
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-26 02:25:47 UTC in journal: So I drink coffee now... Comment #105657
First: That opening paragraph needn't be there... Why mention the other site at all?

Second: You say "last night" you drank two coffees? Here's a crazy idea. Don't drink coffee at night before trying to go to sleep.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-25 21:15:23 UTC in vault item: FORKLIFT CERTIFIED Comment #105656
Fun idea. I didn't even notice func_vehicle was a thing! Thanks for sharing. 4 stars since it's kind of incomplete.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-25 17:33:54 UTC in vault item: Sykhiv_yards_b2 Comment #105655
Thank you for your feedback. I may add a few more indoor areas if it turns out to be appropriate
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-25 17:29:27 UTC in vault item: Sykhiv_yards_b2 Comment #105654
Looks great, would like to see more indoor areas but looks great man keep up the good job :)
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-25 11:13:26 UTC in journal: Mapping-Fusion! 🇫🇷🇫🇷 Comment #105653
Thanks for your kind words!
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-24 23:14:21 UTC in journal: Moving the information Comment #105652
Kinda cool to see people updating and improving old pages.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-22 15:49:49 UTC in vault item: Sykhiv_yards_b2 Comment #105651
Thank you for your feedback. Yes, it is possible that the color of the outdoor lighting under the sky is not perfectly matched and it seems that it is evening lighting. However, in reality, with such a sky, there can be soft yellow lighting, like in summer, the sky is clearly not winter or autumn. So I'll think about the texture of the grass, because before I thought the texture was not very contrasting and somehow got lost against the background. Of course, the terrain affects performance, but I don't know if I can optimize it so much that I don't lose this most important visual feature of the map. I don't really understand what central courtyard we are talking about? I would be grateful for screenshots
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-22 14:26:30 UTC in vault item: Sykhiv_yards_b2 Comment #105650
Oh hey, new areas! Sadly the download link is broken. nvm it works now.

  • Outdoor light_environment should be white on midday, with ambient colour set to sky blue.
  • Grass texture is too rough. Find a softer one.
  • Grass colour doesn't match the tree or the other foliage. It's too green.
  • Grass terrain is super bumpy; I'm pretty sure it affects performance. It doesn't need to be super bumpy or super-divided. The central courtyard in crossfire achieves a non-flat terrain with just 3-4 brushes.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-21 12:45:16 UTC in vault item: Lab Break Comment #105649
Thank you bruhkingsans! You're very generous.

Really happy to see you enjoyed it so much. :D
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-21 12:37:38 UTC in journal: We promise you a new map in 2 weeks, or you get to yell at us! - DONE! Comment #105648

Version 1.1 Changelog (released)

SPOILERS ahead for anyone who hasn't played yet.

-Delayed map start by an extra 13 seconds to give clients time to download soundcache and load.
-Added fill lights.
-Fixed some texture and lighting issues.
-Balanced item pickups.
-Improvements to the health regeneration.
-Visual fixes.
-Gameplay improvements to locations with firefights.
-Lowered glass table strengths so they break with 1 hit.
-Added a "Reactor" sign to the reactor door.
-Improved reactor lighting.
-Causing the reactor to go critical will now cause radiation damage.
-Added new screen to reactor room that lights up when there's an emergency.
-Replaced some sign textures with more fitting ones.

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed the test chamber's button being spammed and bugging the door. Now it's 1-time use.
-Added visual guidance to same room.
-Fixed some lights having gaps between them and the ceiling (floating).
-Fixed the coolant elevator getting triggered and stuck while moving.
-Fixed an issue causing fodder enemies to keep spawning after boss is dead.
-Fixed an issue where fodder enemies could follow the player to the surface.
-Fixed wrong address for some entities.

-Improved the platform's entities.
-Made the pistol pickup more visible and eye-catching.
-Gameplay improvements.
-Fixed an issue causing barneys to softlock doors.
-Added messages to areas with special goals.
-Lowered server healths so they break easier.
-Removed coolant elevator pit.
-Reduced noise from frank5.wav.
-Increased volume of frank voice lines to 200%.
-Made small edit to MOTD / Mission Briefing.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-21 07:51:48 UTC in journal: Mapping-Fusion! 🇫🇷🇫🇷 Comment #105647
You can guys join our Discord too and talk with us ! we use to speak in French but we can do it in English too of course :) Thanks
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-21 00:18:31 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Setting up a Mod: Part 2 - Splash Screens (Steam) Comment #105646
Half-Life 25th Anniversary changes
Due to Valve reworking the game menu to visually look like the old WON menu screen, the structure of GameMenu.res is changing and in flux until Valve finalizes it.
As usual, switch to the steam_legacy beta to continue using the old specs in the meantime.
  • 2024-05-08 - Safe to say the new specs have stabilized.
    • Mods no longer crashes if gamemenu is missing the WON-style help texts.
    • Mods with custom code may still crash from the differences in the UI resource files like new game dialog and option pages and may still require the legacy branch.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-16 18:41:37 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Detailed Textures in Half-Life Comment #105645
BIG CAVEAT: If the base textures are not square, YOU MUST USE near the same ratio for the horizontal and vertical tile factors or the detail textures will look stretched. Unfortunately, applied detailed textures in the wild are more stretched than not.

The current tool set [or utter lack thereof] makes it very very cumbersome to get the correct factors to account for the different dimensions of every texture in every map of your mod, which I think discourages more widespread application of detail textures to maps.

There is also an issue of textures containing a mixture of material types which basically need their own detail textures tailor made.

I'm thinking of developing a program to address these issues but I want it to be able to render the result in 3D. It's a very steep thing to pick up though. (I could fork off of bspguy but I don't want to take over someone else's cooking 😅)
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-16 15:49:56 UTC in vault item: Half-Life: Randomized + source code Comment #105644
If people were to do these kinds of meta-mods, they should be developed to run on metamod[-*] imo. That way there can be a path to extend it to run on top of any mod, not just Half-Life.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-16 07:10:52 UTC in vault item: Diesel electric generator Comment #105643
I know... but I don't feel like iterating it until it feels right. The panel func_button as is targets an intermediary, currently occupied by `trigger_relay`s so that those who wanted to fine-tune the sequence further can just put a multi_manager or more complex logic in its place.

I would do it if I were to actually put this in an actual mod... But don't count on it! 😅
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-16 04:36:23 UTC in vault item: Half-Life: Randomized + source code Comment #105642
Great mod, fun to mess around with. Kinda sad to see that there is no map randomization, that would be cool.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-15 15:55:35 UTC in vault item: Diesel electric generator Comment #105641
I think it would be better if the button had a delay rather than a toggle. And so the generator can work with the button turned off and vice versa
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-15 15:20:30 UTC in wiki page: info_intermission Comment #105640
how to make it work ?
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-14 21:01:06 UTC in vault item: Lab Break Comment #105639
Architecture — 8
Texturing — 8
Ambience — 9
Lighting — 9
Gameplay — 7

I liked playing this map, and everything about it really does feel like a lab.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-14 09:14:07 UTC in journal: Moving the information Comment #105638
Good job, I made some minor improvements and fixes to the existing pages :)
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-13 10:50:27 UTC in vault item: Diesel electric generator Comment #105637
Eric Nice
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-12 20:08:47 UTC in vault item: Lab Break Comment #105636
Wasn't easy though, I'll say that.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-12 10:21:24 UTC in vault item: BspTexRemap v0.3 (pre-release 2) Comment #105635
^ This program is written in Python 3.11. Most Linux distros include Python by default so you can run the python file directly from the source files (though you might have to upgrade to 3.11). You need to know how to [optionally set up virtual environments and] install the required python packages. The requirements file is in the source, and you should be able to set it up in the standard Pythonic way.
  1. Make sure you have Python 3.11 or above
  2. Download the source:
    User posted image
  3. Extract to a folder.
  4. Open your terminal and type these commands:
cd <path to the src folder from the extracted path>
python3 -m venv venv
pip3 install -r requirements_gui.txt
  1. Create a new file run (name not important) and type these commands:
cd <path to the src folder from the extracted path>
  1. Now any time you want to run the program, you just run the bash script above.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-12 02:13:04 UTC in vault item: Lab Break Comment #105634
Holy heck, you actually did it lmao
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-11 08:51:11 UTC in journal: We promise you a new map in 2 weeks, or you get to yell at us! - DONE! Comment #105632
It is release day! We did it!

Man are we glad to be here. Gotta say, the last 2 weeks have been some really busy ones, but it was all worth it. We managed to make a map with a decent length, good gameplay and in some parts, great visuals and topped it all off with some enjoyable scripted sequences.
Something to entice you to play.Something to entice you to play.
The map is up and ready for download! We hope you give it a try.

Let us know what you think and if you're interested to learn about how these 2 weeks passed, how we worked and what we learned.
We'd like to thank all of you who accompanied us during these 2 weeks and kept your eyes on us. We hope you'll enjoy what we've made.
Those of you who have honored us with your support:
Admer456, SV BOY, Caretaker u.k, The Regent, WyattTheEpicDude, TrollBooger, The 303, Ryor, Sparks and Soctom. Sorry if I missed anyone.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-09 14:12:50 UTC in journal: 2 Years of me being on the site Comment #105631
Merry Twosday
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-09 09:04:16 UTC in journal: 2 Years of me being on the site Comment #105630
Oh Hey Professor Admer 😎☕
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-09 06:58:00 UTC in wiki page: WON Half-Life Comment #105629
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-07 12:40:39 UTC in journal: 2 Years of me being on the site Comment #105628
Happy 2nd accountiversary!
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-07 07:46:30 UTC in vault item: Authentic First-Person Weapons Comment #105627
Nice work
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-07 04:32:38 UTC in vault item: Authentic First-Person Weapons Comment #105626
Yep! They're animated by me in Blender.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-06 03:47:03 UTC in vault item: Authentic First-Person Weapons Comment #105625
Impressive. I really like the effort you putted into weapons model that replicates Classic looks into Gearbox HD Style even though I don't like the Gearbox Hand Sleeve but I still appreciate how the Hand Sleeves kinda fitted into Classic Style. Oh Btw are these Weapons Animations are made by yourself in blender?
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-05 21:13:35 UTC in vault item: fy_steppes Comment #105624
Too bad. It's nice to see you back here! It's been a minute. Most of the activity is on Discord these days
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-05 12:33:16 UTC in vault item: Secret Santa: Archie Comment #105623
@Oskar Potatis: I'll try to find it. I hope I still have it somewhere, in some archive/backup.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-04 19:20:19 UTC in vault item: fy_steppes Comment #105622
Long gone. This was made on my college macbook which is long gone. I'm dabbling in Source 2 for funzies maybe I'll make something similar to this because I did quite like this dumb little map.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-04 18:56:12 UTC in vault item: fy_uafights_b3 Comment #105621
Thank you, I'm glad you like the style of the map
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-04 13:03:34 UTC in vault item: Vehicle Prefabs Comment #105620
Great stuff.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-04 10:14:56 UTC in vault item: fy_uafights_b3 Comment #105619
Wow This almost like a Roblox or something 😯
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-04 00:51:45 UTC in journal: We promise you a new map in 2 weeks, or you get to yell at us! - DONE! Comment #105617
First Week Update:

A week has passed and we're here to share some updates.

The main Brushwork for the whole map is now complete and will be tested privately in the next 2 days to iron out any kinks and improve gameplay.
Here are a few screenshots of a few interesting locations:
Fight your way out of this beautiful place.Fight your way out of this beautiful place.
What will development look like in the remaining days after the playtest?
With the main blockout complete and gameplay tested, most of what lies ahead is related to the visuals.
  • Feedback from the playtest will be used to improve the gameplay.
  • All brushwork will be textured.
  • Decorative details (that don't effect gameplay) will be added using prefabs to speed up work.
  • Lighting will be finalized.
  • Final performance optimizations will be made.
  • Visuals will be polished for release.
We will update you with more details and some screenshots from the finalized visuals in the last days before release. Thank you for reading, we really hope you will stick around to play the map on release. :D

How has progress been?
"Efficient" is what comes to my mind. With such a limited time, it was crucial to to map out our plan and schedule to make sure we can make each day count. We lost 2 precious days but after that we were able to kick into full gear.
We've been putting as much time as we could into the project. I've been spending nearly 6-8 hours every day and Ox has been juggling the project and his education at the same time. Yes, it's been a bit harsh but we're enjoying the time we're spending on the project. I'm sure all you mappers out there who love your craft can understand, although having a day or two off right now would be pretty nice. Unfortunately we got no time to spare. A lot of work still lies ahead and we're hoping it goes smoothly so that we can release the final map to you in great shape.

Is the map still set to release on 10th of November?
Yes. We are doing everything we can to make sure that we will release the map by 10th November night. The map will be uploaded here, on SCMAPDB and Gamebanana so that everyone could easily download it from whichever source they're comfortable with.

Anything you the reader can do to help?
Your expressions of excitement about the project and final map will really make us happy and boost our morale. It's always heartwarming to know there are people out there waiting to play your map.
If possible, please share news of our project with your fellow friends. After this is done, with all the time and energy we've spent, we'd really love to see the map reach as many players as it can.

Well, that's all for now. We will see you at the next update with more interesting stuff to share. Have a good night and hope you're all having a good life.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-03 23:38:49 UTC in journal: Mapping-Fusion! 🇫🇷🇫🇷 Comment #105616
Oh my. It is already making me wanna learn French.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-02 14:55:05 UTC in vault item: Learing HL sdk Comment #105615
Hai! This ain't looking too bad.
You can get J.A.C.K. instead of using Hammer. You can find it in the tools section on our Wiki. You may also ask questions on the forums here and/or on the Discord server. Happy mapping!
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-02 10:00:17 UTC in vault item: Learing HL sdk Comment #105614
Looks like you've already gotten the hang of the basics!

It looks fullbright so you've either not included any lights in the map, or there is a leak (there should be error messages in the compile log if there were any leaks). If you haven't added any lights yet, there's a tutorial here about the basics of that.

For the wall where you've written "break" with decals, the reason it's mirrored is because the texture on the wall itself is mirrored. So with the Texture Application Tool just set the X scale to its negative (i.e. change the scale from 1.00 to -1.00).

There are tons of tutorials in the wiki here that you can check out to learn more about mapping.

Good luck! 🙂
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-01 08:48:00 UTC in wiki page: game_player_equip Comment #105613
^ idk what you mean. if you think i meant the classname (things JACK lists) then that's incorrect. I mean game_playerspawn is the targetname you assign to this entity, or any other entity of any classname.

the game fires entities of the name game_playerspawn on your behalf every time you spawn in a map. another example is if you have a game_text entity with the name game_playerspawn you'll see the game_text 's text when you spawn.

also, game_* entities in general are added sometime after retail release so this entity, and the game engine firing game_playerspawn would be absent on early WON versions or earlier SDKs.
Commented 1 year ago2023-10-31 18:08:50 UTC in vault item: Gemerald Comment #105612
The map was short but fun really liked it but I had no idea what was going on I'm not say that the mod is bad for this I'm just saying I had no fucking clue what was going on I new it was Dutch from the flags, Architecture and the language But I don't know what these characters are from and Why are there Nazi stuff IM SO CONUFSED SOMEONE TELL ME WHATS GOING ON In all it was quite fun and really peaceful at times almost like a dream
Commented 1 year ago2023-10-29 23:10:57 UTC in vault item: Gemerald Comment #105611
This mappack is awesome (in my opinion). Although I am pretty biased considering I love Ongezellig :3
The island was pretty cool, but the boat section (and the scooter section later on) I think could've been improved with some enemies scattered about to shoot at.
One thing I particularly enjoyed was the appearance of the Ongezellig Holland, 1945 video. As someone who loves NMH, Ongezellig, and Half-Life, I was pretty stoked to see that there. Jamie and UrbaNebula seem to have not liked the enemy placement, although I did not have any issues with it (probably because of the newest update, which appears to have fixed that issue).
The weakest parts of the mod IMO were the abrupt ending and the aforementioned scooter segment, which both could've been expanded upon greatly.
Overall: pretty sick!

P.S. No comment on Nazi Mymy.
Commented 1 year ago2023-10-26 18:17:01 UTC in journal: We promise you a new map in 2 weeks, or you get to yell at us! - DONE! Comment #105610
ill have a good eye on yer :cyclops:
Commented 1 year ago2023-10-26 18:15:53 UTC in journal: We promise you a new map in 2 weeks, or you get to yell at us! - DONE! Comment #105609
Alrighty, I'll set a reminder on the 10th of November to yell at you. :walter:
Commented 1 year ago2023-10-24 19:59:07 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Going from J.A.C.K. to TrenchBroom Comment #105608
So I've been using both editors more-or-less simultaneously for a little while now, here are some things I find worth mentioning:
  • TB works with .map files, J.A.C.K. also works with .map files but saves them as .jmf files. Going from J.A.C.K. to TB means exporting the .map file in J.A.C.K. first.
  • TrenchBroom's groups do not carry over to J.A.C.K., nor do J.A.C.K.'s visgroups carry over to TrenchBroom. To keep brushes together between editors, they have to be tied to a brush entity like func_group.
  • Unlike J.A.C.K., you can't have more than one map open at the same time in TB, so copy-pasting things between maps requires you to keep opening and closing them. This makes using a separate map as a "prefab stash" possible, but annoying.
  • For the reasons above (and probably a lot more) switching back and forth between editors on the same map is likely a bad idea.
EDIT: MESS (as of v.1.2.3) is capable of converting a .jmf/.rmf to a TB-compatible .map file, and vice-versa. It can even do things like converting visgroups into TB's layers, but there are a few caveats, so be sure read the documentation.
Commented 1 year ago2023-10-23 17:54:11 UTC in journal: One of those journals... Comment #105607
happy birthday
Commented 1 year ago2023-10-23 12:23:31 UTC in journal: One of those journals... Comment #105606
Happy birthday! How tightly tucked is that polo t-Shirt?