Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-03-12 21:34:38 UTC
in ZHLT 3.2 Mirror? Post #96550
Must be your system.. the page is working fine today.
ZHLT3.2 is still a little buggy, but the source is available so you can modify it to suit.

Hosting Adams files is not an option.
If he wanted a mirror he would have made one.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-12 21:26:36 UTC
in Is there a program that... Post #96549
How many times do I have to say it?

Ignore the Trolls.

I think you deserve every comment directed towards you in this thread.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-05 19:31:55 UTC
in Honestly, where did I go wrong? Post #95328
I think WCD has a point...
A lot of people have a habit of repeating stuff they were told without researching it.
Classic example is 'Don't Carve'.
Carving is a ton of fun, it is also the easiest way to get an error...

Question is,
How can you get better at something without doing it?
Go on... Carve away.

Same goes for High Poly maps, building websites in NotePad and the Browser you choose.

Don't lose site of the fact that it was called a Personal Computer for a good reason...
It is personal.

It is all about learning.
This site provides the building blocks, and it is up to you to go out there and stretch the limits and learn.
If the Wright Brothers had listened to all the dickheads, then they wouldn't have been the second people to achieve manned flight!
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-05 19:19:53 UTC
in Ignore Me Post #95316
The joy of edit :-)
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-02 00:04:09 UTC
in New Competition Post #94531
Ant sent it to me and I forwarded it to you.. :-)

Umm, What were we talking about?
Oh, Contest.. right. Yes... should do something I think.
Any chance you could both email me and we can get this underway?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-26 21:18:38 UTC
in zhlt Post #93826
ZHLT 3.0 has a small bug in the hlrad tool. Adam mentioned that it would be fixed in the next few days...

As long as you don't 'Opaque' any of your func_entities, it works well.

The quick fix is to use ZHLT 3.0 hlcsg, hlbsp and hlvis and use an older version of hlrad, possibly XPCagey's rad or even the old 253 v1.7
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-26 21:09:18 UTC
in lights.rad Post #93825
Grouping Hack.
The Grouped (-3) setting is essentially a hack to allow your texlights to be switchable.
To use it, create a brush entity with texlights on it, and set its style to Grouped; then create a light entity with the same name as the brush entity.
Hlrad will now pretend that the light emitted by the texlight is "really" being emitted by your light entity!
In other words, turning the light on and off will now turn the texlights on and off, too. (You'll probably want to set the brightness of the light entity to 0.01, so that it emits no light of its own.)

You have to use ZHLT 253 v1.7 or better.
It will increase the amount of direct lights in an area and also plays havoc with dynamic lights.
This isn't a fix for poor level design, it is a look good feature when used carefully.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-26 21:03:14 UTC
in HINT Post #93823
What white textures?
Tommy 14 points out that the mixed face error is generated by textures that are found in the materials.txt, that is: textures that make sound.

Since Null and Skip don't make sound, I am guessing that the 'White' textures are in fact listed in the materials.txt and you haven't included the right .wad.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-26 20:55:05 UTC
in IM DESPERATE!!! Post #93822
I think you have scared him off.
Friday has been and gone.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-26 20:51:38 UTC
in My website Post #93821
Very Well done,
Simple... Unobtrusive and professional.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-21 06:40:09 UTC
in TWHL and Opera Post #92189
Whoo Hoo..
I am midband.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-20 02:30:23 UTC
in Just fixed my website Post #91964
I will email it to you.

If you are stuck for good 'all' browser layouts, search for Ruthsarian...
More options than you can poke a stick at.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-20 02:28:12 UTC
in HLRAD 3.0 crashing? Post #91963
Yeah, I think all the work for 3.0 is on Rad and Vis.
So no idea why you had a problem.
And yes... Opaque settings crashes RAD...

Will let you know when Adam fixes it, until then, use XPcagey's
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-20 02:24:20 UTC
in Compiling error? Post #91962
Always visit Tommy's or Zoners Reference first..

Glad you fixed it
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-20 02:22:32 UTC
in .Map only? No .Bsp? Post #91961
You managed to run three copies of the csg compile.
What happened to bsp, rad and vis?
This makes me thing that your setup is wrong... Check the paths to your compile tools.

Get a copy of Zoners compiling tools.
ZHLT 3.0 is buggy, so try Slackiller's HL Programs for a copy of ZHLT 253 v1.7

Try removing the _ from the map name.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-20 02:16:25 UTC
in Lag Reducing Techniques Post #91960
Reducing r_speeds..
We have a nice little tutorial on that.

The 'sky texture' theory was dropped in favour of using the 'Null' texture.
I don't understand why you would add water texture as that will increase r_speeds exponentially.

Just where did you find these areas?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-20 02:10:26 UTC
in TWHL and Opera Post #91957
These Stats are interesting:
Browser Stats
Especially if you are tweaking your site for 'other browsers'.
I am now sitting here wondering why I included 'Opera' CSS hacks in my layout..
Not much point really.
on the other hand, the Firefox tweaks are worth it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-20 02:03:14 UTC
in Just out of curiousity. Webpages? Post #91956
Bradsoft Topstyle light [CSS] (Free)
AlleyCode (Free)
Smartftp (Free)
Bigpond 10Mb Home site (Free)
eXtreme Tracker (Free)
IrFanview (Free)
Ruthsarian Layouts [heavily modified] (Free)
All XHTML coding done in Alleycode which is crap, but it does show up obvious syntax errors.

Notice that these are all free and not 'borrowed'...

Everyone has a special program, like's or dislikes...
Just create your pages with whatever you are comfortable with.
After all, it is done on a 'personal computer' !!
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-20 01:51:36 UTC
in Just fixed my website Post #91951
Wrong in IE6 1024x768 and 800x600...
m0p once commented that no one uses 800x600 and he might be right, but I don't see why you have used frames.. the whole thing could have been done in CSS without the frames.

The main problem in both resolutions is the masthead isn't displaying correctly. News Links Forums are obscured.
You probably need to pad it out a bit.

Next time you decide to 'borrow' the link Gif's off my site, at least have the decency to change the 'name' of the image.... :-)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-20 01:41:39 UTC
in What Kind Of Maps Are You Making? Post #91949
Hope your still around in 5 years :-)
I get about an hour a day, sometimes a little more, so I think it is going to take a while, although having said that I am really happy with the stuff I am doing at the moment.

As for the site... yes.. much updated and some lovely CSS trickery, Hopefully it is compliant with 'all' browsers, even that Opera stuff..
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-18 05:34:49 UTC
in HLRAD 3.0 crashing? Post #91432
No need to email him.. He knows
Unexpected Downtime and ZHLT 3.1
There is a bug with ZHLT 3.0 Final, which will be fixed in the next few days. There has also been a small amount of downtime with this account due to James AKA Pongels1, setting up my account to unlimited, but telling Control Panel to limit transfers to 2 GB. I am now back, sorry for the down time.
I expect to find out when the bug is fixed and let you know.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-18 05:26:38 UTC
in HLRAD 3.0 crashing? Post #91429
Why not email Adam?..
I doubt the test team didn't use opaque brushes, so it might be the wrong version of hlrad 3.0.

There was a little confusion during the release and he might have included the Final beta, instead of the final.

Runs off to check my copy.......
Nup, it works fine, but then again I have the Final Beta which was password encoded.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-18 05:21:15 UTC
in TWHL and Opera Post #91428
Have to agree with m0p here..
Out of the two browsers, Firefox is the better performer.
As kol just found out, writing for Opera compliance is a pain and require non standard code in the CSS to get it to look right.
The only thing I had to do for Firefox was add 'title's with the 'alt's although I believe recent updates have addressed that?
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-18 05:09:30 UTC
in What Kind Of Maps Are You Making? Post #91426
a realy shit one.
half life. first ever map attempt. im very proud of it!!
Posted on 11 Feb 05 19:29 by digital_ice
I love this... that's the spirit.

Currently mapping GTLS which is HL1.
Sorry about the lack of Media, but I actually did some mapping today. The work I am doing does not lend itself to screenies... but that is about to change.

For those of you stuck for inspiration with a lot of .rmf files (321 at last count) sort through them... work out why you never finished them and if all else fails, try adding them together :-)
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-09 04:11:49 UTC
in texture alignment on doors Post #89179
Not sure why I posted this tutorial... No one reads it?
texture Application
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-04 20:14:19 UTC
in HL2 - Mappin Post #88194
Do more what...

If they couldn't produce fundamental levels in HL1, there is very little chance that they are going to be able to create 'more' with HL2.

Oh, no... that is not right, they will be able to create more.
More crap HL2 levels :-)
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-01 19:42:10 UTC
in LETS TEST THE NEW IP BAN! Post #87553
I think you just proved everyone's point...

Back on topic...
Banning people will not stop them.
Ignoring them will.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-29 21:17:49 UTC
in Crash Before Compile? Post #86786
You might want to read the whole thread...
The point is that he does indeed press F9 and that is where the problem starts..

Please read the thread..
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-29 21:14:20 UTC
in -wadinclude isn't working Post #86783
Because you are waddy unincluding it?

Post the text of the batch,
but Seventh is right.. if you are using zhlt253 and above, there is no need for the .wad at the end of the wad file name.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-29 21:07:42 UTC
in Compiling Post #86781
Works fine in my batch..
Run's off happily to the Proggy files area and get's the right file.

Give it a whirl...
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-29 21:05:13 UTC
in still one good mapper here ? Post #86780
Good Luck finding the people you need to revive this project.

Lesson to all....
Compile Full,

Understand the limitations.
Fix problems as they happen...
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-29 10:20:28 UTC
in Compiling Post #86634
Files with spaces can be called up by enclosing them in quotes.
C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppsme
C:"Program Files"SteamSteamAppsme

This is a quick fix for batch compiling using dos for long file names
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-29 10:15:41 UTC
in are skyboxes really that bad... Post #86633
UM saco i might be wrong but if you have zhlt compile tools or whateva they are called the sky will be automaticly clipped.
Posted on 29 Jan 05 11:52 by mcmitcho
Yep, most ZHLT 253 versions have automatic sky clipping..
But if you are doing CS or DoD and there is no chance of your players 'falling' through the sky then it is good idea to add -noskyclip to your compile, or your grenades will bounce off the sky..
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-29 10:04:08 UTC
in Post #86629
I think you will find it is actually BanNuke™ ?
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-29 10:02:06 UTC
in Too Much CS:S? Post #86628
You are 14% addicted to Counterstrike.
There has been 1464 person(s) as addicted as you.

And it is only that high because I made a level for the game years ago...

Great survey...
I am just sitting here waiting for the first person to answer yes to everything and post it...
When that happens we will all know who the biggest Noob at TWHL is.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-27 20:22:53 UTC
in Compiling Post #86219
Check you Hammer set up paths..
Where are you placing your compiled bsp?
Sounds like the new map is not being called up to run.

Check your Build Programs tab> Place compiled maps before running the game.
Post your compile log.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-27 20:14:55 UTC
in dll error Post #86216
Are you compiling it through Hammer or using an external compiler?
Does it happen during the compile or when you run the game?
Are you starting the game directly from Hammer?
HL1 or 2?
Is the error appearing in the compile log? if so post the log...
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-22 01:45:25 UTC
in ligth goes through door GRRR Post #85002
The door didn't have to be an entity to let light through.. all it needed was a one unit gap somewhere.

The Light tutorial was going to cover all the options, but I think we ran out of time.
For more info on embedded, pop over to Snarkpit.. they have a tutorial explaining it.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-22 01:39:57 UTC
in VIS - Stumped! Post #85001
Try it without the batch compiler in Normal Hammer compile with all the compile tools boxes checked 'Normal'
You are willing to wait.. as you have already demonstrated.
Hammer won't take that much longer.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-22 01:29:40 UTC
in Post #84998
Fully agree, we should test the IP ban system...
Why not start with the most unhelpful person?

[quote]omg. just leave. dont ask stupid qustions please.
Posted on 22 Jan 05 04:43 by ieatmonkeychow [/quote]
Shoutbox: 22 Jan 05 13:11 ieatmonkeychow:
go to hell and die trapt
Looks like I found a candidate without having to leave this thread!!
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-21 04:26:35 UTC
in Measuring Accurately Post #84780
As someone recently pointed out, a unit is a pixel.
A pixel does not represent anything in the real world.
The Player POV or peripheral view is something like 72 degrees, and Gordon's legs are 1 foot tall (30cm), his body is 2 foot tall (60cm) and his head is tiny.
His eye's are located just above his navel.

Either way, you can build a 1 unit = 1 inch room and scale all the furniture in it...
The effect is hilarious but it will give you a good grasp of the perspective needed to make your level design better.

Have fun
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-20 05:41:00 UTC
in Kol's Secret: Exposed! Post #84658
[quote]They are little evil furry monsters that scratch out your eyes and get hit by cars trying to cross the road.
Wait a minute, did I just call Andy that?
Posted on 20 Jan 05 06:20 by BrattyLord [/quote]

That sounds about right.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-19 08:03:34 UTC
in Kol's Secret: Exposed! Post #84528
They have little points on the ends of their toe's.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-15 16:54:58 UTC
in Cant move at all. Post #83984
Have you enclosed your map in a sky box and forgotten to hollow it out?
Sounds like the player is stuck in a brush as mentioned above.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-15 16:46:03 UTC
in MOD VAULT! Post #83982
This Idea is outstanding...
It was also outstanding the 20 or so other times it has been suggested :-)

In honour of TWHL type Moder's, I have made my own little Vault.
You can find it here at:SP Mods

If you would like your Mod included, let me know.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-15 16:40:46 UTC
in Kol's Secret: Exposed! Post #83981
Hey Ant..
Where on the Central Coast,
It doesn't look like Terrigal, but it might be at the Entrance?
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-14 11:24:55 UTC
in lights Post #83733
No need to modify the lights.rad if you are using texlights.

Further information HERE

I forgot all about this tutorial, as the author was going to provide an example map...
It is still in rough format, but the info is good.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-14 11:10:48 UTC
in a challenge Post #83732
Working escalator...
I remember someone doing that ages ago.. possibly before the Map Vault change, so at least 2 years..

It was Ok, but problematic and at the end of the day the overiding question was 'Why?'
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-12 03:29:53 UTC
in lights Post #83309
Slackiller's HL Programs
But as ZL say's, a batch compiler will not fix this..

Let me guess...
Your light entities are near the ceiling?
You ceiling is a long way from the floor?
Your map is huge?
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-10 00:19:41 UTC
in Level Transitions - Fall through level. Post #82950
Elevator wouldn't be a entity brush would it?
Just a guess.
Always best to transition to a solid world brush.