putting the compilation of 2003 contest winners together.
The main reason being that I have all the tutorials, where as I DONT have all the winning entries.

Also some of the tutorials are showing their age...
Oh well, it will keep me distracted for a few days.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-22 07:52:05 UTC
in Problem: Walls vanish ! Post #13251
If you are going to release it for a LAN party, then testing in Software mode might be a total waste of time.
Using a LAN based CS map means you can cheat a little and get away without func_ing fixtures...

And yeah, I also hope you didn't decompile!
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-22 07:47:50 UTC
in More simple dripping water (restated) Post #13250
Yes it does sound like rain :-) after all, that's what drips are?

But an interesting use of the often forgotten teleport feature.
Post the Example....
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-22 07:44:22 UTC
in creating a simple room Post #13249
Do what you feel comfortable with....
Carving is not recomended for people new to Hammer because of all the errors it can cause. If you don't have any problems, then happy carving.
Same goes for using the Hollow tool.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-20 04:47:37 UTC
in 2000 wpoly count :) Post #12926
Always run a final full compile before taking r_speed readings.

And 2000 wpoly may be alright, depends if it is going to be a multi player map or not... and how often they reach this high?

If it's Multiplayer and you are only going to use in on a LAN, and the rest of the map isn't too bad, then you might just get away without too much LAG.
If it's a 56K connection across the world... then you wont be popular.

If it is single player, the only people that will notice are those who don't have quick machines and big graphics cards.
This is not the majority of people, contrary to popular belief!
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-19 04:31:19 UTC
in Why not? Post #12772
How's about a compo for the first team or person to finish a full version playable 8 map Mod?

I think that is a great idea BL :-)
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-19 04:21:37 UTC
in creating new textures... Post #12771
how do i know how to make them divisible by 8 ???
Use a program like IrfranView to resize the texture so that it is divisible by 16 as most have already said....

16x16,32x32,32x64...128x128, 128x64... get the idea?

You have to resize the texture.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-18 04:16:08 UTC
in any takers? Post #12511
Before you get going on this project.....
Has anyone asked SlayerA how he created Minimicus?
Anyone bothered to ask him how long it took, how many times he redid all the maps and how hard it was to get it to the stage where he thought it was finished?

You might want to try that before you "boldly go where everyone else has been before".
It might mean the difference between another Mod that will never happen, or an actual Mod that has been posted and downloaded over two thousand times and reviewed in 5 languages.

Just a thought... why not ask someone who has done it?

And best of luck with it.
Let me know when it is finished and I will post a News article.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-17 22:54:43 UTC
in Editing the main-menu for mods Post #12502
Button editing is a pain unless you have the right prog's. I gave it a go with the limited stuff I have and it was a nightmare.
If you can't find the info in the tutorials here, then a quick visit to 69thVlatitude might help.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-17 22:50:55 UTC
in Greetings and Respect! Post #12501
Gotta love that avatar....
Keep mapping, it only get's harder.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-17 22:48:09 UTC
in Bikes Post #12500
Place a solid world brush under it?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-17 22:06:28 UTC
in creating new textures... Post #12495
Or you could read the Custom Textures tutorial that takes you through the problem step by step....
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-17 21:52:45 UTC
in Stupid level change won't work! Post #12494
I have read all your other posts not just on this thread but on all the forums.
You have not told us what your trigger_changelevel settings are or how your landmarks settings are configured.... You have only told us that they are where they should be, and named the same.

Since you didn't understand the basic concept of two trigger_changelevels, I thought that you might not have the rest set up correctly.

I guessed that you had not changed maps at all because the Gman was only in one map, so you might have gone back to map 1. (mad but logical). The only other cause for this is testing in GOD mode, entities sometimes follow if the trigger to spawn something is happening when the level change is triggered. Either that or the Gman was actually in the trigger area?

Most of the forum posts you make deal with CS.
It would be silly to ask if you are trying to place a level change in CS, wouldn't it !! ?
After all, you are an "experienced mapper".........
Which makes me wonder why you are having trouble with this in the first place. ;)
If all else fails try reading Complex Level Changes at Collective.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-16 22:50:41 UTC
in CS Map test server Post #12320
Want to test your CS maps?
Get on over to Violators.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-16 22:48:53 UTC
in Change the irc server! Post #12318
#TWHL was set up by Skeeve.
It is not controlled by atom.
I occasionally moderate, but not often.
If you don't like the channel don't join... simple.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-16 22:45:45 UTC
in Can you create flares on Hammer? Post #12316
Not sure if this is what you want,
But you could include a heap of env_sprites on the path of the elevator and trigger them using a multimanager that adjusts the firing rate to follow the elevator.
Complex entity's like this are not normally associated with CS. That doesn't mean, don't try it out... it just means that if it crashes the sever, don't blame me for not warning you.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-16 22:37:35 UTC
in Stupid level change won't work! Post #12315
Glad it worked...
Now try configuring the trigger_changelevels so that you go to the right map.
Map 1 trigger_changelevel to map 2 (newmap).. and map 2 trigger_changelevel to map 1 (oldmap). Landmarks the same name on both triggers.

I really must go back and look at Kol's tutorial? I thought this was all covered?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-16 02:53:06 UTC
in Rating system Post #12213
As for the ranking system, we have put these concerns down on the to do list....
Maps that are actually finished and playable might if the god's are smiling be added to a review page sometime this year.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-16 02:41:33 UTC
in Stupid level change won't work! Post #12211
You must have two trigger_changelevels.... even if you don't use them.
This might be the problem.
The trigger_changelevel in the second map can be really small and where the player can not get to it. Also tick the "use only" flag, but either way.... there must be two trigger_changelevels!
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-15 04:38:38 UTC
in stupid shadow! how do i fix it? Post #12138
Shadows like this seem to be a problem when you stretch textures above 1:1...
The grass texture has been stretched?
Anyway, SlayerA had this problem with MINIMICUS and I can't actually remember the fix.
Either turn your brush into a func_something, or fix the texture size.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-15 04:33:40 UTC
in Stupid level change won't work! Post #12137
Am I right in guessing that you don't actually want to be dead in the second map?
Are you actually dead or just stuck?

What everyone is trying to tell you is that the position of the landmarks is really important. If the second landmark is too close to anything you will end up stuck.
You also need two trigger_change levels. Do you have two? From your initial post, you say you have set the trigger up... not that you have set them both up.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-15 04:25:07 UTC
in Help with sky please Post #12136
Glad you got it to work.

As for the replies:
Where in the original question is SKYbox mentioned?? Or even a hint that it might have been the problem?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-12 19:19:59 UTC
in creating a circle Post #11870
Do you ever read the entire thread?
Almost everyone before you has said the same thing.....
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-12 17:51:45 UTC
in the battle for minas tirith lotr trotk Post #11841
Why not do what everyone else is doing....
Make HUGE maps that extend past the Grid. Add as many monsters as you can so that the epoly goes into 6 figures,
then release the rmf saying
"But it will be alright because the HL2 engine can cope with it"

Sorry Steinin, that wasn't aimed at you... I am just having a HUGE GRID DAY!!!
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-12 17:39:14 UTC
in creating a circle Post #11840
Also have a look at: Making a sphere at Handy Vandals.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-12 17:36:10 UTC
in Raiseing water? Post #11839
Also have a look at Flooding a room at Handy Vandals site.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-12 05:11:07 UTC
in compo, im restless for a compo Post #11754
Have you entered and won Lazermaniacs compo yet?
You have till the 31st of January.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-12 05:09:50 UTC
in Null map, y not hint and skip? Post #11753
Also if you search the tutorials for HINT, you might find the Draft of the HINT tutorial....
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-12 05:03:19 UTC
in Messages Post #11752
Actually if you use an env_message and don't give everyone the titles.txt, then whatever you type as the Message Name will be displayed on the screen.

There is a titles.txt tutorial in the pipeline, but the author and I are not seeing eye to eye on the content.....
I might post something next month.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-12 04:56:37 UTC
in anything wrong here? Post #11751
qcsg.exe v2.8 (Jan 31 2000)
Start by downloading ZHLT 253 custom build 1.7 from Collective

Then read Compiling Introduced so you can understand this shiz....

However even when you get the new compile tools running I am guessing it will just blow it's self up.

Get an idea of what the limits are before you map. It will save you some time and effort.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-12 04:47:56 UTC
in Raiseing water? Post #11750
Turn your water into a func_water entity, give it a name and a speed and some lip.... something like "your a bad brush" :-)
Trigger it, and hey presto it went sideways and dissapeared....
You will figure it out. Func_water makes it act sort of like a door. Treat it as a moving brush and set it up accordingly.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-12 04:29:25 UTC
in Custom Textures Post #11741
2:pasted both these wads to C:SierraHalf-Lifevalvesmithinrain C:SierraHalf-Lifevalveneo and left them there.
Umm, well what are these then?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-10 20:38:54 UTC
in Howz my Idea? Post #11551
Why would you want to decompile the level? It is Illegal.
Just make the train and the locker that look the same.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-10 20:31:22 UTC
in Make me an avitar Post #11550
I will make you an Avatar....
If you make NEO an elevator with real doors 'n' stuff ;)
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-10 20:28:54 UTC
in Null map, y not hint and skip? Post #11549
Main reason is I haven't got around to it....
I will do a sample Hint Skip today, but don't hold your breath...
The results don't always come out right. I need to find a good Hint Skip area and carve that out.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-10 20:24:08 UTC
in Elavator?Morpheus we are coming(Matrix1) Post #11548
If this finishes this post, then I will be happy.
Make the elevator.
If it doesn't work send it to me and I will look at it.
Asking people to make things for your maps is a bit silly, because they are having trouble enough getting their own stuff working.

NO MORE............
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-10 20:09:33 UTC
in Custom Textures Post #11544
Paste the .wads to the Valve folder.
Not the valvesmithinrain or the valveneo folder.
Just the plain old VALVE folder....

Add -wadinclude smithinrain -wadinclude neo to your hlcsg.exe line in Expert.

Does that work?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-10 20:01:01 UTC
in Elavaors :/ Y IS THIS SO HARD TBH? Post #11542
cs_matrix is NOT an official CS map. It was not released with the 1.6 upgrade.
How did you get the cs_matrix.rmf or map to find the information about the path corners ????????
And if it is just like the tut example.... then why don't you spend some time building one until you get it to work?
I think this thread has run its course, anyway.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-10 08:54:41 UTC
in Map Coop Post #11461
This might surprise you but you may actually be more skilled than you think.

E-mail me using the Contact Us thingy at the bottom of the page....
I think I know just the people that would be interested.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-10 08:45:12 UTC
in accessing hl's levels Post #11460
Probably the same reason Bill Gates won't release Windows Code...
Valve started HERC, then VERC then Collective. All of these sites were open to all for discussion of HL related mapping. They included the largest entity base and tutorial section around.

That was 5 years ago.... but the original RMF's are still copyrighted. As it is, there is a lot of discussion in the community about wether Valve used WorldCraft/ValveCraft or whatever to produce the maps...

Either way, the HL2 SDK is about to be launched.... so hang onto your hats.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-10 04:14:47 UTC
in sentence tut? Post #11431
Maybe if you write one, we will have one?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-10 04:09:33 UTC
in accessing hl's levels Post #11429
You can not view any of the original BSP's from Half-Life in Hammer.
As for the money in Counter-life? no idea.
In counter-strike I believe they borrowed a lot of ideas from TFC using goal values. But I do beileve it is coded into the .dll
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-09 22:27:13 UTC
in Dont Get Mad At Me! Post #11410
No not an idiot....
You just fell for the old trick of mixing up setups...
Did you get it to work?