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Category: Mapping > Tutorials
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Goldsource Tutorials
Archived Articles
RUST Archive
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Beginner Tutorials
Source Tutorials
Intermediate Tutorials
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General Tutorials
VERC Archive
VERC - Half-Life
VERC - mapping
VERC - general
VERC - Day of Defeat
Requires Examples
VERC - Half-Life - Blue Shift
VERC - Half-Life 2
VERC - editorial
VERC - Spirit of Half-Life
VERC - Worldcraft-Hammer Editor
VERC - Half-Life - Opposing Force
VERC - documentation
Vlatitude Archive
Pages in this category
Explanation: Why brushes can't be concave
RUST: Big Block Method of Error Finding
RUST: Chairs, Scientists and Barneys
RUST: Code Locks
RUST: Creating an Overview
RUST: Creating Environment Maps With Terragen
RUST: Creating Proximity Doors
RUST: Customizing the lights.rad File
RUST: How to Make a Sphere in Worldcraft
RUST: How to make respawnable glass
RUST: Simple Doors
RUST: Skies
RUST: Skies (2)
RUST: Taming the Speaker Entity
RUST: The BSP Process and Visibility
RUST: Ways to Prevent Leaks
Tutorial: 3D Skyboxes
Tutorial: Adding Glass to Doors
Tutorial: Advanced Terrain Creation
Tutorial: Airlock system (that works in multiplayer)
Tutorial: All about info_nodes
Tutorial: ambient_generic
Tutorial: Basic Logic_Compares and Game_UIs
Tutorial: Beam and Sprite Effects
Tutorial: Carving
Tutorial: Changing Levels
Tutorial: Choreographing World Happenings with Sequence Events
Tutorial: Combine Dropship
Tutorial: Compiler charts and limits
Tutorial: Compiling Introduced
Tutorial: Counter-Strike mapping
Tutorial: Create a working battery with light
Tutorial: Creating caves using Displacements
Tutorial: Creating healing pools like in Xen
Tutorial: Creating Overviews
Tutorial: Dark Outdoor Maps
Tutorial: Decals: All You Need To Know
Tutorial: Detailing Maps
Tutorial: Diagnosing Problems
Tutorial: Dimensions
Tutorial: Displacements
Tutorial: Doors
Tutorial: Editing Compiled BSPs With newbspguy: The Basics
Tutorial: Elevator Doors that move
Tutorial: Elevators using func_train
Tutorial: Environment
Tutorial: Equipping Weapons in CS
Tutorial: Evolving Grass
Tutorial: Fans
Tutorial: Finding center of rotation from initial and final positions
Tutorial: Flame Effect
Tutorial: Gauss penetration and blast damage
Tutorial: Glass
Tutorial: Globals
Tutorial: Going from J.A.C.K. to TrenchBroom
Tutorial: Grunts and Guns
Tutorial: Half-Life Deathmatch mapping
Tutorial: Hallways
Tutorial: Hint Brushes
Tutorial: How to fix those leaks
Tutorial: How to load a map (.bsp file) in-game
Tutorial: In the Beginning Part 1
Tutorial: In the Beginning Part 2
Tutorial: In the Beginning Part 3
Tutorial: In the Beginning Part 4
Tutorial: In the Beginning Part 5
Tutorial: In the Beginning Part 6
Tutorial: Intro to the Tools of Hammer
Tutorial: Introduction to Colour Correction
Tutorial: Introduction to mapping
Tutorial: Introduction to Ricochet mapping
Tutorial: Keys
Tutorial: Ladders
Tutorial: Land Mine Effect
Tutorial: Laser and Beam Effects
Tutorial: Light
Tutorial: Making a working plug and combine generator
Tutorial: Making Music Play in Maps
Tutorial: Making Rotating Gears
Tutorial: Map details and misc
Tutorial: Map Layout Theory for CS
Tutorial: Models and lighting
Tutorial: More Complex Triggers
Tutorial: Mortar Madness
Tutorial: Multi_manager
Tutorial: Multi_manager Looping Made Easy
Tutorial: Multisource
Tutorial: New Glass
Tutorial: NPC Scripting Basics
Tutorial: Perfect Timing with Doors
Tutorial: Permanently locked doors
Tutorial: Physics in Source
Tutorial: Pointfiles
Tutorial: R_Speeds
Tutorial: Radar locations in Counter-Strike: Source
Tutorial: Rain
Tutorial: Random entity triggering
Tutorial: Realistic Shadows
Tutorial: Reducing Clipnodes with zhlt_usemodel Templates
Tutorial: Render Properties
Tutorial: Retina Scanners and Other NPC-Only Locked Doors
Tutorial: Rope, Waterfalls and Dripping Water
Tutorial: Rotating Billboards
Tutorial: Scripted Sequences
Tutorial: Seamless Skybox Fog
Tutorial: Security Cards
Tutorial: Setting up TrenchBroom for GoldSource games
Tutorial: Setup Guide: Counter-Strike
Tutorial: Setup Guide: Hammer
Tutorial: Skewing textures in Hammer
Tutorial: Spiral Staircase
Tutorial: Stairs
Tutorial: Tankrockets
Tutorial: Teleporters
Tutorial: Terrain
Tutorial: Tetrahedron Terrain
Tutorial: Texture Application
Tutorial: Texture Lighting
Tutorial: The Complete Guide to Lighting
Tutorial: The Osprey
Tutorial: The Shrinking Effect
Tutorial: The Tunnel Effect
Tutorial: Tips for Beginner Mappers
Tutorial: Titles.txt
Tutorial: Total Map Optimisation Part 1 (wpoly, epoly)
Tutorial: Total Map Optimisation Part 2 (VIS, Hints)
Tutorial: Total Map Optimisation Part 3 (wpoly, clipnodes, engine limits, compile parameters)
Tutorial: Trees
Tutorial: trigger_camera
Tutorial: trigger_changetarget
Tutorial: Unpluggable TV
Tutorial: Using models for health/HEV chargers in vanilla Half-Life
Tutorial: Using Sprites
Tutorial: Using Texture Fit
Tutorial: Using the Cordon Tool
Tutorial: Vending Machine
Tutorial: Vertex Manipulation Intro
Tutorial: Vertex Manipulation Part 2
Tutorial: Vis Groups
Tutorial: Volumetric Lighting
Tutorial: Water
VERC: 'Glowing' Texture Lights
VERC: Advanced r_speeds Control
VERC: Angular Velocity and Rotating func_trains
VERC: Basic Spawn Protection for Day of Defeat Maps
VERC: Basic Teleporter with Effects
VERC: Better Sprites With Env_Beam
VERC: Big List of Single-Player Mapping Tips
VERC: Blue-Shift setup and mapping guide
VERC: Carving responsibly
VERC: Chairs, Scientists and Barneys
VERC: Combining Brushes with a Text Editor
VERC: Common Monster Properties
VERC: Compiling 101
VERC: Concepts: Triggers and Targets
VERC: Controllable Looping
VERC: Controlling Turrets Through Cameras
VERC: Cool Looking Dripping Water
VERC: Creating A Locked Door
VERC: Creating A Retinal Scanner
VERC: Creating A Usable And Destructible Mortar
VERC: Detail textures in Half-Life
VERC: DOD gun penetration
VERC: Door With Turning Handle
VERC: Doors With Glass
VERC: Elevator No. 2
VERC: Elevator With Moving Buttons
VERC: Embedding Textures into a Map
VERC: Gib Item List
VERC: Glass and Transparency
VERC: Glowing Sprites
VERC: Got Props?
VERC: Half-Life Dimensions
VERC: Half-Life Editing Tips
VERC: Half-Life Rain
VERC: Half-Life Skys
VERC: Half-Life Teamplay
VERC: Half-Life Unit To Real-Life Unit Conversion
VERC: Hint Brush Tutorial
VERC: How To Create An Airstrike
VERC: How To Make A Pop Machine
VERC: In Depth: Level Transitions
VERC: Invisible Usable Trigger
VERC: Leaks
VERC: Magic Cargo Container
VERC: Making a Territory Control Map
VERC: Mitered Corners: The Undying Myth
VERC: Monster Health
VERC: Motion Blur Effect
VERC: Pitch Yaw Roll Demystified
VERC: Polygon Reduction Methods
VERC: Pretty Effects with Spirit of Half-Life
VERC: Putting Monsters On Paths
VERC: Random Event Generator
VERC: Realistic Steam
VERC: Rendering Properties
VERC: Rotating Lights
VERC: Rotating Objects
VERC: Security Cameras
VERC: Style Guide #1
VERC: Style Guide #2
VERC: Texture Alignment on Curves
VERC: The Advanced Compile Dialogue
VERC: The Art of Ladder Making
VERC: The Bendy Door
VERC: The Hallway
VERC: The Opposing Force Opening Sequence
VERC: The Rustmill Effect
VERC: The X-Ray Effect
VERC: Tips For Faster Compiling
VERC: Top Ten N00b Problems (And Solutions)
VERC: Torching Open A Door (Half-Life)
VERC: Torching Open A Door (OpFor)
VERC: Using Skys in Half-Life
VERC: Using the Clip Tool
VERC: WC Sphere Making
VERC: Weather Effects In Day of Defeat
VERC: Worldcraft 3.3 Tutorial for beginners
Vlatitude: Advanced Doors Tutorial
Vlatitude: Advanced Lighting
Vlatitude: Advanced Triggers Tutorial
Vlatitude: Airstrike a la Crossfire
Vlatitude: Alternative rocks and desert technique
Vlatitude: An Introduction to Lighting
Vlatitude: An Introduction to Triggers
Vlatitude: Basic Doors
Vlatitude: Clip Brush Tutorial
Vlatitude: Compiling
Vlatitude: Custom Menu Art for your MOD
Vlatitude: Customising the Health Packs
Vlatitude: Easy Spiral Staircases Using the Arch Tool
Vlatitude: Elevator Level Transition
Vlatitude: Env_sprite Tutorial
Vlatitude: Fun with monster_grunt_repel
Vlatitude: Func_train Tutorial
Vlatitude: Gensurf Explained
Vlatitude: Glass Tutorial
Vlatitude: HL2 - Changes from HL1
Vlatitude: HL2 - Shutters
Vlatitude: HL2 - Simple lights
Vlatitude: HL2 - Water
Vlatitude: Ladder Tutorial
Vlatitude: Level Design
Vlatitude: Level Transitions
Vlatitude: Making domination-style maps
Vlatitude: Monster_generic and Monster_furniture
Vlatitude: Monstermaker Tutorial
Vlatitude: Multi_manager Tutorial
Vlatitude: Multisource Tutorial
Vlatitude: Origin Brush