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Category: Goldsource Tutorials
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Category: Goldsource Tutorials
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Modding In General
Setting up a Mod for the WON version of the game
Setting up a Mod for the Steam version of the game
Getting Started
Getting Started with GoldSource programming
Level Design
Getting Started
Introductory Concepts
Introduction to Mapping
- The fundamentals
Compiling Introduced
- The concept of compiling a level, and ways of doing it
In Practice
In the Beginning
- Create a small level with lights, furniture and NPCs
Diagnosing Problems
- How to troubleshoot your map
Changing Levels
- How to set up level changes
Beginner Tutorials
Intermediate Tutorials
Advanced Tutorials
Archived Articles
Vlatitude Archive
Examples Required
Images Required
Pages in this category
Bot Programming - Getting Started
Entity Programming - Handling Player Input
Entity Programming - Inheritance VS Duplication (Creating Simple Variants of Existing Entities)
Entity Programming - Introduction to Entities with Animated Models
Entity Programming - Overview
Entity Programming - Player Interaction
Entity Programming - Save/restore
Entity Programming - Temporary Entity Effects
Entity Programming - Timer Entity
Entity Programming - Writing New Entities
Explanation: Why brushes can't be concave
Half-Life Programming - Debugging
Half-Life Programming - Getting Started
Monsters Programming - "Core loop", senses and enemy acquisition
Monsters Programming - Classifications and Relationships
Monsters Programming - Node graph system (part 1)
Monsters Programming - Schedules and Tasks
Monsters Programming - Sounds, smells and the system behind them
Monsters Programming - Standard and Squad Monsters
Monsters Programming - Talkative Monsters (part 1)
Monsters Programming - Talkative Monsters (part 2)
Monsters Programming - The Concepts of Half-Life's AI
Programming: Implementing Discord rich-presence into your mod
Tutorial: (Almost) correct detail textures for upscaling WAD textures
Tutorial: Add a new simple weapon (straightforward way)
Tutorial: Adding Atmosphere
Tutorial: Adding Glass to Doors
Tutorial: Adding hack-free Stencil Shadows to Half-Life
Tutorial: Advanced Terrain Creation
Tutorial: Airlock system (that works in multiplayer)
Tutorial: All about info_nodes
Tutorial: ambient_generic
Tutorial: Beam and Sprite Effects
Tutorial: Change hud_fastswitch to behave like Half-Life Source
Tutorial: Changing Hammer's splash screen
Tutorial: Changing Levels
Tutorial: Changing the in-game font size
Tutorial: Choreographing World Happenings with Sequence Events
Tutorial: Client sided dynamic lights (muzzle flash, flashlight...)
Tutorial: Coding Fog
Tutorial: Coding NPCs in GoldSrc
Tutorial: Compiler charts and limits
Tutorial: Compiling Introduced
Tutorial: Counter-Strike mapping
Tutorial: Create a working battery with light
Tutorial: Creating healing pools like in Xen
Tutorial: Creating Overviews
Tutorial: Creating textures with Qlumpy
Tutorial: Custom Skyboxes for Goldsource
Tutorial: Custom Textures
Tutorial: Customising the HUD colour
Tutorial: Dark Outdoor Maps
Tutorial: Dead NPCs for HL1 and CS
Tutorial: Decals: All You Need To Know
Tutorial: Detailed Textures in Half-Life
Tutorial: Detailing Maps
Tutorial: Diagnosing Problems
Tutorial: Dimensions
Tutorial: Doors
Tutorial: Editing Compiled BSPs With newbspguy: The Basics
Tutorial: Editing Half-Life Models
Tutorial: Elevator Doors that move
Tutorial: Elevators using func_train
Tutorial: Environment
Tutorial: Equipping Weapons in CS
Tutorial: Evolving Grass
Tutorial: Fans
Tutorial: Flame Effect
Tutorial: Gauss penetration and blast damage
Tutorial: Glass
Tutorial: Globals
Tutorial: Going beyond 8192 units: Part 1
Tutorial: Going beyond 8192 units: Part 2
Tutorial: Going from J.A.C.K. to TrenchBroom
Tutorial: Grunts and Guns
Tutorial: Half-Life Deathmatch mapping
Tutorial: Half-Life directories
Tutorial: Hallways
Tutorial: Harnessing ELights
Tutorial: Hint Brushes
Tutorial: How to fix those leaks
Tutorial: How to load a map (.bsp file) in-game
Tutorial: How to Make HD 1080p Backgrounds for HL1/Goldsrc Games
Tutorial: Importing Models and Textures
Tutorial: Improved entering and exiting for Observer/Spectator mode
Tutorial: In the Beginning Part 1
Tutorial: In the Beginning Part 2
Tutorial: In the Beginning Part 3
Tutorial: In the Beginning Part 4
Tutorial: In the Beginning Part 5
Tutorial: In the Beginning Part 6
Tutorial: Intro to the Tools of Hammer
Tutorial: Introduction to mapping
Tutorial: Introduction to Ricochet mapping
Tutorial: Keys
Tutorial: Ladders
Tutorial: Land Mine Effect
Tutorial: Laser and Beam Effects
Tutorial: Light
Tutorial: Making Custom Sounds
Tutorial: Making Music Play in Maps
Tutorial: Making Rotating Gears
Tutorial: Making sprites with SpriteMaker
Tutorial: Making textures with WadMaker
Tutorial: Map details and misc
Tutorial: Materials.txt
Tutorial: Modelling for Goldsource with Gmax
Tutorial: Modelling for goldsrc with Blender - Part 1
Tutorial: Models and lighting
Tutorial: Modifying the HUD
Tutorial: More Complex Triggers
Tutorial: Mortar Madness
Tutorial: Multi_manager
Tutorial: Multi_manager Looping Made Easy
Tutorial: Multisource
Tutorial: Non-coding workarounds for your mod
Tutorial: Palette.lmp file (To do - not yet written)
Tutorial: Perfect Timing with Doors
Tutorial: Permanently locked doors
Tutorial: R_Speeds
Tutorial: Rain
Tutorial: Random entity triggering
Tutorial: Re-texturing Models
Tutorial: Realistic Shadows
Tutorial: Recompiling light only
Tutorial: Reducing Clipnodes with zhlt_usemodel Templates
Tutorial: Render Properties
Tutorial: Retina Scanners and Other NPC-Only Locked Doors
Tutorial: Rope, Waterfalls and Dripping Water
Tutorial: Rotating Billboards
Tutorial: Scripted Sentences
Tutorial: Scripted Sequences
Tutorial: Scripting with sequence files
Tutorial: Security Cards
Tutorial: Separate Player and Monster Hivehand damages
Tutorial: Setting up a Mod: Addendum
Tutorial: Setting up a Mod: Part 1 - Custom Game feature
Tutorial: Setting up a Mod: Part 1 - Mod directory and liblist.gam (Steam)
Tutorial: Setting up a Mod: Part 2 - Splash Screens
Tutorial: Setting up a Mod: Part 2 - Splash Screens (Steam)
Tutorial: Setting up a Mod: Part 3 - Game Strings
Tutorial: Setting up a Mod: Part 3 - Game Strings (Steam)
Tutorial: Setting up Crowbar for Half-Life/GoldSrc
Tutorial: Setting up TrenchBroom for GoldSource games
Tutorial: Setup Guide: Counter-Strike
Tutorial: Setup Guide: Hammer
Tutorial: Similar to the effect of gradient transparency
Tutorial: Skewing textures in Hammer
Tutorial: Sound Effects for Textures (materials.txt)
Tutorial: Spiral Staircase
Tutorial: Stairs
Tutorial: Steam mod icon
Tutorial: Tankrockets
Tutorial: Teleporters
Tutorial: Terrain
Tutorial: Tetrahedron Terrain
Tutorial: Texture Application
Tutorial: Texture Lighting
Tutorial: The Complete Guide to Lighting
Tutorial: The Osprey
Tutorial: The packing (and non-packing) of bodygroups and skin groups in GoldSource models
Tutorial: The Shrinking Effect
Tutorial: Tips for Beginner Mappers
Tutorial: Titles.txt
Tutorial: Total Map Optimisation Part 1 (wpoly, epoly)
Tutorial: Total Map Optimisation Part 2 (VIS, Hints)
Tutorial: Total Map Optimisation Part 3 (wpoly, clipnodes, engine limits, compile parameters)
Tutorial: Trees
Tutorial: trigger_camera
Tutorial: trigger_changetarget
Tutorial: Using models for health/HEV chargers in vanilla Half-Life
Tutorial: Using Sprites
Tutorial: Using Texture Fit
Tutorial: Vending Machine
Tutorial: Vertex Manipulation Intro
Tutorial: Vertex Manipulation Part 2
Tutorial: View bobbing: Part 1
Tutorial: View bobbing: Part 2
Tutorial: Vis Groups
Tutorial: Volumetric Lighting
Tutorial: Water
Vlatitude: Advanced Doors Tutorial
Vlatitude: Advanced Lighting
Vlatitude: Advanced Triggers Tutorial
Vlatitude: Airstrike a la Crossfire
Vlatitude: Alternative rocks and desert technique
Vlatitude: An Introduction to Lighting
Vlatitude: An Introduction to Triggers
Vlatitude: Basic Doors
Vlatitude: Clip Brush Tutorial
Vlatitude: Compiling
Vlatitude: Custom Menu Art for your MOD
Vlatitude: Customising the Health Packs
Vlatitude: Easy Spiral Staircases Using the Arch Tool
Vlatitude: Editing skill.cfg
Vlatitude: Elevator Level Transition
Vlatitude: Env_sprite Tutorial
Vlatitude: Exploiting the Custom Game menu
Vlatitude: Fun with monster_grunt_repel
Vlatitude: Func_train Tutorial
Vlatitude: Gensurf Explained
Vlatitude: Glass Tutorial
Vlatitude: Ladder Tutorial
Vlatitude: Level Transitions
Vlatitude: Making Decals
Vlatitude: Making domination-style maps
Vlatitude: Modeling for Half-Life - Part 1
Vlatitude: Modeling for Half-Life - Part 2
Vlatitude: Modeling for Half-Life - Part 3
Vlatitude: Modeling for Half-Life - Part 4
Vlatitude: Monster_generic and Monster_furniture
Vlatitude: Monstermaker Tutorial
Vlatitude: Multi_manager Tutorial
Vlatitude: Multisource Tutorial
Vlatitude: Onscreen Messages
Vlatitude: Origin Brush
Vlatitude: Osprey Tutorial
Vlatitude: Patrolling Guards
Vlatitude: R_speeds: speed vs. detail
Vlatitude: Rocks and Cliffs
Vlatitude: Rotating Lights
Vlatitude: Rotating Weapons
Vlatitude: Scripted Sentences
Vlatitude: Scripting Tutorial Part 1 - Overview
Vlatitude: Scripting Tutorial Part 2 - A Specific Example
Vlatitude: Scripting Tutorial Part 3
Vlatitude: Scripting Tutorial Part 4 - the Seesaw of Death
Vlatitude: Sky Tutorial
Vlatitude: Slippery Floors
Vlatitude: Sound Tutorial
Vlatitude: Teleporter Tutorial
Vlatitude: Trigger_camera Tutorial
Vlatitude: Two-way Trigger
Vlatitude: Understanding the Clip Tool
Vlatitude: Water Tutorial
Weapons Programming - Custom Ammo Types
Weapons Programming - High-Level Overview
Weapons Programming - Standard Weapons
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