Forum posts

@Windawz I'm sorry, but I can't run the game right now, I don't even have Steam or the game itself installed on this computer.

If you have some time, try it yourself. Open a new map, make a hollowed box composed of only SKY texture, put the player start, an env_sprite somewhere inside, and compile it with VHLT v34.

What was the result in-game? Do you see the weapons' view model all black or they appear originally as you were viewing the model on any model viewer program? If it's showing brightened, then all other mdl-based entities around will do too.
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
I was using VHLT 34 and haven't completely tested this feature yet, but, when I place a single env_sprite in the map and compile it, all the other entities (npcs) will appear as they were receiving light from somewhere: they actually appear with their original bright level from their textures, even though the map around is totally dark. Is there a compile command to prevent this behavior?
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-30 17:55:15 UTC
in Get rid of menu options. Post #343993
It's at resource/GameMenu.res. Not sure about the WON version, though.

Original file is:
		"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_ResumeGame"
		"command" "ResumeGame"
		"OnlyInGame" "1"
		"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Disconnect"
		"command" "Disconnect"
		"OnlyInGame" "1"
		"notsingle" "1"
		"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_PlayerList"
		"command" "OpenPlayerListDialog"
		"OnlyInGame" "1"
		"notsingle" "1"
		"label" ""
		"command" ""
		"OnlyInGame" "1"
		"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_NewGame"
		"command" "OpenNewGameDialog"
		"notmulti" "1"
		"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_LoadGame"
		"command" "OpenLoadGameDialog"
		"notmulti" "1"
		"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_SaveGame"
		"command" "OpenSaveGameDialog"
		"notmulti" "1"
		"OnlyInGame" "1"
		"label" ""
		"command" ""
		"notmulti" "1"
		"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_FindServers"
		"command" "OpenServerBrowser"
		"notsingle" "1"
		"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_CreateServer"
		"command" "OpenCreateMultiplayerGameDialog"
		"notsingle" "1"
//	"11"
//	{
//		"name" "LoadDemo"
//		"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_PlayDemo"
//		"command" "OpenLoadDemoDialog"
//	}
		"label" ""
		"command" ""
		"notsingle" "1"
		"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_ChangeGame"
		"command" "OpenChangeGameDialog"
		"notsteam" "1"
		"notsingle" "1"
		"notmulti" "1"
		"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Options"
		"command" "OpenOptionsDialog"
		"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Quit"
		"command" "Quit"
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-16 18:58:04 UTC
in de_dust2 map without errors Post #343913
I have a perfect copy of de_dust map from CS 1.6 in a RMF/MAP file that I rebuilt entirely from scratch, but I won't share it as this is not what you are looking for :P
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-12 16:54:24 UTC
in New computer, nothing compiles, pls help Post #343892
the level has no texlights.
The texlight files that come with the steam SDK haven't even half of the light textures in the game.

I'm working on a compilation of texlight presets covering all the possible lights in Half-Life and their mods as well. I'll be uploading it when I have some time for it.
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-07 18:50:28 UTC
in Sierra.avi and valve.avi video format Post #343868
I've not even seen those startup videos in years... :|
Yea. For what I know, they are only in the WON version of the game. Not sure though, I don't have them anymore.

Are these videos supposed to be in the 'media' folder by the way?

Good times when Sierra and Valve were friends :P
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-07 17:29:31 UTC
in What are the fonts used in Half-Life? Post #343866
The console font is Tahoma. Thanks, anyway ;)
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Is there a model entity with no model set somewhere in the map?

It's curious that I found the word "bogus" many times while inspecting those .mdmp files created when there's a crash in the game or something like.
ERROR: demo had bogus # of directory entries: %i
STEAM keysize is bogus (1)
STEAM keysize is bogus (2)
Bogus key length on CD Key...
Bogus data retrieved from custom.hpk, attempting to delete entry
HPAK_AddLump called with bogus lump, md5 mismatch
Bogus player index during customization parsing.
And many other lines.

Is that a geek/dev slang/code? :o
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-05 14:06:11 UTC
in What are the fonts used in Half-Life? Post #343850
Are you sure?
Now I am! My bad. The font in the text is actually Trebuchet MS. Thanks, LOZ98. I had to compare both the fonts in their pixeled form without smoothness and they now match.

Does anyone know what is the font used in the console, by the way?
User posted image
If there are other fonts in the game, please, tell me about them ;)
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-05 13:31:20 UTC
in What are the fonts used in Half-Life? Post #343849
is it in Bold?
That's how the text appears in the game. It has bold, apparently, but as you can see, the two fonts do not seem similar. :|
I thought that's the one they used for the original (WON) release menu
The WON version must be different, though. I only have the Steam version so I can't compare.
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-05 12:59:44 UTC
in What are the fonts used in Half-Life? Post #343847
Trebuchet MS?
Nope, it's not Trebuchet MS
User posted image
This is how it looks in software mode, without shades.
User posted image
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-05 12:22:00 UTC
in What are the fonts used in Half-Life? Post #343845
So, I found this website (on the Half-Life page)
and this discussion

They are probably right about these fonts used in certain parts of the game HUD.
Though, it seems to me that none of these is the font used in the message texts which are made with game_text, for example:
User posted image
Does anyone know what is the font that is used by those text messages (in the screenshot above)?
PS: It's not Arial, as presumed.
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
It's not a problem to me, but the console keeps saying this message. Does anyone know where that reference comes from?

There is no model called bogus.mdl in Half-Life.
There is no animation sequence called "bogus", as I searched the term through the model files.
My map doesn't have any model going out of the bounds, as Hammer can show me.
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-28 23:58:38 UTC
in Shameful mapping confessions Post #343815
smiles and hopes everyone assumes I knew all these
That's why I think it's important to keep a thread listing all the hints and possibly bad development habits apparent to everyone. This makes it easy for everyone.

We have GoldSource Mapping Tips, by the way.
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-28 23:33:15 UTC
in The Free Texture Thread! Post #343814
Unfortunately, none of these textures is available anymore. The hosts are probably so old. Almost 9 years since the last post? D***!

It would be nice to see people sharing new textures again. ;)
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-26 13:01:03 UTC
in Texlights, only for brushes? Post #343799
So, that code is in the DMC sdk?, and, in the other hand. There was ages ago when I got that SDK in my hands, is it still available?
There's Half-Life SDK for free on the Tools section in Steam, but I'm not sure if you can find anything you're looking for in that package.
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-25 21:51:47 UTC
in Texlights, only for brushes? Post #343794
I want a texture to be seen even into complete darkness.
If you're talking about a brush, tie it to brush-entity and use the _minlight (Minimum light level) input with a value of 1.

If you're talking about a model's texture, have you tried using the "chroma" or "additive" features?

I once tried to make a texlight with the name of the texture within the model and hoping it to give a light, but it doesn't work.

I don't know if you have played Deathmatch Classic; the player can shine and light the environment around while it moves, but I don't think there's such a coded feature in Half-Life.
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-25 21:44:59 UTC
in Shameful mapping confessions Post #343793
It seems that I was the only one to mention good experiences here. I don't think I have had any sort of shame while mapping so far. Usually, when I realize that I am doing something wrong, I can spend days, but I end up finding a solution to the problem, and if not, I resort to the forums. (:

Ok, one bad thing that I could not avoid was not being able to send my water map for the whole splash life competition that happened a few months ago due to lack of completion. But, I want to work on it later and upload it someday. (:
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-25 14:30:17 UTC
in Shameful mapping confessions Post #343787
Some mapping tricks I discovered from experience:
  • Texture flip using a negative Scale value, which can't be done through Rotation and Align
0° or X and Y = 10° or X and Y = 1
180° or X and Y = -1180° or X and Y = -1
X = -1 (horizontal flip)X = -1 (horizontal flip)
Y = -1 (vertical flip)Y = -1 (vertical flip)
  • The possibility of having many textures based on a single material texture entry - Check the tutorial's note ;)
  • This is how I usually build my maps and serves as a tip: You should use only perky textures during the map development. After the job is done, select everything (all faces) and apply SKY or NULL texture, then start painting everything from scratch. It may be laborious (or satisfying) but prevents any non-visible faces with unnecessary textures (saves r_speed).
There are many others, but that's all I can remember for now.
As a standard, I made every wall 6 units thick, rather than 8 or 16, meaning every level I made during my goldsource days was severely off-grid.
Yea, too thin. That makes gauss secondary shot passable xD
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-25 01:33:33 UTC
in Shameful mapping confessions Post #343782
We're always discovering new features and tricks. But one thing we all must be aware of is that HL engine and most of its assisting tools are either old –I'm not saying that old stuff is less useful than recent ones– and poorly optimized, as Half-Life was a game made with hurry. So we end up learning by experience with some of those hidden programming mistakes/gaps, own creativity and self mistakes. We, GoldSrc modders, (still) need better tools to make our development with greater proficiency; ease and agility. :crowbar: The problem is that most people are not interested in old stuff. I'm pretty sure they all could learn a lot with these old engines and tools too. :target:
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-23 20:34:47 UTC
in (another) Problem with level change... Post #343773
The problem is that the c2a3d trigger does not point to mymap.bsp, it points to c2a3c.
Even if I don't intend to return to mymap.bsp, both the maps should connect each other through the trigger_changelevel map input (key/value) in order to create a fine transition with landmark?

In that case, unfortunately, the solution would be to edit the game vanilla maps just to make a name connection.
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-23 16:40:50 UTC
in (another) Problem with level change... Post #343771
I think you need trigger_changelevel's in both maps even if you won't use one of them.
I just updated the thread post with further information. The HL map that I referred above has two trigger_changelevels as you can see now.
Do I need to give the triggers identical names in both my map and c2a3d? Otherwise, the problem doesn't seem to be that.

By the way, it's missing an explanation of what "changetarget" does on the trigger_changelevel wiki page. As you can see in c2a3d trigger, that input seems to be somehow relevant in that map.
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-23 12:05:29 UTC
in (another) Problem with level change... Post #343769
After reading the tutorials about map change and transition and learned the rules of info_landmark and trigger_changelevel, I was making a map where it should teleport the player to a specific singleplayer map of the Half-Life campaign, but I came across a problem:

Trigger_changelevel keeps teleporting me to 0x 0y 0z coordinate --stucking in a wall-- in the next map, but I want to be teleported to the landmark's coordinates.
  • trigger_changelevel
    • angle: 270
    • spawnflags: 3
    • targetname: gotodrag
    • map: c2a3e
    • landmark: c2a3de
    • changetarget: wottadrag
Did I understand it well? Does the landmark origin (both in the current and next map) mark the XYZ coordinates for teleportation in a map?

I'm thankful for anyone who can give me a help.
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
I found out something that might be a 'glitch' potential or simply a feature for some mappers.

I realized that by naming (targetname) two different entities identically, the engine somehow swaps their functionality.

I named both an info_teleport_destination and a multi_manager identically and realized that the multi_manager origin was teleporting stuff instead of the info_teleport_destination.
What's curious is that dev3 console doesn't show any message when you trigger things that way.

This behaviour seems to work with any entity.
For example, if you have two light entities with identical names and one is checked with "start dark", both the lights would start dark.

Did anyone know this trick?
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Yeah, maybe it was just a marker used by the development team of Quake and HL :P
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
If there's any.

MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Just an example here
Error: Entity 4, Brush 0, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (111, 222, 333), texture AAATRIGGER
Hint: The first number is X, second is Y, and third is Z (height). If you don't know how to locate it yourself in the map, when the console points a coordinate (not the "outside world" type as shown in your log, though), you can use these coordinate numbers to create a test point-entity as the "origin" value in your .map file. Then opening your map on the editor, you search for the test entity and you'll find the place of the supposed issue.
Just letting you know. ;)
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-22 18:15:30 UTC
in After compile some models cycler_sprite missing Post #343673
DON´T duplicate entities... insert them one by one.

you should check all the entity Keys and Values of your .MAP file before compiling it. This way you have an overview of the entire network and can remove unnecessary keys and values from any entity/class. Or you can do the same as me, write them directly through the .map structure then merge into the final map project file. This is a good method as you become aware of each item of each entity. Here's a quick template ;)
"classname" "worldspawn"
"mapversion" "220"
"MaxRange" "
"skyname" "
"wad" "
( -384 -384 384 ) ( -384 384 384 ) ( 384 384 384 ) SKY [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 -1 0 0 ] 0 1 1
( -256 256 256 ) ( -384 384 384 ) ( -384 -384 384 ) SKY [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 256 -256 256 ) ( 384 -384 384 ) ( 384 384 384 ) SKY [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 384 384 384 ) ( -384 384 384 ) ( -256 256 256 ) SKY [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( -256 -256 256 ) ( -384 -384 384 ) ( 384 -384 384 ) SKY [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( -256 256 256 ) ( -256 -256 256 ) ( 256 -256 256 ) SKY [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 -1 0 0 ] 0 1 1
( -384 384 -384 ) ( -384 -384 -384 ) ( 384 -384 -384 ) SKY [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 -1 0 0 ] 0 1 1
( -384 -384 -384 ) ( -384 384 -384 ) ( -256 256 -256 ) SKY [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 384 384 -384 ) ( 384 -384 -384 ) ( 256 -256 -256 ) SKY [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( -256 256 -256 ) ( -384 384 -384 ) ( 384 384 -384 ) SKY [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 384 -384 -384 ) ( -384 -384 -384 ) ( -256 -256 -256 ) SKY [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( -256 -256 -256 ) ( -256 256 -256 ) ( 256 256 -256 ) SKY [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 -1 0 0 ] 0 1 1
( -384 384 384 ) ( -384 384 -384 ) ( 384 384 -384 ) SKY [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( -256 256 -256 ) ( -384 384 -384 ) ( -384 384 384 ) SKY [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 384 384 384 ) ( 384 384 -384 ) ( 256 256 -256 ) SKY [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( -256 256 256 ) ( -384 384 384 ) ( 384 384 384 ) SKY [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 384 384 -384 ) ( -384 384 -384 ) ( -256 256 -256 ) SKY [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 256 256 256 ) ( 256 256 -256 ) ( -256 256 -256 ) SKY [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 384 -384 384 ) ( 384 -384 -384 ) ( -384 -384 -384 ) SKY [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( -384 -384 384 ) ( -384 -384 -384 ) ( -256 -256 -256 ) SKY [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 256 -256 -256 ) ( 384 -384 -384 ) ( 384 -384 384 ) SKY [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 384 -384 384 ) ( -384 -384 384 ) ( -256 -256 256 ) SKY [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( -256 -256 -256 ) ( -384 -384 -384 ) ( 384 -384 -384 ) SKY [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( -256 -256 256 ) ( -256 -256 -256 ) ( 256 -256 -256 ) SKY [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( -384 -384 384 ) ( -384 -384 -384 ) ( -384 384 -384 ) SKY [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( -256 -256 -256 ) ( -384 -384 -384 ) ( -384 -384 384 ) SKY [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( -384 384 384 ) ( -384 384 -384 ) ( -256 256 -256 ) SKY [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( -256 -256 256 ) ( -384 -384 384 ) ( -384 384 384 ) SKY [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( -384 384 -384 ) ( -384 -384 -384 ) ( -256 -256 -256 ) SKY [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( -256 256 256 ) ( -256 256 -256 ) ( -256 -256 -256 ) SKY [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 384 384 384 ) ( 384 384 -384 ) ( 384 -384 -384 ) SKY [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 384 -384 384 ) ( 384 -384 -384 ) ( 256 -256 -256 ) SKY [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 256 256 -256 ) ( 384 384 -384 ) ( 384 384 384 ) SKY [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 384 384 384 ) ( 384 -384 384 ) ( 256 -256 256 ) SKY [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 256 -256 -256 ) ( 384 -384 -384 ) ( 384 384 -384 ) SKY [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 256 -256 256 ) ( 256 -256 -256 ) ( 256 256 -256 ) SKY [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
"classname" "Brush-Entity"
"spawnflags" "
key" "value"
( 0 256 256 ) ( 256 256 256 ) ( 256 0 256 ) AAATRIGGER [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 -1 0 0 ] 0 1 1
( 0 0 0 ) ( 256 0 0 ) ( 256 256 0 ) AAATRIGGER [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 -1 0 0 ] 0 1 1
( 0 256 256 ) ( 0 0 256 ) ( 0 0 0 ) AAATRIGGER [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 256 256 0 ) ( 256 0 0 ) ( 256 0 256 ) AAATRIGGER [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 256 256 256 ) ( 0 256 256 ) ( 0 256 0 ) AAATRIGGER [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 256 0 0 ) ( 0 0 0 ) ( 0 0 256 ) AAATRIGGER [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
"classname" "Point-Entity"
"spawnflags" "
key" "value"
"origin" "
0 0 0"
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-19 01:49:11 UTC
in After compile some models cycler_sprite missing Post #343645
Not sure, but I'm sure you can increase other things like texture usage limit somewhere in the map compilers. It might be anything to do with HLBSP or HLVis, but I am not sure. Maybe you should take a look over yes.
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-18 23:26:59 UTC
in After compile some models cycler_sprite missing Post #343643
Hm, ok. I was just wondering. I can't help you right now, I'll build your scene and try to figure the problem out tomorrow, hehe
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-18 22:56:35 UTC
in After compile some models cycler_sprite missing Post #343641
Why you're using cycler_sprite instead of cycler?
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-17 22:28:26 UTC
in Model wont light up (cycler or cycler_sprite) Post #343634
I figured out the root of this bug. See this map again :P
Loading embedded content: Vault Item #6385
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Thanks, The Mad Carrot ;)
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Ok, I figured out how it works with a multisource master, however, I could not stop it from teleporting me in an infinite loop being within the trigger_teleport zone using the button_target entity. The problem here seems that this entity doesn't have a wait (delay before it resets) property as func_button does to stop the trigger cycle. So, how do I proceed now?

I actually want something a little bit more complex. Here's a sketch of what I'm planning to do so anyone could help me with it :P
User posted image
As you can see, I have a main room (lobby) with multiple choices for teleportation (button_target), where, when shoot, they could change the main trigger_teleport target to teleport the player into the respective room.

How can I manage to do that? I'm taking a look at the trigger_changetarget but still have no idea how it works.
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
This is my first time using this kind of stuff. I made a button_target referencing an info_teleport_destination but it seems that nothing happens when I shoot and trigger (dev console confirmes it) the button entity. At first I thought it was not working because it was an external trigger firing the target, but actually it's not, then I'm assuming the only way you can teleport yourself is through trigger_teleport. Is that true?
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-15 02:17:25 UTC
in Old street lamp realistic light ? Post #343617
Check out this sample map I made for this. Also check out some notes I wrote about light_spot. ;)
Loading embedded content: Vault Item #6385
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-15 01:15:18 UTC
in Model wont light up (cycler or cycler_sprite) Post #343616
Yea, that has to do with SKY texture and light entities. Check out the bug note I wrote about in light_spot.
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-12 03:09:27 UTC
in Help with SKY texture transparency... Post #343598
If you want to make a solid wall that is transparent use null texture.
NULL and SKY act pretty much the same. NULL is never transparent. Btw, NULL causes the "hall of mirrors" effect for not having something to render, that's the only difference.

In case 1, I basically want a fully transparent brush that doesn't leak out light, like any world solid brush does when you have a completely closed room, just as you can see in the second picture above. However, I couldn't keep things that way as I was inside a brush with noclip just to take the screenshot; and when I'm not in, things are like in the first picture.

In case 2, by the way, I'm taking as example this map here. As you can see in the last picture of the thread: on my right, there are blocks of SKY texture being able to see the other side (underneath). This is the opposite of what I want in case 1. I don't want it to be visible in this case, but yet I want them as SKY texture.
This is how the final map looksThis is how the final map looks
And it should look something like this, but the sky blue shouldn't render anything but the skybox imageAnd it should look something like this, but the sky blue shouldn't render anything but the skybox image
  • Any entity-brush (func_wall, func_illusionary, etc) still leaks light through the edges, regardless of the texture and zhlt_lightflags attribute they have, as seen in the third picture of the thread.
  • VISibility seems to be a bit inconsistent. Not sure if it has to do with the engine DLLs or how to map compilers are used to store data into the BSP. See:
gl_wireframe 2gl_wireframe 2
Beyond Visibility is unrendered depending on where you stand in the mapBeyond Visibility is unrendered depending on where you stand in the map
User posted image
Everything is visible since you are in the "void"Everything is visible since you are in the "void"
The priority is to solve the problem in case 1. The second one is not too important, though.
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-11 00:42:11 UTC
in Help with SKY texture transparency... Post #343588
Example 1
So, I have this:
Outside view of an enclosed room with a "window" and SKY texture on it (on the black rectangle; it's the view to the background, not a texture)Outside view of an enclosed room with a "window" and SKY texture on it (on the black rectangle; it's the view to the background, not a texture)
As you can see in the picture, it can't render the content from the inside of the room unless the player is out of the map (into the SKY bounds) or inside a wall.

And I have this... This is what I want to achieve... but without any problem:
The interior of the room visible from the outside (using the proper SKY texture)The interior of the room visible from the outside (using the proper SKY texture)
As an alternative to SKY texture, I tried an invisible func_wall brush with ZHLT Lightflags set to Opaque, said to block lights, but it still causes small amounts of light to pass through solids. That alone would be fine for me, but light leaks are the problem.
Here ZHLT_Lightflags with "Opaque (Blocks light)" is not effective at allHere ZHLT_Lightflags with "Opaque (Blocks light)" is not effective at all
Example 2
Like in the first example, but now I want the visibility to be blocked...
Roof with SKY texture exposing the bottomRoof with SKY texture exposing the bottom
So, are there any special textures or compile commands or anything else I could do to fix this unforeseen? I'm using VHLT v34, in case anyone wonders.
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
An update for Hammer :hammer: would be exceptional to fix the countless bugs and development gaps. The GoldSrc engine also needs a lot of revisions, despite its age. There are many many things we could list, we need a thread for that –do we have one? The auto death with gauss gun when shooting a solid is one.
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-01 20:58:35 UTC
in TWHL Tower 2 Post #343279
Give me some info before... What game mode will be used, singleplayer with deathmatch 0 or multiplayer with deathmatch 1? Is gauss hopping allowed?
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 5 years ago2019-10-30 11:12:47 UTC
in "Servers" option on main menu Post #343261
For all I know, they are not hardcoded. Maybe there are multiple "OpenServerBrowser" in the same GameMenu.res file.
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_FindServers"
"command" "OpenServerBrowser"
"notsingle" "1"
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 5 years ago2019-10-21 23:58:45 UTC
in Hammer Editor problems... Post #343243
Thanks ;)
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 5 years ago2019-10-20 18:17:23 UTC
in Hammer Editor problems... Post #343234
I use it (or at least I could use it) for quick stuff xD
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 5 years ago2019-10-20 18:05:59 UTC
in Hammer Editor problems... Post #343231
The tool really has lots of bugs (for many obvious reasons...), but I just want to warn before this happens to you.

If you load many WADs in settings, like 50 or so, the program executable just crashes whenever you try to re-open it.
I searched for a file that stores WAD presets on the program folder but I couldn't find any. Also tried reinstalling it but the problem persists.

Does anyone know how to fix it? Must be something on the windows RegEdit, but I don't know how I could fix it.

Q2: Could someone upload a working version of Condition_Zero_Deleted_Scenes.FGD that comes with HL SDK? Perhaps the file contains wrong strings so Hammer can't read it.
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 5 years ago2019-10-05 20:17:03 UTC
in Half Life 2 Style Background Map Post #343194
That's the WON version of the engine, btw.
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 5 years ago2019-09-30 23:14:43 UTC
in how can i Spawn an osprey in a map? Post #343183
Read the notes on monster_osprey. You need to use path_corner for it to work.
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 5 years ago2019-09-22 17:52:38 UTC
in "Monster_Generic" as Corpse Post #343154
On the other hand, you could use cycler with the model dead_barney.mdl and sequences 7, 8, 9, or 10.
Ez Pz boi, the security guard (with vest and helmet) was shocked with your question... and answer.Ez Pz boi, the security guard (with vest and helmet) was shocked with your question... and answer.
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 5 years ago2019-09-21 22:13:55 UTC
in Female Assassin Viewmodel Post #343151
Hm, I don't model. But I made a sample using the original v_model
User posted image
You can find something similar in this video
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 5 years ago2019-09-20 22:54:03 UTC
in Demo Post #343148
Not sure about in recorded demo, though, I'm sure there are custom models made to do that somewhere. Trick: in game, swap the weapon right after placing or removing the silencer and return to it again, this will trick animation time. Another thing you can do is to replace audio files to mute or replace weapon sounds.
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned