Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-07-10 07:23:28 UTC
in Oversized Prop Post #228206
Nah, same issue. Maybe I left something out in the .qc I'll keep fiddling.

update: I just had a thought. Could it be something tied in with a dodgy skeleton? I haven't paid much attention to th skeleton because I want the model to be static. I've given the skeleton 2 points inside the model and enveloped.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-10 07:11:49 UTC
in Oversized Prop Post #228205
I'm pretty sure I froze the transforms. But I'm not sure whether I actually did this when exporting. I'll give it a try and confirm. Cheers
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-05 13:19:37 UTC
in Oversized Prop Post #227461
Hey, been a while since I logged in here, haven't done much in the modding community for a while.

I recently started playing around with XSI, and eventually strung together a little model out just to test the process of exporting and compiling it to HL2. After a couple of problems with studiomdl compile errors I finally sorted out the issue and managed to compile it. But when I search for it, there is no image (nor is there a graph) in the preview window in hammer. And when I assign the model to the static prop, the box fills almost the entire mapping grid and I can't seem to find the model anywhere.

I've tried this with 3 different models that i just strung together quickly and each time i've had this issue. They aren't oversized in XSI, and the scale in the .QC file is set to 1.0. :confused: any ideas?
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-09 14:13:19 UTC
in 2 problem in one Post #167223
"phys_pushscale #value"

Used it a lot on our cs server :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-09 14:06:57 UTC
in Train backwards Post #167220
I ran a quick search on the forums and couldn't find anything. I've set up a train, a func_tracktrain with three prop_dynamics with (combine) train models parented to it. The path_tracks work fine. The only thing that goes wrong is the whole train including the func_tracktrain seems 2 spawn 180 so that the back of the train is in front, which places the func_tracktrain at the back. :roll:

The only problem i get with this is that the train doesn't stop where I want it to because the rest of the train is beyond the platform by the time the func_tracktrain reaches the path_track. I know i could solve this by putting the path_track further back but for future reference incase such situation cant be solved with this, what am I doing wrong?

Sorry for the essay. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-20 02:55:05 UTC
in 3D model needed Post #142468
i need a model of a crest for my clan.. im building their website and I wanted to have a flashy version of it. I'll change my avatar to a pic of it.

If u cant see it properly, its a 2 headed hawk, lol. (dont ask me, i didnt make it.) If your up for doing it, the only thing i'd want is for the hawk 2 be there, you can add anything else you want, even if it says "i suck...ahem.." :biggrin:

Use the edit button in future.
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-19 05:57:13 UTC
in 3D model needed Post #142275
argh college has restricted that link, ill check it out later thx dude
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-19 05:56:41 UTC
in 3D model needed Post #142274
the only forums i can find are stuff like professional XSI forums, and they are a bit out of my league.
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-19 05:47:37 UTC
in 3D model needed Post #142271
Hey guys, this hasn't got anything to do with Half-life, my mod team decided that they couldn't be bothered.. : great.. I need a modeller to create a model for me, if u know any sites with forums? help?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-12 12:37:46 UTC
in npc_ichthyosaur Post #120454
the ichthyosaur in hammer is the same one they used for Half life: source, and it seems to move around ok in that. well.. it does on surface tension. but there have been times that its just sat there doing nothing. there must be AI for it somewhere?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-05 05:58:32 UTC
in css map problems Post #118759
i had problems with lighting when i ran hl2 on my laptop. it had the same problem you had but it fixed itself when i turned the flash light on, but then it wouldnt turn off :confused:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-05 05:44:57 UTC
in xsi for half life 2 Post #118755
cheers. as you can see i dont have a clue :nuts: my team seem to be taking it very slow at the moment so im trying to sort out all aspects of modding for them. lazy sods :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-01 06:29:28 UTC
in Scripted_sentence? Post #118046
you pre-determin the sentence in the scripted_sentence i believe? You wont need parameters for the output
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-01 06:17:27 UTC
in xsi for half life 2 Post #118043
XSI is brilliant, and if you follow the tutorials it's easy to learn. not to mention very professional.

Yeah it's got a drawback for the price you have to pay to export. : but for the quality you want/need its well worth it.

seeing as we're on the topic of XSI, and as seeing as all models need AI. Anybody know the first steps in programming AI? I suppose its just visual basic but are there any programs that set up defaults for you?
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-21 17:25:48 UTC
in Scripted_sentence? Post #116001
useful information for sentences:
Use ambient generic, not only do you NOT have to know the names of the sentences but you also get to pick which entity it comes from easy as pie. :P

Yes scripted_sentence is the real way to do it besides choreograhy, but hell.. whatever makes it easier and works is the best way in my books teehee :nuts:
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-21 06:22:44 UTC
in Arrest? Post #115837
If you're level consists of combine arresting citizens as your going along.
(by this i mean that it doesnt happen as a trigger, it happens if a citizen gets too close to a combine or whatever). There is a sequence for citizens that is called "arrest" or something like that, you would at least have to trigger that with a scripted sequence. Best bet to do this is to add an output from the citizen like:

input: OnDamaged
Target entity: Scripted_sequence
Output: Start sequence (or watever the outputs called :zonked: )

Set your scripted sequence to target the citizen and customize all your settings (including the actual sequence)

The only problem is that if anything damages the citizen it will trigger the sequence, so unless the only enemy within your citizens reach are metrocops or combine without guns, it would be a lot better to use Choreo scene to arrest one citizen and just make the atmosphere sound like the combine are arresting citizens.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-17 08:24:19 UTC
in NPCs looking at player during script? Post #114937
Rabid is right. There is a command you can give an actor in Face poser 2 look at the player. Right click in the appropriate channel and choose "look at actor" in this option select "!player" from the drop down menu labeled "look at actor" and name your action (anything). simple :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-17 08:14:45 UTC
in Quick faceposer question Post #114936
If you're experienced with Faceposer let me just say: Right click under the appropriate channel in the choreogprahy bar and choose "WAV file".

If you're new to faceposer and don't understand the choreography then:

1. If you don't have a choreo scene loaded then you have to create a new choreo scene (or load one) by clicking the "chreography" menu and choosing "new". Call it whatever you want.

2. you wil be promted to add a character to the Choreo scene. Again name it whatever you want.

3. Right click anywhere in the choreo tab and choose "new" > "channel". You can also name this whatever you want but make sure its relevant so you remember what you're putting in this channel. in this case "voice" or "speech" etc.

4. Right click in the channel and choose "WAV file". This will open the sound browser.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-17 07:53:43 UTC
in Arrest? Post #114935
Check my maps i have an example thats along the lines of Habboi's info. It's a lot like the scene in HL2 you first meet alex. Without scrips i think thats the best you can do.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-08 10:39:12 UTC
in How can I get in-game text to pop up? Post #113258
point_message brings up the message as if it were in the map i believe. (such as GM when you try and pick up something that would crash the game) Game_text brings it up as if it were credits or typical messages.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-08 10:27:59 UTC
in Big Problems!! I've lost vvis, etc. Post #113254
got to be the most confusing source engine? source is the source engine? sorry being picky.teehee
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-08 10:25:52 UTC
in Yet another Light ''prob?'&# Post #113253
i heard Unreal editors are pointlessly stupid to use. Carving your world out of one big block?? wat the hell?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-26 07:15:28 UTC
in breakable fence Post #110978
?? u want to make it breakable yet, you don't want it to break?? :confused:
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-26 06:55:36 UTC
in HL2 Hammer door texture Post #110975
if you want to make a door out of a brush and you have that black space around the door, then use "texture application" and change the X and Y texturescale/shift to resize and shift the texture into a position that pushes the black space off the visible face. easy :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-26 04:42:22 UTC
in Lighting Changes Post #110965
have u put a cubemap in your map?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-25 16:22:04 UTC
in Lighting Changes Post #110892
isnt that wat light_dynamic is for???
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-25 04:48:24 UTC
in HL2 + mods compo Post #110799
hmm, an excuse to stick a quick mod together :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-24 08:58:36 UTC
in script_intro querie Post #110696
quick question. I understand the whole concept of how they made the intro for hl2, the black room, the relays, the view controls, the starfield, the choreography and the script_intro. and by understand, i mean, i know what they all play a part in.

i know that the script_intro is responsible for the way the gman's appearence changes (seeing the test chamber and such).

What i wanna know is how did they get it to know what to display? in the script_intro output paramaters it says "hl1_room" or something like that, but when i search the actual test chamber i can't find a camera or anything to link the display to. i wouldn't have thought it was pre-coded into the scrip_intro because the test chamber exists in the map.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 05:58:08 UTC
in I have had enough of Steam! Post #110588
i'd like to take this opportunity to point out that Steam is the first of it's kind and has every right to be a buggy piece of shoe. you can't say it sucks because there's nothing to compare it too. it's the most secure way for valve to get their new stuff to the community and it also lets us know that theres a 100% guarantee that no virus is gonna find it's way onto our pc's just so that we can stay up to date. I know it's great, you guys know it's great. it's just very easy to lose patience with.
And on an even lighter note, it means valve can create and release extra areas of half life 2 cough lost coast.cough for free.

remember, steam can't be buggy forever :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 05:48:47 UTC
in func_'s not leaving decals Post #110585
each world entity has information on how it reacts to whatever is going on. ive used func_breakables before and im pretty + that it does leave decals. I can't say i've used func_walls, but i dont see why they shouldn't have the code. It may be because func_'s can have any brush texture added to them so it can't determin precicely what to display. but as far as i know it would just use the default brush information.. i duno?! ive never had to ponder over that.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 05:37:47 UTC
in WATER??? Post #110583
i made water the other day and it worked.. and now they all work when they didn't before.. odd
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 05:36:35 UTC
in Whats the difference Post #110582
well as far as i know "Logic" is an invisible entity in game and are just different types of I/O commands. like relays are used for forwarding outputs. timers..well you know. and so forth. i think logic_measure_movement literaly just measures the distance that an object moves.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 05:29:45 UTC
in 3D Skybox problem!?!?!?!? Post #110579
if you followed the hammer tutorial notice it says "only the sky_camera in your 3dskybox should remain". make sure you didn't leave the sky_camera in your main map.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-20 05:06:38 UTC
in WATER??? Post #110235
im just about ready to cry. I've tried everything! compiling, checking for leaks and the above stuff that i've already mentioned. It just doesn't want to work!! either there is something completely F***ed up with my hammer or there is still something i'm forgetting. I have even saved the SDK example map under a different name and compiled it and it doesn't show up :zonked: christ the nitty noobie things that i can't suss out sometimes! grrr :nuts:
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-18 05:48:50 UTC
in Installing a new map Post #109954
a lot of stuff got cut from HL2. you can still find the textures for the ones that got cut late on in the development in hammer. I could talk forever on how HL2 could have looked. :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-18 05:44:09 UTC
in Trigger Console Commands? Post #109952
i noticed with point_clientcommand that its just an entity with no flags, and only a "name" value. I suppose it takes an input with a paremeter override being the command you want?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-18 05:35:34 UTC
in Any recommendations? Post #109948
Dust "3". It's made by PCG and the original dust/dust2 makers apparantly.. haven't played it but i've heard its good. AKA Dust2_PCG
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-18 05:26:42 UTC
in Map doesnt run after compile. Post #109947
Does the console bring up any errors? normaly if the game runs, but doesn't load the map then it can't find the .BSP file. Check to make sure that your bsp exists. It says that it's copied your .bsp:

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "C:Documents and SettingsBrett BernierDesktopMy StuffGames and stuffHammer mapsHalf life2 mapsde_rock.bsp" "c:program filessteamsteamappsthegoobr88@sbcgloba

Check that directory, if your BSP isn't there then theres something going wrong. sounds stupid but it's done it to me in the past. It comes from moving maps around in different directories.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-17 10:23:25 UTC
in Heretic Remakes Post #109871
I'm sure our team will help you, if you help us :) (Regarding recruiting).
You can make it with us and stick it on our site when it goes up.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-17 10:02:46 UTC
in WATER??? Post #109867
ive got a major problem with that.. i do everything to a T, I make the brush, cover it in nodraw, stick a water texture on top, stick a Lod in, stick a cubemap in, pick the water for the cubemap, compile the map, build the cubemap in the console and STILL nothing shows up.. the water is there when you jump in but you can't see the water from the outside, you can just see through the no draw on the sides, wats goin on?!
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-17 09:59:26 UTC
in How to play ball with dog? Post #109866
the thing with hammer is that everything is masked by fake complexity.. (if that makes sense). It's always hard to find what you're looking for but once you've got it..well.. you've got it. Man i love being weird :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-17 09:55:57 UTC
in Elevator Problems Post #109865
i have that problem too.. and by "i" i mean "my mate". He asked me to stick a lift in his map and i've tried several different func_ 's n they all seem to bounce on their way up. I'll let you know if i solve it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-12 08:37:00 UTC
in last resort recruiting Post #108995
I've tried to get a local team together so that we could actualy meet up and discuss our mod better.
but having searched and had no luck filling all of the required positions, im turning to you guys for anyone that feels they want (or for those who feel its their life purpose :P ) to join our team, feel free to E-mail either me or my padre Mogz at the address' below.

and of course, the above info isn't very handy at all for those who want to know just what the hell's going on. so ahem...
Who we're looking for
Anyone! we'd rather get to know you personaly before filtering you out.

How good do you have to be at mapping?
Again, we don't mind, whether you're amazingly good or amazingly crap, we're willing to guide anyone who doesn't understand something. (and we're open for any guidance from you.) if you're a coder then you should already know your stuff.

mappers - we need at least 2 more mappers, we currently have 2 active and 2 training.

Coders - atleast 1, We do have a contact but most of his time is taken up in his money-earning occupation.

webmasters - N/A, position is filled, temporarily if not permanently.

Modelers - isn't a necessity at the moment but will be verywelcome.

The mod
The actual storyline of the mod hasn't been fully decided yet, we have several ideas but don't plan on picking one until our team is together. Yes! that means YOU get to have your say in what goes :) all i can tell you at the moment is that it's deffo going to be made using Source (HL2) and that so far you are going to be playing as Freeman.

if you're interested or have any other queries E-mail:

Me at:
Mogz at:

cheerz guys :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-12 08:15:01 UTC
in co-operative half life 2? Post #108993
yeah i was thinking of having a lot of situations where u get cut off from eachother and being stuck in a 1v1 battle at the same time, and to meet back up n continue both players would have to defeat their enemies. but i doubt mogz (the guy im working with) will like the idea, i think he'd rather not have to cope with the extra bugs. nevermind.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-11 16:33:56 UTC
in co-operative half life 2? Post #108951
i feel like an arse... shoot me now!!!!! :zonked: :zonked: :zonked:
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-11 10:17:59 UTC
in co-operative half life 2? Post #108894
i got the strangest feeling that this question has been asked before... :
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-11 10:13:51 UTC
in A *MOD*erate possibility Post #108893
i like the idea but im already in the process of setting up a mod team for a different mod. (probably a few small mods followed by a big mod)
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-11 10:10:25 UTC
in co-operative half life 2? Post #108892
Gary's mod lets u make a server usin HL2. apparantly my mate has had people connect to it and have them actualy show up on the map. i wondered if this could be used 2 make a co-operative mod for hl2 (not a co-op version of half life 2...even tho its a gd thought). Ive considered most things like player starts n stuff, n i expect that if u have more than one then the others will spawn at different ones, and with level transitions that it would transfer both players no matter how far they are from each other.

anyone know any faults with the idea? if it works its mainly gonna be LAN based cuz itz gona be 2 player max, any more players wud just make it too easy.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-11 10:03:44 UTC
in Steam error Post #108890
have a look in ur "tools - options" there are loads of different directory specs for different tasks, maybe one of them is set to the wrong folder. just a thought :
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-11 10:01:15 UTC
in NPC Interaction Post #108889
there is a spawnflag that says "follow player on spawn" or sumin like that, that'll get them to follow you. i know it works with citizens, i duno about kleiner n the rest, i know combine dont :P. Barney seems to follow me from the beginning, which pissed me off when i wanted him to speak and follow the set path. (which i sorted out) but still.. yeah.. i forgot what i was on about.. hmm..